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Sri Krishna's Entry into Mathura .

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(Sri Krishna's entry into Mathura to fulfil the purpose of His incarnation is described here.)

Lord Krishna's momentous entry into the city of Mathura, taking the inhabitants by surprise and filling their hearts with immense joy, is described in great detail in Srimad Bhagavatam Skandha X from Chapter 41 sloka 19 to Chapter 42 sloka 23. The description of the gorgeous city of Mathura is picturesque and the behaviour of the womenfolk, in their eagerness to have a glimpse of the Lord, is reminiscent of the Gopikas of Vrindavanam when they assembled on hearing the melody of the flute.

Sri Krishna reached the city of Mathura shortly after noon. When Akrura had stopped his chariot on the banks of the Yamuna for bath and oblations, Nanda and other Gopas proceeded directly to Mathura. They reached there in advance and were awaiting Sri Krishna's arrival in the garden on the outskirts of Mathura. Sri Krishna did follow them in due time. Then Akrura exhorted Sri Krishna very humbly, `O Lord! You. together with Your Gopa friends should shower grace on me and stay in my home. By contact with the dust on Your feet we all should be made pure.' Hearing this, Sri Krishna did promise him `After the killing of Kamsa, I shall come to your (my paternal uncle's) home together with my brother and fulfil all your wishes.' and thus pacify him. Then He did send Akrura off to Kamsa. Thereafter Sri Krishna remained in the above-said garden and had lunch with His friends, and relatives. Then, eager to see the town, Sri Krishna set out for the main road, along with His friends. We should visualise that, at that time, it was as though Sri Krishna were forcefully dragged by chains made up of the endless meritorious deeds of the people of Mathura who, after hearing since long about Sri Krishna's divine prowess and exploits, were very eager to see Him in person.

When Sri Krishna reached the main street of Mathura, eager to see the beauty of the town, its lovely women began to gather, driven by their thirst to have His darsanam. Those townswomen were beauteous with their shapely breasts like Sri Krishna's divine auspicious form. Sri Krishna's body shone blue in colour like the rain-cloud. The breasts of those women quivered with excitement as they set their eyes on Sri Krishna. Then again, those young womens' slender bodies were tremulous like Krishna's eyes. They were "Harinis", of mind-captivating and beauteous forms—like Sri Krishna's chest was "Harini"—attractively decorated with garlands. The purity of those women was reflected in their minds and bodies just like the innocence and sweetness of Sri Krishna's gentle smile. Their beauty multiplied manifold due to wearing ornaments like necklaces, bracelets, armlets and the like even as the splendour of Sri Krishna's dark tresses was enhanced by the peacock feathers worn on them. Thus they resembled Sri Krishna in many ways. When one saw those women gathered on the main street, very enthusiastic at having Sri Krishna's darsanam, one would imagine them to be "Jivatmans" (souls) of similar forms, eager to attain `Salokya-mukti, the form of emancipation, endowed with residence along with Sri Krishna in Sri Krishna's own region, the Vaikunta-loka.

By His all-captivating side-long glances, Sri Krishna did enhance manifold, the joy of those Mathura women, the result of fulfilment of their long-cherished desire to have His darsanam. He was duly worshipped with Akshata (unbroken white rice mixed with turmeric, used as an article of worship), Mala (garland) and such other means by the populace who had been overwhelmed by the excitement caused by the news about Sri Krishna's arrival and by the joy in getting His divine darsanam with ease.

While Sri Krishna was proceeding along the high street with His friends, making all persons in the town joyous, Sri Krishna saw a washerman coming along with a bundle of washed clothes. Sri Krishna asked him, `will you give us some appropriate clothes? You will thereby attain prosperity.' To which the arrogant washerman replied `Fie! vile ones! Do you cowherd boys who live and roam in forests and mountains, eating fruits and vegetables, always wear such royal dresses only? Are you greedy for royal things? This bundle contains King Kamsa's dresses. Who will give them to you? Run away before the king's men, who punish arrogant people, come here.' Hearing these words of insult, Sri Krishna, the destroyer of those blinded by arrogance, severed his head instantly by His hands. Thus by death at Sri Krishna's hands did even that ignorant and arrogant washerman attain liberation which is attainable only by those possessed of innumerable meritorious deeds. The concern shown towards everyone by the flood of the Lord's grace is wondrous indeed.

