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Vedic Literature: the Supreme Science part II - In Defense of the Sanatana Dharma

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Dear Friends and the Vedic Scholars:Namaste & Hari BolThis long article titled as "Vedic Literature:the Supreme Science Part II - In the Defense of the Sanatana Dharma" contains several topics or flowers which are independent but inter-related to each other with basic purpose or thread is The Defense of the Sanatana Dharma. I believe this is very essential at present moment. Dharmo Rakshita Rakshitah.Self preservation is the basic and essential nature of the every Living Entity - Human, Super-human or Sub-human Beings - in this cool but extremely dangerous Material World. In this article, I have tried my best to describe how the blissful Vedic Literature and the Modern Technology - the spark of the opulence of the Supreme Lord Krishna are miraculously and subtle way helping every one of this

small planet to preserve our Original Spiritual nature right now. Lord Sri Krishna is adorned with Six Opulence - Beauty, Fame, Knowledge, Wealth, Strength and Renunciation - in the unlimited quantity. As the part and parcel of Sri Krishna we also possess with minute quality of these six opulence.If some shares his knowledge his knowledge will increase; if some one shares his wealth his wealth will increase; similarly, if some one shares his beauty, strength, fame and renunciation - these spiritual qualities - will increase exponentially also. Also, we know that in this material world, some one shares the jealousy and hatred - these negative qualities - will increase exponentially. Let us turn on our spiritual qualities and turn off the material qualities from our heart and mind for ever.Thank you very much for your precious time & Hare Krishna. Atul Krsna dasa.Note: Next article "Vedic Literature: the Supreme Science Part III - the Atheist Buster" will be forwarded in few months. This will be the third and final article of this series. AKD********************************************************************************************In Defense of the Sanatana Dharma A. The Merciful and Powerful Sages & Rishis:First of all I

would like to humbly state that the powerful and great Sages and Rishis are smiling and blessing all of us from the celestial plain. The great Sages and Rishis can bless any one and all of us in this planet thru their mystic perfections and mystic power much subtle, sublime and blissful than our current modern technological or Internet approaches.B. NASA and Echelon - the primitive super soul: We are aware that all Web site postings, specially the Vedic/Hindu Web sites such as VFA, etc are regularly screened, scrutinized and relayed by the Echelon, the modern super soul ( in lower case) created by NASA space agency of U.S.A. and by Moderators and spy agents of , Microsoft and AOL web sites. This Echelon and Moderators can trace and identify any telephone call, email postings with the content of originators

and recipients from any where in this globe - the marvelous technological advancement or the modern miracle. However, we have to take a note that the Echelon - the modern super soul - manufactured in the laboratory of the NASA space agency by the computer geniuses hired from the IIT ( Indian Institute of Technology) in Bangalore, Kanpur and Bombay and the impeccable soft wares "made in Japan" is the PRIMITIVE SUPER SOUL in comparison to the real Super Soul residing in heart of each and every Jiva-tattva in this planet and elsewhere in this Universe. We may request the innovators of this primitive super soul - Echelon - of NASA to turn their face to the real Super Soul residing in their heart so they may worship Him, take the spiritual instructions and guidance to help billions of people for achieving the

goal of human life rather misusing the Modern Technological advancement for ulterior purpose. When a Jiva-tattva turn his face to the Super Soul, his blissful and liberated state begins and miserable state of life ends. C. NASA and Sophisticated Toilet Technology: For an example of the abuse of the Modern Technology, NASA spying agency have manufactured highly sophisticated "TOILETS, Sinks and BATHROOMS". They have installed the advanced Electronic Gadgets in toilets, sinks and bathrooms to identify and detect the secrets, illnesses, conversation and bad habits of the Foreign Dignitaries (Ambassadors, Spy agent etc) of friendly and rival countries. These toilets, sinks and bathrooms installed in White House, Five Star Hotels and Casinos and NASA scientists are able to analyze the

Semen, Stool, Urine and Oral Mucosal cells with DNA in Saliva/spit of the friendly or rival dignitaries. The NASA scientists are able to produce instant reports of ailment, drug abuse and other secrets of the dignitaries of the friendly and rival or enemy countries by DNA Analysis. NASA spy agency may take advantage of these Secret Information from the SOPHISTICATED TOILET SPY and this information can be used or abused to their advantages.D. NASA, Astronauts and the Excreta:In outer space adventure such as Moon and Mars etc , NASA scientists and astronauts have encounter another big problem of Human excreta or wastes specially during prolong voyage. NASA scientists are using the sophisticated TOILET TECHNOLOGY to dispose and recycle these human excreta. They have tried to

transform the human STOOL to delicious apple flavored Biscuits; URINE to various flavored Coca-Cola and Beer or Wine; Semen, Spits and Menstrual period into the Strawberry and Mint flavored Mouth Freshener Candies for recycling and re-use purposes during their space travel !!Astronauts from U.S.A., India, Russia, Israel, China, Japan and other countries are untrained and with lack of knowledge in the Eight Mystic or Astha-siddhi perfections as described in the Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavata Gita. Also, they carry the hormone treated Beef, Pig and Chicken patties to eat and survive during the voyage. In the outer space with minimal gravity, the brain cells of the Astronauts and crew members become swollen and edematous despite space suites. These AMINO ACIDS or Neuro-transmitters create a big havoc in their brain and mind - just like the explosions of the firecrackers during Deepavali and Christmas festivals - with the resultant

hallucination and miseries for them and not the heavenly pleasure in the outer space.These Astronauts with their ineffective space suite are trying to go to the heavenly planets such as Moon, Sun and Venus. Unfortunately, they are unable to have Darshana or meeting with the presiding Deities of the heavenly planets - Chandradeva, Suryadeva and Indradeva - and no blessing or boons from the Demigods. They return to earth with collection of the yellow golden biscuits made from the Stool, Soma-rasa made of urine and Mouth fresheners candies made from the semen and spits manufactured with the help of Toilet Technology. This kind of travel to the outer space is not the heavenly experience but hellish experience. I may declined to travel this place even I may be offered a free ticket. The recent space travel experience of Indian Astronaut Sunita Williams will be interesting to know and she may provide more insight for

all of us. So, who can help the NASA scientists and Astronauts to continue and ACCOMPLISH their MISSION ??. Answer to this question is the blissful and eternal Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma can help the astronauts and scientists of the present world as follow. The foremost criterion and requirement for the successful space mission of any country is that Astronauts, space crews and space travelers must be trained in the EIGHT MYSTIC PERFECTIONS. The sophisticated TOILET TECHNOLOGY is dirty approach. Also, The astronauts and crew members must be trained in controlling of their NINE GATES of their individual body (Two Ears, Two Eyes, Two Nostrils, Mouth, Anus and Genitals) to produced human waste or Excreta in outer space at the minimal level. Astronauts and crew members may use the Eight Mystic Perfections and Yoga training to use their built-in INTERNAL COMBUSTION SYSTEM to train the atoms such as Indium,

Americium, Uranium, Hydrogen, Oxygen and other atoms to slow down the Energy Production or Metabolism to the minimal level. In other words, every astronauts and space travelers should train their Gross body and Subtle Body with the Eight Mystic Perfections as described in the Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. Then, their journey to the outer space will be enjoyable, heavenly and Krishna Conscious without any doubt. No need of Littering of human excreta in the heavenly planets which is prohibited by Indra Deva - the King of the Heaven!!Sri Sri Mahesh Yogi and his Transcendental Meditation centers around the world may help and train every astronaut and crew member in the mystic perfections at all the space projects around the world. They may charge few Million dollars for each astronauts in the reciprocation of the training and guidance. Hare Krishna people may supply Karma Free Maha-prasadam and Drinks to all the space projects to be used by Astronauts and Crew Members for their journey. I am sure that POOR Hare Krishna people will be happy to provide these service even at Free of Charge. I have no hesitation to mention that the Hare Krishnas are the most hated, most under-appreciated, out-casted and privately the most revered group of the people on the surface of the our blue planet at this moment!!!. As a member of Hare Krishnas, with this trend, I am inclining to out-caste myself from this Hare Krishna group !! Some how, I am unable to find any space - inner or outer space - without Krishna and I am sure that my MISSION IS A FAILURE to out-caste myself from this great phenomena. A FAILED MISSION !! In the funny tone, even I see daily a Rabbit ( Hare ) and Crow ( Krishna ) in my backyard - the sarcastic expression of the Hare Krishna word or world. We know well that every thing is Krishna and every one is originating from Krishna's Transcendental but Big Mouth . The primary purpose for the above-mentioned HUMOROUS REMARKS is to elucidate or indicate how modern scientists and innovators are abusing the modern and fabulous technological advancements for useless and un-godly purposes. They may use this fabulous

technology - the spark of the opulence of Lord Krishna - for the spiritual upliftment of the mankind now and in the future all over the world.VFA and other Vedic/Scientific organizations all over the world may request the modern innovators, scientists and the creators of Toilet Technology in U.S.A, India, Great Britain and other countries to use the God-gifted Modern Technology for the betterment of Mankind to be God-Consciousness or Krishna Consciousness all over the world rather mis-using wonderful modern technology for the petty and useless agenda. Above-mentioned observations are the nice examples of abuse of the Modern Technology by scientists of the Western culture to kill people in deserts, mountains, homes, streets, casinos; to identify the ailments of the invited guests and other un-godly agenda all around the world!!With the above-mentioned humorous remarks, I will try my

best in this email posting to explain about how the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature may provide higher dimensions and empowering the Modern Technology to unite the mankind to live harmoniously in this globe as well as how their applications can be use for the Defense of the Sanatana Dharma. Also miraculously, the Modern Technology is helping the blissful and eternal Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma to establish as the SUPREME SCIENCE at this moment!! I may humbly state that this is the wonderful and grand project of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Lets us hope that every one may become the participant and instrument with this plan irrespective of his/her nationality, religion, caste, creed or geographical affiliations. Ultimately, the six to seven billion modern

wo/men are the direct beneficiaries of the Modern Technology and the blissful Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science.I may prefer to entitle this email article as "Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science Part II - In Defense of the Sanatana Dharma" as it is very essential. The next article titled as "Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science Part III - the Atheist Buster" will be forwarded in next few months. I do not consider myself as an expert but there is no harm to try to explain some thing, I believe, may be helpful to fellow human beings to be happy including myself in this small planet. Sharing is caring.I am describing the following topics or concepts which may help the people to understand the basic Human nature, emotions and the causes of the sadistic behaviors with each other at the present moments at the Eastern and

Western hemispheres .E. The Expressed Intentions & Concealed Intentions or Description of Twelve Rasa or Emotions or Moods: Modern Internet technology is the fabulous and marvelous technology created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead for the present mankind to unite and live harmoniously to advance in the spiritual life and activities. The modern audio-visual equipments and Internet technology can be used and applied to reveal and identify the "Expressed Intention" and "Concealed Intention" of the Originator, Recipient and participants such as in TV shows, TV Games, Sports and Religious activities etc. The "Expressed Intention" and Concealed Intention" transforms into the "Expressed

Relationships" and "Concealed Relationship" in due course of time. Finally, these Expressed and Concealed Relationships are blossomed to the "Expressed and Concealed Emotions" among the originator, recipients and participants of particular Web site at singular, dual and plural levels in any community or country irrespective of their religion, nationality and geographical identifications. Example are VFA and web sites.So, the fabulous Internet technology will help to observe and identify the exchange of Intentions, Relationships and Emotions present in each and every Living Entity in our globe as categorize below:A. Stage I : Expressed Intention and Concealed IntentionB. Stage II : Expressed Relationship and Concealed RelationshipC. Stage III : Expressed Emotion and Concealed EmotionThe abbreviations for the above-mentioned terminology

are as follow:EI = Expressed Intention, CI = Concealed Intention, ER = Expressed Relationship, CR = Concealed Relationship, EE = Expressed Emotion and CE = Concealed Emotion. Emotions are called Rasa in the Sanskrit terminology. Intention and Relationships are the different phases of Rasa.These phenomena can be experienced and elicited at different levels:A. Singular Level - One Individual person. Self emailing for self-assessmentB. Dual Level - Two persons - Husband and wife or

spouse/friend/strangerC. Plural level - Six to Seven Billion of peopleThe greatest advantage of the Modern technology is that there is no direct Physical Violence or Harm to the Originators and Recipients as Originator A, Recipient B and multiple Participants C all are usually invisible to each other. Of course there is Mental stress or happiness in viewing the email, watching the TV show, playing Video Games etc. Also, however, there is some minimal damage to the recipient(s) if s/he become too angry or too happy and recipient(s) smashes her/his fist on the TV monitor or wall with the resultant broken hand known as the Boxer' fracture. The treatment for this Boxer's fracture is very simple - Do Not Hit Again!!All the above

mentioned information and further detail about Twelve Rasa or Emotions or Moods - Five Primary and Seven Secondary Rasa -as described in the "Nectar of Devotion" by Srila Rupa Gosvami will be described in "Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science part III : the Atheist Buster" article later on. The primary purpose behind the descriptions of the above-mentioned information is to demonstrate that how the modern and fabulous technological advancements can be manipulated and abused by the political, social and religious leaders of different countries - poor or wealthy - with devilish and sadistic mentality all over the world at this moment as described in the Section F as follow. However, this scientific information, also, can be used for the constructive purposes to improve our God Consciousness or Krishna Consciousness by any one in this planet.

