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Are The Women Happy

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Hari Bol. Om Namoh Narayanaya. My pranaams to everyone. Monique Bahen Ji, What you said about American women are from your experience and no one can doubt that. Again that is a generalisation as I know/interacted with American women too so I cannot say that they are all"nasty." I find American women more aggressive and this aggressiveness is not limited to White American women(please pardon the use of the word White). This aggressiveness is reflected in all ethnic backgrounds--Indians/West Indians/African Americans etc. . Deeps Ji, I saw a comment that Monique sent from you about what I wrote. Why must one not question Acharyas? They are human just like you and I. Not too long ago, there was an article from one Archarya who was commenting that Bhakti is for those who are not too bright/educated. He probably would have

escaped with his unfortunate declaration if one devotee didn't draw his attention to the insult he was making. In the end he tried to cover up what he said but never apologised nor said that he was incorrect. There was another article by another well known Acharya who said that one must never show emotions/cry openly when expessing one's emotions to The Lord. That if one feels emotional in the public one must only allow one tear to fall.Will you follow him because he is an Archaya and let what he said pass as law because he was an Archaya and he is not here any more? There are many Kathas about Acharyas who were corrected--many didn't like it of course as this was because they had not conquered Ahankaar. There is the most famous Katha of Sri Ashtavakra. Sage Durvasa are constantly been corrected because of his Ahankaar. Even the great Narada Rishi was taken to task by the Lord when he thought that he was the best devotee. Anyone who is a Bhakta of Lord Krsna must remove Ahankaar from their lives. Lord Krsna demonstrated how humble He was when He was Arjuna Ji's charioteer. Think about this--how humble the Lord is! In fact the Lord didn't show arrogance when Arjuna Ji had doubts in his mind--The Lord welcomed his questions and went to great details to answer his queries. I am not offended nor upset by what was written but it is the job of Devotees of The Lord to ensure that wrong messages are not sent out in His Name. It is our job to ensure that everyone is aware of the fact that The Lord is accessible to everyone and that The Lord does not discriminate. Just imagine what a regular Western person reading that comment would feel? Such comments are not to be encouraged at all no matter who made them and from an Acharya it is even more unfortunate. Many devotees are now writing about how women are

respected--find out how many women are subjected to domestic abuse at the hands of husbands and in laws and see how "satisfied" our women are. Many times these poor souls don't even know that they have a right, it is ingrained into their psychic that they must tolerate abuse. Nav Ratri just finished --we all know how much women should be respected---it is there in the holy scriptures but is this a reality? Find out how many men worshipping the Devi goes home and abuse their wives. There are incidents where even Pujaris/leaders are committing the same paap. About the comment about contraception--I am most astonished at that remark. Do you know what is like to be so poor that you can only afford daily to give your children one meal of bhaat and watery curry and yet you keep bringing forth more children year after year? Children so poor that they cannot attend school because their parents cannot give them clothes? Yet these parents are

getting more children? Why--they don't use prevention? You will tell them to abstain? Who will listen to you? Contraception is not abortion. I agree that human life is not meant for sex indulgence and so also is eating. We are supposed to eat to live yet we do not eat only to live do we? Please remember that Kama like Artha, Dharma and Moksha are necessities in life. Kama becomes a sin only when it is exploited or is an obsession. And lastly about your comment that devotees here don't post personal opinions----really? Again, let me emphasise that one's purpose here is to help towards a closer relationship with Him. It is about clearing misconceptions and barriers that humans are erecting to scare away people from becoming devotees. Its about sharing about His Grace and His Infinite Love. Sri Bhagwaan Uwaach-- I am the same to all beings; to Me there is none

hateful none dear. But to those who worships Me with devotion, they are in Me and I also am in them. 9.29 Sri Krsna Sharanam Mama. Sri Visnu Naam Bhajle. In His Service, Nandrani "Non-cooperation with evil is a sacred duty." M.K. Gandhi Ji HARI BOL

