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Is GOD Formless or with Form ?...........My Krishna has form

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Lord krishna is dearest Dear Krishna Ji, My humble respect to you and to all the dear devotees of lord hari from all over the world..... krishna bhaiyya, I wonder why you wrote such mail even after knowing the Almighty krishna....... Brother you would have told that person, "Yea there is and it is divine VishwaRoopa of lord Hari".... It is his divine form that i see in Guruvayoor, It is his divine that i see in Tirupathi.........Hare Krishna... Lord Vishnu given his deity to Lord Brahma for prays and

pooja....which was later worshipped by lord Krishna in Dwaraka and finally installed in Guruvayoor, Kerala.............If there is no form then my dear lord would have told brahma "Dear brahma you can worship me without thinking of my form...." There is no concept "Nirakara" without having Sound....when i dont have a single photo of lord krishna.............But i have the sweet and lovely names of Lord Hari....................When i call my krishna from anywhere in this universe........my lord will hear it........ When Arjuna got confused and wondered thinking where is the begining and end, where is the real source....? When Arjuna with love and devotion requested lord krishna to show the Divine VishwaRoopa......... "Lord Krishna shown the VishwaRoopa to Arjuna.....showing how the cosmic energy works......" You would have told him my

brother........"We are here not to research upon my Lord.........but to love, serve and care him........Who is praised by our vedas, our ancestors, our parents, our grandfathers and our gurus........I do not think that i am much intelligent than my grandfathers who always praised Lord Hari...." We are devotees of Hari...........we are the simple of simplest..........we only know to love him...... When my tears are falling on deity's feet.............It is falling there in Vaikunta.............I know it........I have realized it.................... When i touch my dear krishna's lotus feet with much affection and bhakti, my lord is very happy ...i can see the smile everywhere...............Hare Krishna I feel this group as a divine group..................where devotees are much devoted to hari........... In those

days.....few was there running behind Nirakara..........but even those fools meditated using "OM" Sound.........they are loving my lord only without their knowledge ...........but still they use "OM" instead of krishna or vasudeva or hari or vishnu........................all lovely names of my lord............. Even Great Sankaracharya realized and went to Guruvayoor Temple........Composed "Baja Govindam"........stayed there and initiated the pooja mantras..............Hare Krishna................ If i start praising my krishna...............it is endless......................My lord has form.............and you can see my lord in every temple..........it is not just deity ............... Look with much devotion and love.........you can feel my lord , you can talk to my lord........................Hare Krishna....... It is niether mantras nor poojas brings my lord's presence to the

divine deity..........It is our love and devotion brings my lord to everywhere..................Hare Krishna.............. When we love and pray daily to a single photo of dear krishna with much devotion..............You can realize the divine power comes to that photo.........." That is the Leela of my Lord ............." "Bhaiyya I am not arguing ......It is my love towards my krishna wrote this.......I am not so intelligent also....I do not like arguing.......but if anybody's words hurt me.......i speak back...........my dear krishna is my father,my mother,my friend and my child..........When my lord has created the whole universe.....we all came from Narayana.........." Then from where the question of nirakara is coming ? With love and respect, Binu Krishnadaya <krishnadaya wrote: Hare Krishna ! Question Is God Formless or With Form?.. I strongly believe and also follow "Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead". Whenever I have time I distribute books in trains and market places. Recently I met a person who believes in Nirakara, the conception that the ultimate reality is formlessness. Of course, he took our book "Science of Self Realization," but he said that nowhere in Vedas is it established that God is “Sakara” , possessing form. Prabhu, as you are serving the Mahaprabhu's mission for many years and also doing really great preaching I believe you know well about these things. Can you please send me an email mail stating all the references in the Vedas where “Sakara Tattva” , that the Supreme Absolute Truth, possesses

form, is established? I am waiting for your valuable advise and message. Hare Krishna Your humble servant, Madhu Kiran Answer by His Grace Sankarshan Das Adhikari . Both, but the Form Aspect is Superior... Sri Krishna's “Sakara” (possessing form) nature is confirmed throughout the Vedic literatures. There is no way I can send you all the references. The email would have to be hundreds of pages long. Here are a few : avyaktam vyaktim apannam manyante mam abuddhayah param bhavam ajananto mamavyayam anuttamam "Unintelligent men, who do not know Me perfectly, think that I, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, was impersonal before and have now assumed this form and personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is imperishable and supreme." Bhagavad-gita 7.24 pusann ekarse yama surya prajapatya vyuha rasmin samuha tejo yat te rupam kalyana-tamam tat te pasyami yo 'sav asau purusah so 'ham asmi "O my Lord, O primeval philosopher, maintainer

