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Clarification about KARNA .

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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas,

I agree with Sri. Binuji that , Karna was a great Warrior equal to Arjuna . I also agree that , Karna was "Dana-Veer" ( Hero of Charity) . Karna was the son of `Surya-Deva' and therefore he was a "Deva" by birth . But he didn't have `Gurutva' ; and this vital weakness caused him to fail at the crucial moment . Nature's script for him in this particular birth involved both positive and negative traits .

His great skills in archery , loyalty to his master and willingness to donate anything to the needy were his great qualities . His negative traits included , telling lies to his Guru , boasting about own strength to others , disrespect to elders, use of bad words, active participation in the demonic activities of Kauravas, etc. Many feel sorry to Karna for being born as an illegitimate son .

However, destiny was kind to him in some other way. He received "Kirtiman Bhavah " ( May you become famous) boon from Lord Indra and several pious Brahmanas. Karna's immense popularity is due to this boon .

Arjuna was a faithful follower of Vedic dharma . Since he was human, on very few occasions he displayed weaknesses like arrogance and attachment . But, every time Bhagavan Krishna helped his Devotee by chastising him . Pastimes like "Santana goplam" and Gita advice are notable in this regard . Arjuna didn't commit any such mistake after the Kurukshetra war started .

If we closely look at Mahabharatam we can see that , Karna was defeated in the war by many opponents like Arjuna , Drupada , Bhima , Abhimanyu, Chitrasena , Khatolkhaja ( which forced Karna to kill him using the divine weapon "Vyjayanthi") .

It was Karna who instigated Duryodhana to humiliate Draupadi in the royal assembly . He openly called her a prostitute . It was due to this reason that She cursed him with death at Arjuna's hands .

On certain occasions, Karna became aware that Krishna is God . Still he failed to become a Devotee because he was badly deluded by `Maya' . When Krishna came to Hastinapura for his last diplomatic mission , Karna joined with the Kauravas to insult Sri Krishna who then terrified them by revealing His fierce form . Later , Krishna asked Karna to drive His chariot for a ride during which Bhagavan revealed Karna's birth secret and advised him to join Pandavas . Then Karna remembered that Krishna is the Supreme God .

Before the Kurukshetra war , Kunti-devi approached Karna with the revelation that he is her own son . And she requested him to join his Pandava brothers . Karna blamed her first , but later calmed down . He promised her that , he will not kill any one of the Pandavas except Arjuna .

Karna kept this promise . He defeated all Pandavas except Arjuna , but didn't kill any of them . However , he participated in the treacherous backstabbing of Abhimanyu.

Because of the possession of the divine weapon "Vyjayanthi" and the boon given by Asuras , Karna was a threat to Arjuna's life in the Kurukshetra war . Once Arjuna asked about this to Sri Krishna :

" O Krishna ! What will happen , if Karna kills me in this war ? "

Bhagavn Krishna answered His Devotee with a smile :

" My dear Arjuna ! if the nature goes erratic, Sun could rise on the west . But even then , Karna could never kill you since you are under my protection . If it happen , I will kill him with My bare hands" .

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev


binu tv <binuyogi wrote ...... Re: Sri Krishna didn't commit any "Adharma" , in Kurukshetra War . –

Dear Devottes of Lord Krishna,My humble respect to all the devotees of this group. Rajeev Bhaiyya i will not accept every words you wrote...I will not agree with you for the words you used insult karna.....it is not fair brother, even lord krishna once praised karna in front of arjuna, when arjuna was showing his arrogance of thinking that he is the number one in the universe....