F. The Fantasy Research Project - How to Destroy Hinduism: I. The Fantasy Research Project:Past few decades, a fantasy but secret and privately funded Research Project has been going on at the several famous and rich Universities in the U.S.A., Europe and else where with the title - "How to Destroy Hinduism". This fantasy project in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at famous Universities in U.S.A and Europe have been privately funded by the wealthy religious and political organizations for the ulterior purpose. These famous Universities have hired Nobel Prize winner Social Scientists/Sociologists, Psychologists & Psychiatrists and Political Pundits to research and find out the ways and means to destroy Hinduism from this planet. Reason is unknown !!! ( Concealed Intention). These

brilliant minds or intellectuals in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology have tried their best to study the strengths, weaknesses and reasons of the longevity of Hinduism from various historical, cultural and religious perspective and views. The Sanatana Dharma/Hinduism is the longest surviving culture and civilization on this globe. Unfortunately, these brilliant and Nobel prize winner Sociologists, Psychologists and Political Pundits at various Universities in U.S.A and Europe failed to find out the ways and means to destroy Hinduism from the earth. This inimical group of people were unable to find out the real solution and conclusion after few decades of research and waste of tons of money at these universities. Certainly, their heart and impure mind were disappointed due to their inability to find out the solution or their cherished goal of the research project - How to Destroy

Hinduism from the earth. Finally, these brilliant minds turned their face to the Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma for the answer and solution - How to Destroy Hinduism. They certainly did not disappointed and they got the perfect answers and solutions!!! The Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma are "OM PURNAM", the self-sufficient and super-scientific in nature. Any one who approaches this great Literature will obtain the perfect answers and solutions without fail for the good or bad purposes or intentions - "Expressed or Concealed". They found out the answers and solutions - How to destroy Hinduism - from the blissful Vedic Literature as follow: 1. Varnasrama Dharma is the backbone of the Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). Destroy the Varnasrama Dharma system as the primary solution. 2. Destroy the Brahminical

Culture or CUT OFF the HEAD or Severely TRAUMATIZE the HEAD of Varnasrama Dharma. 3. Destroy the Ksatriyas or arms of the Varnasrama Dharma. CUT OFF the two ARMS of Varnasrama Dharma by all means and techniques - Sama, Dama, Danda and Bheda or Dirty Techniques, Bribe, Terror and Divide and rule policies. 4. Slaughter the sacred Cows and Bulls and feed flesh to Brahamanas, Ksatriyas, Vaishya and Sudras for the complete destruction and final blow to the Sanatana Dharma. 5. Imagine a person with NO Head or severely Traumatized Head and Cut off Arms or Hand-cuffed Arms. This horrible image gives an accurate impression even to a small child that this poor man is doomed and dead or utterly useless for any action or any purpose. The Belly or Vaishyas and Legs or Sudras are the easy prey as they have no defense or power to function normally

without the Head (Brahmanas) and protection from the powerful Arms (Ksatriyas). 6. Any civilization or culture or society with no Intelligent class of men or Brahamanas, no protection from administrative class or Ksatriyas and no financial support from the Entrepreneurs or Vaishya class of men and finally the helpless worker class is going to be doomed and destroyed. Simple but very scientific fact !! 7. This is the perfect answer and solution they received and confirmed from the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science of the Sanatana Dharma. Sociologists, Anthropologists and Political Pundits in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the famous American and European Universities funded by the political, religious leaders from the Western and the Middle-eastern countries past few decades

were very happy to find out the real solution and remedy of their cherished goal at last !!.II. The Application of Wasp Mentality:The professors and Researchers of the Insectology have observed that grotesque looking Wasp have powerful and killer sting and able to vibrate terrifying Sound Vibration which can be heard from ten feet distance. This Wasp Steals the Baby Larva from the different insect species, imprison this Baby Larva into his muddy nest and creates terrifying Sound Vibration with his wings. This terrifying sound vibration is heard by the Baby Larva of the different species. In the great fear and anxiety this Baby larva of the different species gradually transforms into the real Wasp species and this Second Born Wasp or Born Again Wasp will practice the same horrible technique with his family

members to produce more Wasp population in his area. The English dictionary defines the abbreviation of WASP as White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant in short - WASP. These horrible Wasps from the Western and Middle-eastern countries are applying the similar technique to convert and terrify the Hindu population in India and other places at this moment. In their TV shows, Beethoven Music and with help of Loud speakers they are creating horrifying Sound Vibration to entice and allure the innocent Hindu youths with chorus, Carousel and distasteful Love songs to convert them to their species or

faith with a great success. However, the Wasp population remains scant because the full grown Wasp kills another full grown Wasp for no reason or petty reasons. This phenomena is going on in the southern states such as Karnataka, Kerala and other Indian states and other countries unrestricted and unfortunately for a long time by the Christian Missionaries and Muslim Jihadis. The Naughty Krisha is able to tackle this problem very easily and in very funny manner. He is sending the strange looking Super Wasps with bald head, pony tail or antenna on his back, White,Black, Brown and Yellow color coming from the Western and Eastern horizons. These Super Wasps, Drones and Bumble Bees also sing transcendental songs or Maha-mantra imported from the Spiritual realm transforming the horrible "WASP" from insect to Human beings and devotees. This is the quick and instant transmigration or evolution from Insect to Human beings. Law of Karma remains inert and silent.

III. The Carrot and a Stick Strategy:This strategy is very extensively applied by the Christian Missionaries & Evangelists and Muslim Jihadis for the conversion purpose for centuries in India and other parts of the world. In this analogy, the Donkey-rider is carrying a long stick with bunch of Carrots hanging at the end. The Donkey sees, smell and occasionally taste the piece of Carrot offered by the Donkey Rider. The Donkey is walking and carrying the Donkey-rider for a long distance with the hope that he will get full bunch of the Carrots which he never gets it but his hope remains strong and unflinching in the Donkey-rider. In this scenario or strategy, every one knows that the Donkey-riders are the Christian Missionaries and

Muslim Jihadis, the long stick is the process of conversion and Carrots are the crores of Rupees and fringe benefits. The Donkey is certainly the Hindu population such as Dalits, Freshly graduated Engineers, Doctor, Scientists, politicians and writers as well as the famous Actors and Cricketers without any doubt. The prices are variable from five hundred Rupees for Dalits to Five Crores of Rupees for the famous Actor and Cricketer etc. However, the political and religious pundits know that after long journey, the Donkey-rider is tired of holding heavy Stick & Carrots in his hand and Donkey is also tired of walking for a long time. They stop at the river, regret their fault and fall in love with each other. The Donkey starts neighing loud and Donkey-rider sings song in the praise of the Lord. They eat delicious Carrots together and drink water. The high

dose of Vitamin A in Carrots widens their EYE SIGHT and VISION and they see the Super Soul within their heart realizing that Donkey-rider, Stick, Carrots and Donkey all are the creation of the Supreme Lord. The above-mentioned formula are the perfect solution and concept to destroy any culture, any religion such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and any organization in any part our planet practiced by people in the past, at present and will be practiced in the future. This is the perfect formula and eternal conclusion prescribed in the blissful Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma which may be abused by many bad people since the time immemorial. However, this kind of practice will be very much prominent at the end of the Kali-yuga but not at present

moment. We are experiencing some glimpses of this phenomena now. G. Do we have to believe in this information or concept ??. The answer is certainly yes and absolutely yes : The fabulous Internet Technology and Modern Scientific advancements are just created by the Supreme Lord to detect, identify and analyzed the "Concealed and Expressed Intentions, Relationships and Emotions" of any one and every one of this planet free of charge. The modern technology will help any one to identify these expressed, concealed intentions, relationship and emotions right now !!! This concept or information will be a great surprise for many people of this small globe. Certainly, this phenomena is another aspect or Lila of the mystic potency of the Supreme Lord. Believe it not

believe it has no value or leverage. You do not need to be trained at C.I.A, K.B.G, C.B.I or Pentagon or Russia to analyzed these intentions, relationship and emotion !! They are already in our heart and mind. If, we just turn your face to the Supreme Agent of the Supreme Lord - The Super Soul - in our heart and He will guide us and tell the real story and news. However, the Vedic Literature inform us that we may reciprocate with the Super Soul with Love, Devotion and Faith rather than for the useless and petty news of the miserable material world as the Super Soul can identify and realizes our every genuine or Pseudo intention or emotion. We have to believe in the "Expressed and Concealed Intentions, Relationships and Emotions" which can be analyzed by any ordinary person of this small planet

including the Political, Religious, Social leaders as well as their followers in various countries at the Singular, Dual or Plural levels. This is the miraculous and fabulous purpose or application of the Internet Technology - the small spark of the opulence of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. At present moment, we are experiencing the effects of the above mentioned "Concealed Intentions, Relationships and Emotions" of the various Political, Religious and Social leaders of the powerful Western and Middle-eastern countries in India, Nepal, Kazakhstan and all over the world to destroy the religious harmony and peace among the six or seven billion of the people around the globe. There are plenty of examples available in India, Nepal, Middle-east, Africa and elsewhere. Following are the examples:The systematic destruction of Kashmiri Brahmins and brilliant South Indian Brahmins in North and South India, imprisonment of Jagat Guru Sri Sri Shankaracharya and the tragic death of famous Anwar Shaikh or Aniruddha Gyan Shikha are the examples. The Hindu chief ministers, Ex-Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of India, Chairmen of Bharatiya Janata Party, RSS and other Vedic Organizations possibly have received the "Invisible Death warrants" from the Bad Elements or Goonda -Tattva heavily financed by the rich people of the Western and Middle-eastern countries are the proof and explicit examples of the "Concealed and Expressed Intentions, Relationships and Emotions" of the Political and Religious leaders in India and elsewhere. The political and religious leaders of the Abrahamic Faiths are determined to cut the "Head and Arms" (Brahmanas and Ksatriyas) of the Sanatana

Dharma or Hinduism at any cost and by every means for no reason or weird reasons. No stone will be left un-turn or un-touched by all means for this purpose!!India is the greatest democratic country with free will and Freedom for every one in every aspect since the time immemorial or for millenniums. At this moment in this email posting, I prefer not go into much detail of the transformation of Concealed Intentions to Expressed Intentions and, finally, the relationships and exchange of the Emotions between six to seven billions of people of this planet Bharata-varsha in view of time and space constraints. This information will be described in next article in detail. H. In Defense of the Sanatana Dharma: Now, a question arises that eternal and blissful Vedic Literature

of the Sanatana Dharma is able to provide the perfect answers and solutions to the inimical people who wants to destroy Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism from the planet, then, how about the survival and defense of the true followers of the Sanatana Dharma in India and elsewhere ?? The answer to this query is simple but super-scientific. The Vedic Literature is self-revealing, self-sufficient, eternal and blissful knowledge originating from the breath of the Supreme Lord. The powerful Sages and Rishis have made this wonderful Vedic Literature Super-scientific, tamper-proof and self-revealing to the humble, intelligent, loving and caring persons, truth-seekers and devotees of the Supreme Lord. The blissful Vedic Literature is able to provide thousands of solutions, perfect answers and remedies to the true followers of the Sanatana Dharma to counter-act the dirty tactics, politics and Concealed and Expressed Intentions,