of the universe, O regulating principle, destination of the pure devotees, well-wisher of the progenitors of mankind, please remove the effulgence of Your transcendental rays so that I can see Your form of bliss. You are the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, like unto the sun, as am I." Sri Isopanisad, Mantra 16 isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam "Krishna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes." Sri Brahma Samhita 5.1 brahmano hi pratisthaham

amrtasyavyayasya ca sasvatasya ca dharmasya sukhasyaikantikasya ca "And I am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is immortal, imperishable and eternal and is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness." Bhagavad-gita 14.27 In the Atharva Veda, Gopala-tapani--Govinda is described : "The dark complexioned, yellow-robed, two-armed Govindadeva, His head adorned with a peacock comb, holds a flute and stick in His hands. He is nirguna [without material attributes], but simultaneously saguna [endowed with transcendental attributes]. He is nirakara [without material form], but simultaneously sakara [possessing a spiritual form of eternity, bliss, and knowledge]. He is niriha [without material activities], but simultaneously sacesta [engaged in transcendental pastimes]. In Gokula, within Mathura-mandala, is Vrndavana, where Govinda stands in the center of a thousand-petaled lotus, which

has sixteen clustered petals around Him with eight clustered kesara [pollen tube]. On either side stands Radha and Candravali." The person Sri Krishna, Who possesses a transcendental form, has clearly stated that the nirakara aspect, the impersonal Brahman, is coming from Him. The followers of nirakara (formlessness) say that form is an illusory manifestation of formlessness. But is not a fact. If we consult the authoritative Vedic literatures we discover that formlessness is a manifestation of form. Hare Krishna !!!! Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out. Hare Krishna

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SRI : || Hare Krishna. Pranaams To All Devotees. In Vaishnava Siddhaantham, The Lord has Five Forms - The Baram, Vyuham, Vibavam, Antharyami and Archa . They are respectively The Para Vasudeava In Sri Vaikuntam, Sri Mahavishnu in Thirupaarkadal ( KSHEERABDI ) , As Avatars as RAMA , KRISHNA etc , as ANTHARYAMI - ie within every being both Chit & Achit and as Archaa Murthies in Temple as Lord Venkateswara in Tirpathi, Ranganatha in Srirangam, Lord Krishna at Dwaraka,Brindavan etc. The Lord , after all his attempts to make us, the people, understand that one shd seek His Blessings which alone can save us, which did not succeed, finally took the form as Archa Murthies in Temples, so that we can ACTUALLY SEE HIM IN SOME FORM,Such a visual experience alone will stand in the minds of common people. This enables us to Worship Him in Some Form as We see Him in The Temples . Further this Prayers to A GOD in some Form is very important for common people to keep praying Him in the Form they like.It is this attachment to God Wth Form that kindles our Heart to develop Love ( PREM ) for Him. Thus God is with Form only as far as common people are concerned. Hare Krishna. Regards. Dasan Madhavan. Ajeet K Mall <ajeetmall wrote: Dear Devotees,I hope, the following article will help to understand the threeaspects of Lord Krishna.Thanks & Hare KrishnaAjeet---------------God is a Person---------------The impersonalists often quotes from the first few chapters ofBhagavad-gita, which mainly explain about the impersonal feature ofGod. In this way, they try to prove that God is impersonal. However inlater chapters, Krsna explains His personal features and says "I amthe basis of the impersonal Brahman"(Bg 14.27). We cannot simplyaccept that part of the scripture we like, and reject what we don'tlike, and still expect to get the result. For example, a hen lays eggswith its back part and eats with its beak. A farmer may consider, "Thefront part of the hen is very expensive because I have to feed it.Better to cut it

off." But if the head is missing there will be noeggs anymore. Similarly, if we reject the difficult part of thescriptures and obey the part we like, such an interpretation will nothelp us. We have to accept all the injunctions of the scripture asthey are given, not only those that suit us.All the living entities are individual persons, and they are all partsand parcels of the Supreme Whole (Bg 15.7). If the parts and parcelsare individual persons, the source of their emanation must not beimpersonal. The impersonal idea defies common sense and observationalthough God has His impersonal aspects also.The impersonal brahman effulgence is one aspect of the SupremePersonality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, but it is only a partialrepresentation of the Lord and is ultimately a subordinate emanationfrom His personal feature. The Lord has two other features known asParamatma and Bhagavan. In His Paramatma feature the

