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ISKCON's Initiation is NOT a Must , to become the Devotee of Lord Krishna .

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Om Namo Narayanaya ! Dear Krishnabhaktas , Namaste! Lord Krishna is the most easily accessible form of God . All what matters to HIM is Bhakty . No other pre-qualification is mentioned in Bhagavat Gita and Srimad Bhagvatam . The merciful Lord is ever willing to bless his Bhakta whose devotion is sincere and who takes total shelter at his lotus feet alone . No Scope for “Fanaticism” in Krishnabhakty . There is no scope indeed for any type of fanaticism in Krishnabhakty . Certain elements of ISKCON do try to frighten people by saying that , only ISKCON has “Bonafide Spiritual Masters “ belonging to the authorized disciplinic succession and they are the only “Pure Devotees” capable of taking a man to Krishna . If a Bhakta doesn’t take initiation from one of these “Bonafide Spiritual Masters “ , he is not a devotee . This tactic is akin to that of Christianity . Krishnabhaktas know that , Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri had compiled the entire book “Narayaneeyam”, sitting in front of the Lord Krishna’s Deity inside Guruvayoor mandir . Lord Krishna Himself listened to each verse and gave His nod or corrections prior to proceeding further . Therefore, “Narayaneeyam” is absolutely sacred and it is used in the temple rituals of Guruvayoor . In fact , Lord Krishna wakes up every morning listening to it . The other day, I was talking about “Narayaneeyam” and it’s proven healing powers to an ISKCON leader . But he cut me short by stating bluntly “ Since it doesn’t belong to our Parampara system , we don’t accept this book “ . The above said types of fanatic approach is

unacceptable to the vast majority of Krishna-devotees , living in India . In fact , majority of Hindus are Krishna-devotees among whom only about 5% are affiliated to ISKCON . Does this mean that , 95% Indian Krishna-devotees are not devotees at all ????. “Bonafide Spiritual Masters “ of ISKCON . Upon Swamy Prabhupada's death on November 14, 1977, eleven of his disciples (most of them Western Nationals) became Initiating Gurus (Bonafide Spiritual Masters) for ISKCON. Those chosen were Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami , Jayapataka Swami, Tamala Krishna Gosvami, Hrdayananda Gosvami , Bhavananda Gosvami, Hamsaduta Swami, Ramesvara Swami, Harikesa Swami, Bhagavan dasa Adhikari, Kirtanananda Swami, and Jayatirtha dasa Adhikari. Of these eleven individuals, only the first four remained with ISKCON, whereas the remaining (7) abandoned it . Senior ISKCON leader Tamal Krishna Goswami wrote : “ Following Prabhupada's death , the eleven Gurus named by Prabhupada assumed an extraordinary position above all others including the non-guru GBC members. They accepted honorific titles, were given elevated seats and were worshipped in the same manner accorded previously to Prabhupada . While disciples of the new gurus found nothing strange in this new arrangement, disciples of Prabhupada who were not gurus became increasingly alarmed . In Pradyumna dasa's prophetic letter written just after the changes were set in place, he expresses his concern . That the eleven gurus not having been appointed to the position of acarya and for which they are unqualified both by a) insufficient knowledge of shastra (scripture) and b) the incomplete realisation of Krishna Consciousness, are accepting worship on that level-and this may lead to anomalies in the Society and personally, because of lack of complete detachment in atma-jnana (knowledge of the self), to have build-up of pride, and

subsequent fall-down. Consequently, an exodus of Prabhupada's disciples followed . Within only a few years of his departure, a majority of Prabhupada's disciples ceased to actively participate in ISKCON . ” ISKCON’s Management (GBC) is currently planning to appoint Women as “Bonafide Spiritual Masters” in order to increase the popularity of ISKCON . They already have women priests in their mandirs . There is no scope for trial and error in Vedic faith . Vedas are nothing but the breath of Lord Krishna . As such, there is no scope for editing it’s requirements to suit with one’s own convenience . Proof that Krishna is Directly Accessible to His Devotees . We all know that , tens of millions of Krishna Devotees are visiting mandirs like Guruvayoor, Tirupati and Jagannatha Puri only to worship Lord

Krishna . These mandirs are no way connected to ISKCON . It is a proven fact that , the ordinary devotees who are visiting these mandirs are always satisfied with the “Krishna-grace” they receive . The recent documented evidence shows that , Lord Krishna has appeared in person to the following (11) devotees at Guruvayoor : 1. Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri ( Poet) . 2. Poonthanam (poet) . 3. Kururamma ( a brahnin widow) . 4. Vilwamanagalam ( a wandering saint) . 5. Kunhikkavu Namboodiri ( an Avaduta) . 6. Manavedan ( a prince) . 7. Mallisseri Namboodiri ( Assistant Priest and temple-cook). 8. Nenmini Unni ( a brahmin kid who worked as priest for a day