Relationships and Emotions of the inimical leaders of different religious, political and social organizations now, in the past and in the future in India and all over the world since the time immemorial. So, the Sanatana Dharma is more inclined towards the followers of the Sanatana Dharma and helps them to defend and protect the Dharma - Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah. I may humbly but glad to inform that above-mentioned exchange of intentions, relationships and emotions - Expressed or Concealed - have been nicely described in the subtle ways by our Parama Karuna Devi and other stalwart truth-seekers at the VFA and Websites. My job is just to analyze them, put them nicely and present to the Vedic Scholars, Scientists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Researchers and Truth Seekers. No addition or subtraction from the

original Vedic concepts and thoughts. No one has ability or authority to distort or mess up with the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science. Also, it is a fact that the Psychological or Psychiatric literature is the most disorganized or schizophrenic literature and the psychiatric concepts are essentially useless without any doubt. Psychologists and Psychiatrist will be unable to explain much about Emotions and Relationships in scientific manner now or in the future without the help from the blissful Vedic Literature. We pray and hope that the Psychologists and Psychiatrists may be consulting and understanding the blissful Vedic Literature very soon. The answer how to defend the Sanatana Dharma have been explicitly explained in Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam: the ripened fruits of the Vedic Literature. Keep the every component of the Varnasrama Dharma strong and powerful, very active, vibrant in the service of the Supreme Lord without fail at any cost in India and all over our blue planet or world - Bharata-varsha. This essential point have been described several times by wonderful person Parama Karuna Devi in her several postings. The best Defense is Offense and vice versa as mentioned several times by Sriman Mahasaumya dasa (Michael Gresset) and others scholars at our Web sites. I may suggest the following constructive and destructive ideas for the defense of the Sanatana Dharma. A. Constructive Suggestions for Defense of the Sanatana Dharma: B. Destructive or Disgusting

Suggestions for Defense of the Sanatana Dharma: A. Constructive Suggestions for the Defense of the Sanatana Dharma: 1. World wide Distribution of the Super-scientific and Tamper-proof Vedic Literature. The various Vedic Scholars, Vedacharyas, Modern Yogis and Exponents of the Vedic Literature in India and abroad, may distribute through the Internet Technology and by all conventional methods. The blissful Vedic Literature vividly describe the ABSOLUTE TRUTH in three phases as Impersonal Brahman, Localized Paramatma and Bhagavan as well as Sat, Chit, Ananada and Vigraha or Eternal, Full of Knowledge, Full of Bliss and with Forms or Personalities. These

super-scientific and Tampered-proof Vedic concepts should be distributed all over the world thru the fabulous Modern Technology- Internet, Micro chips, etc. This super-scientific concepts will certainly clear up the muddy and disorganized concepts of the Supreme Person or Almighty God for benefit of the mankind all over the world. 2. Encouragement of the scholars of the Christianity to present their version of the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The Christian Scholars, Evangelists and Missionaries of the Christianity may submit their description or version of the Absolute Truth or God as described in the Bible and other Christian scripture for a review by the general public from all over the world. They may use the Modern Technology for this purpose. 3. Encouragement of the Scholars of the Islam religion to present their version of the

ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The scholars and intellectuals of Islam from the Middle-eastern countries, Pakistan and other Muslim countries may provide the description of the ABSOLUTE TRUTH as narrated in Holy Koran etc for the comparative study. They may use the Modern Technology fort his purpose. 4. Also, Encourage the scholars and intellectuals from the Buddhism, Sikhism, Baha'i faith and Jewish faith to describe the ABSOLUTE TRUTH in their faith for the comparative study for the general mass of the people around the world. 5. At present moment, every religious leader from all major religions believe that his/her religion is the BEST religion and all other people of different faiths should follow or converted to his or her faith for the salvation or elevation to heaven etc. In this stressful scenario, the six to seven billion people of this small planet

may try some nice solution or compromise as follow. 6. Quarterly Celebration of four major religions by six billions of people of this world: Hinduism is the oldest and Islam is the youngest religion out of the four major religions in our planet now: I. First quarter : from January to March to celebrate or practice Hinduism by six to seven billion of people of this planet. II. Second quarter: from April to June to celebrate or practice Buddhism by Six to seven billion of people of this planet. III. Third quarter: from July to September to celebrate or practice Christianity by Six to seven billion of people of this planet. IV.

Forth quarter: from October to December to celebrate or practice Islam by the six to seven billion of the people around the world. The remaining minor religions such as Judaism, Jainism, Sikhism, Baha'i etc may join with any religion of their choice. So, the quarterly celebration of four major religions will increase cooperation, good understanding and global unity among the six to seven billion of people of this blue planet now and in future. This idea may be a childish idea in the Middle Ages but this ideology may transform into the REALITY at present for Six to seven billion of people. The Mystical power of the Supreme Lord - Sri Krishna thru the help of Modern Technology and the Vedic Literature may provide the solution and factual result for this ideology. 7. The peaceful, voluntary and quarterly celebration of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam by six to seven billion of people of this small planet will be very beneficial at every level at this moment and in the future. The Religious and political leaders of these four major religions are dreaming and having the wishful thinking past many centuries to convert all human beings into one religion will be accomplished without any violence and hatredness - we hope so. This unifying phenomena was not possible during the MIDDLE AGES and few century ago. But at present moment in the age of the Modern Technological and spiritual advancement and by the Supreme Will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead every thing and any thing is possible. Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the greatest personality of West Bengal, India demonstrated this phenomena one and half century ago. He practiced

Hinduism, Sufism, Islam, Vaishnavanism and even Christianity during his advent in this world. Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa is the great example of the religious harmony and tolerance during our modern time. Also, many similar examples may be available from the different faiths and countries. 8. Finally, every fifth year, all the six or seven billion people of this small planet may practice the four eternal Sampradaya of the Sanatana Dharma - Brahma Sampradaya, Rudra Sampradaya, Sri Sampradaya and Kumara Sampradaya with devotion and love to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The exclusivist nature of the current four modern religions - specially by Abrahamic religions - is already included within the all-inclusive Sanatana Dharma. The Sanatana Dharma is all-inclusive and the exclusivity nature of

the Abrahamic religions and Modern Science are also included and never excluded. 9. World wide Celebration of the major events from different Religions by Six to Seven billion of people: Six to Seven Billion of people may celebrate the Shivaratri, Ganesh-chaturthi, Rama-navami, Gaura-purnima, Sri Krishna Janmasthami, Islamic and Jews major festivals and, of course, Christmas and New Year events may be celebrated all over the world with great enthusiasm, love and devotion to the founders of these events or religions. Not a bad idea !! B. Destructive or disgusting Suggestions for the defense of the Sanatana Dharma: 1. Global Competition for

Defamation of Vishnu-Tattva: In this world wide competition, people from different faiths may deride or defame Vishnu-Tattva such as Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Lord Vishnu, Lord Narayana, Lord Varaha or Lord Narsimha Deva etc with their full heart and soul. Lord Krishna says in Srimad Bhagavata Gita that fools deride Him when He visits this mortal world. 2. Global Competition for defamation of Jiva-tattva expansions of the Supreme Lord: In this competition, people from different faiths may try their best to defame or deride the Jiva-tattva expansions such as Hindu deities/demigods, Pagan gods, Son of God, Prophets and Messengers, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein etc by their full heart and mind with the modern technology such as the Internet, Video games, TV shows and Movies and other communication strategy by the six or seven billions of the people of this planet. Recent uproars in the Islamic

countries and Hindu communities around the world over the Cartoons created by the European and American Newspaper Cartoonists - such as cartoon depicting Jesus Christ as Baby Cat with his mother; Cartoons of Prophet Mohammad; the pictures of Hindu Deities on toilets, slippers and under-wears are the best examples of defamation tactics used for fun, fame and money as well as sadistic expression of their originators. Surprisingly, even Jesus Christ was not spared by these Cartoonists. Also, the Christian missionaries, evangelists and Computer and Video manufacturing companies have already circulated millions of Video Games for Christian population in which the Christian teenagers and Video Game players are able to destroy and murder the PAGANS, Non-believers and Non-Christians to the extinction with their heart and soul for the sadistic and perverted faith. 3. Global Competition to Create a Hero out of the

Villains: In this global competition, the different faiths or cultures may create the Hero from the Villains - ancient or Modern - such as Hiranyakashipu, Ravana, Kamsa, Putana, Hitler, Godse, Saddam Hussein and many more Villains from different countries and cultures. They may write nice poetry and praise them as they like with full of their heart and soul to glorify them with the help from modern technology and innovations. 4. Global Competition to eradicate the different faiths and religions: In this global competition, the followers of one faith may produce and use Video games, TV shows and Movies to eradicate up to the extinction the other religious group. For an example, 2.4 Billion of followers of Christianity may produce Video games and TV shows or Movies depicting or describing that 4.6 Billions of people from different religions are destroyed and eradicated from the earth.

Similarly, the 1.8 Billion followers of the Islam, 1.0 Billion followers of Buddhism and 1.0 Billion followers of Hinduism also, may create their own Video games, TV shows and Movies to destroy and eradicate the respective opponents or pagans, kafirs and non-believers from this small planet!!. Now, this sounds real funny and certainly weird !! However, I am suggesting these various Global Competitions at the MENTAL or SUBTLE BODY LEVELS with help of THE FABULOUS INTERNET TECHNOLOGY in their private rooms or houses known as the EXPRESSED or CONCEALED Intentions, relationships and Emotions. The originator party A, the recipients Party B are all invisible to each other with no physical violence or fight happening in actuality - we hope so. 5. Global Competition to create the Text Books of Fakeology: In this global competition of Fakeology the scientists, co-religionists and paid writers including Atheists may be invited to write and explain their interpretation of the Origin of God, Godly attributes, Godly qualities and purpose of the human life etc. For an example, Dr. Kamal Chaterjee, Ph.D from U.S.A. but originally from West Bengal, India and Roma Thapar, Ph.D who re-wrote their fictitious version of the Ramayana and Hinduism for bribe and ulterior purpose. Scientists and religious leaders may claim that they have find out some hidden scrolls and scripts from the caves, deserts and space travels. They may create new transcendental Fakeology Text Books and theories about the origin of God and other aspects of God.Eventually, the people

will be bored and tired of the fiction novel, fiction stories and Fictitious Ramayana and Fictitious tales of Hinduism and Big Bang Theories created by Dr. Kamal Chaterjee, Ph.D from U.S.A. and Roma Thapar, Ph.D from India and Modern Scientists all over the world. Finally, they will turn to the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma for the real transcendental narration and information about the Supreme Personality of Godhead and they will be in ecstasy and in bliss for ever. I. The Mockery of the Modern Men: The powerful and merciful Sages and Rishis are smiling and observing from the celestial plain the Mockery of the six to seven billion of Modern Men in our planet. These great Sages and Rishis are "Tri-kala Gyani" or they know what happened in

the Past, what is going on at Present and what will be happening in the Future in this planet and other parts of the Universe. They know that the Modern Technological and Spiritual advancements through out the world are the plan of the Supreme Lord - Sri Krishna for the specific purpose of the unity in diversity and God Conscious or Krishna Consciousness for the mankind now and in the future. It has been predicted by the Sages, Rishis and great Vaishnava Acharya and the Modern truth seekers that the Transcendental past times or Lila of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna will submerge or inundate the entire planet with Love and Devotion for the Supreme Lord pretty soon just like the great Tsunamis and waves of the ocean for every one of this planet. Certainly, the Sages and Rishis are smiling at the disharmony and stupidity of

the current six to seven billion of the Modern Men who are destroying and fighting like the lower animals without higher purpose of their precious human existence. Also, Echelon - the primitive super soul - and the Moderators or Spy agents hired by , Microsoft and AOL are pleased with our transcendental intervening and interweaving dialog because our "Expressed and Concealed Intentions, Relationship and emotions" are genuine, pure and honest with only purpose is to help each other and every one of this planet. However, the Echelon - the primitive super soul (in lower case) - manufactured by the NASA space agency, Internet spy agents or moderators hired by , AOL and Microsoft may to observe the "Expressed and Concealed" Intentions, Relationships and Emotions of the six to seven billion Modern Men around the world. But unfortunately, these

modern computer scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists are not able to analyze and explain these Emotions scientifically as described in the "Nectar of Devotion" and other blissful Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma. The nice saying - WHAT MIND DOES NOT KNOW THE EYES DO NOT SEE or HAND IS NOT ABLE TO WRITE OR TYPE NICE ARTICLE- is applicable in this scenario. J. The Description and Demonstration of the Twelve Rasa or Emotions: In this very long email article titled as "Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science Part II - In the Defense of the Sanatana Dharma", I have tried my best to describe the hard facts, predictions, fun and little fantasy to make this article enjoyable and relishable.

