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A Practical Guide , to Do 'Meditation' of Sri Krishna ....

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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas , "Meditation" is a key activity in Bhakti-yoga . I am attaching the following in order to enable you all to do "Meditation" of Sri Krishna . 1. A Practical Guide for Meditation . 2. Picture of Sri Krishna . ( to use as form of Meditation) . 3. Meditating Posture . . You can also find the above "Guide for Meditation" herebelow : Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!! SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev . --- A Practical Guide for " MEDITATION " There is a popular saying about Mediation : “Through Prayer we speak to Sri Krishna . In Meditation , Bhagavan speaks to us “ . Meditation is the integration of mind, body and Atma (Soul) and ‘Paramatma’ ( Supersoul) . It results in improved concentration, awareness, self-discipline and

equanimity . By concentrating on Krishna’s form, we learn to constantly be in that state of inner aloneness and to be joyful in any situation. Remembrance of Krishna can only take place when you let go of the past and stop dreaming about the future . Then the pendulum of the mind stops swinging back and forth; it reaches a point of stillness, and you dwell in the stillness of the present moment. Meditation is constant and loving remembrance of Sri Krishna , . Consider Krishna as your Master or Friend or Lover or just consider yourself as His child . Simply try to think of Bhagavan just as we think of our father or mother or beloved . The remembrance of a dear person simply happens while we are lying down, walking or sitting on the banks of a river, or

it may happen while at work . Likewise, remember your dearest Sri Krishna whenever you can no matter where you are or what you are doing . Simple Tips for Meditation Your can sit in the cross legged posture while seated on the floor (and on a cushion, if it is more comfortable) and unless skilled at yoga, do not attempt to rest feet on your thighs (like Yogis do). You should sit upright, back straight, and with the head and spine in alignment . Hands may rest in the lap . ( See attached picture of Siva doing Meditation) . You can also kneel on the floor with the knees together, buttocks resting on the heels and toes almost touching . In this posture (vajrasana) , keep the back straight, head and spine in alignment, and rest the hands on the thighs . Twenty or thirty minutes is broadly accepted as being a typical duration of Meditation . When you sit for Meditation, do not think that you can still your mind immediately . At first, you should relax all parts of your body . Loosen your clothes if they are too tight . Make sure that the spine is erect . Then close your eyes and concentrate your mind on your breath . You should be aware of your inhalation and exhalation . Normally we breathe in and out without being aware of it , but it should not be like that; we should become aware of the process . Then the mind will be wakeful . Don't try to still your mind by force when you sit for meditation . The thoughts will rise up with ten times their original force if you do that . It is like pressing down a spring . Try to find out where the thoughts arise from, and control them with that knowledge . Don't place the mind in any kind of tension . If any part of your body is tense or feels any pain, the mind will linger on that . Relax every part of the body, and watch your thoughts with absolute awareness . Then

the mind will subside by itself . As you sit like that for a while, your mind will become calm . You can continue the Meditation by focusing attention on your breath . Then , you can start meditating on the form of your beloved Sri Krishna . If the mind wanders, you should bring it back . If you are unable to do that, then it is enough to watch where it is going

.. The mind should be kept under observation . Then it will stop running around and will be under your control . Meditation on the Beautiful Form of Sri Krishna Initially one must strive for concentration by looking at Krishna’s picture ( see attached Picture or Bhagavan Krishna ) . If one meditates with closed eyes for ten minutes, then for ten minutes one should look at Krishna’s picture, the form of Meditation . Eventually Krishna’s form will become clear within . Imagine holding Krishna's hand and bathing Him by pouring water over Him . Picture the water falling on all parts of His body and running down . All the while, call out to Him , 'Krishna , Krishna !' and visualise His form . Imagine doing ‘abhisheka’ (ceremonial bath) with milk, honey, ghee, sandal paste and rose water, one after the other . When these substances flow down Krishna’s body, visualise each part

of His form, from head to foot . Talk to Krishna , and pray to Him . After bathing Him thus, dry His body with a cloth . Drape a yellow silk cloth around His waist . Adorn Him with ornaments. Put a sandal upturned Gopi mark on His forehead . Put anklets on Him . Put a garland on His neck and enjoy His beauty . Now do archana (worship) with flowers . Take the ‘Tulasi’ leaves , which represents your mind, and imagine offering it , one by one, at Krishna’s feet . After the ‘archana’ , offer Sri Krishna the ‘payasam’ (sweet rice pudding) of your love . Picture that you are doing ‘arati’ (waving of burning camphor) for Krishna , and see each part of His body shining brilliantly in the light of the flame . In the end, imagine that you are circumambulating Krishna . All the while keep praying to Him . Try to do all this with pure love and Krishna-bhakti . Then your mind will not wander anywhere. If you just sit down thinking, 'I am going to start meditating now,' Krishna’s form won't appear in your mind . You will only sit there with your eyes closed, and after a while you will remember, “ Oh! I'm supposed to be meditating ! ” . So when you sit for meditation, begin by crying out to Sri Krishna , 'Oh Krishna , won't You come into my heart ? I cannot see You without Your help . You are my only refuge !' Picture your beloved Sri Krishna standing in front of you . Then, after a while, Bhagavan’s form will shine clearly in your mind. Look at the sky and try to visualise the form of your beloved Sri Krishna there . Try to imagine that Bhagavan is