Supreme Lordexists within each and every atom of His creation and also within thehearts of every living being. In this way he pervades and supports theentire universe. This feature of the Lord is also a subordinateemanation from His eternal, original personal form.The word Bhagavan indicates the personal form of the Lord, which isthe ultimate source of impersonal effulgence just like sun is theultimate source of sunshine. This personal feature of the Lord is mostsublime and therefore the Lord is known as Krishna, or He who is"all-attractive".To deny the Lord's beautiful personal form, by which He reciprocatesin loving exchange with all living beings who desire His association,is insulting because it denies the Lord all of the most attractive andappealing aspects of personal existence. That form, however, is notlimited as our material forms are. God has a spiritual form and fromthat form the whole

creation, spiritual and material, is coming.Therefore Lord Brahma prays:"I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, whose transcendental form isfull of bliss, truth and substantiality and is thus full of the mostdazzling splendor. Each of the limbs of that transcendental figurepossesses, in Himself, the full-fledged functions of all the organs,and eternally sees, maintains and manifests the infinite universes,both spiritual and mundane". (Brahma-samhita 5.32)________He whose mind is fixed on My personal form, always engaged inworshiping Me with great and transcendental faith, is considered by Meto be most perfect -Lord Krsna[bg 12.2] , Tuhin Banerjee<tuhin_aries wrote:>> Hare Krishna and Dandavat pranam to all

Krishna Devotees.> > Been into the Hare Krishna movement for around 4 years now. I amstill in the process of becoming a devotee. I have made someobservations, pls do clarify.> > 1. Krishna is Formless as Universal Form, Inside every livingbeing as Paramatma and a Form as Vigraha.> > 2. The shastras tells us the Vigraha form is the final form to beworshipped. In the age of Kali this is the highest base of worship.> > 3. The Bhagwad Gita also states in the Chatursloki. "Aham SarvasyaPrabhavayo" meaning, "I reside everywhere". which tells us about hisFormless state. Let me go further. When we read Bhagavad Gita, theBhagawad Gita is Lord Krishna but it is Formless. The Yagna or firesacrifice is Lord Krishna but it is worshipped as formless. The onebead of the Chanting bead is Lord Krishna but again in a formless state.> > 4. The chanting process is again calling up the

innerself orParamatma inside. Even the chanting of "OM" brings about selfrealization, which is actually the awakening of our soul which isnothing but a part of paramatma or Krishna himself. The awakeningwould help in identifying ourselves as spirit souls and not a bodyand hence connect to the Universal Soul which is Lord Krishna so as toserve the final form of Radha and Krishna.> > 5. When we chant then we develop the love for Krishna, thehumility and compassion is developed for everybody including animalsetc as every being has krishna in it as paramatma therefore we seeevery living entity as spirit souls and not body.> > By doing the above we go into the next and final stage where wefall in love with the Vigraha of Radha and Krishna.> > Devotees who go directly into the final stage of Vigraha by notunderstanding the Formless or the Paramatma form normally do notdevelop the love,

humility and compassion, this is my observation.> > Please do correct me if I am wrong.> > In the service of lord Krishna> > Your servant> > Tuhin Banerjee> > > > > > > Ramireddy madhukiran <madkir78 wrote:> > > Hare Krishna..> Dear Prabhuji,> please accept my respectfull pranamas. All> glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Sri Guru> and Gauranga.> > u wrote> > bhaiyya, I wonder why you wrote such mail> > even after knowing the Almighty krishna.......> > First of all i really don't like to argue but i am> writing back because there should not be any> misunderstanding between devotees.> I very very strongly believe that Krishna Bhagavan is> having Divya mangala Rupam. But i am not well versed> in vedas so, when

that person asked me i explained him> about the verses given in Bhramasamhita and> Bhagavatam. But he was asking for the references from> the four vedas.> so in order to get information i asked this question.> > > and also u wrote> >Bhaiyya I am not arguing ......It is my love> > towards my krishna wrote this.......I am not so> > intelligent also....I do not like arguing.......but> > if anybody's words hurt me.......i speak> > back...........> > i am really sorry and helpless if u have received my> question in different (offensive) way.and i am not> responsible for that. My intention was to get> knowledged about this matter but I don't know how it> hurted u. Any ways if my words have hurted u knowingly> or unknowingly i beg ur pardon.> Hare krishna.> aspiring to be humble servant> Madhu

kiran...> > > > --- binu tv wrote:> > > > > Lord krishna is> > dearest> > > > Dear Krishna Ji,> > > > My humble respect to you and to all the> > dear devotees of lord hari from all over the> > world.....> > > > krishna bhaiyya, I wonder why you wrote such mail> > even after knowing the Almighty krishna.......> > > > Brother you would have told that person, "Yea> > there is and it is divine VishwaRoopa of lord> > Hari"....> > > > > > It is his divine form that i see in Guruvayoor, It> > is his divine that i see in Tirupathi.........Hare> > Krishna...> > > > Lord Vishnu given his deity to Lord Brahma for> > prays and pooja....which was later worshipped by> > lord Krishna in Dwaraka and