Also, in this grand dinner size or Maha-prasadam size email article, I have flavored and sprinkled Twelve Rasa or Emotions. You may find the mixture of your choicest flavors of taste and smell as well as many unpalatable and distasteful items and snacks. The snack size email articles are good just for the scratching each other's back which may help some one to feel better but there is little expression of the Rasa or Emotions. Five century ago Srila Rupa Gosvami, a great Vaishnava and direct disciple of Sri Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, wrote the Nectar of Devotion or Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu in Sanskrit language. The Nectar of Devotion text book wonderfully describes Twelve Rasa as follow:I. Five Primary or Mandatory Rasa:1. Neutrality 2. Servitude 3. Fraternal 4. Parental and 5. Conjugal Rasa.II. Seven Secondary or Optional Rasa:1. Laughter 2. Astonishment 3. Chivalry, 4. Anger 5. Compassion 6. Dread and 7. Ghastliness.Also, Srila Rupa Gosavmi describes that all the twelve Rasa and the sixty four qualities are originating and

attribute of the transcendental body of the Supreme Lord Krishna which are manifesting in His Abode in the Spiritual realm as well as in the Material world. These Five Primary and Seven Secondary Rasa may be mixed up in the different proportions for the "Expressed and Concealed" Intention, Relationships . There are mixtures of the Compatible Rasa and Incompatible Rasa. Also, the Jiva-tattva expansions in the material world and the spiritual world possess in minute quantity of twelve Rasa originating from their heart - the resting place of Soul proper. They are able to express and exchange with each other and ultimately with the Supreme Person - Sri Krishna. The application of the compatible Rasa by the Jiva-tattva are at Singular, Dual and Plural level are beneficial for every one and the exchange of the Incompatible Rasa are detrimental to each other in our planet and Material Universe. In the

Jiva-tattva, the Twelve Rasa ( Five Primary and Seven Secondary Rasa) are originating from or are the Function of the SUBTLE BODY made up of Mind, Intelligence, False Ego, the Soul Proper and his aggregated Karma. The Sixty Four Qualities are the end products or attributes or the functions of the Gross Body made up of Twenty material Elements ( Five Gross Elements with Five Subtle Elements, Five Jnanendriya and Five Karmendriya - Total twenty items). Please consult the Nectar of Devotion, Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam for further references. However, any mixture of Rasa applied for the loving service of Sri Krishna are always compatible, transcendental and blissful. K. Examples of the Incompatible Rasa:Following are the best examples of the exchange of mixtures of the primary and Secondary Incompatible Rasa applied and used by the Modern Men at this moment all over the world:1. Abuse of the Conjugal Rasa: World wide high prevalence of the Child molestation and Child sexual abuse, Adult and Child pornography and Necrophilia. Necrophilia is banned in Great Britain now. This phenomena is very rampant in Single parent, drug abusers, meat users and the Western or developed and developing countries. Abuse or incompatible use of the Conjugal Rasa by Grand-fathers, fathers, mothers, brothers and cousins and uncles etc towards their innocent and cute daughters and sons. I am practicing Psychiatrist past sixteen years in Metro Detroit area in the Michigan in U.S.A.. I have evaluated

approximately 12,000 or Twelve Thousand psychiatric patients with very high percentage of sexual abuse cases and victims are the examples and evidences of this statement, unfortunately. 2. Forty to Sixty percentage email or Junk email consists of the PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL all over the World is another good example of the incompatible or Abuse of the Mixture of the twelve Rasa - primarily Conjugal Rasa - by the Modern Men. This information is known to every one.3. Abuse or overuse of the Ghastliness and Dread Rasa: One to five percentage of the die-hard or religious Fanatics from the different religions apply TERROR or Ghastliness or Dread to the fellow human beings and try to destroy

them for no reason or weird reasons is the best example of the Abuse or Incompatible usage of the mixture of the Secondary Rasa - Dread and Ghastliness or Sadism - and few Primary Rasa. The famous 9-11 event in New York city on September 2001 is the best example know to every one all over the world.4. Abuse or Incompatible usage of Neutrality and Laughter Rasa: Almost ninety percentage of the people with religious, national, educational and financial affiliation remain Neutral or apathetic to the TERROR or DREAD or SADISTIC tactics applied by the one percentage of the die-hard fanatics, Jihadis, terrorists and dictators/thugs/politicians all over the world due to their inability, lack of courage and powerlessness. The above mentioned examples are demonstrations and applications of the INCOMPATIBLE RASA extensively applied and abused by Modern Men at present moment all over the world. These "Expressed and Concealed" Intentions, Relationships and Emotions or Rasa are easily and instantly elicited by any one and every one right now thru the fabulous Modern Technology - Internet, Emails, TV shows, Video games and what not - the small Spark of the Opulence of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Moderm man can understand the Science of Rasa or Emotions only thru the super-scientific, tamper-proof and blissful knowledge of the Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science of the Sanatana Dharma. Psychology and Psychiatric theories are useless and worthless. L. Practical Applications of Twelve Rasa - Expressed or Concealed:Following are the practical applications of this concept in our Modern Society:1. Identification of the use/abuse of Rasa or Emotions at Singular level by Single person - Male or Female.2. Identification of use/abuse of Rasa or Emotions at Dual level by Husband/wife/spouse.3. Identification of use/abuse of Rasa or Emotions at Plural level or at Community level by hundreds and thousands of people. 4. Identification of use/abuse of Rasa or

Emotions by different Religious, Political leaders and Organizations all over the world. 5. Any one at Singular, Dual and Plural level abuses or overuses the incompatible Rasa or Emotions should be considered an Offender(s) and they should be punished by the respective authority at home, town, state, country and at International level. 6. Encouragement of the people at Singular, Dual and Plural levels to apply and exchange of the Compatible Rasa or Emotions of the Five Primary Rasa and Seven Secondary Rasa. In other words, minimal use of the Neutrality & Conjugal Rasa of Primary Rasa and Laughter and Ghastliness or Sadistic Rasa of the Secondary Rasa groups. 7. At VFA and

and other Vedic/Scientific Websites we may establish the "Rasa Workshop" to identify and elicite the application of the different Rasa or Emotions use by the members of the respective forum or group in his or her articles. This will be a great fun and practice.8. The exponents of the Science of Rasa have observed that those people from any race, religion or country who consume meat (specially - beef) three times a day, seven days a week and 365 days in year are addicted to incompatible Rasa - Neutrality #1 and Conjugal Rasa # 5 of Primary Rasa category and Laughter # 1, Dread # 6 and Ghastliness or Sadism # 6 of Secondary Rasa category. They remain Neutral and Callous to the suffering of the

Human Beings, Sub-human beings including themselves and they Laugh loud and engage in the uncontrolled sense gratification. The intoxication, Gambling and Illicit Sex invariably follow them.9. The exponents of the Science of Rasa have observed that when mankind uses the Middle Rasa - Servitude, Friendship and Parental - of the Primary Rasa category and Middle Rasa - Compassion, Chivalry and Astonishment - of Secondary Rasa Category, the mankind lives in peace and prosperity and in God Conscious atmosphere.Srila Rupa Gosvami in the Nectar of Devotion expresses his concluding remark that "Science of Rasa" are difficult to understand by an average person but he is hopeful that an average person will be able to understand this great science by the mercy and wish of the Supreme Person Sri Krishna. M. Conclusion: The Vedic Literature are the Super-scientific, tamper-proof and Internet piracy proof Supreme Science of the Sanatana Dharma. The Modern Technology is the spark of the opulence of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Presently, the Vedic concepts of the Vedic Literature are providing higher dimensions to The Modern Technology and Modern Science. In reciprocation, the Modern Technology is helping the Vedic Literature to establish and prove as the Supreme Science for ever. Six to seven billion people of this small planet may take the advantage of these two great phenomena and live peacefully in the mood of friendship, servitude, compassion, bravery with fun and appropriate application of twelve Rasa ( Five Primary and Seven Secondary Rasa ) at Singular, Dual and Plural level in the loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in this small planet -

Bharat-varsha and Material world. Modern Technology is the best and easy methods or tools to identify and observe the various mixtures of the compatible and incompatible "Express or Concealed" Intentions, Relationships and Rasa or Emotions of the Six to Seven billions of the Human beings, Super human beings and even Sub- human beings.Excessive use and incompatible applications of the Neutrality & Conjugal Rasa - both ends of Five Primary Rasa and Laughter & Ghastliness or Sadism - the both end of Seven Secondary Rasa are detrimental and should be avoided by the six to seven billion of this planet earth for the peaceful co-existence and cooperation to fulfill the goal of the human life. This is the defense of the Sanatana Dharma according to my small ability. I am just like a little Sparrow bringing a small piece of stone to help Vir

Hanuman and his powerful associates to build the Lanka-Setu or Lanka bridge to rescue Universal Mother Sita Devi to unite with the Supreme Lord Ramachandra so we can have Darshana of Beautiful and Transcendental Lord Sita-Rama in our heart.I greatly appreciate the motto of Sriman Ajay Sachdeva - Dharmo Rakshita Dharmo Rakshitah. In the next article titled as "Vedic Literature: the Supreme Science part III - the Atheist Buster", I will be describing the fundamentals of the "Impersonal-ism and Personal-ism" as well as "The Creation, Maintenance and Destruction of the Relationships" in our material world. I will be describing and analyzing these two great topics with help of Twenty Five basic items ( Five Jnanendria, Five Karmendriya, Five Gross Elements with their Five Subtle Tan-matras, Mind, Intelligence, False Ego, Soul proper and Time factor) to prove that these twenty five items as described in the Srimad

Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam are so relevant and super-scientific and able to describe the Personal-ism, Impersonal-ism and creation, maintenance and destruction of the relationships in our small world. This article will be forwarded in two to three months with no deadline to beat. Let us preserve the Sanatana Dharma and all inclusive Sanatana Dharma will preserve Six to Ten Billions of people of this world - Bharata-varsha. The Sub-human beings are also included and not excluded.Thank you very much for your precious time & Hare KrishnaIn service of the Sanatana DharmaAtul Krsna dasaAtul C. Shah, MDTroy, Michigan, U.S.A


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Dear Friend Atul, I did not read part I. I would very much read part I. Thank you in advance. And thank you for this work. I knew about some of the items but not about the scientific part like the toilets. Please forward me part I so I learn more. Hari bol! Hare Krishna! Monique

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Dear friends , I have missed reading both Parts 1 and 2 . Would you please be kind enough to forward . Many thanks Vasanth RaoMonique Cardell <monica_romana wrote: Dear Friend Atul, I did not read part I. I would very much read part I. Thank you in advance. And thank you for this work. I knew about some of the items but not about the scientific part like the toilets.

Please forward me part I so I learn more. Hari bol! Hare Krishna! Monique Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail beta.

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Dear Vasantha Rao: I will be happy to forward Part 1 & 2 as soon as possible. At present, I am visiting India past two weeks and I will be back at end of this week end. Thank you & Hare Krishna Atul Krsna dasa/ Atul C. Shah, MD vasanth rao <thammanna wrote: Dear friends , I have missed reading both Parts 1 and 2 . Would you please be kind enough to forward

.. Many thanks Vasanth RaoMonique Cardell <monica_romana > wrote: Dear Friend Atul, I did not read part I. I would very much read part I. Thank you in advance. And thank you for this work. I knew about some of the items but not about the scientific part like the toilets. Please forward me part I so I learn more. Hari bol! Hare Krishna! Monique Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail beta. Need Mail bonding?Go to the Mail Q & A for great tips from Answers users.

