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Bhagavan Krishna Helped my Friend ....( Krishna - Lila ) !!!

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Hare Krishna. Dandavat Pranam to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas,

This event occurred (3) years back .

I was in the sit out reading a book . Hearing a coughing sound , I looked up . A tired looking stranger was standing near the hand rail . At first I thought it was a beggar . But the face appeared familiar . Seeing my confusion , he said with a smile :

" I am Ramanan (not the real name) , your classmate in Primary school " .

I stood up , held his hand and seated him on a chair . While we were catching up on old times , by wife brought tea . I introduced him to her . She wished and he nodded uncomfortably .

When my wife went inside , he started telling abut himself :

" After leaving school , I discontinued my studies . Later, I went to Mumbai and started working as a hotel cook . Then I married and I have two daughters . My family was with me in Mumbai . Three years back , a major chopper-cut to my right palm made me lose the job and return home . I couldn't find a proper job here . I am surviving as a laborer and with the help or relatives . My elder daughter is in 9th standard . She is very good in her studies . But ….."

His words broke . After a while , he continued ….

" She is a chronic Asthma patient . Her medicine alone costs Rs.100/ every week . She needs tablet today , but I don't have money . Could you give me a loan of Rs.100/ . I will return it soon . "

I gave him some money telling not to return it . He thanked me . Afterwards, he thought for a while and asked hesitatingly :

" Could you help me to find a job ? . I am ready to do any work " .

I looked at him and prayed for Krishna's mercy . Suddenly , I remembered one thing .

When we were in elementary school , he was a great Krishna-bhakta . Everyday , he used to walk (3) miles to have the 4.00 AM "Nirmalya-darshan" at Evoor Sri Krishnaswamy temple after bathing in the temple tank . I used to admire him very much for this great adventure .

I enquired :

" Are you still a Krishna-bhakta ? . Do you go to Evoor temple often , as before ?"

His head dropped . Words appeared to elude him . He murmured :

" Those days are over . Too many problems made my life hellish …. I haven't been to there for long …."

I was disappointed to hear this and didn't know what to say . At last, I said firmly :

" Look Ramanan ! . As a friend, I want to help you but success is not in my hands . Bhagavan's grace is the decisive factor . Your problems are due to "karma-dosha" ( sinful reactions of past ) ; and only Krishna can remove it . You were His devotee before and you need to take refuge in Him again . You and family should go to Evoor temple , beg Bhagavan Krishna's pardon for all your lapses and seek His help to begin a fresh life " .

Assuring me to do so , Ramanan went away .

Next morning, he came back . He was in clean clothes , and had a sandal mark on the forehead . He said :

" I am coming from Evoor temple . My family too was with me and they returned home direct " .

Having been encouraged by this development , I got the confidence to do something . Fixing my mind on Sri Krishna , I dialed my muslim friend who is an executive in a Mumbai hotel . After I have narrated the story and requested for his help , he asked me to call by next morning .

Before Ramanan's departure , I collected the telephone number of his neighbor and promised to be in touch .

Next day, I called my Mumbai friend and he promised to contact Ramanan for a telephonic interview .

Ramanan came back that evening, with the happy news that he has been selected . He said , he would depart to Mumbai within three days .

He joined for duty within a week . After (3) months , that Muslim friend obtained for Ramanan a good overseas job free of cost . Since then, he is in the Middle East .

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!! SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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Radhe Krishna!

I couldnt help my hairs standing on end when I read your true

story. Lord Krishna doesnt believe in any religion. Once faith is

placed on Him, He will go to any extent to help the devotee. He

prompted you, sitting in your Hrdaya-pundareekam, to call up your

"muslim" friend. And the Muslim friend helped him without any

reservations. See that! Why are we bitching about religion and

caste and other nonsense! There is goodness and badness

everywhere. Appreciate and love goodness and good people, and

discard badness and bad people. That is why Bhagavatam stresses on







srikrishnadasa_rajeev wrote:



Hare Krishna. Dandavat

Pranam to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas,

This event occurred (3)

years back .

