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An Observation - Two types of Devotees

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As Devotees of the Supreme Lord Krishna, we must be very careful in

our conduct in public. Some people often bring disgrace and criticism

to this great movement started by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, by

ignoring the basic principles of humility and good conduct. Here

below are some observations that will help to filter out the positive

and negative qualities, and help us become better devotees, and

deserving represntatives of Lord Krishna.


A Pretending Devotee is the one who makes a big show of his devotion,

by proclaiming his deep devotion for Krishna, instead of his guru's

greatness in having given him a chance to worship Krishna, by

displaying his wealth in the service of the Lord, and proudly

proclaiming that he did his best, by chanting louder than others, by

making fun of others without seeing what they have in their hearts,

by ignoring the pain of others and giving company to the rich and

wealthy, and remaining aloof from the poor and humble.


A Pure Devotee remains as humble as possible, keeps himself obscure,

praises his Guru always for having given him the honor of worshipping

Krishna, doesn't display his wealth proudly but uses them for

Krishna, and humbly apologises for any shortcomings, by chanting

lovingly and softly with great humility, by praising others even for

the smallest service,by keeping company of the poor and the needy,

and hearing the pain of others and helping them.


A pretending devotee will never realise his mistakes or even admit to

them, whereas a pure devotee is always trying to correct his faults

by admitting them frankly and openly. A pretending devotee hides his

faults carefully while a Pure Devotee can be read like an open book.


Nature has not given everyone a perfect body, a perfect mind, so we

all have to make corrective efforts to make ourselves worthy of

recieving the grace of the Lord, which comes in the most humble and simple


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