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Vedic Faith .

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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranam to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas ! The following is an e-mail exchange on vedic faith …….. -------- Hare Krishna ! Dear Prabhuji , In reply to your queries . I wish to clarify as follows

: Necessity of Varnasrama Dharma . The Vedas are the root of Dharma . They are self-authorized and unchangeable . The Vedic scriptures have entrusted “twice-born” Brahmins, with the traditional duty to learn and teach the Vedas ; and to perform it’s rituals . All other communities should provide the moral and financial support to enable the Brahmins to uphold Vedic faith without worrying about worldly needs . “Varnasrama Dharma” is the corner stone of vedic faith ; and those who alter the Vedic injunctions are Atheists . Why I Adore Paramacharya In this age , many Hinduism- teachers are saying what people want to hear . Such men distort the vedic injunctions .

They have entrusted “non-brahmanas to handle the Vedas. Consequently , many qualified Brahmins took up other avenues and vedic faith deteriorated . Paramacharya Chandrasekhara Saraswathi ( former Seer of Kanchi Matha) was 100% honest . He preached the

Vedic faith “as it is” and gave precise reasoning to convince every one . His way of presentation is beautiful ; and without hurting anyone , he proves the point .

On the other hand , many of his contemporaries are rude and therefore unacceptable outside their path . Paramacharya is my favourite teacher in general Hinduism and Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri is the chosen one in Krishna-bhakti . Paramacharya established institutions to provide systematic ‘Vedic education’ to eligible Brahmins and to encourage them to take up their prescribed duty ( priestly functions and spiritual training) . He also through his spiritual teachings have succeeded in creating a widespread ‘Vedic awareness’ among other communities, as well . Paramacharya’s

discourses satisfied me fully . Later , I started using them to answer critics and also to create vedic-awareness among Hindus . Even those hardcore anti-caste people couldn’t dispute Paramacharya’s logic . I have successfully posted many of His discourses continuously to thousands of readers (including, Hindu reformers and Atheists) , clearing the doubts of many . In the beginning, the very word “Varnasrama-dharma” was allergic to many . Later, they also started accepting this fundamental concept of Gita . My Experiences in “Varnasrama Dharma” My family had close association with a leading “Hindu-reformist “ movement in Kerala . This include the founding vice president and another top leader . My maternal grand father’s “annaprasa” (first feeding) was done by head of the movement . And my grandpa became such a loyalist that he cared the movement more than own family . Donated much of his property to it and when he died , was buried without any vedic rituals (as per his wish to follow the reformist rules ) . My father and his brothers too were it’s leaders ; and they founded a few branches . I too was associated with it during my younger days . The reformist sentiments were so strong that , we were practically like war-lords ever prepared to fight the opponents . I believe that , Hindu-reform movement’s founder was a self realized soul . Personally, he didn’t need religion or rituals . However , his followers needed that . Unfortunately , the movement’s path didn't suit the spiritual needs of common men . The pseudo-leaders practically converted the community into a bunch of Atheists and Communists . This is the fundamental reason for Kerala’s massive deterioration from God’s own country to Veda-hater’s own country . At present the main Devaswam Board is controlled by the Hindu-reformers . Recently , they appointed many laymen non-brahmanas as Pujaris . The Pujari-candidates were interviewed by the ignorant board-members . The duration of each interview was (3) minutes . I wept after reading this news thinking about the imminent de-consecration of many vedic temples .

My Transition As I told , we were Hindu reformers . But , my father and his brothers changed with

experiences and gradually became loyal Krishna-bhaktas. And they concentrated on our traditional vocation ( Agriculture) which is performed very religiously ( seeking Bhagavan Krishna’s blessings for all main events and offering part of the earnings for Bhagavan’s purposes) . However, I grew up as an arrogant , jealous and aggressive individual who viewed the family’s tradition with contempt . I was greedy for money . Some how, I managed to acquire it ; but , I distanced myself from the family business and involved with “modern” sectors . However, I never became secured or contented with myself ; and always landed from one crisis in to another . Gradually, I realized that traditional roots are important ; and that ‘dharmic’ values hold the key to happiness. Consequently , I changed my track . I started using my resources in the traditional way . Promoted vedic ventures and also created Bhakti-awareness among close circles . I started participating in the family business , helping the needy ones and motivating them to continue with traditional avenues . This transition gave me peace of mind . Even at my work place, I could convince the dejected Toilet cleaner that his job is a SEVA to Bhagavan , since it helps the well being of others ; I could motivate the labourers by sharing their joys and sorrows and respecting their contribution . Also , I am no longer jealous of my colleagues who have overtaken

