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Some People Don't Have Time for , Bhakti-Yoga.

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Hare Krishna !

Today, many people are so much entangled in material existence that they have no time for bhakti-yoga (devotional service) . The fact is that each and every one of us has exactly the same amount of time at our disposal, 24 hours daily. What we choose to do with our time is up to us. If we like, we can choose to use our time exclusively for activities related to our material body. Or if we like, we can set aside some of that time for activities to elevate the eternal spirit-soul, which is presently entrapped in the misery of bodily misidentification, to the platform of eternity, knowledge, and bliss. If an intelligent person owns a bird and a bird cage, he will take care of both the bird and the cage. He will keep the cage clean and tidy and at the same time he will make sure to feed the bird. But in our modern so-called advanced society we give all of our attention to polishing the cage of the material body while neglecting to feed the bird, the soul within. We say that we have no time. But yet we take so much for so many trivial and even frivolous activities. What kind of civilization have we created? We are still living in the dark ages. Let us now come into the renaissance of spiritual enlightenment. If we can't even devote five minutes a day to thoughts of God, how far have we become engrossed in only serving that which is temporary? It's time that we all reassess our priorities and begin to put God back into the center of our lives where He belongs .

Nowadays people consider the amazing descriptions of higher reality mentioned in the Vedas to be mere mythology. Such poor souls cannot even seriously consider that the wonderful higher dimensional reality revealed in the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam could be real. They laugh at what they consider the foolishness of Lord Krishna's devotees. But everything will be tested at the time of death. The pure devotees of the Lord will enter that sublime spiritual world and the non-devotees will take birth again according to their karma to continue suffering in this material world either as a plant, an animal, or as a human being. It is said that he who laughs last laughs best. So the Lord's devotees could certainly could have the last laugh on all those who laughed at them for their devotion to Krishna. But the devotees do not laugh at the suffering of others. Their hearts bleed with compassion to see the suffering of those who are entangled in the cycle of birth and death. They fully dedicate themselves to rescuing those who are lost in the ocean of illusory consciousness. Therefore they are the greatest well-wishers of the human society.

Questions and Answers:

Question -1

Why Do Christians and Muslims Eat Meat ?... Why is it that in some religions (like Christianity and Islam) the followers are allowed to eat meat, while we don't eat meat? Shouldn't they be disallowed to eat meat because they are taking the lives of innocent animals by doing so? Jai Shree Krishna Poojan


No One Should Be Killing and Eating Animals... The Bible says not to kill . However, the Christian clergy themselves are unable to fulfill this requirement because they are addicted to materialistic enjoyments such as meat eating ; and they allow their followers also to evade the biblical injunctions . These so called Christians do not follow their Bible . Prophet Muhammad preached that we should be kind to all living creatures. Killing an animal to eat it may be necessary in the desert if there is no other food. But when we can easily and more healthfully subsist on a vegetarian diet, it is not kindness. It is cruelty. Question - 2

What Happens When a Soul Departs from a Body?... What happens when a soul depart from a body ?. Does it enter another body immediately?. What happens if there is no body to enter?. I need clarification on this. Paruvathy


He Immediately Enters Another Body... The next body is already determined by the representatives of the Supreme God (Sri Krishna) . The living entity immediately gives up the present body and enters another. The devotees are controlled by Lord Sri Krishna Himself and the Non-devotees are controlled by the illusive energy (Maya-sakti) . The devotees follow the path of Bhakti-yoga to attain the abode of God . Whereas , the non-devotees are bound to suffer greatly in their next births .

The placing of a particular individual soul in a specific body is the prerogative of the supreme God. .The individual soul, is put into the womb of a mother where he gets a particular type of body under God's supervision , on the basis his deeds in his previous birth . Therefore in the material existence we find so many species of life-- animals, insects, men, and so on. All are arranged by the Supreme God. They are not accidental. As for the demonic atheists, they are perpetually put into the wombs of demons, and thus they continue to be envious, the lowest of mankind. Such demonic species of life are held to be always full of lust, always violent and hateful and always unclean .

Krishna is all-merciful, but He is never merciful to the demons. It is clearly stated that the demonic people, life after life, are put into the wombs of similar demons, and, not achieving the mercy of the Supreme God, they go down and down, so that at last they achieve bodies like those of cats, dogs and hogs. Such cursed souls have practically no chance of receiving the mercy of God at any stage of later life.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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