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Hari Bol. Om Namoh Narayanaya. Deep Ji, If I am questioning Archayas who falsely claim themselves to be representatives of God or religion--I will not even bother to go there. I am talking about anyone whether they are Archayas or not who makes generalise statements that would hurt or offend someone trying to find the Lord. When an Acharya makes them it is even more unfortunate.The instances that I mentioned in my previous post were made by Archayas from "the line of disciplic succession" --very established ones I may add. It just goes to show you that anyone ---no matter how high they are--they can makes mistakes.They are humans after all and only Bhagwan is beyond mistakes. Scriptures have defined many things. Do we adhere to all of them? How will you get poor people who cannot afford to feed their children to stop producing more

children? Or is it okay that they bring forth more children and leave them to suffer ? I would be very happy to see that specific scripture that says that contraception is evil. Much is written in scriptures but do we follow them all whether it is applicable or not? In The Devi Purana for example--it says that when one needs to defecate that one must go into the bushes and do it. Make sure it is not near any ant's nest then when you are finished , you must go to a pond and wash yourself with a certain kind of mud. That is from Scriptures--think all Devi Worshippers are doing that? One is considered a devotee only when he or she respects and accepts other great devotees--- Isn't a Bhakta one who is devoted to The Supreme? A devotee of a devotee is most dear to the Lord. The Lord knows who is a

great devotee or not and as He demonstrated to Narada Rishi--the most ordinary labourer was considered higher than even Narada Rishi.Why waste time being devotee of a devotee when you can be a direct devotee of The Lord? Isn't that what Acharyas are supposed to do--help you get closer to The Lord? Kama is not only sexual desire--it is all desires period. It has to be within limitations. Ajeet Ji, You have mentioned verses in the Padma Purana. There are many interpretations of our Holy Scriptures. Everyone is giving it how they see it and calling it the true meaning.It has become almost insane with the various followers of particular Acharyas swearing that their Guru Ji's version is the only true one. In the Srimad Bhagwad Gita- Chapter 11 Verse 24 This is the Translation

from one Acharya--(http://www.bhagavad-gita.org/) Transliteration: Anvaya: Translation: Now in the Srimad Bhagwad Gita translated by Swami Chidbhavananda Ji Maharaj, this is how it is translated: When I see You touching the sky, blazing with many colours, with mouths wide open, with large fiery eyes, my heart trembles in fear and I find neither courage nor peace, O Vishnu. Swami Chidbhavananda Ji translates Oh Vishnu as Oh Vishnu and

the translation above this one puts the name of Sri Krsna instead of Lord Vishnu. What difference does it make? The same thing was discussed by others just the other day as to the relation/connection of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krsna. An ordinary person reading both will wonder why can't the former just translate it as it is? People translates our Holy Scriptures how they want it to be read. Each will say that they were directed by Bhagwan to do so ------and what does it cause--more confusion to someone trying to get closer to Bhagwan. All the rules that you have mentioned in the Padma Purana are constantly being broken by some of the followers of Srila Prabhupada Ji especially 2 and 9. I have had the misfortune of hearing them blaspheme Lord Vishnu even blaspheme Lord Narayana.IOne cannot help but wonder how come they can glorify Lord Krsna and with that same mouth blaspheme Him?

Praise and Glorify a Guru/Archaya and blaspheme The Lord? Kaayena waacaa masendriyaiarvaa buddhyaa(aa)tmanaa vaa prakrteh-svabhaavat. Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai Naaraayanaayeti samarpayaami Om Tat Sat Sri Krsnaarpanamastu. In His Service, Nandrani "Non-cooperation with evil is a sacred duty." M.K. Gandhi Ji HARI BOL Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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Nanadarani ji - Hare Krishna!


Of course, if someone is posing as an Acharya but is not rendering

loving devotional service to the Lord, we need not follow his

instructions. But, when someone is sincerely following the Lord's

instructions and when you can find the qualities as described in

Srimad-Bhagavatam which is:



titikshavah kaarunikah suhrdam sarva dehinaam

ajaata-shatravah santah sadhavo sadhu-bhushanam


The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and

friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful,

he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are

sublime. - http://srimadbhagavatam.com/3/25/21/en




Then we should know that the person is an Acharya and when people

respect someone as Acharya and we are sure of those characteristics

then we should not treat him as a conditioned living entity who is

controlled by the modes of material nature, because Krishna Himself

says this:



Acharya Mam Vijaniyan Na Avamanyeta Karhichit

Na Martya Buddhi Asuyeta Sarva Devo Mayah Guruh


One should know the acarya as Myself and never disrespect him in any

way. One should not envy him, thinking him an ordinary man, for he is

the representative of all the demigods. -




So, please try to understand the Lord's words and don't talk about

the bondafide Acharyas as someone who can commit mistakes like a

conditioned living entity.


This is my humble request to you.



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