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Are the Women Happy?

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Hari Bol.Om Namoh Narayanaya. Ajeet Ji, Was reading the message sent by you and was trying to figure out what you meant. When we compare Srila Prabhupada's statements with our practical experience, we find that they are right on the mark. Take, for example, the following statement: "So-called equal rights for women means that the men cheat the women. Suppose a woman and a man meet, they become lovers, they have sex, the woman becomes pregnant, and the man goes away. The woman has to take charge of the child and beg alms from the government, or else she kills the child by having an abortion. This is the woman's independence." [science of Self-Realization, " What Is Krsna Consciousness?"] Bhaiya---modern day people--of all ethnic backgrounds are becoming lovers without marriage--this is not confined to Western women alone.

However, its the Western ones who are more knowledgeable about preventative methods that will not bring a hapless child into this World.Its the poor ones who don't know or cannot afford prevention or have customs against using them and they bring forth babies that they cannot support. Srila Prabhupada explains: "On the failure of such varnashrama-dharma, naturally the women become free to act and mix with men, and thus adultery is indulged in at the risk of unwanted population. Irresponsible men also provoke adultery in society, and thus unwanted children flood the human race at the risk of war and pestilence." Are there any wars going on lately? Are there any epidemics in the world? If women have become "free" sexually and are mixing with the men---why don't the men rebuff their attention then? In my opinion--it is the men who encourages women to be free of

inhibition. I can tell you this--if it was known that men won't have anything to do with women who are promiscuous--you will see how fast women will stop sleeping around. And it is not the Western men alone who are forcing women to be promiscuous--its our own kind too--the same ethnic/religious background as Srila Prabhupada Ji. The other liberation of women is that they are liberated from all their clothes on the Internet. Fifty percent of the oceans of spam mail are from pornographic sites. Things that were previously done in private clubs are now a street affair. Has this elevated women's status? Or rather, has it exploited them as a class? Yes women are exploited--but who most times are the ones doing the exploitation? And speaking of being disposable, the army now wants women on the front lines in combat. Here are your equal

rights: Die equally. There are several historic women who had to lead their armies --Jhansi ke Rani, Rani Ahilya Bhai. What is wrong in women sacrificing their lives if the cause is Righteous? Are the men fighting lives less in value? I don't see the problem in women in war at all.Even Satyavati Maiya was with Lord Krsna when He was engaging Narkasura in battle. Same thing with King Dasaratha and Queen Kaikei. Remeber Draupadi Maiya stayed in the camp while the Mahabharata was going on? Remember why she stayed there too? And are the women happy? Srila Prabhupada told us: "Actually, in the Western countries we see that the woman class want equal rights with men. And there is. There is no distinction. But it is my experience the woman class are not happy in the Western countries. And still in our country, although we are so fallen, our woman class remains satisfied." Our experience is that Srila Prabhupada is correct: The Western women are miserable. Even many Western men we know have married Asian women for a more traditional approach to family affairs. I beg to disagree on this generalisation. Not all Western women are miserable/unhappy---in fact if we look at the ratio of the population of Bharat with the West--we may have the opposite. Let us examine closely the "women class" that Srila Prabhupada has said that is "satisfied." Does silent suffering means satisfaction/happiness? Many Indian women bear abuse at the hands of husbands and inlaws and stay silent--is this the satisfaction/happiness, I wonder? How many instances are there of dowry abuse? And this is still continuing til today even though it has been outlawed in Bharat. Even Indian men born and raised in Western countries are abusing their wives--and these are people who were exposed to University Education and lived in

first World countries yet their behaviour is worse than a menial labourer. Krsna consciousness bridges all boundaries. Anyone in any condition of life can go back to Godhead by applying the principals of bhakti yoga. Certainly this is the essence of our preaching in any time and circumstance. Absolutely--it is only when you truly love Bhagwan that you learn how to love purely. When you learn to love purely you will never want to hurt anyone else---will never know how to hurt someone else. But Srila Prabhupada also points out the failures of modern life, and thoughtful persons should take him seriously, for the acharya's mission is only to help us get out of illusion and be happy in Krsna's association. This dark age has been tainted throughout--not only nowadays. What all Acharyas have to be careful about is

generalisation. Reading the statement made by Srila Prabupada Ji may turn away someone searching for The Lord. When one has taken up the duty of spreading His Word, one has to be very careful that one do not offend anyone. Who knows--one of the same person that you are insulting may be The Lord himself. We bring people to Him with Prema not gaalis. This of course is just my humble opinion. Sri Krsna Sharanam Mama. Sri Visnu Naam Bhajle In His Service, Nandrani "Non-cooperation with evil is a sacred duty." M.K. Gandhi Ji HARI BOL

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