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Anti Brahminism Should Stop !......Read and Awake my Brother....

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It was KANAKADASA, who went to Udupi and prayed and for whom the Krishna turned to give him darshan. Even today devotee go the the Kanakadasa window and see the lord from that window.Similarly, Nandanar, went to Chidambaram and could not see the lord because a bull was obstructing his vision. He prayed for the stone bull to move to one side so that he could have darshan of the lord. The bull it seems moved. Even today the bull is in the moved condition because of Nandanar. BINU TV <binukannan2003 wrote: krishna krishna mukunda janardhana krishna govinda narayana hare...acutananda govinda madhava sachitananda narayana hare.... Dear Devotees of lord Krishna, I read the Mails sent by both J S Agrawal and Francois....So my heart pushed me to write back, so as Almighty's wish i am writing this mail....... My dear brothers and sisters, Just think and understand the truth and that is the real power of krishna Consciousness.....Remember... Why you feel pity or sad when you see Brahmins cleaning Toilets or doing jobs which pay very less ??? Did krishna told us that Brahmin can't clean his toilet or outside toilet??? Dear ones awake yourself, what we do or what we get....everything is according to lord krishna's blessings.... When u see bus stand toilets cleaning by binu and subramaniam and john and mohammed...... Here binu is a OBC person, subramaniam is a brahman,john is a christian, mohammed is a muselum......What

difference you are seeing in them tell me my dear friend.........!!! Lord Krishna will not say that "Binu is OBC i wont bless him more, subramaniam is Brahmin i will bless him very much , Mohammed is muslim i wont bless him.............!!!" I praise my dear krishna by seeing the equality and unity among them...... "A pure devotee is Brahmin from inner heart and not by Birth...." "I have seen Brahmins doing

all Nasty things.........what then it means ????" "Lord Krishna is all mercyfull.......What is giving us is his love according to our karma.........Take all that krishna gives happily with affection and love towards lord krishna" I Will tell a True Real story which may bring light into ur heart, There is a Famous Krishna Temple in Udupi ( karnataka )...Long years back there lived a poor SC/ST devotee...As he was poor he daily do lot of jobs to earn very less for his family.... But his Love towards lord Krishna was Immeasurable...He daily visit Udupi Sri Krishna temple to see Lord Krishna.......But because of he born in a Lower Caste Family...Brahmins didnt allow him to enter inside the temple... This given lot of hurt to his pure heart...but the dear devotee of lord daily stood outside the gate of Udupi Temple and cried.....everyday the devotee went back home with tears in his eyes.... After many many days....One day Lord Krishna came to his dream and said "My dear dont cry...you are my dearest....you come backside of the temple...I have created a hole for you to see me and i have turned myself

completly only for you...you are my dearest devotee..." After seeing this dream, the devotee didnt believe, early morning he went backside of the temple...By Surprise he saw a Small Hole and when he looked through that hole he saw the Dear krishna Idiol looking him and smiling......he became over joy......Hare Krishna..." Dear devotees go to Udupi temple....if we enter inside the temple we will see the backSide of Lord Krishna facing us because Lord Krishna turned himself for his affectionate devotee.....who was born in a Very LowerCaste Hindu religion........" "Religion made by

People.......Caste made by people......." In front of Mother and Father....all their children are equal.........A mother when she want to given something to her child...she gives it equally with more love to her children...one may be Black ,one may be green,one may be orange,one may be yellow ,one may be white.......what it matters???.......she given birth to all with same pain and same love.....a true devotee of lord krishna can feel it............ If lord krishna's one devotee is cleaning toilet, other devotee is a software engineer, other devotee is a uneducated,other devotee is a barber..................etc Why u are feeling that u are brahmin or obc or musleum or chirstian................Feel urself that u are krishna's dear one....then u will be always happy seeing the surroundings and this world............ IF you can understand something by reading MY Mail.......It is not my writing........It is my Lord who acting through me........... with love and care, binu " I bow in front all dear devotees of Lord

Krishna..." J S Agrawal <jsagrawal wrote: The article by Mr Francois Gautier is an eye-opener! I was knowing that Brahmins in independent India were not well- to -do and were, in some cases, forced to accept vocations not acceptable to upper castes. But, it was a news to me that Sulabh Shauchalayas in Delhi are all manned & managed by Bhrahmins. It is a pitiable condition. I think, it is high time that we revert to the Varna- Ashram system prevelent in Vedic times where the Varna of a person was decided by his qualities & not by his birth. Only a person having qualities like a Brahmin should be called a Brahmin & not otherwise. And, primarily, such

people, who are Brahmins in the real sense of the word, ie engaged in educating the society and guiding it in proper direction, should be taken care of by the society. A person should be known by his profession/vocation & quality, but NOT by his birth. Then only is there a chance of recovery of this once great country. So, let us revert back to the Varna- Ashram system of old. That way, we can get rid of the reservation system also as only people really interested in studies will go to the adademics; others will turn to vocational studies. I think our leaders in the society should think about this problem, discuss it threadbare and form a policy in this matter. Francois Gautier <ksmani21 wrote: The first article published by rediff on Brahmins as an underprivileged community, brought a flurry of reactions,