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Vedic Literature: the Supreme Science Part II - In Defense of the Sanatana Dharma--- On Sat, 11/10/07, Atul C. Shah, MD <atul99krishna wrote:

Atul C. Shah, MD <atul99krishnaVedic Literature: the Supreme Science Part II - In Defense of the Sanatana Dharma"Atul C. Shah MD" <atul99krishna, "Nirmal Prasher" <nprasher108Saturday, November 10, 2007, 7:11 AM



Dear Friends and the Vedic Scholars:Namaste & Hari BolThis long article titled as "Vedic Literature: the Supreme Science Part II - In the Defense of the Sanatana Dharma" contains several topics or flowers which are independent but inter-related to each other with basic purpose or thread is the Defense of the Sanatana Dharma. I believe this is very essential at present moment. Dharmo Rakshita Rakshitah. Preserve the Dharma and the Dharma will preserve you.Self preservation is the fundamental and natural instinct of the every Living Entity - Human, Super-human or Sub-human Beings - in this cool but extremely

dangerous place - the Material World. Every Living Entity wants to live happily forever and no one wants to die tomorrow or ten millions years later is an indication of the self preservation instinct or nature.In this article, I have tried my best to describe how the blissful Vedic Literature and the Modern Technology - the spark of the opulence of the Supreme Lord Krishna are miraculously and subtle way helping every one of this small planet to preserve our Original Spiritual identity and nature right now. Lord Sri Krishna is the origin of and reservoir of Six Opulence - Beauty, Fame, Knowledge, Wealth, Strength and Renunciation - in the unlimited quantity. As the part and parcel of Sri Krishna we also possess with minute quality of the six Opulence.If some shares his knowledge his knowledge will increase; if some one shares his wealth his wealth will increase; similarly, if some one shares his beauty, strength, fame and

renunciation - these spiritual qualities - will increase exponentially also. Also, we know that in this material world, some one shares the jealousy and hatred - these negative material qualities - will increase exponentially. Let us turn on our spiritual qualities and turn off the material qualities from our heart and mind for ever.Thank you very much for your precious time & Hare Krishna. Atul Krsna dasa/Atul C. Shah, MD

Note: Next article "Vedic Literature: the Supreme Science Part III - the Atheist Buster" will be forwarded in few months. This article will be the third and final article of this series. AKD******************************************************************************************************************************************************

In Defense of the Sanatana Dharma



A. The Merciful and Powerful Sages & Rishis:First of all I would like to humbly state that the powerful and great Sages and Rishis are smiling and blessing all of us from the celestial plain. The great Sages and Rishis can bless any one and all of us in this planet thru their mystic perfections and mystic power much subtle, sublime and blissful than our current modern technological or Internet approaches.B. NASA and Echelon - the primitive

super soul:

We are aware that all Web site postings, specially the Vedic/Hindu Web sites such as VedicLiteraturetheSupremeScience,VFA, etc are regularly screened, scrutinized and relayed by the Echelon, the modern super soul ( in lower case) created by NASA space agency of U.S.A., by Moderators and spy agents of , Microsoft and AOL web sites. This Echelon and other Moderators can trace and identify any telephone call, email postings with content of originators and recipients from any where in this globe - the marvelous technological advancement or the modern miracle. However, we have to take a note that the Echelon - the modern

super soul - manufactured in the laboratory of the NASA space agency by the computer geniuses hired from the IIT ( Indian Institute of Technology) in Bangalore, Kanpur and Bombay and the impeccable soft wares "Made in Japan" is the PRIMITIVE SUPER SOUL in comparison to the real Super Soul residing in heart of every Jiva-tattva in this planet and elsewhere in this Material Universe. We may request the innovators of this primitive super soul - Echelon - of NASA to turn their face to the real Super Soul residing in their heart so they may worship Him, take the spiritual instructions and guidance to help billions of people for achieving the goal of human life rather misusing the Modern Technological advancement for ulterior purpose. When a Jiva-tattva turns his face to the Super Soul, his blissful and liberated state begins and miserable state of life


C. NASA and Sophisticated Toilet Technology:

Here is an example of abuse of the Modern Technology. NASA spying agency has manufactured highly sophisticated "TOILETS, SINKS and BATHROOMS". NASA have installed the advanced Electronic Gadgets in toilets, sinks and bathrooms to identify and detect the secrets, illnesses, conversation and bad habits of the Foreign Dignitaries (Ambassadors, Spy agent etc) of friendly and rival countries. The toilets, sinks and bathrooms have been installed in White House, Five Star Hotels and Casinos and prestigious restaurants. NASA scientists are able to analyze the Semen, Stool, Urine and DNA of Oral Mucosal

cells collected from Saliva/spit of the friendly or rival dignitaries. The NASA scientists are able to produce instant reports of ailment, drug abuse and other secrets of the dignitaries of the friendly and rival or enemy countries by DNA Analysis. NASA spy agency may take advantage of these Secret Information from the SOPHISTICATED TOILET SPY and this information can be used or abused to their advantages in U.S.A and abroad.D. NASA, Astronauts and the Excreta:In outer space adventure such as Moon and Mars etc, NASA scientists and astronauts have encounter another big problem of Human excreta or wastes especially during the prolong voyage. NASA scientists are using the sophisticated TOILET TECHNOLOGY to dispose and recycle these human excreta. They have tried to transform the human STOOL into delicious apple flavored Biscuits; URINE

into various flavored Coca-Cola and Beer or Wine; Semen, Spits and Menstrual period into the Strawberry and Mint flavored Mouth Freshener Candies for recycling and re-use purposes during their space travel !!Astronauts from U.S.A., India, Russia, Israel, China, Japan and other countries are untrained and with lack of knowledge in the Eight Mystic or Astha-siddhi perfections as described in the Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavata Gita. Also, they carry the hormone treated Beef, Pig and Chicken patties to eat and survive during the voyage. In the outer space with minimal gravity, the brain cells of the Astronauts and crew members become swollen and edematous despite space suites. These AMINO ACIDS or Neuro-transmitters create a big havoc in their brain and mind - just like the explosions of the firecrackers during Deepavali and Christmas festivals - with the resultant hallucination and miseries for them and not the

heavenly pleasure in the outer space.The Astronauts with their ineffective space suite are trying to go to the heavenly planets such as Moon, Sun and Venus. Unfortunately, they are unable or unfit to have Darshana or meeting with the presiding Deities of the heavenly planets - Chandradeva, Suryadeva and Indradeva - and they do not receive any blessing or boons from the Demigods. They return to earth with collection of the yellow golden biscuits made from the Stool, Soma-rasa made of urine and Mouth freshener candies made from the semen, menstruation and spits manufactured with the help of Toilet Technology. This kind of travel to the outer space is not the heavenly experience but hellish experience. I may decline to travel this place even I may be offered a free ticket. The recent space travel experience of Indian Astronaut Sunita Williams will be interesting and she may provide more

insight for all of us.


So, who can help the NASA scientists and Astronauts to continue and ACCOMPLISH their MISSION ? Answer to this question is the blissful and eternal Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma can help the astronauts and scientists at the present moment as follow. The foremost criterion and requirement for the successful space mission of any country is that Astronauts, space crews and space travelers must be trained in the EIGHT MYSTIC PERFECTIONS. The sophisticated TOILET TECHNOLOGY is dirty approach. Also, The astronauts and crew members must be trained in controlling of their NINE GATES of

their individual body (Two Ears, Two Eyes, Two Nostrils, Mouth, Anus and Genitals) to produced human waste or Excreta in outer space at the minimal level. Astronauts and crew members may use the Eight Mystic Perfections and Yoga training to apply their built-in INTERNAL COMBUSTION SYSTEM to train the atoms such as Indium, Americium, Uranium, Hydrogen, Oxygen and other atoms to slow down the Energy Production or Metabolism to the minimal level. In other words, every astronauts and space travelers should train their Gross body and Subtle Body with the Eight Mystic Perfections as described in the Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. Then, their journey to the outer space will be enjoyable, heavenly and Krishna Conscious without any doubt. No need of Littering of human excreta in the heavenly planets which is prohibited by Indra Deva - King of the Heaven!! I may assume that this law will be one of the most important

Cosmic Law at least in the heavenly planets.Sri Sri Mahesh Yogi and his Transcendental Meditation centers around the world may help and train every astronaut and crew member in the mystic perfections at every space project around the world. They may charge five to ten Million dollars for each astronaut in the reciprocation of their training and guidance. Hare Krishna people may supply Karma Free Maha-prasadam and Drinks to all the space projects used by Astronauts and Crew Members during their journey. I am sure that POOR Hare Krishna people will be happy to provide this service even at Free of Charge. I have no hesitation to mention that the Hare Krishnas are the most hated, most under-appreciated, out-casted and privately the most revered group of the people on the surface of the our blue planet at this moment!!!. As a member of Hare Krishnas

and with this trend, I am inclining to out-caste myself from this Hare Krishna group!! Some how, I am unable to find any space - inner or outer space - without Krishna and I am sure that my MISSION WILL BE A FAILURE to out-caste myself from this great phenomena. A FAILED MISSION !! In the funny tone, even I see every day a Rabbit (Hare) and Crow ( Krishna ) in my backyard - the sarcastic expression of the Hare Krishna word or world. We know well that every thing is Krishna and every one is originating from Krishna 's Transcendental but Big Mouth. . The primary purpose for the above-mentioned HUMOROUS REMARKS is to elucidate or indicate that how modern scientists and innovators are abusing the modern and fabulous technological advancements for useless and un-godly purposes. They may use this fabulous technology - the spark of

the opulence of Lord Krishna - for the spiritual up-liftment of the mankind now and in the future all over the world.The members at VedicLiteraruretheSupremeScience, VFA and other Vedic/Scientific organizations all over the world may request the modern innovators, scientists and creators of Toilet Technology in U.S.A, India, Great Britain and other countries to use the God-gifted Modern Technology for the betterment of Mankind to be God-Consciousness or Krishna Consciousness rather mis-using wonderful modern technology for the petty and useless agenda.


Above-mentioned observations are nice examples of abuses of the Modern Technology by scientists of the Western culture. They just try to kill people in deserts, mountains, homes, streets, casinos with help of modern technology as well as to identify the ailments of the invited guests and other un-godly agenda all around the world!!With the above-mentioned humorous remarks, I will try my best in this email posting to explain about how the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature are providing higher dimensions in Modern Science and empowering the Modern Technology to unite the mankind and live harmoniously in this globe. Also,

how the Modern Technological advancements can be used for the Defense of the Sanatana Dharma. Also how miraculously the Modern Technology is helping the blissful and eternal Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma to re-establish the Vedic wisdom as the SUPREME SCIENCE at this moment!! I may humbly state that this is the wonderful and grand project of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Lets us hope that every one may become the participant and instrument for this grand plan irrespective of his/her nationality, religion, caste, creed or geographical affiliations. Ultimately, the six to seven billion modern wo/men are the direct beneficiaries of the Modern Technology and the blissful Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science.I may prefer to title this email article as "Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science Part II - In Defense of the Sanatana Dharma" as it is very

essential. The next article titled as "Vedic Literature: the Supreme Science Part III - the Atheist Buster" will be forwarded in few months. I do not consider myself as an expert but there is no harm to try to explain some thing, I believe, will be extremely helpful to fellow human beings to be happy including myself in this small planet. Sharing is caring.I am describing the following topics or concepts which may help the people to understand the basic Human nature, emotions and the causes of the sadistic behaviors toward each other at the present moments in the Eastern and Western hemispheres by the modern men.E. The Expressed Intentions & Concealed Intentions or Description of Twelve Rasa or Emotions or


Modern Internet technology is the fabulous and marvelous technology created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead for the present mankind to unite, live harmoniously and to advance in the spiritual life and activities. The modern audio-visual equipments and Internet technology can be used and applied to reveal and identify the "Expressed Intention" and "Concealed Intention" of the Originators, Recipients and Participants such as TV shows, Video Games, Sports and Religious episodes etc. The "Expressed Intention" and Concealed Intention"

transforms into the "Expressed Relationships" and "Concealed Relationship" in due course of time. Finally, the Expressed and Concealed Relationships are blossomed into the "Expressed and Concealed Emotions" among the originators, recipients and participants of particular Web site at singular, dual and plural levels in any community or country irrespective of their religion, nationality and geographical identifications. Examples are VFA and web sites.So, the fabulous Internet technology will help to observe and identify the exchanges of Intentions, Relationships and Emotions present in each and every Living Entity in our globe as categorize below:a. Stage I : Expressed Intention and Concealed Intentionb. Stage II : Expressed Relationship and Concealed

Relationshipc. Stage III : Expressed Emotion and Concealed EmotionThe abbreviations for the above-mentioned terminology are as follow:EI = Expressed Intention, CI = Concealed Intention, ER = Expressed Relationship, CR = Concealed Relationship, EE = Expressed Emotion and CE = Concealed Emotion. Emotions are called Rasa in the Sanskrit terminology. Intentions and Relationships are the different phases of Rasa.These phenomena can be experienced and elicited at different levels:a. Singular Level - One Individual person. Self emailing for self-assessmentb. Dual Level - Two persons - Husband and wife or

spouse/friend/strangerc. Plural level - Six to Seven Billion of peopleThe greatest advantage of the Modern technology is that there is no direct Physical Violence or Harm to the Originators and Recipients as Originator A, Recipient B and multiple Participants C are usually invisible to each other. Of course there is mental stress or happiness in viewing the email, watching the TV show, playing Video Games etc. Also, however, there is some minimal damage to the recipient(s) if s/he become too angry or too happy and recipient(s) smashes her/his fist on the TV monitor or wall with the resultant broken hand known as the Boxer' fracture. The treatment for this Boxer's

fracture is very simple - Do Not Hit Again!!All the above mentioned information and further detail about Twelve Rasa or Emotions or Moods - Five Primary and Seven Secondary Rasa -as described in the "Nectar of Devotion" by Srila Rupa Gosvami will be described in "Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science part III : the Atheist Buster" article later on. The primary purpose behind the description of the above-mentioned information is to demonstrate that how the modern and fabulous technological advancements can be manipulated and abused by the political, social and religious leaders in different countries - poor or wealthy - with devilish and sadistic mentality all

over the world at this moment which have been described in the Section F as follow. However, this scientific information, also, can be used for the constructive purposes to improve our God Consciousness or Krishna Consciousness by any one in this planet.