Do you think arjuna was not arrogant????There is reason behind, why karna got curse?....Lord Parasurama loved his dear student karna a lot and lot....Lord Parasurama given all blessings and boon to the Great Karna, but since karna lied that he is a brahmana...one day Parasurama got to know that karna lied him...There is good story behind it...those who want to know please go through the MahaBharata....Also Karna has the power to kill arjuna, but he wont do that because karna given some words to his mother........!!!And it is not so easy to kill karna because he earned lot and lot of virtue through his dhana Sheela (Charity)......Also he too a very good devotee of Lord Krishna...Brother you should tell all story of Karna and explain, if you directly tell that karna got curses...people will misunderstand great karna.........Karna was great and will be great always.............I do not want to tell all stories.......Hare krishna,with love and respect,binu--------------- , "srikrishnadasa_rajeev" <srikrishnadasa_rajeev wrote:>> > Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all> Vaishnavas ,> > Many people of this era including the non-vedic modern scholars have> wrong ideas about the great epic "Mahabharatam" . They believe> that, Pandavas have killed their key foes Bhisma , Drona, Karna and> Duryodhana by unrighteous trickery . Let us look into these aspects .> > First of all , we need to understand the invincibility of Arjuna who was> protected by Sri Krishna , the God of Gods . Arjuna himself was the> incarnation of the divine Saint Nara , a manifestation of Maha-Vishnu .> Even after taking the human form , he possessed all his divine power ;> and his supreme weapons like `Pasupatastra' could easily kill> any non-godly opponent such as Bhishma , Drona , Karna or Duryodhana .> As such , there was no necessity for him to use any unrighteous > trickery in the war .> > Bhishma> > Bhishma ,son of Ganga devi was a pious person and an ardent devotee of> Sri Krishna . He lived an auspicious life ; and his only blemish was> his forced alliance to the unrighteous Kauravas . His one enemy > (princess Amba) had received a boon from Lord Shiva that that in her> next birth she could cause Bhishma's death . Accordingly , she> incarnated as Sikhandi ( who was born as a girl but later changed to> boy) .> > In accordance with the mentioned boon , Sikhandi became the cause of> Bhishma's death . Here, we can see Bhagavan Krishna's compassion> to His Devotee Bhishma . Bhagavan mercifully glorified him in the> concluding fight wherein Arjuna used light power against him . Had> Bhagavan advised to use , a divine weapon like "Pasupathastra"> on the first instant , Bhishma wouldn't have survived .> > Drona> > Drona , the incarnation of Deva Guru Brihaspati , was also a great> Devotee of Sri Krishna . King Drupada, Drona's friend turned foe> had begot from a Yajna a divine son Drishatadyumna who would kill Drona> . Even after knowing this fact, Drona accepted Drishtadyumna as a> disciple and taught him .> > Later, because of this bad association with the evil Kauravas , Drona> took part in the treacherous war against Abhimanyu and helped to kill> him by cheating . Also he was guilty of using divine arrows against army> men on foot . These crimes deserved death .> > However, Bhagavan Krishna , as usual had a soft corner to His Devotee> and therefore He glorified Drona in the final war . Instead of> humiliating him by divine means , Bhagavan arranged Bhima to kill an> elephant named Aswathama thereby enabling Yudhishtira to say " Aswathama> is dead" . Upon hearing this , Drona willingly gave up his weapon and> was killed by Drishtadyumna, thus fulfilling Drupada's boon .> > Karna> > Karna , the illegitimate son of Surya-deva , was an anti-hero . He had> certain good qualities as well as bad traits . An impartial critic can> compare Karna and Arjuna in a few words . Arjuna was a blessed disciple> of His Guru whereas Karna was a cursed one . Arjuna had a perfect > `dharmic' character whereas Karna excelled in charity and> loyalty but failed to have humility as well as respect to elders .> > In his personal life , Karna did lot of charity , but he did it in a> mood of arrogance . His vengeance against the social system made him> conspire with the evil minded Kauravas. Karna was cursed by his Guru> Parasurama for cheating him . Also, he was cursed by a Brahmana for> killing his cow . He was destined to die by becoming a victim of these> curses .> > However, he was lucky to have a well wisher in Sri Krishna . In his> heart Karna respected Sri Krishna as the Supreme God . Knowing this> hidden `bhakti' , Bhagavan glorified Karna's last moments> disregarding his evil deeds such as his obscene public comments> against Draupadi and his role in the unrighteous slaying of Abhimanyu .