mostly of surprise : " What, Brahmins as toilet cleaners, coolies, rickshawpullers, priests earning less than Rs 150 a month... How is it possible, we always thought that Brahmins were a rich, fat, arrogant community?"Many Brahmins and faithful followers of Vedic faith expressed online their relief that someone was speaking about their plight, that for once they were not attacked, made fun of, ridiculed. Of course there were also a few hostile e-mails, accusing the author of anti-Dalits bias.One would have thought however, that at a time when reservation was the hottest journalistic topic, the media would have seized this story and made it its own. After all, isn't impartial journalism to show both sides of the story?Don't you think, for instance, that the discovery that all 50 Sulabh Shauchalayas (public toilets) in Delhi are cleaned and looked after by Brahmins -- traditionally the task of the

lowest of the lowest caste -- and that this noble institution was started by a Brahmin,Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, makes a wonderful story, both for the print and electronic media?That is what I believed, at any rate. So when I discovered that the Art of Living Foundation was conducting workshops for all coolies, irrespective of their religion and caste of the Delhi railway station -- and that quite a few of them were Brahmins -- I thought I could share this story and the Sulabh Shauchalayas scoop, with a few journalistic acquaintances, who would jump on it with glee. Unfortunately I was very wrong.Initially, some young journalists were enthusiastic and joined us in our investigation. We expected the story to hit the headlines soon and be taken up by the entire press, hungry for something different than the strike of the medicos, or Arjun Singh's adamant attitude.But nothing happened.We called them day

after day, proposed some more data, but still no story came out. Then one of the young journalists, working for one of the largest media outfits in India told us off the record that the sub-editor, backed by the editor, had killed the story in true journalistic freedom.The second scenario we encountered was stone silence : the star anchors, bureau chiefs, editors of national English newspapers whom I personally contacted, either did not return my calls or were evasive.Third scenario: Downright hostility : "You're a right winger, a pro- BJP-RSS journalist" etc. What does truth and investigative journalism have to do with the BJP (who by the way did no more than the Congress for the Kashmiri Brahmins, for instance, when it was in power)? I don't know.Some journalists, initially willing to do a story, backed out after some time under the pretext that the data was not solid enough. Not solid enough? Does

flimsy and unchecked data ever stop the Indian media to publish slanderous stories in the recent past?Then, I came to the conclusion that more than fifty years later, the Nehruvian culture which directly brainwashed two generations of Indians in certain thinking patterns, has survived today. Actually, you have to go farther back than Nehru . For Jawaharlal was a trueend product of Macaulay's policy of creating Indians who would be Indians by the colour of their skins, but British in their thinking . Thus, the English outlook on India survives today in India's intellectual class, particularly the journalists, who often cast a Westernised, anti-spiritual, pro-minority, anti-majority, un-Indian, anti-Brahmins and other upper castes -- look on their own country .It is true that Nehru started from a positive volition : How to solve India's huge class and caste disparity ? How to appease a Muslim minority which

ruled India ruthlessly for ten centuries and was not ready to be ruled by those who were for a long time Islam's pliantsubjects?But Nehru went overboard . He made the paupers of yesteryear the saints of modern India, allowing some states to literally hound out Brahmins . He twisted history and thanks todocile historians, made of cruel Muslim invaders and rulers, the benefactors of medieval India.He went to the extent of excusing the razing and sacking of thousands of exquisite temples all over India, by saying that Muslim invaders such as Babar did it because these temples were full of hidden gold and jewels, damning again indirectly the poor hapless Brahmins, who were beheaded by Muslim invaders, crucified in Goa by the Portuguese Inquisition, vilified by British missionaries, and morally crucified today by their own brothers and sisters.It is true that Brahmins may be paying today for the excesses

of yesterday . In ancient times, as Sri Aurobindo wrote : ' A Brahmin was a Brahmin only if he cultivated the spiritual temperament and acquired the spiritual training which alone would qualify him for the task.'But once Brahmanism became merely hereditary, arrogance, complacency and casteism became rampant, ultimately bringing the downfall of Brahmins, a downfall which the Dalai Lama defines (for his own people) as Black Karma.Thus, thanks to the lingering influence of Nehruvianism, 'Brahmins' remain today a dirty word, even in the face of reality : that Dalits have considerably come up since 1947 in Indian society, that no nation in the world has done so much for its underprivileged (Indiahad a Dalit President -- did the US ever have a Black President?). But the intellectual elite of India, which never mentions these facts, continues to hide its face in the sand like an ostrich,refusing to see the

reality.And rampant anti-Brahmanism and upper castes, first used by the Muslim invaders, then by the British colonialists and missionaries, is still in vogue at the hands of Nehruvians, Marxists, Indian Christians and politicians in search of the votes of Dalits and Muslims, which combined together make and unmake prime ministers.Yet, Brahmins and other upper castes have played an invaluable role in Indian history, as Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, the founder of the Sulabh Shauchalaya Movement remarks : 'Society sustained the Brahmins and other upper castes earlier, who upheld the Hindu scriptures andHindu culture. Today Hinduism is on the decline day-by-day. There is a lack of ancient knowledge. No political party has objected to reservation thanks to vote-bank politics. People have a very short memory. They have forgotten the contribution made by Brahmins to oursociety .'And who says that Brahmins are