F. The Fantasy Research Project - How to Destroy Hinduism:

I. The Fantasy Research Project:Past few decades, a fantasy but secret and privately funded Research Project has been going on at the several famous and rich Universities in the U.S.A. , Europe and else where with the title - "How to Destroy Hinduism". This fantasy project in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at famous Universities in U.S.A and Europe has been privately funded by the wealthy religious and political organizations for the ulterior purpose. These famous Universities have hired Nobel Prize winner Social Scientists/Sociologists, Psychologists &

Psychiatrists and Political Pundits to research and find out the ways and means to destroy Hinduism from this planet. Reason is unknown!!! (Concealed Intention). These brilliant minds or intellectuals in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology have tried their best to study the strengths, weaknesses and reasons of the longevity of Hinduism from various historical, cultural and religious perspective and views. The Sanatana Dharma/Hinduism is the longest surviving culture and civilization in this globe.


Unfortunately, these brilliant and Nobel Prize winner Sociologists, Psychologists and Political Pundits at various Universities in U.S.A and Europe failed to find out the ways and means to destroy Hinduism from the earth. These inimical groups of people were unable to find out the real solution and conclusion after few decades of research and waste of tons of money at these universities. Certainly, their heart and impure mind were disappointed due to their inability to find out the solution or their cherished goal of the research project - How to Destroy Hinduism from the earth.


Finally, these brilliant minds turned their face to the Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma for the answer and solution - How to Destroy Hinduism. They certainly did not disappointed and they got the perfect answers and solutions!!! The Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma are "OM PURNAM", the self-sufficient and super-scientific in nature. Any one who approaches this great Literature will obtain the perfect answers and solutions without fail for good or bad purposes or intentions - "Expressed or Concealed". They found out the answers and solutions - How to destroy

Hinduism - from the blissful Vedic Literature as follow:

1. Varnasrama Dharma is the backbone of the Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). Destroy the Varnasrama Dharma system as the primary solution.

2. Destroy the Brahminical Culture or CUT OFF the HEAD or Severely TRAUMATIZE the HEAD of Varnasrama Dharma.

3. Destroy the Ksatriyas or arms of the Varnasrama Dharma. CUT OFF the two ARMS of Varnasrama Dharma by all means and techniques - Sama, Dama, Danda and Bheda or Dirty Techniques, Bribe, Terror and Divide and rule policies. 4. Slaughter the sacred Cows and Bulls and feed flesh to Brahamanas, Ksatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras for the complete destruction and final blow to the Sanatana Dharma. 5. Imagine a person with NO Head or severely Traumatized Head

and Cut off Arms or Hand-cuffed Arms. This horrible image gives an accurate impression even to a small child that this poor man is doomed and dead or utterly useless for any action or any purpose. The Belly or Vaishyas and Legs or Sudras are the easy prey as they have no defense or power to function normally without the Head (Brahmanas) and protection from the powerful Arms (Ksatriyas).

6. Any civilization or culture or society with no intelligent class of men or Brahamanas, no protection from administrative class or Ksatriyas and no financial support from the Entrepreneurs or Vaishya class of men and finally the helpless worker class is going to be doomed and destroyed. Simple but very scientific fact!!

7. This is the perfect answer and solution they received and confirmed from the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science of the Sanatana Dharma. Sociologists, Anthropologists and Political Pundits in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the famous American and European Universities funded by the political, religious leaders from the Western and the Middle-eastern countries past few decades were very happy to find out the real solution and remedy of their cherished goal at last !!.II. The Application of Wasp Mentality:The professors

and Researchers of the Insectology have observed that grotesque looking Wasp have powerful and killer sting and able to vibrate terrifying Sound Vibration which can be heard from ten feet distance. This Wasp Steals the Baby Larva from the different insect species, imprisons the Baby Larva into his muddy nest and creates terrifying Sound Vibration with the wings. This terrifying sound vibration is heard by the Baby Larva of the different species. In the great fear and anxiety this Baby larva of the different species gradually transforms into the real Wasp species. This Second Born Wasp or Born Again Wasp will practice the same horrible technique with his family members to produce more Wasp population in his area. The English dictionary defines the abbreviation of WASP as White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant in short - WASP. These horrible Wasps from the

Western and Middle-eastern countries are applying similar technique to convert and terrify the Hindu population in India and other places at this moment. In their TV shows, Beethoven Music and with help of Loud speakers they are creating horrifying Sound Vibration to entice and allure the innocent Hindu youths with chorus, Carousel and distasteful Love songs to convert them to their species or faith with a great success. However, as observed by the Insectologists, the Wasp population remains scant because the full grown Wasp kills another full grown Wasp. This phenomenon is going on in the southern states such as Karnataka, Kerala and other Indian states and other countries unrestricted and unfortunately for a long time by the Christian Missionaries and Muslim Jihadis. However, the Naughty Boy Krishna tackles this problem easily and in very funny manner. He is sending the strange looking, multi-colored Super

Wasps/Drones/Bees - white, black, Brown & Yellow - with bald head, pony tail or antenna flying from the Western and Eastern horizons. These Super Wasps, Super Drones and Super Bumble Bees are also dancing and singing the transcendental songs and vibrate the Maha-mantra imported from the Spiritual realm. They transform these grotesques "WASP" to human beings and devotee’s species. This is the quick and instant transmigration or evolution from Insect wasp to Human beings. The Law of Karma remains silent with a loving smile and tender approval for this civil infarction by the Super Wasp/Drone/Bees!!III. The Carrot and Stick Strategy:This strategy is very extensively applied by the Christian Missionaries & Evangelists and Muslim Jihadis for the conversion purpose for centuries in India and other parts of the world. In this analogy, the Donkey-rider is carrying a long stick with bunch of Carrots hanging

at the end. The Donkey sees, smells and occasionally tastes the piece of Carrot offered by the Donkey Rider. The Donkey is walking and carrying the Donkey-rider for a long distance with the hope that he will get full bunch of the Carrots which he never gets but his hope remains strong and unflinching in the Donkey-rider. In this scenario or strategy, every one knows that the Donkey-riders are the Christian Missionaries and Muslim Jihadis, the long stick is the process of conversion and Carrots are the crores of Rupees and triple salary with fringe benefits. The Donkey is certainly the Hindu population such as Dalits, Freshly graduated Engineers, Doctor, Scientists, politicians and writers as well as the famous Actors and Cricketers without any doubt. The prices are variable from five hundred Rupees for Dalits to Five Crores of Rupees for the famous Actor and Cricketer, writers etc. However, the

political and religious pundits have observed that after long journey, the Donkey-rider is tired of holding heavy Stick & Carrots in his hand and Donkey is also tired of walking for a long time. They stop at the Mississippi or Nile River , regret their mistake and fall in love with each other. The Donkey starts neighing loud and Donkey-rider sings song in the praise of the Lord. They eat delicious Carrots together and drink water. The high dose of Vitamin A in Carrots widens their EYE SIGHT and VISION and they see the Super Soul within their heart realizing that Donkey-rider, Stick, Carrots and Donkey all are the creation of the Supreme Lord. The above-mentioned formula are the perfect solution and concept to destroy any culture, any religion such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and any organization in any part of our planet which has been practiced in the past, practiced at

present and it will be practiced in the future. This is the perfect formula and eternal conclusion prescribed in the blissful Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma which has been used or abused for good or bad purpose since the time immemorial.

Christianity and Islam faiths are the most vulnerable faiths now. The reason for their vulnerability is the lack of true, qualified and bona fide Brahmanas in their religion since their beginning who can explain the “Science of God” and spiritual aspects to their own followers and other intellectuals of this planet. In anger, they destroy or convert true and bona fide Brahmanas and feed them with meat or beef. These beef-eating Brahmanas from India and other parts of the world lose their Brahma-teja or Brahminical power. They become Brahma-Raksasas and increase Raksasa-teja and unable to produce any transcendental literature. The survival of these headless and formless

faiths is guaranteed upon the humble surrender to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna and without any demoniac interpretation of the Vedic Literature.

However; this kind of practice will be very prominent at the end of the Kali-yuga but not at present moment. But at present moment, we are experiencing some glimpses of this phenomenon now.


G. Do we have to believe in this information or concept??.

The answer is certainly yes and absolutely yes : The fabulous Internet Technology and Modern Scientific advancements are just created by the Supreme Lord to detect, identify and analyzed the "Concealed and Expressed Intentions, Relationships and Emotions" of any one and every one of this planet free of charge. The modern technology will help any one to identify these expressed & concealed intentions, relationship and emotions right now !!! This concept or information will be a great surprise for many people of this small globe. Certainly, this phenomenon is another aspect or Lila of the mystic potency of the Supreme

Lord. Believe it not believe have no value or leverage. You do not need to be trained at C.I.A, K.B.G, and C.B.I agency at Pentagon or in Russia to analyze these intentions, relationship and emotion!! They are already present in our heart and mind. Just pay attention to them.


If, we just turn your face to the Supreme Agent of the Supreme Lord - The Super Soul - in our heart, He will guide us and tell the real story and news. However, the Vedic Literature informs us that we should reciprocate with the Super Soul with Love, Devotion and Faith rather than for the useless and petty news of the miserable material world. The Super Soul is capable to identify and understand our every genuine or Pseudo intention or emotion.


We have to believe in the "Expressed and Concealed Intentions, Relationships and Emotions" which can be analyzed by any ordinary person of this small planet including the Political, Religious, Social leaders and their followers in different countries at the Singular, Dual or Plural levels. This is the miraculous and fabulous purpose or application of the Internet Technology - the small spark of the opulence of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna.


At present moment, we are experiencing the effects of the above mentioned "Concealed Intentions, Relationships and Emotions" of the various Political, Religious and Social leaders of the powerful Western and Middle-eastern countries in India, Nepal, Kazakhstan and all over the world to destroy the religious harmony and peace among the six or seven billion of the people around the globe. There are plenty of examples available in India , Nepal , Middle-east, Africa and elsewhere. Following are the examples:The systematic destruction of Kashmiri Brahmins and brilliant South Indian Brahmins in North and South India, imprisonment of

Jagat Guru Sri Sri Shankaracharya, the tragic death of famous Anwar Shaikh or Aniruddha Gyan Shikha and Bhakti-Svarupa Damodara Swami of Iskcon leader from Manipur are the examples. The Hindu chief ministers, Ex-Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of India, Chairmen of Bharatiya Janata Party, RSS and other Vedic Organizations possibly have received the "Invisible Death warrants" from the Bad Elements or Goonda -Tattva heavily financed by the rich people of the Western and Middle-eastern countries are another proof and explicit examples of the "Concealed and Expressed Intentions, Relationships and Emotions" of the Political and Religious leaders in India and elsewhere. The political and religious leaders of the Abrahamic Faiths are determined to cut the "Head and Arms" (Brahmanas and Ksatriyas) of the Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism at any cost and by every means for no reason or weird reasons. No stone

will be left un-turn or un-touched by all means for this purpose!!India is the greatest democratic country and land of the free will and Freedom for every one in every aspect since the time immemorial or for millenniums. At this moment in this email posting, I prefer not go into much detail of the transformation of Concealed Intentions to Expressed Intentions and, finally, the relationships and exchange of the Emotions between six to seven billions of people of this planet Bharata-varsha in view of time and space constraint. This information will be described in next article in detail.


H. In Defense of the Sanatana Dharma:

Now, a question arises that eternal and blissful Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma is able to provide the perfect answers and solutions to the inimical people who want to destroy Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism from the planet, then, how about the survival and defense of the true followers of the Sanatana Dharma in India and elsewhere??