> > Before, the Kurukshetra war whenever Arjuna and Karna fought each other> , the former won convincingly . However, prior to the commencement of> Kurukshetra war , the evil `Asuras' provided their combined> power to Karna . This extra power boosted Karna's performance in the> last war and Krishna had to intervene to nullify his> "Naga-Astra"( in which dwelled a venomous Demon-Snake hostile to> Arjuna) .> > When the curses worked on Karna ( he forgot what he learnt ) and his> chariot got struck in earth , he reached a hopeless state . Any further> war after that would have been meaningless as Arjuna could have easily> killed the weaponless Karna . It was at this juncture that the merciful> Sri Krishna out of consideration towards His secret devotee Karna> decided to bless him by converting the unavoidable death to a heroic> event that would bring eternal fame to him . Accordingly , Arjuna> hesitatingly shot an arrow at Karna while he was lifting the chariot out> of mud .> > Duryodhana> > Duryodhana was the dreadful incarnation of `Kali' . When he was> born, numerous inauspicious omens appeared which revealed that this> child would cause disaster. However, king Dritarashtra out of blind love> to his son , decided not to abandon this horrible child .> > Duryodhana was the symbol of evil . He did all types of> `adharmic' ( unrighteous) acts that deserved capital punishment> of death . When he tried to violate the modesty of Daupadi , she cursed> him that , Bhima would kill him by breaking his thighs .> > The cunning Duryodhana knew very well the infinite power of Sri Krishna> . When Bhagavan arrived at Hastinapura for trying a last diplomatic> effort to avoid the imminent war , Duroyodhana invited Him for dinner> . But, Bhagavan refused by saying :> > " Duryodhana , Pandavas are my Devotees and you have already harmed> them . If I eat your food now , that will cause an obligation which you> don't deserve " .> > Duryodhana was an expert in black magic and other evil means of> fighting . Furthermore , before the war , the `Asuras' had> armed him with their demonic power . Also, he received from his mother> Gandhari ( a Siva Devotee) a boon that made his entire body except> thighs unbreakable .> > There was no point in using righteous means against such an evil> personality . And Bhagavan promptly instructed Bhima to break those> sinful thighs which Duryodhana had exposed obscenely to Draupadi .> > Bhagavan teaches the Vedic followers a precious lesson in this episode > . After being struck down by Bhima , Duryodhana complained that he was> felled by `adharmic' ( `unrighteous' ) means . And then> Krishna replied to him :> > " O Duryodhana ! Where was your `dharma' when you cheated> the Pandavas, when you ordered Dushassana to disrobe Draupadi and when> you killed Abhimanyu by cheating ?. An enemy who has violated> `dharma' ; and who thus deserves capital punishment , should be> destroyed at the first opportunity by any means" .> > This specific instruction of Sri Krishna is applicable to the> Administrators and Soldiers of the vedic nation , Bhaaratavarsha .> > A direct impact of failing to follow this instruction of Bhagavan , > spelled disaster for independent India . Jawaharlal Nehru , the first> prime minister of independent India , despite being born in a Vedic> Kashmiri Brahmin family, didn't have faith in Vedic culture . He> followed the `Mlecha' way of life . His title "Panditji" was> only to boost up his political clout ; and in reality he was a hardcore> Mlecha . Nehru considered Sri Krishna to be a mere historical> character. He believed that, the `budhist' concept of total > "non-violence" is the key ethics of India . In spite of frantic requests> from the Commander in Chief of Indian Army, Nehru refused to order any> military action , even after the demonic `Pakistanis' started > occupying vast areas of the sacred land of Kashmir . He hesitantly> took action only when it was too late . And in the middle of war , he> took up the matter to the unreliable United Nations and ordered a cease> fire . As a result of this non-vedic blunder, 1/3rd of the holy land of> Kashmir was captured by Pakistan . Also, they succeeded in converting> the people of remaining 2/3rd Kashmir . Ultimately , the sacred land of> Kashmir has fallen into the hands of `Mlechas' .> > Also, when China was plotting evil means to grab the territories of > India , the atheistic Indian PM Nehru was talking peace and was> supporting China in it's pursuit to grab veto power status in UN .> In the subsequent India-China war in 1962 , the brutal Chinese army> annihilated the "peaceful" Indian army . Had Nehru and the succeeding> Indian Leaders followed Bhagavan Sri Krishna's instructions , by now > India would have regained the past glory of Sri Rama's and Sri> Krishna's `Bharatavarsha' .> > It is an absolute fact that , Bhagavan Sri Krishna's philosophy and> instructions are eternal and for the benefit of those who follow Him .> Bhagavan is absolutely 'Dharma' personified .> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!> > SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev .>