anti-Dalits.Some of India's top avatars, saints and gurus were of low caste and are still worshipped today by all upper castes. Valmiki, the composer of the Ramayana, was a fisherman ; Ved Vyasa, the epic poet of the Mahabharata, which also contains the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible of Future Humanity, was the son of a fisherwoman ; Lord Krishna was from the shepherd's caste. And are not today's Amritanandamayi or Satya Sai Baba of low caste birth? Don't they have millions of Indians,many of them Brahmins, bowing down to them?Anti-Brahmanism has to be stopped !This inter-caste war, triggered by the politicians' greed for votes, has to be defused.FACT, my Foundation, which conducts exhibitions on persecuted minorities, whether the Kashmiri Pandits, the Christians, Buddhist Chakmas and Hindus suffering in Bangladesh at the hands of fundamentalists in Bangladesh, or the Tibetans facing a cultural

andspiritual genocide in Tibet, decided to take things in hand.We started, with the help of a few dedicated friends, a film on Brahmins as an underprivileged community. This film will lead to a photoexhibition and hopefully to a book .All testimonies and documents are welcome.The future of this country lies in a unified India, where all castes will find their just place, where all will feel Indians first and belonging to this caste or that one, after.Francois Gautier------------------------Note - : The above is excerpt of an article. J S AGRAWAL+91 4027175339/9391047995 India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new Click hereCatch all the FIFA World

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Hare Krishna brother The points below are absolutely right. However we must not forget that until we come to the platform of being a devotee, when we are in the society living through social norms we have to follow varnashrama dharma. THis is not something any human being has created. Varnashrama was instilled by Lord Krishna Himself and it is a pity that we dont follow Lord's instructions. Have we come to a platform of being a devotee or not, how will we know it?? That's why it is important to follow a pure Vaishnava Guru. We cannot be our own judge. That's arrogance. We have to follow the footsteps of a Vaishnava Guru. BINU TV <binukannan2003 wrote: krishna

krishna mukunda janardhana krishna govinda narayana hare...acutananda govinda madhava sachitananda narayana hare.... Dear Devotees of lord Krishna, I read the Mails sent by both J S Agrawal and Francois....So my heart pushed me to write back, so as Almighty's wish i am writing this mail....... My dear brothers and sisters, Just think and understand the truth and that is the real power of krishna Consciousness.....Remember... Why you

feel pity or sad when you see Brahmins cleaning Toilets or doing jobs which pay very less ??? Did krishna told us that Brahmin can't clean his toilet or outside toilet??? Dear ones awake yourself, what we do or what we get....everything is according to lord krishna's blessings.... When u see bus stand toilets cleaning by binu and subramaniam and john and mohammed...... Here binu is a OBC person, subramaniam is a brahman,john is a christian, mohammed is a muselum......What difference you are seeing in them tell me my dear friend.........!!!

Lord Krishna will not say that "Binu is OBC i wont bless him more, subramaniam is Brahmin i will bless him very much , Mohammed is muslim i wont bless him.............!!!" I praise my dear krishna by seeing the equality and unity among them...... "A pure devotee is Brahmin from inner heart and not by Birth...." "I have seen Brahmins doing all Nasty things.........what then it means ????" "Lord Krishna is all mercyfull.......What is giving us is his love according to our karma.........Take all that krishna gives happily with affection and love towards lord krishna" I Will tell a True Real story which may bring light into ur heart, There is a Famous Krishna Temple in Udupi ( karnataka )...Long years back there lived a poor SC/ST devotee...As he was poor he daily do lot of jobs to earn very less for his family.... But his Love towards

lord Krishna was Immeasurable...He daily visit Udupi Sri Krishna temple to see Lord Krishna.......But because of he born in a Lower Caste Family...Brahmins didnt allow him to enter inside the temple... This given lot of hurt to his pure heart...but the dear devotee of lord daily stood outside the gate of Udupi Temple and cried.....everyday the devotee went back home with tears in his eyes.... After many many days....One day Lord Krishna came to his dream and said "My dear dont cry...you are my dearest....you come backside of the temple...I have created a hole for you to see me and i have turned myself completly only for you...you are my dearest devotee..." After seeing this dream, the devotee didnt believe, early morning he went backside of the temple...By Surprise he saw a Small Hole and when he looked through that hole he saw the Dear krishna Idiol looking him and smiling......he became over joy......Hare Krishna..." Dear devotees go to Udupi temple....if we enter inside the temple we will see the backSide of Lord Krishna facing us because Lord Krishna turned himself for his affectionate devotee.....who was born in a Very LowerCaste Hindu religion........" "Religion made by People.......Caste made by people......." In front of Mother and Father....all their children are equal.........A mother when she want to given something to her child...she gives it equally with more love to her children...one may be Black ,one may be green,one may be orange,one may be yellow ,one may be white.......what it matters???.......she given birth to all with same pain and same love.....a true devotee of lord krishna can feel it............ If lord krishna's one devotee is cleaning toilet, other devotee is a software engineer, other devotee is a uneducated,other devotee is a barber..................etc Why u are feeling that u are brahmin or obc or

