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Nityananda! Gauranga! Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Bhaktivinoda, Srila Prabhupada, my most beloved Srila Gaurangapada and all Vaisnavas. Please accept my humble obeisances and blessings. I pray that this meets you well and in the service/mercy of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga. My Dearest Devotees of the Lord; I completely agree. I have read several times the word "idol" used in the writtings that come across this wonderful group. Sadly, Indians are using this word, which is indeed terrible since they themselves know the difference between a murti and an idol. This is a word that has negative connotations, one that has crept into our vocaulary from the Christians, Jews and Muslims' influence around us. We must fight to keep our faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead alive in this material world. While so many are fighting to silence our voice, we must continue to use words

that are important, yet convey the true meaning of Dharma. Srila Prabhupada and our beloved Acharyas in the Parampara have left us a legacy, one that we should fight to maintain, and also fight to keep out things (words) that leave doubt in our younger readers. Words such as "idol" send the message that we agree with the Semetic religions in their term of "idol", when Srila Prabhupada (as told through Syamakunda Prabhu) has told us different. I challenge each of us to keep a faithful watch on how we write, the words we choose to use, and also the monitors of this wonderful group on what we allow to proceed to our younger generation. We never know who may be coming to the Lord's lotus feet. If one is searching, and has been reared in a Christian or Muslem home, then the word "idol" only strengthens their belief in the message they have already received, and its disturbing consequences. We owe it to all of our readers to be more

careful. Monitors can edit a message, changing word usage from those that are sincere, yet not mindful. If I may be of any assistance, I am completely at your service. Your eternal servant;Nitaipada Maharaja

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Nityananda! Gauranga! Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Bhaktivinoda, Srila Prabhupada, my most beloved Srila Gaurangapada and all Vaisnavas. Please accept my humble obeisances and blessings. I pray that this meets you well and in the service/mercy of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga. My Dearest Devotees of the Lord; Why are we continuing this argument. I have read with intrest what is being discussed, and the different perspectives of different devotees concerning this matter of "idol" worship. Each one that has contributed has indeed spoken truth, some more powerful than others, but we must remember that we are all Vaisnavas, and etiquette is demanded here. While we do not preach to those who have no intrest in the Lord, especially where is is concerning the Holy Names, we atleast present the Holy Names to them. We cannot demand that

they take shelter of the Lord, but atleast we have presented the path to the Lord's lotus feet to them. Is this not what was done with each of us? Did not some humble sage simply present the message of Sri Krishna Caitnaya to our hearts door, and we accepted it? Without the preaching efforts of the Lord's pure devotees, none of us would have found our way to the Lord and surrendered. We have to come to the place in our hearts where we serve Sri Caitanaya and Sri Krishna and not what is written over the door to the Temple where we have association and darshan. There are many branches in the tree of Sri Caitanya, but it is not for any of us to judge what branch the Lord sits us upon, nor which leaf we find association. The issue is that we serve the trunk with all that we are, and humbly submit ourselves in self-less service to the trunk, branches and leaves of this tree which is our strength, support and

nurishment. ISKCON is not the only Math that cooks and distributes prasadam. While Srila Prabhupada indeed did give this command to his disciples, many Maths have resided in this "tradition" for centuries. We see the examples of this in sastra, so it is detrimental to our sadhana to forfit this strong preaching tool because another Math is known for this hospitality. Again, we need to forget what is written over the door and seek out what resides in our hearts, for this is where the true temple of the Lord resides. Each of us reside soly in the mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. Without this mercy all of us would be just like Jagai and Madai prior to their sanctification. Who are we without the Lord's supreme mercy? Can any of us claim pure service? Can any of us claim to purely chant the Holy Names without some tinge of offense? It is through this mercy

that we are able to make spiritual advancement and progress. Let us not forget the mercy of the Lord's devotees, inwhich we attain such knowledge, encouragement and strength to continue on up the mountain of devotional service. It is through pure association that we attain spiritual advancement, and through the mercy of the devotees that we attain sadhana. Let us stop quarreling among ourselves of such simple things. Let us discuss the pure things of Krsna Katha, which is what initially drew me to this wonderful group. Personally I do not waste my time with foolishness, I don't have enough lifetime left to waste it upon mundane affairs. This discussion started out simply as a request not to use the word "idol", because that is not what we serve, the proper word is "murti" or "Deity". Sadly, this discussion has degenerated into accusations and hurtful words. Let us get back to

what this group is about, sharing our realizations, sharing our knowledge and the Lord's wonderful past times. Your eternal servant;Nitaipada Maharaja