I was in the sit out

reading a book . Hearing a coughing sound , I looked up . A

tired looking stranger was standing near the hand rail . At

first I thought it was a beggar . But the face appeared familiar

.. Seeing my confusion , he said with a smile :

" I am Ramanan (not the

real name) , your classmate in Primary school " .

I stood up , held his

hand and seated him on a chair . While we were

catching up on old times , by wife brought tea . I

introduced him to her . She wished and he nodded uncomfortably .

When my wife went inside

, he started telling abut himself :

" After leaving school

, I discontinued my studies .

Later, I went to Mumbai and started working as a

hotel cook . Then I married and I have

two daughters . My family was with me in Mumbai . Three years

back , a major chopper-cut to my right palm made me lose the

job and return home . I couldn't find a proper

job here . I am surviving as a laborer and

with the help or relatives . My elder daughter is in 9th

standard . She is very good in her studies . But


His words broke . After

a while , he continued ….

" She is a chronic Asthma

patient . Her medicine alone costs Rs.100/ every week . She

needs tablet today , but I don't have money . Could you give me

a loan of Rs.100/ . I will return it soon . "

I gave him some money

telling not to return it . He thanked me .

Afterwards, he thought for a while and asked

hesitatingly :

" Could you help me to find

a job ? . I am ready to do any work " .

I looked at him and

prayed for Krishna's mercy .

Suddenly , I remembered one thing .

When we were in

elementary school , he was a great Krishna-bhakta . Everyday ,

he used to walk (3) miles to have the 4.00 AM "Nirmalya-darshan" at

Evoor Sri Krishnaswamy temple after bathing in

the temple tank . I used to admire him very much for this great

adventure .

I enquired :

" Are you still a

Krishna-bhakta ? . Do you go to Evoor temple

often , as before ?"

His head dropped . Words

appeared to elude him . He murmured :

" Those days are over .

Too many problems made my life hellish …. I haven't been

to there for long …."

I was disappointed to

hear this and didn't know what to say . At last, I said

firmly :

" Look Ramanan !

.. As a friend, I want to help you but success is

not in my hands . Bhagavan's grace is the decisive factor .

Your problems are due to "karma-dosha" ( sinful

reactions of past ) ; and only Krishna can remove it . You

were His devotee before and you need to take refuge in Him again . You

and family should go to Evoor temple , beg Bhagavan Krishna's pardon

for all your lapses and seek His help to begin a fresh life " .

Assuring me to

do so , Ramanan went away .

Next morning, he came back

.. He was in clean clothes , and had a sandal

mark on the forehead . He said :

" I am coming from Evoor

temple . My family too was with me and they returned home

direct " .

Having been encouraged by

this development , I got the confidence to do something . Fixing

my mind on Sri Krishna , I dialed my muslim friend who is an

executive in a Mumbai hotel . After I have

narrated the story and requested for his help , he asked me to call by

next morning .

Before Ramanan's departure

, I collected the telephone number of his neighbor and promised to be

in touch .

Next day, I called my

Mumbai friend and he promised to contact Ramanan for a

telephonic interview .

Ramanan came back

that evening, with the happy news that he has been

selected . He said , he would depart to Mumbai

within three days .

He joined for duty within

a week . After (3) months , that Muslim friend obtained for

Ramanan a good overseas job free of cost . Since

then, he is in the Middle East .


Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!




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Om Namoh Narayanaya. My Pranaams to all Devotees. Baba Ji, Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. What you demonstrated is: 1. Compassion 2. How just one act can save people's lives literally. 3.You were the instrument to save someone's lives and bring him back to Bhagwaan. Many times I have encountered devotees who were just immersed with their own devotional pursuits and had no time for sewa. It is amazing that these people do not realise that Bhagwaan sometimes expose how (in)sincere you are. Like the man who made lavish preparations for Bhagwaan and when He came in the guise of various creatures was chased away. Baba Ji have demonstrated what qualities true leaders must have--Compassion and Humility. Without these two qualities a Devotee will