musleum or chirstian................Feel urself that u are krishna's dear one....then u will be always happy seeing the surroundings and this world............ IF you can understand something by reading MY Mail.......It is not my writing........It is my Lord who acting through me........... with love and care, binu " I bow in front all dear devotees of Lord Krishna..." J S Agrawal <jsagrawal wrote: The article by Mr Francois Gautier is an eye-opener! I was knowing that Brahmins in independent India were not well- to -do and were, in some cases, forced to accept vocations not acceptable to upper castes. But, it was a news to me that Sulabh Shauchalayas in Delhi are all manned & managed by Bhrahmins. It is a pitiable condition. I think, it is high time that we revert to the Varna- Ashram system prevelent in Vedic times where the Varna of a person was decided by his qualities & not by his birth. Only a person having qualities like a Brahmin should be called a Brahmin & not otherwise. And, primarily, such people, who are Brahmins in the real sense of the

word, ie engaged in educating the society and guiding it in proper direction, should be taken care of by the society. A person should be known by his profession/vocation & quality, but NOT by his birth. Then only is there a chance of recovery of this once great country. So, let us revert back to the Varna- Ashram system of old. That way, we can get rid of the reservation system also as only people really interested in studies will go to the adademics; others will turn to vocational studies. I think our leaders in the society should think about this problem, discuss it threadbare and form a policy in this matter. Francois Gautier <ksmani21 wrote: The first article published by rediff on Brahmins as an underprivileged community, brought a flurry of reactions, mostly of surprise : " What, Brahmins as toilet cleaners,

coolies, rickshawpullers, priests earning less than Rs 150 a month... How is it possible, we always thought that Brahmins were a rich, fat, arrogant community?"Many Brahmins and faithful followers of Vedic faith expressed online their relief that someone was speaking about their plight, that for once they were not attacked, made fun of, ridiculed. Of course there were also a few hostile e-mails, accusing the author of anti-Dalits bias.One would have thought however, that at a time when reservation was the hottest journalistic topic, the media would have seized this story and made it its own. After all, isn't impartial journalism to show both sides of the story?Don't you think, for instance, that the discovery that all 50 Sulabh Shauchalayas (public toilets) in Delhi are cleaned and looked after by Brahmins -- traditionally the task of the lowest of the lowest caste -- and that this noble

institution was started by a Brahmin,Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, makes a wonderful story, both for the print and electronic media?That is what I believed, at any rate. So when I discovered that the Art of Living Foundation was conducting workshops for all coolies, irrespective of their religion and caste of the Delhi railway station -- and that quite a few of them were Brahmins -- I thought I could share this story and the Sulabh Shauchalayas scoop, with a few journalistic acquaintances, who would jump on it with glee. Unfortunately I was very wrong.Initially, some young journalists were enthusiastic and joined us in our investigation. We expected the story to hit the headlines soon and be taken up by the entire press, hungry for something different than the strike of the medicos, or Arjun Singh's adamant attitude.But nothing happened.We called them day after day, proposed some more data, but still no

story came out. Then one of the young journalists, working for one of the largest media outfits in India told us off the record that the sub-editor, backed by the editor, had killed the story in true journalistic freedom.The second scenario we encountered was stone silence : the star anchors, bureau chiefs, editors of national English newspapers whom I personally contacted, either did not return my calls or were evasive.Third scenario: Downright hostility : "You're a right winger, a pro- BJP-RSS journalist" etc. What does truth and investigative journalism have to do with the BJP (who by the way did no more than the Congress for the Kashmiri Brahmins, for instance, when it was in power)? I don't know.Some journalists, initially willing to do a story, backed out after some time under the pretext that the data was not solid enough. Not solid enough? Does flimsy and unchecked data ever stop the Indian

media to publish slanderous stories in the recent past?Then, I came to the conclusion that more than fifty years later, the Nehruvian culture which directly brainwashed two generations of Indians in certain thinking patterns, has survived today. Actually, you have to go farther back than Nehru . For Jawaharlal was a trueend product of Macaulay's policy of creating Indians who would be Indians by the colour of their skins, but British in their thinking . Thus, the English outlook on India survives today in India's intellectual class, particularly the journalists, who often cast a Westernised, anti-spiritual, pro-minority, anti-majority, un-Indian, anti-Brahmins and other upper castes -- look on their own country .It is true that Nehru started from a positive volition : How to solve India's huge class and caste disparity ? How to appease a Muslim minority which ruled India ruthlessly for ten centuries and

was not ready to be ruled by those who were for a long time Islam's pliantsubjects?But Nehru went overboard . He made the paupers of yesteryear the saints of modern India, allowing some states to literally hound out Brahmins . He twisted history and thanks todocile historians, made of cruel Muslim invaders and rulers, the benefactors of medieval India.He went to the extent of excusing the razing and sacking of thousands of exquisite temples all over India, by saying that Muslim invaders such as Babar did it because these temples were full of hidden gold and jewels, damning again indirectly the poor hapless Brahmins, who were beheaded by Muslim invaders, crucified in Goa by the Portuguese Inquisition, vilified by British missionaries, and morally crucified today by their own brothers and sisters.It is true that Brahmins may be paying today for the excesses of yesterday . In ancient times, as Sri

