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The One with a Thousand Eyes'Namah Sahasraakshaaya'Prostration to Him with a thousand eyes.Explanation:One of the first spiritual experiences to occur when one undertakes maunam (observing silence in contemplation) or in meditation is the experience of seeing the 'eye'. This is seen when our physical eyes are closed and in the inner sight a single kindly looking full of compassion beautiful metaphysical eye is seen. When it is first experienced it is usually brushed of as imagination.

Later on it persists.Later this 'eye' can be seen even with the physical eyes open. When the 'eye' is seen with eyes open, and then when our physical eyes are closed the same 'eye' is seen in the inner sight. And vice versa. In other words the image is seen whether our physical eyes is open or closed.Much later on, we begin to have the experience of seeing many such 'eye' at the same time. When one is lying face up on the bed with the physical eyes wide open, we see this 'eye' on each of the four walls and many on the ceiling, all looking compassionately at the experiencer with eyeball to eyeball contact. Wherever one looks the eye is there. Over time one gets accustomed to it.When pujas are conducted in the home shrines, we see many pairs of eyes crowding around, and hovering around, and superimposed on, or above the murthis in the shrine, and its observing the person doing the puja. Presumably these are

the eyes of the devas gathered for the puja. It seems like you are a VIP and these 'eyes' are crowding around waiting to hear from you like media reporters or like people waiting to get your autograph. It is not a passing image but lasts for several minutes. The 'eye' watches each detail and the eyeball is seen moving from side to side slowly observing each worshipper and the actions of the pujari in presenting each item to the murthi. Everything is observed; whether you are wearing a teeshirt, scratching yourself or shifting your legs.This situation happens _all_ the time in _every_ home shrine _without_ exception except that in most cases the worshipper does not see it or is unaware of it.The eye can be seen all over the house and even when watching TV, reading a book or even in the toilet. It gives the impression that we constantly under watch and care, like under a closed circuit TV. A deep sense of relief

and contentment arises from within.Many pilgrims to temples especially the temples in India like Palani have had such experiences where they have seen the 'eyes' superimposed on the Diety, and blinking, and have seen the lips too chanting along with the priest while puja is going on.Even later still the 'eye' is identified with a Being. Thus the 'the One with a thousand eyes'. It has to be taken literally.All Hindus must strive to get to this stage which is the very beginning of spiritual life and experiences.Pathma

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Hare Krishna! That is wonderful. I have had the same thing happen to me. This first happened to me after I sought and found Lord Krishna in my Life. I always see this glowing and flickering light dancing between my eyes whenever I close my eyes in the dark. One devotee told me that it is the Brahmajyoti. I think your explanation sounds better, maybe it is also our third eyes that are activated as well. I always see this weird light around my pictures of Lord Krsna as well as a bluish light superimposed on my brass Syamasundara Deity of Lord Krsna. Many times I see dancing lights all around my house. In fact last night after meditating I saw an interesting orb in the corner of my right eye moving from upper left to upper right and then it disappeared, it almost seemed like another intelligence and I got scared and started trembling once I noticed it.

The rest of the night I felt my lower chakra pulsating. I also have noticed a sense of equilibrium in my perception. Before the energy was more erratic but now it is calming down. A few years ago I actually did see a Lion-Headed ( probably Lord Narashimhayadeva) being dancing around in my right eye spitting out a blue flame and afterwards I felt like it said "Hi" to me. I actually saw this being outside of my mind as well. Ever since this I chant Hare Krsna more and more. I believe that Bhagavan has visited me in this way and has been with Me ever since. One way I know this is that there is a consistency in my behaviour as a Devotee. No matter what I do I always care about Lord Krsna as well as every one else. It's nice to know that I am not alone in my experiences and that other people are having them and talking about them, I think that this is important and that we

should talk about them. I have wanted to talk to other devotees about this but it never felt right to talk about it. They don't know about my Lord Narashimhayadeva experiences either. Apparently Srila Prabhupada once told a woman who saw colored lights while chanting to ignore it, I don't think that this is the same thing! I always feel a great sense of Happiness and excitement and feel like sooner or Later Lord Krsna will jump through. Lately His pictures that I have look more and more alive! My Deity also winks sometimes! Lord Krsna is Here with us in our lives right now and it is so exciting to know this. It does not matter what religious books we study as long as we Love Him, He comes to us! Haribol, Bhaka Aaron The One with a Thousand Eyes'Namah