The answer to this query is simple but super-scientific. The Vedic Literature is self-revealing, self-sufficient, eternal and blissful knowledge originating from the breath of the Supreme Lord. The powerful Sages and Rishis have made this wonderful Vedic Literature Super-scientific, tamper-proof and self-revealing to the humble, intelligent, loving and caring persons, truth-seekers and devotees of the Supreme Lord. The blissful Vedic Literature are able to provide thousands of solutions, perfect answers and remedies to the true followers of the Sanatana Dharma to counter-act the dirty tactics, politics and Concealed and Expressed Intentions,

Relationships and Emotions of the inimical leaders of different religious, political and social organizations now, in the past and in the future in India and all over the world since the time immemorial. So, the Sanatana Dharma is more inclined towards the followers of the Sanatana Dharma and helps them to defend and protect the Dharma - Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah.

I may humbly and glad to inform that above-mentioned exchange of intentions, relationships and emotions - Expressed or Concealed - have been nicely described in the subtle ways by our Parama Karuna Devi and other stalwart truth-seekers at the VFA and Websites. My job is just to analyze them, put them nicely and present to the Vedic Scholars, Scientists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Researchers and Truth Seekers. No addition or subtraction from the original Vedic concepts and thoughts. No one has ability or authority to distort or mess up with the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science. Also, it is a

fact that the Psychological and Psychiatric literature is the most disorganized or schizophrenic literature and the psychiatric concepts are essentially useless without any doubt. Psychologists and Psychiatrist will never be able to explain the Emotions and Relationships in scientific manner now or in the future without help from the blissful Vedic Literature. We pray and hope that the Psychologists and Psychiatrists will be consulting and understanding the blissful Vedic Literature very soon.


The answer how to defend the Sanatana Dharma have been explicitly explained in Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam: the ripened fruits of the Vedic Literature: Keep the every component of the Varnasrama Dharma strong and powerful, very active, vibrant in the service of the Supreme Lord without fail at any cost in India and all over our blue planet - Bharata-varsha. This essential point have been described several times by Parama Karuna Devi in her several postings. The best Defense is Offense and vice versa as mentioned several times by Sriman Mahasaumya dasa (Michael Gresset) and others scholars at our Web sites. I may

humbly suggest the following constructive and destructive suggestions for the defense of the Sanatana Dharma.


A. Constructive Suggestions for Defense of the Sanatana Dharma:

B. Destructive or Disgusting Suggestions for Defense of the Sanatana Dharma:


A. Constructive Suggestions for the Defense of the Sanatana Dharma:

1. World wide Distribution of the Super-scientific and Tamper-proof Vedic Literature. The various Vedic Scholars, Vedacharyas, Modern Yogis and Exponents of the Vedic Literature in India and abroad, must distribute through the Internet Technology and by all conventional methods. The blissful Vedic Literature vividly describe the ABSOLUTE TRUTH in three phases as Impersonal Brahman, Localized Paramatma and

Bhagavan as well as Sat, Chit, Ananada and Vigraha or Eternal, Full of Knowledge, Full of Bliss and with Forms or Personalities. These super-scientific and Tampered-proof Vedic concepts should be distributed all over the world thru the fabulous Modern Technology- Internet, Micro chips, etc. This super-scientific concepts will certainly clear up the muddy and disorganized concepts of the Modern religions about the Supreme Personality of Godhead or Almighty God for benefit of the mankind all over the world.

2. Encouragement of the scholars of the Christianity to present their version of the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The Christian Scholars, Evangelists and Missionaries of the Christianity may submit their description or version of the Absolute Truth or God as described in the Bible and other Christian scripture for review by the general public from all over the world. They may use the Modern Technology for this purpose.

3. Encouragement of the Scholars of the Islamic religion to present their version of the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The scholars and intellectuals of Islam from the Middle-eastern countries, Pakistan and other Muslim countries may provide the description of the ABSOLUTE TRUTH as narrated in Holy Koran etc for the comparative study. They may use the Modern Technology fort his purpose.

4. Also, Encourage the scholars and intellectuals from the Buddhism, Sikhism, Baha'i faith and Jewish faith to describe the ABSOLUTE TRUTH as described in their faith for the comparative study for the general mass of the people around the world.

5. At present moment, every religious leader from all major religions believes that his/her religion is the BEST religion and all other people of different faiths should follow or converted to his or her faith for the salvation or elevation to heaven etc. In this stressful scenario, the six to seven billion people of this small planet may try some nice solution or compromise as follow.

6. Quarterly Celebration of four major religions by six billions of people of this world: Hinduism is the oldest and Islam is the youngest religion out of the four major religions in our planet now:

I. First quarter: from January to March to celebrate or practice Hinduism by six to seven billion of people of this planet.

II. Second quarter: from April to June to celebrate or practice Buddhism by Six to seven billion of people of this planet.

III. Third quarter: from July to September to celebrate or practice Christianity by Six to seven billion of people of this planet.

IV. Forth quarter: from October to December to celebrate or practice Islam by the six to seven billion of the people around the world.


The remaining minor religions such as Judaism, Jainism, Sikhism, Baha'i etc may join with any religion of their choice. So, the quarterly celebration of four major religions will increase cooperation, good understanding and global unity among the six to seven billion of people of this blue planet now and in future. During the Middle Ages, this idea may appears to be a childish and non-practical but at present time this ideology can be transform into the REALITY for Six to Seven billion. The Mystical power of the Supreme Lord - Sri Krishna certainly can do the

miracle with the help of Modern Technology and the Vedic Literature.


7. The peaceful, voluntary and quarterly celebration of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam by six to seven billion of people of this small planet will be very beneficial at every level at this moment and in the future. The Religious and political leaders of these four major religions are dreaming and having the wishful thinking past many centuries to convert all human beings into one religion. This cherished goal will be accomplished without any violence and hatredness - we

hope so. This unifying phenomena was not possible during the MIDDLE AGES and few century ago. But at present moment, the Modern Technological and spiritual advancement and by the Supreme Will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead every thing and any thing is possible. Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the great personality of West Bengal in India demonstrated this phenomena one and half century ago. He practiced Hinduism, Sufism, Islam, Vaishnavanism and Christianity during his advent in this world. Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is the great example of the religious harmony and tolerance during our modern time. Also, many similar examples may be available from the different faiths and countries.

8. Practice of the Sanatana Dharma - the Eternal Religion of mankind:

Finally, every fifth year, all the six or seven billion people of this small planet may practice the four eternal Sampradaya of the Sanatana Dharma - Brahma Sampradaya, Rudra Sampradaya, Sri Sampradaya and Kumara Sampradaya with devotion and love to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The exclusivist nature of the current four modern religions - especially by Abrahamic religions - is already included within the all-inclusive Sanatana Dharma. The Sanatana Dharma is all-inclusive and the exclusivist nature of the Abrahamic religions and Modern Science are also included and never excluded. 9. World wide Celebration of the major events from different Religions by Six to Seven billion of people: Six to Seven Billion of people may celebrate the Shivaratri, Ganesh-chaturthi, Rama-navami,

Gaura-purnima, Sri Krishna Janmasthami, Islamic and Jews major festivals, Christmas and New Year event may be celebrated all over the world with great enthusiasm, love and devotion to the founders of the events or religions. Not a bad idea!!

B. Destructive or disgusting Suggestions for the defense of the Sanatana Dharma:

1. Global Competition for Defamation of Vishnu-Tattva: In this world wide competition, people from different faiths may deride or defame Vishnu-Tattva such as Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Lord Vishnu, Lord Narayana, Lord Varaha or Lord Narsimha Deva etc with their full heart and soul. Lord Krishna says in Srimad Bhagavata Gita that fools deride Him when He visits this mortal world.

2. Global Competition for defamation of Jiva-tattva expansions of the Supreme Lord: In this global competition, people from different faiths may try their best to defame or deride the Jiva-tattva expansions such as Hindu & Greek demigods, Pagan gods, Son of God Jesus Christ, Prophets Mohammad and Messengers, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein etc by their full heart and mind with the modern technology such as the Internet, Video games, TV shows and Movies by the six or seven billions of the people of this

planet. Recent uproars in the Islamic countries and Hindu communities around the world over the Cartoons created by the European and American Newspaper Cartoonists - such as cartoon depicting Jesus Christ as Baby Cat with his mother; Cartoons of Prophet Mohammad; the pictures of Hindu Deities on toilets, slippers and under-wears are the best examples of defamation tactics used for fun, fame, money and the sadistic expression by their originators. Surprisingly, even Jesus Christ was not spared by these Cartoonists with their Christian background. Also, the Christian missionaries, evangelists, Computer and Video manufacturing companies have already circulated millions of Video Games for Christian population in which the Christian teenagers and Video Game players are able to destroy and murder the PAGANS, Non-believers and Non-Christians to the extinction with great satisfaction in their heart and soul for

the sadistic and perverted faith or mentality. Another example is senile and deranged Indian Cartoonist Mr. M.F. Hussain who is trying his best to defame Hindu deities in his cartoons and paintings expressing his sadistic and perverted mentality for past few years.

3. Global Competition to Create a Hero out of the Villains:

In this global competition, the different faiths or cultures may create the Hero from the Villains - ancient or Modern - such as Hiranyakashipu, Ravana, Kamsa, Putana, Hitler, Godse, Saddam Hussein and many Villains from different countries and cultures. They may write nice poetry and praise them as they like with full of their heart and soul to glorify them with the help from modern technology and innovations.

4. Global Competition to eradicate the different faiths and religions:

In this global competition, the followers of one faith may produce Video games, TV shows and Movies to eradicate and extinct the other religious groups. For an example, 2.4 Billion of followers of Christianity may produce Video games and TV shows or Movies depicting or describing that 4.6 Billions of people from different religions are destroyed and eradicated from the earth. Similarly, the 1.8 Billion followers of the Islam, 1.0 Billion followers of Buddhism and 1.0 Billion followers of Hinduism also create their own Video games, TV shows and Movies to destroy and eradicate the respective opponents or pagans, kafirs and

non-believers from this small planet!!. Now, this sounds real funny and certainly weird!! However, I am suggesting these Global Competitions at the MENTAL or SUBTLE BODY LEVELS with help of the FABULOUS INTERNET TECHNOLOGY in their private, comfortable and spacious living rooms and offices to enjoy the EXPRESSED or CONCEALED Intentions, relationships and Emotions. The originator party A and the recipient Party B is all invisible to each other with no physical violence or fight happening in actuality - we hope so.

5. Global Competition to create the Text Books of Fakeology: In this global competition of Fakeology, the scientists, co-religionists and bribed writers including Atheists are invited to write their interpretation of the Origin of God, Godly attributes, Godly qualities and purpose of the human life etc. For an example, Dr. Kamal Chaterjee, Ph.D from U.S.A. but originally from West Bengal, India and Roma Thapar, PhD who re-wrote their fictitious version of the Ramayana and Hinduism for the bribe and ulterior purpose. Scientists and religious leaders may claim that they have find out

some hidden scrolls and scripts from the caves, deserts and space travels. They may create new transcendental Fakeology Text Books with fantasy or fake theories describing about the origin of God and other aspects of God.Eventually, the people will get bored and tired of the fiction novel, fiction stories, fiction suspense stories and Fictitious Ramayana created by Dr. Kamal Chaterjee, Fictitious tales of Hinduism by Roma Thappar, Ph.D, Big Bang Theories and Super Nova speculations created by Modern Scientists. Finally, they will turn to the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma for the real transcendental narration and attributes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and they will be in ecstasy and in bliss for ever.


I. The Mockery of Modern Men:

The powerful and merciful Sages and Rishis are smiling and observing from the celestial plain - the Mockery of the six to seven billion of Modern Men - in our planet. These great Sages and Rishis are "Tri-kala Gyani" or they know what happened in the Past, what is going on at Present and what will be happening in the Future in this planet and other parts of the Universe. They know that the Modern Technological and Spiritual advancements through out the world are the plan of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna for the specific purpose of the unity in diversity and God Conscious or Krishna Consciousness for

the mankind now and in the future. It has been predicted by the Sages, Rishis, great Vaishnava Acharya and by the Modern truth seekers that the Transcendental past times or Lila of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna will submerge or inundate the entire planet with Love and Devotion for the Supreme Lord pretty soon just like the giant Tsunamis and the waves of the ocean may submerge every one of this planet.


Certainly, the Sages and Rishis are smiling at the disharmony and stupidity of the current six to seven billion of the Modern Men who are destroying each other and fighting like the lower animals without higher purpose of their precious human existence. Also, Echelon - the primitive super soul - and the Moderators or Spy agents hired by , Microsoft and AOL are pleased with our transcendental intervening and interweaving dialog as our "Expressed and Concealed Intentions, Relationship and Emotions" are genuine, pure and honest with only purpose is to help each other and every one of this planet to be happy,

healthy and wealthy in service of the Supreme Lord.


