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Sri Krishna's Devotee is very kind .

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Hare Krishna !,

A devotee of Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the genuine well-wisher of all living beings because he wants everyone to be happy. He sincerely endeavours to provide the divine Krishna-Bhakti to the suffering humanity , in order to solve all their problems permanently . The entire human society is currently drowning in the ocean of bodily consciousness and its accompanying lifestyle of unrestricted sense enjoyment . In such an atmosphere people are simply becoming more and more miserable . Therefore the devotee propagates vigorously all the world the enlightened knowledge of the spiritual nature of the self and the relationship between the individual self and the Supreme Self. This indeed is real kindness, the ultimate kindness, to distribute Krishna-Bhakti all over the world .

Anyone who approaches Bhagavan Sri Krishna for any reason is dear to Him . Bhagavan says in Gita (7.15-16):

" Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among human beings, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who are having the atheistic nature of demons, do not surrender unto Me.Four kinds of pious men worship Me—Those who are distressed, Those who are in need of money , Those who are seeking knowledge , and Jnani ( the man having transcendental knowledge" .

All these four categories of devotees are dear to Bhagavan . Once they surrender to Him , Bhagavan will take care of their requirements very nicely . It is a proven fact that , the Krishna-Bhakti is the ultimate solution for all sufferings in this world .

Sri Krishna's pure devotees are very humble and ever willing to serve others . They don't have any personal desires and are interested only in serving the Bhagavan .

This pure devotee is described by Sri Krishna in the Srimad Bhagavatam (9.4.68) as follows : "The pure devotee is always within the core of My heart, and I am always in the heart of the pure devotee. My devotees do not know anything else but Me, and I do not know anyone else but them."

Because such devotees forget all else except for the Lord, He shows the same mood of exclusive devotion to them. There is no more intimate relationship that one can have with the Bhagavan . There is nothing sweeter and more ecstatic than this .


Question – 1

Why is There So Much Suffering in the World Today?... There is too much blood shed today. I am tired of watching the rich exploit the poor. I feel with that every day when I accept what is going on around the world without protest that I lose a part of myself in the process. Azeem Mohammed


Because We Put Ourselves in the Center... There is so much suffering because we are putting ourselves in the center, instead of God. No one can speak out effectively against the tyranny because everyone is tinged with varying degrees of that very same tyranny within their own heart. The tyranny is that everyone in this world has rebelled against the authority of the Lord. That's why we're here. Exploitation will always remain until we can fully put God back into the center. There is no other way to effectively root it out. You must not accept what is going on in the world. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. You must dedicate your entire life now for bringing about a solution to all the problems of the world. The Krishna-Bhakti is the ideal vehicle for fulfilling this most noble of all desires. Question -2

Doubts Regarding the Atma... I have a lot of doubts regarding the Atma. I read somewhere that after death the Atma enters into a new soul. In the situation where the population is increasing alarmingly where do we get the new Atmas. Are they newly created? What is going on? Also, I have heard that whatever we sow we reap, but in real life I have seen the people doing bad or illegal things and enjoying happily. In this is the case why should why we should follow Krishna?. Please clarify, Suresh


No New Atmas are Being Created... The Atma does not enter a new soul . The Atma is the soul . No new Atmas are being created . An increase in human population means that more Atmas are coming up from the lower species, where they were burning off karma they created in previous human births. Bad people who are enjoying are burning off the results of their previous pious activities. They deserved that enjoyment because of their previous piety. Unfortunately now they spoiling themselves by sinful activity and setting themselves for great suffering in the future. These bad people are deluded by `Maya' (illusion) and therefore they reject Krishna's greatness .

Bhagavan says in Gita (8.14-16):

"O Partha, for the one who continuously remembers Me with an undistracted mind, I am easily attainable. After attaining Me, the great souls never return to this temporary world which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection.All planets in this universe up to Brahma-loka are places where repeated birth and death take place. But one who reaches My abode, never takes birth again." We the devotees follow Sri Krishna because we love Him . Whether we suffer or not we don't care. We just want to please Bhagavan Krishna. That's all . This is real Krishna-bhakti. There is no thought of getting something in return. This is pure love, pure selflessness. This is the highest bliss. Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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