Aurobindo wrote : ' A Brahmin was a Brahmin only if he cultivated the spiritual temperament and acquired the spiritual training which alone would qualify him for the task.'But once Brahmanism became merely hereditary, arrogance, complacency and casteism became rampant, ultimately bringing the downfall of Brahmins, a downfall which the Dalai Lama defines (for his own people) as Black Karma.Thus, thanks to the lingering influence of Nehruvianism, 'Brahmins' remain today a dirty word, even in the face of reality : that Dalits have considerably come up since 1947 in Indian society, that no nation in the world has done so much for its underprivileged (Indiahad a Dalit President -- did the US ever have a Black President?). But the intellectual elite of India, which never mentions these facts, continues to hide its face in the sand like an ostrich,refusing to see the reality.And rampant anti-Brahmanism

and upper castes, first used by the Muslim invaders, then by the British colonialists and missionaries, is still in vogue at the hands of Nehruvians, Marxists, Indian Christians and politicians in search of the votes of Dalits and Muslims, which combined together make and unmake prime ministers.Yet, Brahmins and other upper castes have played an invaluable role in Indian history, as Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, the founder of the Sulabh Shauchalaya Movement remarks : 'Society sustained the Brahmins and other upper castes earlier, who upheld the Hindu scriptures andHindu culture. Today Hinduism is on the decline day-by-day. There is a lack of ancient knowledge. No political party has objected to reservation thanks to vote-bank politics. People have a very short memory. They have forgotten the contribution made by Brahmins to oursociety .'And who says that Brahmins are anti-Dalits.Some of India's top avatars,

saints and gurus were of low caste and are still worshipped today by all upper castes. Valmiki, the composer of the Ramayana, was a fisherman ; Ved Vyasa, the epic poet of the Mahabharata, which also contains the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible of Future Humanity, was the son of a fisherwoman ; Lord Krishna was from the shepherd's caste. And are not today's Amritanandamayi or Satya Sai Baba of low caste birth? Don't they have millions of Indians,many of them Brahmins, bowing down to them?Anti-Brahmanism has to be stopped !This inter-caste war, triggered by the politicians' greed for votes, has to be defused.FACT, my Foundation, which conducts exhibitions on persecuted minorities, whether the Kashmiri Pandits, the Christians, Buddhist Chakmas and Hindus suffering in Bangladesh at the hands of fundamentalists in Bangladesh, or the Tibetans facing a cultural andspiritual genocide in Tibet, decided to take things

in hand.We started, with the help of a few dedicated friends, a film on Brahmins as an underprivileged community. This film will lead to a photoexhibition and hopefully to a book .All testimonies and documents are welcome.The future of this country lies in a unified India, where all castes will find their just place, where all will feel Indians first and belonging to this caste or that one, after.Francois Gautier------------------------Note - : The above is excerpt of an article. J S AGRAWAL+91 4027175339/9391047995 India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new Click hereCatch all the FIFA World Cup 2006 action on India Click here India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new Click hereCatch all the FIFA World Cup 2006 action on India Click here

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Nityananda! Gauranga! Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all Vaisnavas. Please accept my humble obeisances and blessings. I pray that this meets you well and in the service/mercy of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga. Dearest Devotees of the Lord; When I read this article, my heart fell, but I kept silent because I know that to many this is a very touchy subject. The caste system has become degraded by the hands of man over time and terrible attocities have been committed because of it. Please forgive me for holding my tongue, but I did not want to be the cause of offence at the lotus feet of our younger and more immature devotees who have not had this weed pulled from their hearts. As I read Binu Prabhuji's reply, my heart leapt with joy, for what he is saying is true. Srila Prabhupada, when he came to America showed that

the most vile individuals could be turned into the most honorable Bramins in the truest sense. He took westerners, meat eaters and cruel crude people who had not idea of their true identity, and took them mercifuly to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna! This is the power of the Lord's most merciful devotees, that they can take something impure and vile and make it pure. Like running foul water through a filter and making it drinkable without any worries of disease, Srila Prabhuapada took us and made it possible for us to approach the Lord's Lotus Feet. Being a Bramin is not about birth, it is about the condition of the heart. I see many who proclaim to be Bramin, but their hearts are black. Many look at my body and say, you are a Native American, how can you be a Punjari, how can you even dare to wear the Thread. I feel so sad for them because even though they are "high born", they still have not

learned the most basic lesson of sastra, that "we are not these bodies". I am a punjari only through the mercy of my most beloved Gurumaharaj, Srila Prabhupada and Lord Nityananda Prabhuji. Because of them, my heart has been cleansed of millions of years of karma through the chanting of the Holy Names. I have learned to keep precepts that even birth-right Bramins won't keep. While, like this article, I have had to learn to deal with the prejudices of "Bramins" who continually say that I am not worthy of my "station". But when I ask them, why do you not step forward, give up your materialism and do your "station", they become silent and morose. Why is it that Sri Krishna would choose a "melecha" to do His will and not a "Bramin"? Why would the Lord desire to dance on the tongue of the lowest of men, and refuse the service of one of His Bramins? Honestly, to these questions, I

have no answer, even after almost twenty-seven years of sitting at His Lotus feet. Bramin is not your birth-right. It is a condition of the Heart. It is the desire to serve the Lotus Feet of the Lord with all of one's being, nothing more, nothing less. When we step outside of this, then we err and we cause those who witness our actions to stumble and fall down. The devotees of the Lord that are blessed to rise up above the mundain logic of the Lord see this clearly, but those of dubious ways become mired within it. One must realise that the caste system has become a mire for Maya Devi for those whom She can trap in her snare. I know that to native born Indians this is a great trap, because being a "Bramin" is a status of pride and honor, not of service. There are many stories in Sastra proving this point. So many individuals were caught up in their social status

