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An Eye-Witness Report of Bhagavan Sri Krishna ...( given in Narayaneeyam )

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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas ,

On the 100th day of `Narayaneeyam' compilation , Poet Brahmasri Bhattathiri received the "Vision" of Sri Krishna . The last chapter of `Narayaneeyam' given below contains an `eye-witness report' of this "vision" .

On this Ekadasi day , please start reciting this on regular basis . It will solve all your physical and mental miseries ; and provide you happiness and auspiciousness .

The Divine Vision of Bhagavan Sri Krishna

agre pashyAmi tejo nibiDatarakalAyAvalIlobhanIyaM

pIyUShAplAvito.ahaM tadanu tadudare divyakaishoraveSham

tAruNyArambharamyaM paramasukharasAsvAdaromA~nchitA~Ngai -

rAvItaM nAradAdyaivilasadupaniShatsundarImaNDalaishcha

( I see in front of me an effulgence which is captivating like a densely packed bunch of `Kalaya' flowers . I am drenched in an ocean of nectar at this sight . Then , at the very core of that brilliance, I see the form of a divine boy . His form is particularly charming because His youth is just blossoming . He is surrounded by Sages like Narada and others . These Sages are experiencing supreme bliss . And because of that experience their hairs are standing on end on their limbs . He is also surrounded by groups of beautiful damsels who are embodiments of Upanishads . )

nIlAbhaM ku~nchitAgraM ghanamamalataraM saMyataM chArubha~NgyA

ratnottaMsAbhirAmaM valayitamudayachchandrakaiH pi~nChajAlaiH

mandArasra~N{}nivItaM tava pR^ithukabarIbhAramAlokaye.ahaM

snigdhashchetordhvapuNDrAmapi cha sulalitAM phAlabAlenduvIthIm

( I see Your luxuriant locks of hair , dark and shining ; and it's ends are curled . The thick and perfectly clean hair has been gathered into an attractive bunch which is beautifully decorated with the best of gem-studded jewels and adorned by peacock feathers . A string of `mandaara' flowers is tied around the tuft . I also notice the forehead which resembles the waxing crescent-moon . On the forehead is a graceful white line of sandal paste which is drawn upwards . )

hR^idyaM pUrNAnukampArNavamR^idulaharIcha~nchalabhrUvilAsai -

rAnIlasnigdhapakShmAvaliparilasitaM netrayugmaM vibho te |

sAndrachChAyaM vishAlAruNakamaladalAkAramAmugdhatAraM

kAruNyAlokalIlAshishiritabhuvanaM kShipyatAM mayyanAthe

( O! all pervading Lord ! Your pair of eyes are like an ocean of infinite compassion . The sportive movements of the eyebrows resemble the gentle waves on that ocean. The beauty of the eyes is enhanced by the soft blue rows of eye-lashes which are glistening with a bluish tinge . The lustrous eyes are shaped like large pink lotus petals , with Pupils captivating the mind . All the worlds are cooled by Your glances [meaning the people who are tormented by the heat of `samsara' get solace . )

uttu~NgollAsinAsaM harimaNimukuraprollasadgaNDapAlI -

vyAlolatkarNapAshA~nchitamakaramaNIkuNDaladvandvadIpram .

unmIladdantapa~NktisphuradaruNatarachChAyabimbAdharAntaH -

prItiprasyandimandasmitashishirataraM vaktramudbhAsatAM me .

( May Your face , with the prominent and attractive nose, lit up on account of the dangling pair of gem-studded ear-rings, shaped like Makara- fish , that adorn Your beautifully shaped ears and are reflected on the cheeks which shine like mirrors made of sapphire and extremely charming because of the joyous gentle smile flowing with love from the cherry-red lips which reveal two rows of shining teeth behind , shine brightly in my mind. )

bAhudvandvena ratnojvalavalayabhR^itA shoNapANipravALe -

nopAttAM veNunALIM prasR^itanakhamayUkhA~NgulIsa~NgashArAm .

kR^itvA vaktrAravindre sumadhuravikasadrAgamudbhAvyamAnaiH

shabdabrahmAmR^itaistvaM shishiritabhuvanaissi~ncha me karNavIthIm .

