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Is GOD Formless or with Form ?.

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Hare Krishna ! Question Is God Formless or With Form?.. I strongly believe and also follow "Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead". Whenever I have time I distribute books in trains and market places. Recently I met a person who believes in Nirakara, the conception that the ultimate reality is formlessness. Of course, he took our book "Science of Self Realization," but he said that

nowhere in Vedas is it established that God is “Sakara” , possessing form. Prabhu, as you are serving the Mahaprabhu's mission for many years and also doing really great preaching I believe you know well about these things. Can you please send me an email mail stating all the references in the Vedas where “Sakara Tattva” , that the Supreme Absolute Truth, possesses form, is established? I am waiting for your valuable advise and message. Hare Krishna Your humble servant, Madhu Kiran Answer by His Grace Sankarshan Das Adhikari . Both, but the Form Aspect is Superior... Sri Krishna's “Sakara” (possessing form) nature is confirmed throughout the Vedic literatures. There is no way I can send you all the references. The email would have to be hundreds of pages long. Here are a few : avyaktam vyaktim apannam manyante mam abuddhayah param bhavam ajananto mamavyayam anuttamam "Unintelligent men, who do not know Me perfectly, think that I, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, was impersonal before and have now assumed this

form and personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is imperishable and supreme." Bhagavad-gita 7.24 pusann ekarse yama surya prajapatya vyuha rasmin samuha tejo yat te rupam kalyana-tamam tat te pasyami yo 'sav asau purusah so 'ham asmi "O my Lord, O primeval philosopher, maintainer of the universe, O regulating principle, destination of the pure devotees, well-wisher of the progenitors of mankind, please remove the effulgence of Your transcendental rays so that I can see Your form of bliss. You are the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, like unto the sun, as am I." Sri Isopanisad, Mantra 16 isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam "Krishna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes." Sri Brahma Samhita 5.1 brahmano hi pratisthaham amrtasyavyayasya ca sasvatasya ca dharmasya sukhasyaikantikasya ca "And I am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is immortal, imperishable and eternal and is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness."

Bhagavad-gita 14.27 In the Atharva Veda, Gopala-tapani--Govinda is described : "The dark complexioned, yellow-robed, two-armed Govindadeva, His head adorned with a peacock comb, holds a flute and stick in His hands. He is nirguna [without material attributes], but simultaneously saguna [endowed with transcendental attributes]. He is nirakara [without material form], but simultaneously sakara [possessing a spiritual form of eternity, bliss, and knowledge]. He is niriha [without material activities], but simultaneously sacesta [engaged in transcendental pastimes]. In Gokula, within Mathura-mandala, is Vrndavana, where Govinda stands in the center of a thousand-petaled lotus, which has sixteen clustered petals around Him with eight clustered kesara [pollen tube]. On either side stands Radha and Candravali." The person Sri Krishna, Who possesses a transcendental form, has clearly stated that the nirakara aspect, the impersonal Brahman, is coming from Him. The followers of nirakara (formlessness) say that form is an illusory manifestation of formlessness. But is not a fact. If we consult the authoritative Vedic literatures we discover that formlessness is a manifestation of form. Hare Krishna !!!!

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Dear Devotees,


When I was 21 this question was answered in the following manner by different saints that I met - here's the conclusion of all those answers.

The form is non-different from the name Krishna. Krishna is parabrahman, paramatma. This beautiful two handed "Shyamasundara" form is an eternal divine form and has no comparison. There is no form equal to Krishna. The color of Krishna is described as the colour of a dark rainbearing cloud. Krishna is also described in the texts of Kundalini Yoga as the ruler of the (Anahat Chakra) Heart Chankra.

Then I asked what about the formless aspect of Krishna? The answer is that Krishna Himself can choose to appear to us in this formless manner if he so wishes, but only impersonalists desire to see the formless aspect, not devotees. This Brahmjyoti effulgence is His formless aspect. The source of this brahmjyoti is Krishna Himself, and he can hide His form, or show his form at will, to anyone whom he chooses. The impersonalist meditators try to see the light, the brahmjyoti, by controlling their senses with great effort, even then they are not able to get to see Krishna, only by the mercy of Krishna himself, or by the grace of Radharani can we get to see Krishna.

Today, the answer still remains the same.

I look with eager eyes in every direction to get a glimpse of this wonderful form of Lord Krishna which is so dear to all the devotees and especially to Radharani.


Sanjeev Kumar Punj





Krishnadaya <krishnadaya To: Subject: Is GOD Formless or with Form ?.Thu, 19 Oct 2006 04:49:28 -0700 (PDT)





Hare Krishna !




Is God Formless or With Form?..

I strongly believe and also follow "Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead". Whenever I have time I distribute books in trains and market places. Recently I met a person who believes in Nirakara, the conception that the ultimate reality is formlessness. Of course, he took our book "Science of Self Realization," but he said that nowhere in Vedas is it established that God is “Sakara” , possessing form. Prabhu, as you are serving the Mahaprabhu's mission for many years and also doing really great preaching I believe you know well about these things. Can you please send me an email mail stating all the references in the Vedas where “Sakara Tattva” , that the Supreme Absolute Truth, possesses form, is established? I am waiting for your valuable advise and message.

Hare Krishna Your humble servant, Madhu Kiran


Answer by His Grace Sankarshan Das Adhikari .


Both, but the Form Aspect is Superior... Sri Krishna's “Sakara” (possessing form) nature is confirmed throughout the Vedic literatures. There is no way I can send you all the references. The email would have to be hundreds of pages long. Here are a few : avyaktam vyaktim apannam manyante mam abuddhayah param bhavam ajananto mamavyayam anuttamam "Unintelligent men, who do not know Me perfectly, think that I, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, was impersonal before and have now assumed this form and personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is imperishable and supreme." Bhagavad-gita 7.24 pusann ekarse yama surya prajapatya vyuha rasmin samuha tejo yat te rupam kalyana-tamam tat te pasyami yo 'sav asau purusah so 'ham asmi "O my Lord, O primeval philosopher, maintainer of the universe, O regulating principle, destination of the pure devotees, well-wisher of the progenitors of mankind, please remove the effulgence of Your transcendental rays so that I can see Your form of bliss. You are the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, like unto the sun, as am I." Sri Isopanisad, Mantra 16 isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam "Krishna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes." Sri Brahma Samhita 5.1 brahmano hi pratisthaham amrtasyavyayasya ca sasvatasya ca dharmasya sukhasyaikantikasya ca "And I am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is immortal, imperishable and eternal and is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness." Bhagavad-gita 14.27 In the Atharva Veda, Gopala-tapani--Govinda is described : "The dark complexioned, yellow-robed, two-armed Govindadeva, His head adorned with a peacock comb, holds a flute and stick in His hands. He is nirguna [without material attributes], but simultaneously saguna [endowed with transcendental attributes]. He is nirakara [without material form], but simultaneously sakara [possessing a spiritual form of eternity, bliss, and knowledge]. He is niriha [without material activities], but simultaneously sacesta [engaged in transcendental pastimes]. In Gokula, within Mathura-mandala, is Vrndavana, where Govinda stands in the center of a thousand-petaled lotus, which has sixteen clustered petals around Him with eight clustered kesara [pollen tube]. On either side stands Radha and Candravali."

The person Sri Krishna, Who possesses a transcendental form, has clearly stated that the nirakara aspect, the impersonal Brahman, is coming from Him. The followers of nirakara (formlessness) say that form is an illusory manifestation of formlessness. But is not a fact. If we consult the authoritative Vedic literatures we discover that formlessness is a manifestation of form. Hare Krishna !!!!



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