that they failed to realize why they were there. These people would look down on others because of their birth-right, believing themselves to be to good to do some occupations. But the Lord has proven so many times that He takes only the lowly, exhaults the truly humble of heart and rejects the proud. Srila Prabhupada told us that one that is born into a Bramin family is placed there by Sri Krishna according to karma so that there is greater opportunity for them to serve His lotus feet. This gives them better chances of survival, wealth, education and service. But, sadly, so many have forgotten their true service, and instead cling to the wealth and educational opportunities as a means to look down even more upon their fellow man. Srila Prabhupada, even though was born into a wealthy Bramin family, showed the perfect example to all Bramins what true service is. Even though Srila Prabhupada was "high-born",

he stepped down from his "position", came to the West and showed us how to serve the Lord. I have cleaned my share of toilets, provided health care for many in all aspects. I have done the most vile of work, yet I regret none of it. While I stand infront of the Deities, I stand there in His presence giving all that I am to His lotus feet. While I am scrubbing toilets, I stand in His presence giving all to His lotus feet. While I am scubbing floors, I kneel before His powerful presence, giving all to His lotus feet. While I plant, nurture, pick and cook prasadam, I do so in His presence, giving all to His lotus feet. While I teach, I do so to my most Beloved Govinda, teaching all His children their true status and position, always desiring to bring all to His lotus feet so that they may find the happiness and contentment that only His lotus feet provide. I pray that the Lord's

Devotees will pray continually for those that are caught in the trap of Maya and lovingly show the error of their thinking. To be a Bramin means to surrender fully to the Lotus Feet of the Lord, to serve His Devotees and bring all individuals to the Lord's lotus feet. It is a life of complete service, honesty and devotion. Anything less is considered the lowest of mankind, as Srila Prabhupada said, "lower than the animals". I pray that I have not been the cause of offence to any of the Lord's devotees. If I have caused offense, please forgive me. Your eternal servant;Nitaipada Maharaja

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Dandavats unto the lotus feet of all the devotees,

I'm very pleased to say that self is feeling so much fortunate to have such mails from all of you devotees. With respect the below mail from Binu, I am very much agreed to the extent that A real brahmin is one who's pure from the heart.

Also, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to say for all of us, "Janma Jayate Sudara"... that everyone is sudra from birth & there is the samskara or qualities (one adopt) to make him/her brahmin, kshattriya, vaishya or sudra.

There is not to be ashamed of doing cleaning of the dirty places (especially, toilets & washbasins).

As Srila Prabhupada used to say...

Cleanliness is next to godliness. More you clean the temple (here temple means, where you resides & not specified to the deities room), more your heart will cleanse & ego will be vanished in due course of time which in turn, helps one to be advance in spirtual path & develop taste in Krsna Consciousness.However, I do not know to plot anything, just providing asitis excerpts from our vaisnavas.Narinder Singh(M): +91 9868722772





BINU TV <binukannan2003 To: Subject: Re: Anti Brahminism Should Stop !......Read and Awake my Brother....Sun, 25 Jun 2006 13:02:43 +0100 (BST)

krishna krishna mukunda janardhana krishna govinda narayana hare...acutananda govinda madhava sachitananda narayana hare....


Dear Devotees of lord Krishna,


I read the Mails sent by both J S Agrawal and Francois....So my heart pushed me to write back, so as Almighty's wish i am writing this mail.......


My dear brothers and sisters, Just think and understand the truth and that is the real power of krishna Consciousness.....Remember...


Why you feel pity or sad when you see Brahmins cleaning Toilets or doing jobs which pay very less ???


Did krishna told us that Brahmin can't clean his toilet or outside toilet???


Dear ones awake yourself, what we do or what we get....everything is according to lord krishna's blessings....


When u see bus stand toilets cleaning by binu and subramaniam and john and mohammed......


Here binu is a OBC person, subramaniam is a brahman,john is a christian, mohammed is a muselum......What difference you are seeing in them tell me my dear friend.........!!!


Lord Krishna will not say that "Binu is OBC i wont bless him more, subramaniam is Brahmin i will bless him very much , Mohammed is muslim i wont bless him.............!!!"


I praise my dear krishna by seeing the equality and unity among them......


"A pure devotee is Brahmin from inner heart and not by Birth...."


"I have seen Brahmins doing all Nasty things.........what then it means ????"


"Lord Krishna is all mercyfull.......What is giving us is his love according to our karma.........Take all that krishna gives happily with affection and love towards lord krishna"


I Will tell a True Real story which may bring light into ur heart,


There is a Famous Krishna Temple in Udupi ( karnataka )...Long years back there lived a poor SC/ST devotee...As he was poor he daily do lot of jobs to earn very less for his family....


But his Love towards lord Krishna was Immeasurable...He daily visit Udupi Sri Krishna temple to see Lord Krishna.......But because of he born in a Lower Caste Family...Brahmins didnt allow him to enter inside the temple...


This given lot of hurt to his pure heart...but the dear devotee of lord daily stood outside the gate of Udupi Temple and cried.....everyday the devotee went back home with tears in his eyes....