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Hari Bol.Om Namoh Narayanaya. Capil Ji, if you are referring to my email--firstly I am a Stri. About my post, I was sharing my thoughts on the position that we should not go about trying to convince others to accept Bhagwan as we know Him to be and I have quoted relevant verses where Bhagwan has explained about this. I am very astonished and that you will interpret my email as my experience about being rejected by someone I loved.What I do know for certain is that whomsoever harasses any devotee will have to answer to Bhagwan. Personally, once someone hurts me intentionally, I just leave them alone and stay as far away from them as possible and leave them to reap the just fruits of their actions. This has nothing to do with seeking revenge but it has to do with the Laws of Karma--you must reap what you sow.Bhagwan didn't spare

Kamsa when he was abusive to his own sister Devaki Maiya. Bhagwan didnt tell Sri Arjuna Ji to forgive his relatives that committed sin against him. He told Sri Arjuna Ji that those that choose the side of Adharma must be destroyed whether they are father,son,grandfather,Guru even. Once you surrender to Bhagwan, He becomes your protector. It is said that Bhagwan becomes the servant of His devotee as He has to watch out for them at all times.Once you are a devotee of Bhagwan, you don't "harbour feelings of pain and vengeance." You just feel great pity for people who cannot allow themselves to "raise themselves" and chose the path of "debasing" themselves instead. I have tried to help some that I care about to raise themselves simply because I care about them and it really upsetted me when they didn't understand that they were rejecting a blessing from Bhagwan. Now I don't allow that to bother me any more as I

realise that maybe it is their destiny that they remain like that and that maybe Bhagwan gave them a chance to evolve and come to Him. That they rejected His Grace --I no longer take it personally.As Bhagwan explained Himself in Chapter 7 Verse 15. Once you truly love Bhagwan, stupid, petty actions of humans only have just a transient effect on you--why waste time thinking about people who hate you when you can be singing/chanting His Name? His Name made a hunter become a revered Saint. His Name made rocks float. Just writing about His Glories right now, makes my skin grow........Sing His Name, Chant His Glories and automatically, you begin to be a better person without even realising it. Our Bhagwan is so gracious that even if a sinner goes to Him with a sincere mind--he is saved: Sri Bhagwan Uwaach... Api cet

suduracaaro bhajate maam ananyabhaak Saadhuur eva sa mantavyah samyag vyavasito hi sah. Even if a man of the most sinful conduct worship Me with undeviating devotion, he must be reckoned as righteous for he has rightly resolved. 9.30 Only Bhagwan knows who is a sinner or not--but each of us knows what we have done. If someone thinks/knows that you have done something wrong, if you have harmed His Devotee, committed any sinful act--if you truly care about yourself then you will turn to Bhagwan and seek His Mercy. He has explained in the above verse how you must do that. Sri Krsna Sharanam Mama. Sri Vishnu Naam Bhajle re manuwa. Sincerely, Nandrani , Capil Sookdeo <capilsookdeo wrote:>> Stephen:> I disagree with you. We should examine closely Nanda's position. He was rejected by someone he loved. Nanda was trying to help his wife and was trying to show his wife the path to the Lord but his wife rejected him. One could discern the pain and rejection in Nanda's mail and his subsequent unkind thoughts about his wife. This is only natural for all of us are liable to harbor feelings of pain and vengeance in different situations. We can be rejected many times when we approach others trying to show them the true path. We should not take this personally or else we will be miserable. > A true devotee must not abhor approaching others for fear of

rejection, nor should we shun others because they are most likely to reject us. ISKCON went out into the world of 'unbelievers' and they were rejected by thousands but accepted by millions. Hence we should approach the unbelievers and the worst of the worst, the believers are already on the true path, why go knocking at open doors, trying to preach to the converted? Preach to the unconverted even at the risk of rejection.> Rejection can be extremely difficult and painful on the psyche but I would suggest to Nanda that he should spare his wife any ill feelings such as reap the fruits of his actions or pity. If we wish people bad things or are consumed by anger, jealously and revenge then we are not true devotees. Nanda should forgive and should wish her the best and pray to Lord Krishna that she will one day return to the true path. He should cleanse himself of the agony and bitterness of rejection, forgive his wife, and do not wish ill on her or

anyone. It is not in our power to condemn others to reap what they sow. Such thoughts should not enter a devotee's mind. Easier said than done. > Capil> > > "Non-cooperation with evil is a sacred duty." M.K. Gandhi Ji HARI BOL

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