me ; and I am able to pacify the grievers. In my private ventures too, importance is given to the welfare of needy people while meeting the objectives . Myself and family started treating them as equals . Thanks to Bhagavan’s blessing , we could influence others too . Many aggressors in our family started changing their ways . The other day , in the funeral of an elderly relative ( a top Reformist) , his elder daughter ( a reputed Doctor abroad) forced others to perform Vedic-rituals instead of the atheistic Reformist nonsense . Many in our family have become Krishna-bhaktas and “believers” of “varnasrama dharma” . The non-Brahmin priests of all our family temples were replaced by qualified Brahmins . Financial and moral support are being provided to

the struggling vedc Brahmanas in our area . ( This is the exact location of Krishna’s “Khandava-dahanam” . Associated with Bhagavan’s divine presence, there are many traditional Brahmin tribes ”, who are faithfully following the vedic path, disregarding the difficulties . Their new generation is happy with the deep

respect and support we are rendering to their profession ) . If you feel that, our efforts can’t make much difference , let me tell you one thing . The current chief of the “Hindu-Reformist” movement knows very well about the influence of our group ; and he has tried to befriend us . The other day , he felicitated my father for his services in yesteryears . My plan is to pass my city-wealth to my sons ( who are already solid Krishna-bhaktas) . And thereafter , I will return to the paddy-fields of my father to continue our traditional vocation ( agriculture) notwithstanding the profit or loss involved .

Like my father, I will enthusiastically work on the field and help the associated people to the best of my ability . I have already started helping my father whenever I find time ; and am preparing myself for the future . a

note While I was writing this , my wife after praying to Sri Krishna in Evoor temple , was consulting a reputed “Jyothishi” to know about Bhagavan’s opinion on (3) proposed land options and certain lingering issues in my profession . After checking my horoscope what he told first was “Bhagavan is with him” . Then , he revealed Krishna’s opinions : a) The Option#1 land is an inauspicious one and to be avoided (as it was a ‘burial ground’ ) ; b) the other two are listed according to merit (He gave reasons ) ; c) Bhagavan has already resolved my professional problems . (It is true though I didn’t tell my wife ) . The fact I wish to highlight is that , I have not lost anything by taking a vedic attitude and following “Varnasrama dharma” ; and in fact I have had notable progress after taking that decision . Conclusion Your questions are so direct that , I could answer only by giving personal facts. Please don’t feel that , I am boasting . I am not at all a perfect individual . I can only try for a gradual transition ; and it is happening . Please forgive me for any mistakes . .Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!! SriKrishnaDasaRajeev. --- mr.************* wrote My dear SriKrishnaDasa, You hv quoted nicely the preachings of Paramacharya.I think you are much dedicated to the late Paramacharya,Chaitanya,Bhattathiri and such persons. But I always see you quote from Paramacharya.What made you to quote from him?It is ok varnasrama dharma has been propogated even by Lord Krishna and the Kanchi Seer just copied the same in his own inimitable style. But the times hv changed.In a way he was the Madathipathy of Kanchi who mainly concentrated on the uplift of brahmins although he was accepted by all the Hindus of the south especially.He was a great scholar knowing several languages and a versatile genius in Vedas and other such things.All those things are agreed.Still why you always harp on "varnashrama dharma" and will the same carry any weight in any state in India?I wonder.Those days are gone and now though I agree the so called secularists are

trying to break Hinduism on the basis of vote banks and the trend can't be changed in the near future so long as there is crave for power and pelf.Do you think so?How many people are following such concepts?Esp.in Tamilnadu brahmins are the third rate citizens because of the outward atheist Kazhahams that rule.In Kerala too the same is the trend.So in what way do you think varnasrama dharma can be propogated and with what amount of success?. Forgetting the sayings of Sri Krishna,acharya and others what is your opinion abt varnasrama dharma and what do you mean by it?I still am not able to understand when you say this again and again.So will you

clarify?As I am not interested in making this as a posting that may create controversies I am sending this as a personal mail.Will you clear my doubt?All said and done you are doing a great service in propogating Hinduism and that must certainly be applauded. May Sri Krishna Bless you always. Hare Krishna, *************************

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