(Your two hands are adorned with bracelets shining with gems . The flute is held in your palm which is red like coral . The finger nails spread multicoloured rays . So the flute which is in contact with your fingers also looks multicoloured . Placing the flute on your lotus-like mouth, You produce Shabda-Brahman (Brahman in the from of music) which brings solace to tormented souls . O Lord, please drench my ears with that nectar. )

utsarpatkaustubhashrItatibhiraruNitaM komaLaM kaNThadeshaM

vakShaH shrIvatsaramyaM taraLatarasamuddIprahArapratAnam .

nAnAvarNaprasUnAvalikisalayinIM vanyamAlAM vilola -

llolambAM lambamAnAmurasi tava tathA bhAvaye ratnamAlAm .

( I meditate on Your shapely and delicate neck which is reddened by the rays of lustre radiating upwards from the `Kausthubha' jewel ; On your chest made attractive by the `Srivatsa mark' , there are a number of sparkling pearl and gem necklaces ; And a garland of forest flowers (made of tender sprouts and rows of flowers of various colors , round which bees are hovering) , is dangling on your chest . )

a~Nge pa~nchA~NgarAgairatishayavikasatsaurabhAkR^iShTalokaM

lInAnekatrilokIvitatimapi kR^ishAM bibhrataM madhyavallIm .

shakrAshmanyastataptojvalakanakanibhaM pItachelaM dadhAnaM

dhyAyAmo dIptarashmisphuTamaNirashanAki~NgiNImaNDitaM tvAm .

( We meditate on You, whose fragrance on account of the five-fold fragrant unguents ( kumkuma, agaru, kastuuri, rocanaa, and haricandana) attracts the whole world . All the three worlds are merged inside you . Their weight is supported by your waist . And yet your creeper-like waist is so slender ! The yellow garment you are wearing looks like shining molten gold poured upon a rock of sapphire . [The Lord's body is blue in color like sapphire, and the shining yellow garment is like molten gold poured over it ] . You are wearing a girdle set which shines by the brilliant rays from the gems with which it is studded. It is also adorned by tiny tinkling bells which shine lustrously ) .

UrU chArU tavorU ghanamasR^iNaruchau chittachorau ramAyA

vishvakShobhaM visha~Nkya dhruvamanishamubhau pItachelAvR^itA~Ngau .

AnamrANAM purastAnnyasanadhR^itasamastArthapALIsamudga -

chChAyAM jAnudvayaM cha kramapR^ithulamanoj~ne cha ja~Nghe niSheve .

( I meditate on Your charming thighs, solid, soft and lovely, which steal the heart of Lakshmi . Your two thighs are always covered by the yellow garment around the waist , as if fearing that they will excite the whole world . I also meditate on Your two knees which resemble two caskets containing supreme gifts of life to be distributed to Your devotees who prostrate before You [ Meditation on these knees fulfils all the desires of the devotees]; And on Your charming forelegs which delightful, shapely and tapering downward proportionally . )

ma~njIraM ma~njunAdairiva padabhajanaM shreya ityAlapantaM

pAdAgraM bhrAntimajjatpraNatajanamanomandaroddhArakUrmam .

uttu~NgAtAmrarAjannakharahimakarajyotsnayA chA.ashritAnAM

santApadhvAntahattrIM tatimanukalaye ma~NgalAma~NgulInAm .

( I meditate on Your anklets which seem to be announcing in sweet tones that worship of your feet (pada-bhajanam) will lead to the highest good . I meditate on the upper part of Your foot for lifting the `Mandara' mountain of the minds of Your devotees who are immersed in the sea of delusion . I meditate on the auspicious row of your toes with their crimson moon-shaped nails whose reddish radiance destroys the darkness of the sorrow of those who have taken refuge in you. )

yogIndrANAM tvada~NgeShvadhikasumadhuraM muktibhAjAM nivAso

bhaktAnAM kAmavarShadyutarukisalayaM nAtha te pAdamUlam .

nityaM chittasthitaM me pavanapurapate kR^iShNa kAruNyasindho

hR^itvA niHsheShatApAnpradishatu paramAnandasandohalakShmIm .

( O Lord ! Of all Your limbs , the soles of your feet ( paadamuulam) are the most beloved for the Great Yogis . It is where the liberated souls reside .[by constant meditation of your feet they merge in you, and are liberated from samsaara] . Your feet like a sprout of the divine `Kalpaka' tree, shower on devotees all their wishes . May the soles of your feet be always fixed in my mind , remove all the sorrows and bestow constant flow of Supreme Bliss and auspiciousness. )

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev .

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