Some knowledgeable people opine that Sri Krishna killed this insignificant washerman soon after His entry into Mathura considering that He could avoid punishing the wicked harshly if they become humble. Those who think that the Lord's killing of the washerman going his way on the road, who refused to give the royal clothes he was asked for, and the Lord's taking away the clothes was improper, should understand that this episode was but a prelude to the forthcoming drama of the killing of Kamsa, and a device to create extreme fear in Kamsa's mind by demonstrating His prowess against his minions, one by one, by Him who had already come to know of the deceit of Kamsa, the foremost among the wicked.

After killing the washerman, Sri Krishna was proceeding further along the main street. Then, a weaver, happy at seeing Sri Krishna, approached Him and benevolently gave Him new garments to wear. Sri Krishna did confer on him (who had become fully worthy of Sri Krishna's pleasure) the grace of attainment of `Sarupya-mukti' at His abode, Vaikunta-loka, at the end of his tenure in this world. It is, indeed, a great wonder, how he, a mere weaver, gained that exalted position, not easily attainable by even yogis. Who knows or can know, in what manner, how much and when, a Jiva's meritorious deeds will fructify? That can be inferred or known only when the fruits are reaped. Therefore, there is no doubt that this weaver had accumulated, in previous births, a prodigious amount of merit. Otherwise how could he gain that fortune! Thereafter, Sri Krishna, with friends, went to a garland maker's shop. He, Sudama by name, became very happy at Sri Krishna's arrival and with His darsanam. He duly honoured Sri Krishna by rising from his seat, offering garland, tambulam [1] , smearing Sri Krishna's body with unguents (sandal paste, scent, etc.,) and bouquets made of fragrant flowers. He also praised Sri Krishna with hymns dear to the heart. Delighted with the welcome, Sri Krishna commanded him to ask for his desired boons. But he disdained mundane pleasures and prayed for grant of steady devotion in Sri Krishna, affection towards His devotees and compassion to all beings. In addition to these, Sri Krishna did grant him also the fortune of having children and grand children, abundance of wealth and food grains, strength of body, long life, fame and other things that are the means of Dharma (virtue). Thus did Sri Krishna exhibit, in full measure, His love for Bhaktas (devotees) and keenness in blessing them.

After bestowing blessings on the weaver and garland-maker, Sri Krishna was proceeding along the main street when Sri Krishna came across a woman who was beautiful in every way but for a hunch on her back and was on her way to Kamsa's palace bearing sandal paste and other unguents. After enquiring about her welfare, Sri Krishna asked her, `will you give us some unguents for application on our bodies? If you do so, you will attain great prosperity'. With great delight, she gave what was asked for. As Sri Krishna thought that her body too should reflect the uprightness of her mind, He did, without causing her any pain and in a sportive manner, press her jaw with two fingers of His right hand, grasp her posterior with the left hand, pressing down her feet with His toes and straigten up her body a little. Instantly she became erect and blossomed into a celebrated beauty. Also, as though in return for her deed, Sri Krishna did confer on her a great `Anga-ragam' and gave her intense love. She felt a great desire to embrace Sri Krishna's tender body.

Those among the townsfolk of Mathura who had seen, or heard of, the episode of the hunch-backed woman, and had not committed any grievous, sinful deeds, (though they had not done any great virtuous deed either, due to their being under the control and command of Kamsa), comprehended, in some measure, Sri Krishna's greatness. Though not due to awareness of the ultimate Truth but due to cognition of Sri Krishna as an extraordinary being with divine powers, they were eager to receive some good or advantage for themselves by offering some gifts to Sri Krishna like tambulam and garland, according to their capacity. For that act alone, they became worthy of receiving Sri Krishna's blessings. They were indeed fortunate -–no doubt about that."