However, the Echelon - the primitive super soul (in lower case) - manufactured by the NASA space agency and the Internet spy agents or moderators hired by , AOL and Microsoft are also able to observe the "Expressed and Concealed" Intentions, Relationships and Emotions of the six to seven billion Modern Men around the world. But unfortunately, these modern computer scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists are not able to analyze and explain these Emotions scientifically as described in the "Nectar of Devotion" and other blissful Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma. The nice saying - WHAT MIND DOES NOT KNOW THE

EYES DO NOT SEE or HAND IS NOT ABLE TO WRITE OR TYPE NICE ARTICLE- is applicable in this scenario.


J. The Description of the Twelve Rasa or Emotions: In this long email article titled as "Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science Part II - In the Defense of the Sanatana Dharma", I have tried my best to describe the hard facts, predictions, fun and little touch of fantasy to make this article enjoyable and relishable.

Also, in this grand dinner size or Maha-prasadam size email article, I have flavored and sprinkled Twelve Rasa or Emotions. You may find the mixture of your choicest flavors of taste and smell as well as many unpalatable and distasteful items and snacks. The snack size email articles are good just for the scratching each other's back which may help some one to feel better but with little expression of the Rasa or Emotions. However, if you can dine, then, you can snack also and vice versa. Five century ago Srila Rupa Gosvami, a great Vaishnava and the direct disciple of Sri Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, wrote the Nectar of Devotion or Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu in Sanskrit language. The Nectar of Devotion text book wonderfully describes Twelve Rasa as follow:I. Five Primary or Mandatory Rasa:1. Neutrality 2. Servitude 3. Fraternal 4. Parental and 5. Conjugal Rasa.II. Seven Secondary or Optional Rasa:1. Laughter 2. Astonishment 3. Chivalry, 4.Anger 5. Compassion 6. Dread and

7. Ghastliness.Also, Srila Rupa Gosvami describes that all the twelve Rasa and sixty four qualities are originating and attributes of the transcendental body of the Supreme Lord Krishna which manifest in His Abode in the Spiritual realm as well as in the Material world. The Five Primary and Seven Secondary Rasa may be mixed up in the different proportions for the "Expressed & Concealed" Intentions and Relationships. There are mixtures of the Compatible Rasa and Incompatible Rasa. Also, the Jiva-tattva expansions in the material world and the spiritual world possess in

minute quantity of twelve Rasa originating from their heart - the resting place of Soul proper. They are able to express and exchange with each other and ultimately with the Supreme Person - Sri Krishna. The application of the compatible Rasa by the Jiva-tattva at Singular, Dual and Plural level are beneficial for every one and the exchange of the Incompatible Rasa are detrimental to each other in our planet and Material Universe. In the Jiva-tattva, the Twelve Rasa (Five Primary and Seven Secondary Rasa) are originating from the SUBTLE BODY made up of Mind, Intelligence, False Ego, the Soul Proper and his aggregated Karma. The Sixty Four Qualities are the end products or attributes or the functions of the Gross Body made up of twenty material Elements (Five Gross Elements with Five Subtle Elements, Five Jnanendriya and Five Karmendriya - Total twenty items). Please consult the Nectar of Devotion, Srimad Bhagavata

Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam for further references. However, Srila Rupa Gosvami authentically and boldly declares that any mixtures of Rasa applied for the loving service of Sri Krishna are always compatible, transcendental and blissful. K. Examples of the Incompatible Rasa:Following are the best examples of the exchange of mixtures of the primary and Secondary Incompatible Rasa applied and used by the Modern Men at this moment all over the world:1. Abuse of the Conjugal Rasa: World wide high prevalence of the Child molestation and Child sexual abuse, Adult and Child pornography and Necrophilia. Necrophilia is banned in Great Britain now. This phenomenon is very rampant with Single parent, drug abusers, meat eaters and the Western countries and developing countries. The Abuse or incompatible use of the

Conjugal Rasa by Grand-fathers, fathers, step-father, mothers, brothers and cousins and uncles etc towards their innocent and cute daughters and sons is very common practice. I am practicing Psychiatrist past sixteen years in Metro Detroit area in the Michigan in U.S.A. I have evaluated approximately 12,000 or Twelve Thousand psychiatric patients with very high percentage of sexual abuse cases and victims are the examples and evidences of this statement, unfortunately. 2. Forty to Sixty percentage email or Junk email consists of the PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL all over the World is another good example of the incompatible or Abuse of the Mixture of the twelve Rasa - primarily Conjugal Rasa - by the Modern Men. This information is known to every one.3. Abuse or overuse of the Ghastliness and Dread Rasa: One to five percentage of the die-hard or religious Fanatics from the different

religions apply TERROR or Ghastliness or Dread to the fellow human beings and try to destroy them for no reason or weird reasons is the best example of the Abuse or Incompatible usage of the mixture of the Secondary Rasa - Dread and Ghastliness or Sadism - and few Primary Rasa. The famous 9-11 event in New York City on September 2001 is the best example known to every one all over the world.4. Abuse or Incompatible usage of Neutrality and Laughter Rasa: Almost ninety percentage of the people with their religious, national, educational and financial affiliation remain Neutral or apathetic to the TERROR or DREAD or SADISTIC tactics applied by the one percentage of the die-hard fanatics, Jihadis, terrorists and dictators/thugs/politicians all over the world due to their inability, lack of courage and powerlessness. The above mentioned examples are demonstrations and applications of the INCOMPATIBLE

RASA extensively applied and abused by Modern Men at present moment all over the world. These "Expressed and Concealed" Intentions, Relationships and Emotions or Rasa are easily and instantly elicited by any one and every one right now thru the fabulous Modern Technology - Internet, Emails, TV shows, Video games and what not - the small Spark of the Opulence of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Modern man can understand the Science of Rasa or Emotions only thru the super-scientific, tamper-proof and blissful knowledge of the Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science of the Sanatana Dharma. Psychology and Psychiatric theories are useless and worthless. L. Practical Applications of Twelve Rasa - Expressed or Concealed:Following are the practical applications of this concept in our Modern Society:1. Self

Evaluation: Identification of the use/abuse of Rasa or Emotions at Singular level by Single person - Male or Female. Originator of email article may email to him or her first and do self evaluation to check his EI, CI, ER, CR, EE, and CE as described earlier. He may transmit his email article after personal check or self evaluation. This practice will help to avoid unnecessary conflicts and errors. 2. Dual Evaluation: Identification of use/abuse of Rasa or Emotions at Dual level by Husband/wife/spouse/friend.3. Plural Evaluation: Identification of use/abuse of Rasa or Emotions at Plural level or at Community, National and International level by hundreds and Millions of people. 4. Identification of use/abuse of Rasa or Emotions by different Religious, Political leaders and Organizations all over the world. 5. Any one at Singular, Dual and Plural level abuses or overuses the incompatible Rasa or Emotions should be considered an Offender(s) and they should be punished by the respective authority at home, town, state, country and at International level. 6. Encouragement of the people at Singular, Dual and Plural levels to practice and exchange the Compatible Rasa or Emotions of the Five Primary Rasa and Seven Secondary Rasa. In other words, minimal use of the Neutrality & Conjugal Rasa of Primary Rasa and Laughter, Dread and Ghastliness or Sadistic Rasa of the Secondary Rasa groups are advised. 7. At VedicLiteraturetheSupremeScience, VFA and and other Vedic/Scientific Websites we may establish the

"Rasa Workshop" to identify and to elicit the application of the different Rasa or Emotions practiced by the members of the respective forum or group in his or her articles. This will be a great fun and practice.8. The exponents of the Science of Rasa have observed that those people from any race, religion or country who consume meat (specially - beef) three times a day, seven days a week and 365 days in year are addicted to incompatible Rasa - Neutrality #1 and Conjugal Rasa # 5 of Primary Rasa category and Laughter # 1, Dread # 6 and Ghastliness or Sadism # 7 of Secondary Rasa category. They remain Neutral and callous to the suffering of the Human Beings, Sub-human beings including themselves and they Laugh loud and engage in the uncontrolled sense gratification - primarily - homosexuality, bi-sexuality and tri-sexuality (animal, manikins or doll and dead corpse). The

intoxication, Gambling and Illicit Sex invariably follow them. The high dose of male hormone testosterone available from testes of Bull, He-pig, He-chicken and He-goat does the trick.9. The exponents of the Science of Rasa have observed that when mankind uses the Middle Rasa - Servitude, Friendship and Parental - of the Primary Rasa category and Middle Rasa - Compassion, Chivalry and Astonishment - of Secondary Rasa Category, the mankind lives in peace and prosperity and in God Conscious atmosphere.Srila Rupa Gosvami in the Nectar of Devotion expresses his concluding remark that "Science of Rasa" is difficult to understand by an average person but he is hopeful that an average person will be able to understand this great science by the mercy and wish of the Supreme Person Sri Krishna. M. Conclusion:

A. The Vedic Literature are the Super-scientific, tamper-proof and Internet piracy proof Supreme Science of the Sanatana Dharma. The Modern Technology is the spark of the opulence of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Presently, the Vedic concepts of the Vedic Literature are providing higher dimensions to the Modern Technology and Modern Science. In reciprocation, the Modern Technology is helping the Vedic Literature to re-establish and prove as the Supreme Science for ever. B. Six to seven billion people of this small planet may take the advantage of these two great phenomena and live peacefully in the mood of friendship, servitude, compassion, bravery with fun and appropriate application of twelve Rasa (Five Primary and Seven Secondary Rasa) at Singular, Dual and Plural level in the loving service of the

Supreme Personality of Godhead in this small planet - Bharat-varsha and Material world. C. Modern Technology is the best and easy methods or tools to identify and observe the various mixtures of the compatible and incompatible "Express or Concealed" Intentions, Relationships and Rasa or Emotions of the Six to Seven billions of the Human beings, Super human beings and even Sub- human beings.D. Excessive use and incompatible applications of the Neutrality & Conjugal Rasa - both ends of Five Primary Rasa and Laughter, Dread & Ghastliness or Sadism - the both end of Seven Secondary Rasa are detrimental and should be avoided by the six to seven billion of this planet earth for the peaceful co-existence and cooperation to fulfill the goal of the human life.

This is the defense of the Sanatana Dharma according to my small ability. I am just like a little Sparrow bringing a tiny piece of stone to help Vir Hanuman and his powerful associates to build the Lanka-Setu or Lanka bridge to rescue our Universal Mother Sita Devi to unite with the Supreme Lord Ramachandra so we can have Darshana of Beautiful and Transcendental form of Sita-Rama in our heart.I greatly appreciate the great verse of Sriman Ajay Sachdeva - Dharmo Rakshita Dharmo Rakshitah. In the next article titled as "Vedic Literature: the Supreme Science part III - the Atheist Buster", I will be describing the fundamentals of the

"Impersonal-ism and Personal-ism" as well as "The Creation, Maintenance and Destruction of the Relationships" in our material world. I will be describing and analyzing these two great and transcendental topics with help of Twenty Five basic items ( Five Jnanendria, Five Karmendriya, Five Gross Elements with their Five Subtle Tan-matras, Mind, Intelligence, False Ego, Soul proper and Time factor) to prove that these twenty five items as described in the Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam are so relevant, super-scientific and able to describe the Personal-ism, Impersonal-ism and creation, maintenance and destruction of the relationships in our small world. This article will be forwarded in few months with no deadline to beat. This article will be third and final article of the series: Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science.


However, we have to take a note that we do not need any help from the crazy and speculative theories such as Super Nova, Black Hole and White Holes and Dinosaurs Theories of the Modern Scientists to explain the transcendental and great topic such as Personalism or Impersonalism. Also, the American Red Indians - Aztec and Mayan Civilizations as well as the Babylon culture of Egypt are out-dated and utterly useless concepts to describe any spiritual understanding. Unfortunately, Christianity and Islam have poor and primitive concepts about the Soul, Super Soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead with their infantile or childish understanding about the

"Images of God". However, we are very fortunate that we have Vedic Literature: the Supreme Science of the Sanatana Dharma with all the blissful and super-scientific explanation of the Material and Spiritual Sciences available right now. We may humbly take advantage of this glorious opportunity.


In summary:

Let us preserve the Sanatana Dharma and all inclusive Sanatana Dharma will preserve Six to Ten Billions of people of this world - Bharata-varsha. The Sub-human beings are also included and not excluded.Thank you very much for your precious time & Hare KrishnaIn service of the Sanatana DharmaAtul Krsna dasa/Atul C. Shah, MDTroy, Michigan, U.S.A*****************************************************************************************************************************************************




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