just be another Ravana. Ravana was a great devotee of Lord Shiva but he lacked Compassion and Humility. One man who claims to be a leader/studies Srimad Bhagwad Gita once told me that one must never do anything without getting something back. This of course really shocked me.This is totally against what The Lord says---that we must do our duties but leave the "fruits"/reward to Him. My Pita Ji used to constantly preach that what use is there of making offerings to one that we cannot see/one that has everything and right in front of our eyes we are ignoring those that need.Does Bhagwaan ask for elaborate feasts, expensive clothes and ornaments? I attended an elaborate ceremony at this temple where it was announced that the flowers that decorated the Lord were flown in from Holland and that the cost of all the flowers($1000US) was donated by a devotee. And at the end of that same ceremony when they were serving the

food/prasadam--there was not enough food for the poor homeless person who asked for more. Just imagine if Bhagwaan had decided to attend that function that day and was that beggar who had asked for food? The day when we hear about hospitals/dharmshalas/orphanages/schools all opened and dedicated to The Lord then we will show that we really care about Him. If we take care of those of His Children that are less fortunate--we are easing His Burden--making His Work easier............as Baba Ji did when he gave his friend money that day to buy medication to save his sick child. As Baba Ji did when he was able to get him a job. Just imagine--that was one less job for Bhagwaan. Are we going to try and ease the burden of Bhagwaan or will we continue to add to the Bhoj that Dharti Ma has to carry? Tad Visnoh Paramam Padam. Om Tat Sat Sri

Krsnapranamastu. In His Service, Nandrani "Non-cooperation with evil is a sacred duty." M.K. Gandhi Ji HARI BOL Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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Om Namoh Narayanaya. My humble pranaams to all devotees. K.V.Gopalakrishna Ji, You are absolutely correct---Goodness/Compassion is not restricted to any particular race/color/caste/religion etc. It is universal. It is Goodness/Compassion/Humility that differentiate a demon from a saint. It does not mean however that one with demoniac qualities cannot become a Saint/good person. We have seen a Hunter transformed into a Great Saint--Maharishi Valmiki Ji. He chanted the name of God--Rama in reverse yet he was transformed because he did it with faith and devotion. Sri Bhagwaan Uwaach: Even if a man of the most sinful conduct worships Me with undeviating devotion, he must be reckoned as righteous, for he has rightly resolved. Soon does he become a man of righteousness and obtains lasting peace. O Kaunteya,know for certain that My devotee never perishes. 9.30-31 What I do not agree with is when you say that "Appreciate and love goodness and good people, and discard badness and bad people." A person may be doing sinful activities out of ignorance--meaning it is what he/she was conditioned to from childhood. Eg---a man abusing his wife/children must have grown up in an abusive home --he ends up doing the same. Or he probably has a psychological problem--like anger management etc. What we must do is to make sure that people who does sinful acts realise that what they are doing is sinful and let them take responsibility for their actions and do prachitta even if it is only to save their souls from future bad

karmas. The Saints that the hunter was going to rob gave Valmiki Ji a chance to "lift" himself up--save his soul. Valmiki Ji took the chance and look at the legacy that he has left today--his name will be known forever. My sincere belief is that we cannot discard anyone as being bad--we must pursue them/bug them/bother them, torment them even if this is what it takes to make them see their evil ways.They may hate you but you will at least know that you did your duty and gave them a chance to save themselves. Baba Ji could have discarded his friend when he found out that his friend had forgotten his bhakti practises but Baba Ji didn't--he gave his friend a chance. His friend took that one chance and went back to Bhagwaan immediately and see how immediately he was rewarded !! My prayer is that anyone who knows someone who is committing any sinful act--anything that is

harmful to Bhagwaan's devotees/His innocent creatures/Nature. Please make them aware that what they are doing is not only harming their victims--they are harming themselves most of all. Let them understand that they must take responsibility for their actions, seek the forgiveness of their victims and do the necessary prachitta. May Bhagwaan continue to bless Baba Ji, Sri K.V.Gopalakrishna Ji and other pure devotees like them so that they can continue to inspire/guide the rest of us. Whatever a great man does is followed by others; people go by the example he sets up. 3.21 TAD VISNOH PARAMAM PADAM. Om Tat Sat Sri Krsnapranamastu. In His Service, Nandrani "Non-cooperation with evil is a

sacred duty." M.K. Gandhi Ji HARI BOL Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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