Bhattatiri says, in "Narayaneeyam"----" I was not among the crowd, holding some offering or other, or standing with palms joined in salutation. If I had that good fortune, then, would I need to suffer this unbearable affliction in this birth? After several births, I have come to lead this miserable life, now afflicted by internal and external ailments because of my accumulated karma! (True of each one of us.) What, if those townsfolk of Mathura had committed sins? They were not surely such gross sinners like me. It was on this account that unlike me, they were fortunate to have got the opportunity to make offerings to Sri Krishna though with limited expectations of reward".

The hunchback woman, who became a celebrated beauty, was stricken with love for the Lord and beseeched Him thus: `O Heroic One! You should come home with me, I did not have the courage to go away from You. You should bless me.' Sri Krishna pacified her by saying, `O Beautiful one! I have some things to do here. Afterwards I shall certainly come and look you up' and sent her away. That woman, however, kept on looking in His direction as Sri Krishna proceeded along the main street, as far as her eyes could see. By the time He reached the entrance gate, Sri Krishna's fame had already reached the interior of the town preceding Him. This showed itself in the guise of the milk that verily started oozing from Devaki's breasts, stimulated by profound motherly love --- she had concluded that Sri Krishna had reached Mathura, from the welcoming invocations of the enthusiastic populace, eager to have His darsanam.

That dear devoted mother was distressed all this while since she was unable to set her eyes even once on the face of her darling son since he was separated from her as soon as he was born. The resurgence of affection in the maternal heart on the mere remembrance of her child, however old he may be----is it not a joy-giving thought? Milk is white in colour and that is the colour attributed by poets to fame also.

As Sri Krishna, who had entered the main gate, passed through the streets, joyously decorated for the festivities connected with the worship of the bow and headed for the hall where the bow was kept. Whether it was due to Sri Krishna's charm of which one cannot have enough or due to His unapproachable majestic lustre, the keepers of the bow did not obstruct His way. On the contrary, they gave passage to Him from afar. Thereafter Sri Krishna approached that great bow that had been decorated with garlands and worshipped by chanting of mantras. Before the keepers could utter `don't', `don't', Sri Krishna did lift it up, string it, draw the bow and break it too, all in a trice! Ah! Seeing this extraordinary exploit of Sri Krishna, all were wonder-struck and became anxious about what events might follow.

The sound produced by the breaking of the bow spread everywhere as though it was the drum-beat heralding the auspicious festivity of the killing of Kamsa (that would impart joy to all the worlds) that was due the next day. The Devas in heaven experienced horripilation due to joy at the imminence of the auspicious hour when Sri Krishna would destroy Kamsa, eradicate the load of misery of the residents of the world and rid Mother Earth of her burden.

Not merely that, due to that sound like a cloud-burst, Kamsa got scared. His tremor, born out of fear, got accentuated on hearing the loud wails of the bow-keepers (who had approached Sri Krishna under the delusion they could seize and kill Sri Krishna) who were mercilessly thrashed by Sri Krishna and Balarama with the two pieces of the broken bow.

Even while entering the city of Mathura and subsequently after the events of breaking the great bow and beating up the guards, Sri Krishna did demonstrate to the people of that city, His greatness, by being kind to the virtuous and punishing the wicked. Sri Krishna, with His greatness witnessed with delight by the virtuous and with fear by the wicked, without even a trace of the look of one who had performed such exploits (like the breaking of the bow), was going along looking at the beauty of the town.

Towards dusk, Sri Krishna reached the gardens in the outskirts of the town, along with brother Balarama and the Gopa friends. After meal, Sri Krishna told His dear friend, Sridama, about the pain of separation from His beloved, Radha, and fell asleep. Sri Krishna felt happy at the imminent fulfilment of the purpose of His incarnation, namely, lessening the burden of Goddess Earth, by the destruction of Kamsa.

O All-powerful Lord of Guruvayoor! May You be pleased to remove our woes and bless us, Your ardent devotees!

Om Tatsat.




[1] Tambulam: a formal offering of betel leaves and arecanut (pan-supari) usually made along with Naivedyam to the deity at the end of a puja or formal worship, or a social offering to guests.

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