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Only Sri Krishna could save, the bleeding India .

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Hare Krishna ! . My humble obeisances to Bhagavan Krishna and Vaishnavas !

We , the devotees of this group , offer our sincere prayers to Bhagavan Sri Krishna to shower His mercy on all those victims of yesterday's bomb blasts in Mumbai . May , He bless the departed souls with Mukti and the injured ones with miraculous recoveries ! . May Bhagavan wipe the tears of all their dependents ! .


As usual , the media has reported the following in big headlines :


The Home Minister , has declared "We will not bend our knees in front of Terrorists".

Intensive discussions are underway in Delhi ; Senior leaders are likely to air dash to Mumbai .

Several Leaders have strongly condemned the attack.

Investigations have started .

From past experiences , people have lost confidence in such `eye dusting' rituals . The root cause of the problem needs to be resolved .


Sacred Bharat and Secular India .

Bharat is not a mere piece of land like , any other country . This ancient nation holds the name of it's great ruler Sri . Bharat , the son of Sri. Rishabhadeva (Bhagavan's Narayana's incarnation) . It is the land of vedas ; and spirituality is it's strength . Bharathiyas, have those atmic (spiritual) traits in their genes, which if nourished , will ward of all evil-effects .

Unfortunately , demonic personalities (disguised as leaders and rulers) have converted `Spiritual Bharat ` into "Secular (irreligious) India" . The so called ` Hind-born secularists ' are blindly following , the demonic life style , left behind by foreign-invaders. And they are working overtime to destroy the Vedic dharma, advised by ancient Sages .

Sri Krishna declares in Bhagavad Gita ( 3.32 & 7.15 ) :

" Those envious persons who do not follow these instructions of Mine are bereft of discrimination and all true jnana, and are ruined in their endeavours for perfection .

Those miscreants and fools who are devoid of discrimination, who are the lowest among human beings, whose knowledge has been completely stolen by maya, and who have an asuric nature, do not surrender unto Me "

The Divine Solution

Vaishanvas should take a pro-active approach to bring back the `faithless Hindus', to the path shown by Sri Krishna .

The innocent non-devotees should be taught to take shelter in Bhagavan Sri Krishna and render hymns in praise of Him. The divine `Vishnu Sahasranama', a garland of verses , contains both ``Mantras'' and philosophy, besides adoring Sri Krishna for the definite grace that He showers on devotees.


Immense Power of Vishnu Sahasranamam .

This divine hymn has the stamp of approval by none other than Bhagavan Sri Krishna . It is a divine Maha Mantra , that ward of all types of evil-effects .


In 1930s and 40s when modern medical facilities were unavailable in this country , reciting Vishnu Sahasranamam cured the illness of cholera, typhoid and other illness of so many devotees , even as millions of non-devotees were perishing like flies .


During World War II, when the Japanese were about to attack Madras the whole population of the city was about to be vacated because of orders from the then British Government . But Sri Ramana Maharishy advised , ` Vishnu Sahasranama parayana by eight devotees ` ; and this was done . Amazingly, the Japanese planes which came near the city of Madras turned their direction and moved towards Calcutta for inexplicable reasons. This is a fact which is corroborated in certain books.


The faithful recitation of Vishnu Sahasranamam daily by a few devotees will bring harmony and peace to their place . The chanter , hearer and all will be benefited by this divine mantra .


So let us believe in the wisdom of millions of Vaishnavas, and make it a habit of reciting the Vishnu Sahasranamam daily .


Bhagavan Sri Krishna says :


Bhagavaan Uvaacha:

Ananyaschintayanto Maam Ye Janaaha Paryupasate

Tesham Nityabhi Yuktaanaam Yoga Kshemam Vahaamyaham

Paritraanaaya Sadhoonaam Vinaasaaya Cha Dushkritaam

Dharma Samstthaapanaartthaaya Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge

Aaarthaa Vishannaaha Sidhilaascha Bheetaaha

Ghoreshu Cha Vyaadishu Vartamaanaaha

Samkeertya Narayana Sabda Maatram

Vimukta Dukha Sukhino Bhavanti


(Bhagavaan said: unto these people who meditate solely on me, I bear the burden of vouchsafing the yoga and kshema. For protection of the devout, for frustration of the wicked and fixing dharma on a firm foundation, I get born age after age. Whether afflicted by dire distress or poignant grief or shattered by confusion due to fright or tormented by other maladies, if the victims in each case do but spell the name NARAYANA, they not only get rid of all these troubles but also attain everlasting happiness.)


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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