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Dear devotees of Lord krishna, Dear rajeev Bhaiyya, i am very happy to read your explained mail, you are right...Even though karna was good in charity, but it is very sad to read that karna insulted draupadi......I used to respect karna a lot becoz eventhough everyone insulted karna in an occassion only duryodhana supported karna and made him his best friend..........and karna was a best friend...... But i do respect for karna's charity and karna's friendship...even after knowing that he is doing wrong...he never forgot the worth of food given by duryodhana.......that is friendship.......... Dear rajeev brother i am a younger brother to you, if i do any wrong comments, plz do forgive me and make me clear what is correct......i am happy for your kind mail......Please do not call me Binuji........ Lord

krishna bless us all.......... with love and respect, binu <srikrishnadasa_rajeev wrote: Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas, I agree

with Sri. Binuji that , Karna was a great Warrior equal to Arjuna . I also agree that , Karna was "Dana-Veer" ( Hero of Charity) . Karna was the son of `Surya-Deva' and therefore he was a "Deva" by birth . But he didn't have `Gurutva' ; and this vital weakness caused him to fail at the crucial moment . Nature's script for him in this particular birth involved both positive and negative traits . His great skills in archery , loyalty to his master and willingness to donate anything to the needy were his great qualities . His negative traits included , telling lies to his Guru , boasting about own strength to others , disrespect to elders, use of bad words, active participation in the demonic

activities of Kauravas, etc. Many feel sorry to Karna for being born as an illegitimate son . However, destiny was kind to him in some other way. He received "Kirtiman Bhavah " ( May you become famous) boon from Lord Indra and several pious Brahmanas. Karna's immense popularity is due to this boon . Arjuna was a faithful follower of Vedic dharma . Since he was human, on very few occasions he displayed weaknesses like arrogance and attachment . But, every time Bhagavan Krishna helped his Devotee by chastising him . Pastimes like

"Santana goplam" and Gita advice are notable in this regard . Arjuna didn't commit any such mistake after the Kurukshetra war started . If we closely look at Mahabharatam we can see that , Karna was defeated in the war by many opponents like Arjuna , Drupada , Bhima , Abhimanyu, Chitrasena , Khatolkhaja ( which forced Karna to kill him using the divine weapon "Vyjayanthi") . It was Karna who instigated Duryodhana to humiliate Draupadi in the royal assembly . He openly called her a prostitute . It was due to this reason that She cursed him with death at Arjuna's hands . On certain occasions, Karna became aware that Krishna is God . Still he failed to become a Devotee because he was badly deluded by `Maya' . When Krishna came to Hastinapura for his last diplomatic mission , Karna joined with the Kauravas to insult Sri Krishna who then terrified them by revealing His fierce form . Later , Krishna asked Karna to drive His chariot for a ride during which Bhagavan revealed Karna's birth secret and advised him to join

Pandavas . Then Karna remembered that Krishna is the Supreme God . Before the Kurukshetra war , Kunti-devi approached Karna with the revelation that he is her own son . And she requested him to join his Pandava brothers . Karna blamed her first , but later calmed down . He promised her that , he will not kill any one of the Pandavas except Arjuna . Karna kept this promise . He defeated all Pandavas except Arjuna , but didn't kill any of them . However , he participated in the treacherous backstabbing of Abhimanyu. Because of the possession of the divine weapon "Vyjayanthi" and the boon given by Asuras , Karna was a threat to Arjuna's life in the Kurukshetra war . Once Arjuna asked about this to Sri Krishna : " O Krishna ! What will happen , if Karna kills me in this war ? " Bhagavn Krishna answered His Devotee with a smile : " My dear Arjuna ! if the nature goes erratic, Sun could rise on the west . But even then , Karna could never kill you since you are under my protection . If it happen , I will kill him with My bare hands" . Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!! SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev --- binu tv <binuyogi (AT) (DOT) co.in wrote ...... Re: Sri Krishna didn't commit any "Adharma" , in Kurukshetra War . – Dear Devottes of Lord Krishna,My humble respect to all the devotees of this group. Rajeev Bhaiyya i will not accept every