moving with you . Try to see your beloved Krishna’s face in the moon or imagine that the moon is the face of Bhagavan . As the wind blows, try to feel that it is the gentle caress of your beloved Krishna . Look into the water and visualise the smiling face of your beloved Krishna there . You can imagine that

your beloved Krishna is calling you near, hugging you, caressing you, blessing you, and then hiding in the clouds and coming out again a little later . By this kind of imagination you go deeper and deeper into your own Krishna-bhakti . You enshrine Sri Krishna’s charming form within your heart . You open up more and more, and you get closer and closer to Sri Krishna who is dwelling in your heart as ‘Paramatma’ (Supersoul) . Crying to Sri Krishna Crying has the power to make the mind completely one-pointed . Why do we Meditate ? To get spiritual concentration, isn't that why ? Yes. So, the best way to

get concentration is by crying to Sri Krishna . That is a very powerful way of remembering Krishna , and that, in fact, is also a type of meditation . That is what great Krishna- Devotees like the Gopikas and Mirabai did . See how selflessly Mirabai prayed, “ O Mira's Giridhari (Krishna), it does not matter if You don't love me. But, O Lord, please do not take away my right to love You. ”

They prayed and cried until their whole being was transformed into a state of constant prayer. They kept on worshipping Sri Krishna until they were totally consumed by the flames of divine love. They themselves became the offering. Once you become the offering, once your whole being is in a state of constant prayer, then what is left is not you . What is left is Krishna’s love . Prayer can perform this miracle. Crying can accomplish this feat . Thus there is no better technique than praying and crying to Krishna . Let the heart melt in prayer. Unfortunate indeed are those who think that crying to Bhagavan is a weakness . As the wax melts, the flame of a candle only burns brighter. Through crying to Krishna , one gains strength . These tears wash away the impurities of the mind. Such crying makes the mind easily absorbed in the remembrance of Krishna . Those who meditate only according to a timetable, as if it were a duty, can not easily realize Krishna . You have to cry for Krishna. You have to develop detachment towards sensual pleasures . If someone smeared chili paste all over your body, think of how you would struggle to escape the burning ! You should pine to see Krishna with the same intensity. You should cry for that vision, without wasting even an instant. Only then, will all other thoughts disappear, as in deep sleep, and you will reach the plane

of divine experience . Final Tips Don't fret about the bad thoughts. The mind is just a collection of thoughts . Think that the bad thoughts come up because it is time for them to disappear. But, be careful not to identify with them . Try to develop the ability to stand back as a witness, as thoughts pass through your mind. That will make your mind strong . In the beginning it is better

to meditate in the heart . After having the feeling that the heart is full, it is not so dangerous if meditation is shifted to the spot between the eyebrows . In any case, it is best for householders to meditate in the heart . One will feel a cooling effect by meditating in the heart . Heat is experienced if one meditates between the eyebrows. If you feel

sleepy during meditation, chant “Hare Krishna mantra ” , moving your lips as you do so . If you have a japa-mala (rosary), hold it close to your heart and chant . This will make you more alert . When you sit for meditation, your spine should be straight. Only laziness makes you want to slouch . If you feel sleepy in spite of all this, stand up and chant the mantra . And don't lean on anything when you stand. When you lean on something, your mind gets attached to that comfort . If you still

cannot overcome your sleepiness, run for a while and then resume your meditation . Drive away the tamas (dullness) with rajas (activity). In the beginning it is difficult to get the full form of Sri Krishna . Therefore try to visualise the feet of Krishna and focus your mind on them . Once the form gets absolutely clear, we become That . For this, continuous practice is

needed . Doubts . Question : The mind is not getting any concentration during meditation. Why is it so ? Answer : The mind is naturally one-pointed and pure, but until yesterday we have made room for many impure worldly emotions there . Thus it becomes difficult to make the mind concentrated while sitting for meditation . They (the worldly thoughts and emotions) are like tenants . We have

given them a small space to build a hut on our land, which was lying independent and expansive . Not only do they not care when we ask them to leave, they come to fight with us . We have to toil to kick them out . We have to argue in court also . Likewise, to kick out the tenants of the mind, we have to file a case in Krishna 's court . It is a constant fight . We must continue fighting until we come out victorious . Question: My mind runs away and wanders while I am trying to concentrate." Answer : It is the nature of the mind to wander. It cannot sit quiet .

When we try to quiet the mind by concentrating on an object of meditation, we can see it wander even more . More thoughts will come . Beginners may get frightened and sometimes feel discouraged by these numerous thoughts that come up during Meditation . These thoughts and other tendencies of the mind have always been there, but because we were engaged in different activities we had no awareness of them . These thoughts and other vasanas manifest only when we try to withdraw the mind from all external activities and concentrate on a single point . Constant practice coupled with determination is the only way to conquer the mind . Therefore, during such times, do not become frightened or discouraged . Continue your spiritual practices with determination. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!! Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Messenger. Download Now! http://messenger./download.php

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