) 9. Manjula ( a temple servant) . 10. Kittai ( an illiterate coconut

plucker ) . 11. Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavathar ( Carnatic singer) . All the above devotees were not initiated by ISKCON’s “Bonafide Spiritual Teachers” . They directly worshipped Lord Krishna with faith and chanted His names constantly . The merciful Lord guided them to success by dwelling within the heart and ultimately appeared in person to bless them . This eternal truth is confirmed in the following verse of ‘Narayaneeyam’. ------- ‘Narayaneeyam’ Dasakam-1, Sloka -8 : namrANAM sannidhatte satatamapi purastairanabhyArthitAnapyarthAna- pyarthAn kAmAnajasraM vitarati paramAnandasAndrAM gatiM cha | itthaM nishsheShalabhyo niravadhikaphalaH pArijAto hare tvaM kShudraM taM shakravATIdrumamabhilaShati vyarthamarthivrajo.ayam “ You (Lord Krishna) always manifest Yourself before those who offer

prostrations . You also constantly grant to them the desired fulfillments of life although not asked for by them , and also the state of eternal happiness abundantly . O Lord Hari ! Destroyer of woes ! Thus You are the ‘Parijata’ tree accessible to every one , and the bestower of unlimited rewards too ! . This crowd of men, full of desires craves in vain, for that trifling of shrub (Parijata) in Indra’s garden ! ” -------- I beg your pardon if I have offended any of you , as my intention is only to serve you all . May Lord Krishna be with

You all !!!!Narayanadas

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Dear Devotees,


May the Lord always give you clear thinking and good

logic. Let me state at the very outset that organisations are built

around Krishna by devotees, and there are hundreds of Bhaktavrindas

that surround Krishna, multitudes of them really. If we start

enumerating them, you will be flabbergasted....In my memory, since my

childhood, I have been associated with saints of the Nath Sampradaya,

who worship Lord Vishnu in the Dattatreya form, I have been

associated with devotees of SriNathji, Lord Krishna at Nathdwara, I

have been associated with Swami Chinmayananda, a famous saint who

introduced Gita to Indian Colleges and Schools in the 70s, I have

been associated with hundreds of Sai Baba Devotees who perform

Kirtans and Bhajans where Krishna is always glorified, and since 1984

I have had the fantastic association of ISKCON's devotees, who have

been more sincere in their practice of Krishna Bhakti than a lot

others that I met.I have nothing but praise for this wonderful

movement, for it is a movement, not an organisation. Krishna

consciousness being spread by devotees around the world is an

enthusiastic and dynamic movement, and the neophytes who have not

even heard of Krishna are benefitting immensely from this movement.

This does not mean in anyway that other devotees or sampradayas are

doing any less,though their global presence is surely incomparable to

ISKCON's presence. Srila Prabhupada was exhaustive, he has translated

not only the Gita, but also the Srimad Bhagvatam. I bow down at His

feet always with respect.

Narayaneeyam is a wonderful scripture, a rare gem, and I always bow down in my

mind to Lord Krishna at Guruvayoor. Krishna has designed so many scriptures to

suit all people all over the world. Even the Bible and Koran are indirectly

Krishna's designs, meant for the meat eaters of the western world and the

middle-east world. What were they before Swami Vivekananda went to America and

started off a spiritual revolution in their minds? The americans were quite

arrogant and merciless killers. We must never forget history, before Srila

Prabhupada, there were two great saints who went to the west, one Swami

Vivekananda, andsecond Swami Yogananda. They did what Krishna told them to do.

Srila prabhupada did what Krishna told him to do. It doesnt matter which Order

of saints preached in the west, what matters is whether the West has accepted

the teachings or not? We can see that the first wave set off by Swami

Vivekananda was the beginning of their transformation as Swami Vivekananda

brought the Jnana Yoga Aspect to the west, the second wave set off by Swami

Yogananda was the introduction of Kriya Yoga, and the final wave set off by

Srila Prabhupada, who brought to the west the highest aspect of Vedic culture -

namely Bhakti Yoga.Krishna is everywhere! This reminds me of an episode related

by Swami Chinmayananda. A devotee of Krishna was to garland the deity with a

garland of flowers. He said " Oh Lord, they feet are everywhere, where shall I

place myself in order to garland you? If I step on your toes, it will not be

right, so please help me. Then he garlanded the deity in front of him, but we

must remember that Sri Krishna is everywhere.always Always be humble, Always.It

doesn't matter which path you take as long as you remain fixed at the Holy Lotus

Feet of Lord Krishna. No one will deny or has denied that KRISHNA is not

SUPREME. In a spiritual dream, Swami Vivekananda named me Krishnananda, as I

asked him to give me a name in the dream. This is a truth I reveal here openly,

as I was initiated by a Yogi of the Ramakrishna Order of saints, and my Guru

Maharaj is 90 years old, performing free homeopathy service to the needy, even

at this age and is living in Bangalore, and has blessed me a lot. He does not

have a collection of followers around him as he is too aged and the Lord has

spared him from this bother of having disciples running around him.Until my Guru

Maharaj confers the title of Swami Krishnananda to me, I shall remain using my

signed name as it is below. He always laughs and remains cheerful at this ripe

old age of 90. Such are the Paramhamsas, and I am indeed glad to have met him.

He has approved of my desire to spread Krishna Consciousness, so

whenever I praise Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna, I also praise my Guru

Maharaj, because the understanding he gave me does not discredit anyone, any

parampara, or any Guru. We must always repect others, even if they are wrong.

Soon people will correct themselves, we must be patient.


Here below is my own composed sloka in the praise of Lord Krishna.


Chidakashat Patatam Amritam, Shri Krishnacharanam Pratigachhati!

Sarva Jeevasya Hridaye ca Pravishanti Idam Amritam!


Nectar of Immortality (Amritam) drips from the Sky of sonsciousness(chidakasa)

and washes the Lotus feet of Lord Krishna. This very nectar of immortality

(Amritam)then flows into the hearts of each and every being!


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.JAI SRI KRISHNA!!

Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam!


Sanjeev Punj

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