Sahasraakshaaya'Prostration to Him with a thousand eyes.Explanation:One of the first spiritual experiences to occur when one undertakes maunam (observing silence in contemplation) or in meditation is the experience of seeing the 'eye'. This is seen when our physical eyes are closed and in the inner sight a single kindly looking full of compassion beautiful metaphysical eye is seen. When it is first experienced it is usually brushed of as imagination. Later on it persists.Later this 'eye' can be seen even with the physical eyes open. When the 'eye' is seen with eyes open, and then when our physical eyes are closed the same 'eye' is seen in the inner sight. And vice versa. In other words the image is seen whether our physical eyes is open or closed.Much later on, we begin to have the experience of seeing many such 'eye' at the same time. When one is lying face up on the bed with the physical eyes

wide open, we see this 'eye' on each of the four walls and many on the ceiling, all looking compassionately at the experiencer with eyeball to eyeball contact. Wherever one looks the eye is there. Over time one gets accustomed to it.When pujas are conducted in the home shrines, we see many pairs of eyes crowding around, and hovering around, and superimposed on, or above the murthis in the shrine, and its observing the person doing the puja. Presumably these are the eyes of the devas gathered for the puja. It seems like you are a VIP and these 'eyes' are crowding around waiting to hear from you like media reporters or like people waiting to get your autograph. It is not a passing image but lasts for several minutes. The 'eye' watches each detail and the eyeball is seen moving from side to side slowly observing each worshipper and the actions of the pujari in presenting each item to the murthi. Everything is observed;

whether you are wearing a teeshirt, scratching yourself or shifting your legs.This situation happens _all_ the time in _every_ home shrine _without_ exception except that in most cases the worshipper does not see it or is unaware of it.The eye can be seen all over the house and even when watching TV, reading a book or even in the toilet. It gives the impression that we constantly under watch and care, like under a closed circuit TV. A deep sense of relief and contentment arises from within.Many pilgrims to temples especially the temples in India like Palani have had such experiences where they have seen the 'eyes' superimposed on the Diety, and blinking, and have seen the lips too chanting along with the priest while puja is going on.Even later still the 'eye' is identified with a Being. Thus the 'the One with a thousand eyes'. It has to be taken literally.All Hindus must strive to get to this

stage which is the very beginning of spiritual life and experiences.Pathma____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ http://mail.

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Om Namoh Narayanaya. Om Visnave Namah My Pranaams to all Devotees. Bhakta Aaron Ji, Thank you so much for sharing with us your beautiful Katha. We must share His Leelas as He extolled us to do in Chapter 10 Verse 9 Srimad Bhagwad Gita. I am so happy that you overcome your initial shyness and shared something so beautiful and very special. To have Darshan of Lord Nrsimha is beyond words. The Lord is so ferocious but ONLY to those who harasses His Devotees. To those that love and adore Him---He is the most loving and compassionate Father. Have been urging some other very special devotees to also share their beautiful Kathas about their relationship with Bhagwaan. I hope they will be encouraged by your words. Many times I think we hug what is happening as it is too special but when we share as you have done

and Capil Ji has done---it makes others understand/realise what is going on in their lives. The first time I started seeing----I got really scared and went to have my eyes examined by two doctors!! After a very painful second examination due to some liquid used--I realised that nothing was wrong with my normal sight. So then I started being aware and accepting what I was seeing--this I noticed happened mostly when I was feeling disturbed/upset/ill. And once I acknowledged, I would immediately feel a warmth as if I am literally being hugged. I know also whose Presence it is now. This would happen anywhere--even in the washroom but most especially when I am praying. The Third Eye's opening can happen from even when one is very little--have been teaching Meditation to the kids at our Mandir and even from 4 years old they can see their Istha with their outer two eyes closed. Once you start seeing too, you not only can see your

own Istha--you see other Divine Presence. Was at a Puja at my cousin's and during the Arti, I suddenly saw The Divine Mother( my eyes were closed). She was right at the Altar. I opened my eyes and whispered to my Mother, but unfortunately, at that time my cousin and his wife were somewhere else doing arti.She looked around for my cousin but he was nowhere around then their daughter came and she started doing the arti at the Altar. I close my eyes quickly to see if The Devi was still there--She was but didn't stay too long. She was gone before the parents came back. It was the first time that I had seen Her so clearly but I wasn't surprised as my cousin did his puja that day with pure devotion. Thanks again for sharing. TAD VISNOH PARAMAM PADAM. Om Tat Sat SriKrsnapranamastu. In His Service, Nandrani "Non-cooperation with evil is a sacred duty." M.K. Gandhi Ji HARI BOL

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