words you wrote...I will not agree with you for the words you used insult karna.....it is not fair brother, even lord krishna once praised karna in front of arjuna, when arjuna was showing his arrogance of thinking that he is the number one in the universe.... Do you think arjuna was not arrogant????There is reason behind, why karna got curse?....Lord Parasurama loved his dear student karna a lot and lot....Lord Parasurama given all blessings and boon to the Great Karna, but since karna lied that he is a brahmana...one day Parasurama got to know that karna lied him...There is good story behind it...those who want to know please go through the MahaBharata....Also Karna has the power to kill arjuna, but he wont do that because karna given some words to his mother........!!!And it is not so easy to kill karna because he earned lot and lot of virtue

through his dhana Sheela (Charity)......Also he too a very good devotee of Lord Krishna...Brother you should tell all story of Karna and explain, if you directly tell that karna got curses...people will misunderstand great karna.........Karna was great and will be great always.............I do not want to tell all stories.......Hare krishna,with love and respect,binu--------------- , "srikrishnadasa_rajeev" <srikrishnadasa_rajeev wrote:>> > Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all> Vaishnavas ,> > Many people of this era including the non-vedic modern scholars have> wrong ideas about the great epic "Mahabharatam" . They

believe> that, Pandavas have killed their key foes Bhisma , Drona, Karna and> Duryodhana by unrighteous trickery . Let us look into these aspects .> > First of all , we need to understand the invincibility of Arjuna who was> protected by Sri Krishna , the God of Gods . Arjuna himself was the> incarnation of the divine Saint Nara , a manifestation of Maha-Vishnu .> Even after taking the human form , he possessed all his divine power ;> and his supreme weapons like `Pasupatastra' could easily kill> any non-godly opponent such as Bhishma , Drona , Karna or Duryodhana .> As such , there was no necessity for him to use any unrighteous > trickery in the war .> > Bhishma> > Bhishma ,son of Ganga devi was a pious person and an ardent devotee of> Sri Krishna . He lived an auspicious life ; and his only blemish was> his forced alliance to the unrighteous Kauravas .

His one enemy > (princess Amba) had received a boon from Lord Shiva that that in her> next birth she could cause Bhishma's death . Accordingly , she> incarnated as Sikhandi ( who was born as a girl but later changed to> boy) .> > In accordance with the mentioned boon , Sikhandi became the cause of> Bhishma's death . Here, we can see Bhagavan Krishna's compassion> to His Devotee Bhishma . Bhagavan mercifully glorified him in the> concluding fight wherein Arjuna used light power against him . Had> Bhagavan advised to use , a divine weapon like "Pasupathastra"> on the first instant , Bhishma wouldn't have survived .> > Drona> > Drona , the incarnation of Deva Guru Brihaspati , was also a great> Devotee of Sri Krishna . King Drupada, Drona's friend turned foe> had begot from a Yajna a divine son Drishatadyumna who would kill Drona> . Even after knowing

this fact, Drona accepted Drishtadyumna as a> disciple and taught him .> > Later, because of this bad association with the evil Kauravas , Drona> took part in the treacherous war against Abhimanyu and helped to kill> him by cheating . Also he was guilty of using divine arrows against army> men on foot . These crimes deserved death .> > However, Bhagavan Krishna , as usual had a soft corner to His Devotee> and therefore He glorified Drona in the final war . Instead of> humiliating him by divine means , Bhagavan arranged Bhima to kill an> elephant named Aswathama thereby enabling Yudhishtira to say " Aswathama> is dead" . Upon hearing this , Drona willingly gave up his weapon and> was killed by Drishtadyumna, thus fulfilling Drupada's boon .> > Karna> > Karna , the illegitimate son of Surya-deva , was an anti-hero . He had> certain good qualities as

