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How to Be Spritually Powerful

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Hare Krishna,


Everyone wants their life to be a thrilling, exciting adventure at every minute. Why don't they practically achieve this?. The reason is ignorance about their actual identity as eternal spiritual beings. They are therefore lost in the dense, deep, dark, dungeon of delusion. They don't know who they are, nor what they are doing, and hence they make so many mistakes all the times . Those who are fortunate, discover who they really are, the eternal spirit-soul servants of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Once you realize who you are, you will think, speak, and act differently from the mass population of illusioned souls .

If we conquer fully over our senses by engaging them in Bhagavan Krishna's transcendental loving service, we will achieve the supreme happiness of pure Krishna bhakti, and at the same time we will become spiritually powerful .


To be spiritually potent, an important, dynamic part of the solution, all we have to do is remain devoted to Sri Krishna at all times and in all circumstances by as much as possible always chanting :

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

Sankarshan das Adhikari



Question :


How Do We Know a Spiritual Teacher's, Teachings are Pure ?... You have mentioned the following in your discourse , " I simply explain things to you as they are presented in the authoritative Vedic wisdom, which is coming from Lord Krishna Himself." I have also considered your stress on not having blind faith in anything, especially bhakti-yoga . But, I am not able to understand one thing. How can one know that the Vedic wisdom given by a Spiritual Teacher is in accordance with Lord Krishna's teachings. ? Isn't there a possibility of changes being made in them, to satisfy someone's personal motives? All Spiritual teachers claim to be authentic . But, we can find certain teachings to be different from Bhagavad Gita . Please explain. Pradeep




There Should be No Adulteration in Spiritual Teachings ... We can directly read in the Bhagavad-gita that Lord Krishna says "Surrender unto Me." If a Spiritual Teacher anchors his teachings on this key- concept , " Surrender unto Krishna" , there is no adulteration in that teaching . Those Teachers who advise their disciples to surrender to them alone (and not Lord Krishna) , are not providing pure vedic knowledge . Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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