After many many days....One day Lord Krishna came to his dream and said "My dear dont cry...you are my dearest....you come backside of the temple...I have created a hole for you to see me and i have turned myself completly only for you...you are my dearest devotee..."


After seeing this dream, the devotee didnt believe, early morning he went backside of the temple...By Surprise he saw a Small Hole and when he looked through that hole he saw the Dear krishna Idiol looking him and smiling......he became over joy......Hare Krishna..."


Dear devotees go to Udupi temple....if we enter inside the temple we will see the backSide of Lord Krishna facing us because Lord Krishna turned himself for his affectionate devotee.....who was born in a Very LowerCaste Hindu religion........"


"Religion made by People.......Caste made by people......."


In front of Mother and Father....all their children are equal.........A mother when she want to given something to her child...she gives it equally with more love to her children...one may be Black ,one may be green,one may be orange,one may be yellow ,one may be white.......what it matters???.......she given birth to all with same pain and same love.....a true devotee of lord krishna can feel it............


If lord krishna's one devotee is cleaning toilet, other devotee is a software engineer, other devotee is a uneducated,other devotee is a barber..................etc


Why u are feeling that u are brahmin or obc or musleum or chirstian................Feel urself that u are krishna's dear one....then u will be always happy seeing the surroundings and this world............



IF you can understand something by reading MY Mail.......It is not my writing........It is my Lord who acting through me...........


with love and care,



" I bow in front all dear devotees of Lord Krishna..."



J S Agrawal <jsagrawal wrote:



The article by Mr Francois Gautier is an eye-opener! I was knowing that Brahmins in independent India were not well- to -do and were, in some cases, forced to accept vocations not acceptable to upper castes. But, it was a news to me that Sulabh Shauchalayas in Delhi are all manned & managed by Bhrahmins. It is a pitiable condition. I think, it is high time that we revert to the Varna- Ashram system prevelent in Vedic times where the Varna of a person was decided by his qualities & not by his birth. Only a person having qualities like a Brahmin should be called a Brahmin & not otherwise. And, primarily, such people, who are Brahmins in the real sense of the word, ie engaged in educating the society and guiding it in proper direction, should be taken care of by the society. A person should be known by his profession/vocation & quality, but NOT by his birth. Then only is there a chance of recovery of this once great country. So, let us revert back to the Varna- Ashram system of old. That way, we can get rid of the reservation system also as only people really interested in studies will go to the adademics; others will turn to vocational studies. I think our leaders in the society should think about this problem, discuss it threadbare and form a policy in this matter. Francois Gautier <ksmani21 wrote:



The first article published by rediff on Brahmins as an underprivileged community, brought a flurry of reactions, mostly of surprise : " What, Brahmins as toilet cleaners, coolies, rickshawpullers, priests earning less than Rs 150 a month... How is it possible, we always thought that Brahmins were a rich, fat, arrogant community?"Many Brahmins and faithful followers of Vedic faith expressed online their relief that someone was speaking about their plight, that for once they were not attacked, made fun of, ridiculed. Of course there were also a few hostile e-mails, accusing the author of anti-Dalits bias.One would have thought however, that at a time when reservation was the hottest journalistic topic, the media would have seized this story and made it its own. After all, isn't impartial journalism to show both sides of the story?Don't you think, for instance, that the discovery that all 50 Sulabh Shauchalayas (public toilets) in Delhi are cleaned and looked after by Brahmins -- traditionally the task of the lowest of the lowest caste -- and that this noble institution was started by a Brahmin,Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, makes a wonderful story, both for the print and electronic media?That is what I believed, at any rate. So when I discovered that the Art of Living Foundation was conducting workshops for all coolies, irrespective of their religion and caste of the Delhi railway station -- and that quite a few of them were Brahmins -- I thought I could share this story and the Sulabh Shauchalayas scoop, with a few journalistic acquaintances, who would jump on it with glee. Unfortunately I was very wrong.Initially, some young journalists were enthusiastic and joined us in our investigation. We expected the story to hit the headlines soon and be taken up by the entire press, hungry for something different than the strike of the medicos, or Arjun Singh's adamant attitude.But nothing happened.We called them day after day, proposed some more data, but still no story came out. Then one of the young journalists, working for one of the largest media outfits in India told us off the record that the sub-editor, backed by the editor, had killed the story in true journalistic freedom.The second scenario we encountered was stone silence : the star anchors, bureau chiefs, editors of national English newspapers whom I personally contacted, either did not return my calls or were evasive.Third scenario: Downright hostility : "You're a right winger, a pro- BJP-RSS journalist" etc. What does truth and investigative journalism have to do with the BJP (who by the way did no more than the Congress for the Kashmiri Brahmins, for instance, when it was in power)? I don't know.Some journalists, initially willing to do a story, backed out after some time under the pretext that the data was not solid enough. Not solid enough? Does flimsy and unchecked data ever stop the Indian media to publish slanderous stories in the recent past?Then, I came to the conclusion that more than fifty years later, the Nehruvian culture which directly brainwashed two generations of Indians in certain thinking patterns, has survived today. Actually, you have to go farther back than Nehru . For Jawaharlal was a trueend product of Macaulay's policy of creating Indians who would be Indians by the colour of their skins, but British in their thinking . Thus, the English outlook on India survives today in India's intellectual class, particularly the journalists, who often cast a Westernised, anti-spiritual, pro-minority, anti-majority, un-Indian, anti-Brahmins and other upper castes -- look on their own country .It is true that Nehru started from a positive volition : How to solve India's huge class and caste disparity ? How to appease a Muslim minority which ruled India ruthlessly for ten centuries and was not ready to be ruled by those who were for a long time Islam's pliantsubjects?But Nehru went overboard . He made the paupers of yesteryear the saints of modern India, allowing some states to literally hound out Brahmins . He twisted history and thanks todocile historians, made of cruel Muslim invaders and rulers, the benefactors of medieval India.He went to the extent of excusing the razing and sacking of thousands of exquisite temples all over India, by saying that Muslim invaders such as Babar did it because these temples were full of hidden gold and jewels, damning again indirectly the poor hapless Brahmins, who were beheaded by Muslim invaders, crucified in Goa by the Portuguese Inquisition, vilified by British missionaries, and morally crucified today by their own brothers and sisters.It is true that Brahmins may be paying today for the excesses of yesterday . In ancient times, as Sri Aurobindo wrote : ' A Brahmin was a Brahmin only if he cultivated the spiritual temperament and acquired the spiritual training which alone would qualify him for the task.'But once Brahmanism became merely hereditary, arrogance, complacency and casteism became rampant, ultimately bringing the downfall of Brahmins, a downfall which the Dalai Lama defines (for his own people) as Black Karma.Thus, thanks to the lingering influence of Nehruvianism, 'Brahmins' remain today a dirty word, even in the face of reality : that Dalits have considerably come up since 1947 in Indian society, that no nation in the world has done so much for its underprivileged (Indiahad a Dalit President -- did the US ever have a Black President?). But the intellectual elite of India, which never mentions these facts, continues to hide its face in the sand like an ostrich,refusing to see the reality.And rampant anti-Brahmanism and upper castes, first used by the Muslim invaders, then by the British colonialists and missionaries, is still in vogue at the hands of Nehruvians, Marxists, Indian Christians and politicians in search of the votes of Dalits and Muslims, which combined together make and unmake prime ministers.Yet, Brahmins and other upper castes have played an invaluable role in Indian history, as Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, the founder of the Sulabh Shauchalaya Movement remarks : 'Society sustained the Brahmins and other upper castes earlier, who upheld the Hindu scriptures andHindu culture. Today Hinduism is on the decline day-by-day. There is a lack of ancient knowledge. No political party has objected to reservation thanks to vote-bank politics. People have a very short memory. They have forgotten the contribution made by Brahmins to oursociety .'And who says that Brahmins are anti-Dalits.Some of India's top avatars, saints and gurus were of low caste and are still worshipped today by all upper castes. Valmiki, the composer of the Ramayana, was a fisherman ; Ved Vyasa, the epic poet of the Mahabharata, which also contains the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible of Future Humanity, was the son of a fisherwoman ; Lord Krishna was from the shepherd's caste. And are not today's Amritanandamayi or Satya Sai Baba of low caste birth? Don't they have millions of Indians,many of them Brahmins, bowing down to them?Anti-Brahmanism has to be stopped !This inter-caste war, triggered by the politicians' greed for votes, has to be defused.FACT, my Foundation, which conducts exhibitions on persecuted minorities, whether the Kashmiri Pandits, the Christians, Buddhist Chakmas and Hindus suffering in Bangladesh at the hands of fundamentalists in Bangladesh, or the Tibetans facing a cultural andspiritual genocide in Tibet, decided to take things in hand.We started, with the help of a few dedicated friends, a film on Brahmins as an underprivileged community. This film will lead to a photoexhibition and hopefully to a book .All testimonies and documents are welcome.The future of this country lies in a unified India, where all castes will find their just place, where all will feel Indians first and belonging to this caste or that one, after.Francois Gautier------------------------Note - : The above is excerpt of an article. J S AGRAWAL+91 4027175339/9391047995



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" The Ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras eat their food by virtue of the

brahmanas' mercy. It is the brahmanas who enjoy their own

property,clothe themselves with their own property and give charity

with their own property " Srimad Bhagvatam (Canto 4,ch.22, text 46)


The Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshipped with the

words 'namo brahmanya-devaya', which indicate that the Supreme Lord

accepts the brahamanas as worshipable gods.The Supreme Lord is

worshipped by everyone, yet to teach others He worships the

brahmanas but in the present age of Kaliyuga a brahmana is not

considered worshipable cause they claim to be brahmanas on the basis

of birth and not the pure good qualities.A true brahmana's only

business is to spread Vedic knowledge, al over the world.In the

present age, because society is not guided by genuine brahmanas ans

their Vedic instructions, the whole population is only absorbed in

sinful activities.According to the Bhagvad Gita 99.9% population of

the world is naradhamas or lowest of mankind.Everyone is a sudra

unltil they become Krishna concious.so where is the question of anti

brahminism when " true genuine brahmanas " don't exist at all.


So, if a brahmana or vaisaya or ksatriya which are designations

according to birth in kali yuga, cleans toilet or roads or such

dirty places there is nothing low or disgusting about it and it is

not something like anti brahmanism plus all work has it's importance

no matter who is doing it.

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