well as bad traits . An impartial critic can> compare Karna and Arjuna in a few words . Arjuna was a blessed disciple> of His Guru whereas Karna was a cursed one . Arjuna had a perfect > `dharmic' character whereas Karna excelled in charity and> loyalty but failed to have humility as well as respect to elders .> > In his personal life , Karna did lot of charity , but he did it in a> mood of arrogance . His vengeance against the social system made him> conspire with the evil minded Kauravas. Karna was cursed by his Guru> Parasurama for cheating him . Also, he was cursed by a Brahmana for> killing his cow . He was destined to die by becoming a victim of these> curses .> > However, he was lucky to have a well wisher in Sri Krishna . In his> heart Karna respected Sri Krishna as the Supreme God . Knowing this> hidden `bhakti' , Bhagavan glorified Karna's last moments>

disregarding his evil deeds such as his obscene public comments> against Draupadi and his role in the unrighteous slaying of Abhimanyu .> > Before, the Kurukshetra war whenever Arjuna and Karna fought each other> , the former won convincingly . However, prior to the commencement of> Kurukshetra war , the evil `Asuras' provided their combined> power to Karna . This extra power boosted Karna's performance in the> last war and Krishna had to intervene to nullify his> "Naga-Astra"( in which dwelled a venomous Demon-Snake hostile to> Arjuna) .> > When the curses worked on Karna ( he forgot what he learnt ) and his> chariot got struck in earth , he reached a hopeless state . Any further> war after that would have been meaningless as Arjuna could have easily> killed the weaponless Karna . It was at this juncture that the merciful> Sri Krishna out of consideration towards

His secret devotee Karna> decided to bless him by converting the unavoidable death to a heroic> event that would bring eternal fame to him . Accordingly , Arjuna> hesitatingly shot an arrow at Karna while he was lifting the chariot out> of mud .> > Duryodhana> > Duryodhana was the dreadful incarnation of `Kali' . When he was> born, numerous inauspicious omens appeared which revealed that this> child would cause disaster. However, king Dritarashtra out of blind love> to his son , decided not to abandon this horrible child .> > Duryodhana was the symbol of evil . He did all types of> `adharmic' ( unrighteous) acts that deserved capital punishment> of death . When he tried to violate the modesty of Daupadi , she cursed> him that , Bhima would kill him by breaking his thighs .> > The cunning Duryodhana knew very well the infinite power of Sri

Krishna> . When Bhagavan arrived at Hastinapura for trying a last diplomatic> effort to avoid the imminent war , Duroyodhana invited Him for dinner> . But, Bhagavan refused by saying :> > " Duryodhana , Pandavas are my Devotees and you have already harmed> them . If I eat your food now , that will cause an obligation which you> don't deserve " .> > Duryodhana was an expert in black magic and other evil means of> fighting . Furthermore , before the war , the `Asuras' had> armed him with their demonic power . Also, he received from his mother> Gandhari ( a Siva Devotee) a boon that made his entire body except> thighs unbreakable .> > There was no point in using righteous means against such an evil> personality . And Bhagavan promptly instructed Bhima to break those> sinful thighs which Duryodhana had exposed obscenely to Draupadi .> > Bhagavan

teaches the Vedic followers a precious lesson in this episode > . After being struck down by Bhima , Duryodhana complained that he was> felled by `adharmic' ( `unrighteous' ) means . And then> Krishna replied to him :> > " O Duryodhana ! Where was your `dharma' when you cheated> the Pandavas, when you ordered Dushassana to disrobe Draupadi and when> you killed Abhimanyu by cheating ?. An enemy who has violated> `dharma' ; and who thus deserves capital punishment , should be> destroyed at the first opportunity by any means" .> > This specific instruction of Sri Krishna is applicable to the> Administrators and Soldiers of the vedic nation , Bhaaratavarsha .> > A direct impact of failing to follow this instruction of Bhagavan , > spelled disaster for independent India . Jawaharlal Nehru , the first> prime minister of independent India , despite being born in a

