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Sage Romarishi , The Pandavas and Bhagavan Sri Krishna .

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Hare Krishna ! Sage Romarishi , The Pandavas and Bhagavan Sri Krishna ( Compiled by Shri . Viji ) The Pandavas during the time of their exile once walked into the forest of Romarishi . Romarishi was a Sage whose body was covered with hair and his beard was so long that it spread like a carpet into the entire area of the forest .There was a sacred tree in that forest yielding a very special type of fruit which, once tasted by a person, would relieve him of hunger and thirst for years and years. But the fruit was not to be plucked, it was to be eaten only when it fell down on its own.One day Dharmaraja and Draupadi chanced to come near the tree. Draupadi was very much tempted to taste that luscious big fruit hanging from the tree.She said : "Can we not take that fruit? We can all share it." Dharmaraja shot an arrow and the fruit fell on the ground. He went to take the fruit with his hand. It was so heavy that he could not move it . Dharmaraja tried to lift it with all his strength using both his hands but he could not lift it . Draupadi also tried but in vain. In the meantime, Arjuna

arrived at that place. He tried to lift the fruit but could not succeed. All the three tried to lift the fruit but it would not move. The two younger brothers Nakula and Sahadeva came and tried to lift the fruit but they too could not succeed .Finally came the mighty hero, Bhima . He asked the others to keep away and said: "I will lift it “ . But even Bhima failed.Meanwhile the hair of Romarishi which had spread all over the area, began to stir because when these six people were trampling about to lift the fruit, the strands of hair were being trodden and pulled. He

realised that some one must be trying to steal the fruit . He had become furious. His long hairs started coming together and coiling round the Pandavas to tie them up.Draupadi realised the danger and immediately prayed to Bhagavan Sri Krishna . Bhagavan appeared before them. Draupadi fell at His feet and prayed to Him for help. Sri Krishna said : " Sister, I am helpless . Romarishi is a great Sage. I reside in his heart. How can I do anything against the wishes of my devotee ?"

Draupadi once again pleaded : "You alone can save us, you can do anything if you wish to ." Krishna said : " I will help you, but all of you should be totally silent whatever may be the situation and do exactly as I tell you ." Draupadi and Pandavas promised to obey his orders. Krishna went towards Romarishi's ashram and instructed them to follow him after sometime.In the meantime, Romarishi was so much enraged that he had actually started to walk towards the tree to curse the poachers. Just then Bhagavn Krishna entered the ashram. Romarishi fell at the Lotus Feet of the Bhagavan . He was overjoyed to see Sri Krishna . He said, "How fortunate am I to have you as my guest . Oh Bhagavan ! What can I do for you?" Krishna engaged him in discussing certain spiritual matters till the Pandavas arrived .As soon as the Pandavas along with Draupadi reached the ashram, Krishna hurried towards them and fell at their feet . The Pandavas were feeling embarrassed but remembering the Lord's command, kept quiet . Seeing Bhagavan Krishna fall at the feet of the Pandavas, Romarishi also fell at the feet of those visitors . Then Krishna asked them to come into the ashram . He introduced them to Romarishi . He praised the virtuous Dharmaraja, valiant Bhima and Arjuna and the intelligent Nakul and Sahadeva, and above all, the devout Draupadi. Romarishi by that time totally forgot about the fruit and the poachers . Krishna informed Romarishi that the Pandavas were the people who were tempted to taste the fruit being unaware of the unique nature of the fruit .Romarishi desired to please those who could please the Bhagavan Himself . He said : "Let them take the fruit . I would like them to have it ." By eating the fruit the Pandavas were able to live without hunger for a long time!!SPIRITUAL COMMENTARYIt is difficult to understand the ways of Bhagavan Sri Krishna , the God of Gods !Bhagavan is inscrutable and mysterious . We cannot

understand HIS way of working with our lean mental capacities . We can understand, up to a point, through our intuitions, when HIS divine grace inspires us. Then the attained knowledge is experienced knowledge, not knowledge learnt by memory. This distinction between learnt knowledge and experienced knowledge is very important .When we really know HIM, we do not accept the knowledge, as we are the knowledge . This is true knowledge . That is wisdom.Bhagavan Krishna is supreme consciousness and that the nature of consciousness is unconditional love. Only by digging deep into our hearts we can find this

consciousness. All that we can do is to always remember Him with love and pray with faith for HIS matchless grace .

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