finally installed in> > Guruvayoor, Kerala.............If there is no form> > then my dear lord would have told brahma "Dear> > brahma you can worship me without thinking of my> > form...."> > > > There is no concept "Nirakara" without having> > Sound....when i dont have a single photo of lord> > krishna.............But i have the sweet and lovely> > names of Lord Hari....................When i call my> > krishna from anywhere in this universe........my> > lord will hear it........> > > > When Arjuna got confused and wondered thinking> > where is the begining and end, where is the real> > source....?> > When Arjuna with love and devotion requested lord> > krishna to show the Divine VishwaRoopa.........> > > > "Lord Krishna shown the VishwaRoopa to>

> Arjuna.....showing how the cosmic energy> > works......"> > > > You would have told him my brother........"We are> > here not to research upon my Lord.........but to> > love, serve and care him........Who is praised by> > our vedas, our ancestors, our parents, our> > grandfathers and our gurus........I do not think> > that i am much intelligent than my grandfathers who> > always praised Lord Hari...."> > > > We are devotees of Hari...........we are the> > simple of simplest..........we only know to love> > him......> > > > When my tears are falling on deity's> > feet.............It is falling there in> > Vaikunta.............I know it........I have> > realized it....................> > > > When i touch my dear krishna's

lotus feet with> > much affection and bhakti, my lord is very happy> > ...i can see the smile everywhere...............Hare> > Krishna> > > > I feel this group as a divine> > group..................where devotees are much> > devoted to hari...........> > > > In those days.....few was there running behind> > Nirakara..........but even those fools meditated> > using "OM" Sound.........they are loving my lord> > only without their knowledge ...........but still> > they use "OM" instead of krishna or vasudeva or hari> > or vishnu........................all lovely names of> > my lord.............> > > > Even Great Sankaracharya realized and went to> > Guruvayoor Temple........Composed "Baja> > Govindam"........stayed there and

initiated the> > pooja mantras..............Hare> > Krishna................> > > > If i start praising my krishna...............it is> > endless......................My lord has> > form.............and you can see my lord in every> > temple..........it is not just deity ...............> > Look with much devotion and love.........you can> > feel my lord , you can talk to my> > lord........................Hare Krishna.......> > > > It is niether mantras nor poojas brings my lord's> > presence to the divine deity..........It is our love> > and devotion brings my lord to> > everywhere..................Hare> > Krishna..............> > > > When we love and pray daily to a single photo of> > dear

krishna with much devotion..............You can> > realize the divine power comes to that> > photo.........." That is the Leela of my Lord> > ............."> > > > "Bhaiyya I am not arguing ......It is my love> > towards my krishna wrote this.......I am not so> > intelligent also....I do not like arguing.......but> > if anybody's words hurt me.......i speak> > back...........my dear krishna is my father,my> > mother,my friend and my child..........When my lord> > has created the whole universe.....we all came from> > Narayana.........."> > > > Then from where the question of nirakara is coming> > ? > > > > With love and respect,> > Binu> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Krishnadaya wrote:> > Hare Krishna !> > > > Question> > > > Is God Formless or With Form?.. > > > > > > I strongly believe and also follow "Krishna is the> > Supreme Personality of Godhead". Whenever I have> > time I distribute books in trains and market places.> > Recently I met a person who believes in Nirakara,> > the conception that the ultimate reality is> > formlessness.

Of course, he took our book "Science> > of Self Realization," but he said that nowhere in> > Vedas is it established that God is "Sakara" ,> > possessing form. > > > > Prabhu, as you are serving the Mahaprabhu's mission> > for many years and also doing really great preaching> > I believe you know well about these things. Can> > you please send me an email mail stating all the> > references in the Vedas where "Sakara Tattva" , that> > the Supreme Absolute Truth, possesses form, is> > established? I am waiting for your valuable advise> > and message.> > > > Hare Krishna > > > > Your humble servant, > > > > Madhu Kiran> > > > Answer by His Grace Sankarshan Das Adhikari .> > > > Both, but the Form Aspect is Superior... > > > > Sri

Krishna's "Sakara" (possessing form) nature is> > confirmed throughout the Vedic literatures. There is> > no > === message truncated ===> > > > > ________> India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new> http://in.answers./> > > > >

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