Vedic> Kashmiri Brahmin family, didn't have faith in Vedic culture . He> followed the `Mlecha' way of life . His title "Panditji" was> only to boost up his political clout ; and in reality he was a hardcore> Mlecha . Nehru considered Sri Krishna to be a mere historical> character. He believed that, the `budhist' concept of total > "non-violence" is the key ethics of India . In spite of frantic requests> from the Commander in Chief of Indian Army, Nehru refused to order any> military action , even after the demonic `Pakistanis' started > occupying vast areas of the sacred land of Kashmir . He hesitantly> took action only when it was too late . And in the middle of war , he> took up the matter to the unreliable United Nations and ordered a cease> fire . As a result of this non-vedic blunder, 1/3rd of the holy land of> Kashmir was captured by Pakistan . Also, they succeeded in

converting> the people of remaining 2/3rd Kashmir . Ultimately , the sacred land of> Kashmir has fallen into the hands of `Mlechas' .> > Also, when China was plotting evil means to grab the territories of > India , the atheistic Indian PM Nehru was talking peace and was> supporting China in it's pursuit to grab veto power status in UN .> In the subsequent India-China war in 1962 , the brutal Chinese army> annihilated the "peaceful" Indian army . Had Nehru and the succeeding> Indian Leaders followed Bhagavan Sri Krishna's instructions , by now > India would have regained the past glory of Sri Rama's and Sri> Krishna's `Bharatavarsha' .> > It is an absolute fact that , Bhagavan Sri Krishna's philosophy and> instructions are eternal and for the benefit of those who follow Him .> Bhagavan is absolutely 'Dharma' personified .> > Om Namo Bhagavate

Vasudevaya!!!> > SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev .> Hare

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Dear friends, Namaste, Amrita TV (one of the best informative and versatile TV channels in Malayalam) has a programme called "Bharatha Darshanam" running for the last more than 15 -16 months, fromt heday of its inception. In this programme, Professor Thuravoor Vishwambharan is telling the story of Mahabharatham as written by Vyaasa Bhagavan, and I have been very religiously following this programme from the beginning. I have missed about 50 - 70 episodes due to reception problems, etc. However, thanks to the Prfessor and his group, whatever misconceptions and misleading / prejudiced opinions were created in my mind about this ithihaasa have been removed. The story right now reached the last day of one year "Ajnaathavaasa" when King Viraata is attacked by Duryodhana and Group. The programme has made me decide read Mahabharatham myself. I too had a lot of admiration for

Karna who I thought got a rough deal from the destiny, but he was a very intelligent person but on the side of Adharma and therefore, a person who is intelligent should be always discriminating between Dharma and Adharma and takeing the side of Dharma. Karna was a DAANAVEERA but he was doing this only to bring fame and name (Shreyas) to his name. Whereas, real charity is to be done for the sake of helping the needy and not for any personal gains. The problem is that we have a wealth of scriptures numbering about 1400 (on my last count) but we never bother to read them or try to understand what is in there. If you are from Kerala, please try watching. With best regards, I Menon binu tv <binuyogi wrote: Dear devotees of Lord krishna, Dear rajeev Bhaiyya, i am very happy to read your explained mail, you are right...Even though karna was good in charity, but it is very sad to read that karna insulted draupadi......I used to respect karna a lot becoz eventhough everyone insulted karna in an occassion only duryodhana supported karna and made him his best friend..........and karna was a best friend...... But i do respect for karna's charity and karna's friendship...even after knowing that he is doing

wrong...he never forgot the worth of food given by duryodhana.......that is friendship.......... Dear rajeev brother i am a younger brother to you, if i do any wrong comments, plz do forgive me and make me clear what is correct......i am happy for your kind mail......Please do not call me Binuji........ Lord krishna bless us all.......... with love and respect, binu <srikrishnadasa_rajeev (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas, I agree with Sri. Binuji that , Karna was a great Warrior equal to Arjuna . I also agree that , Karna was "Dana-Veer" ( Hero of Charity) . Karna was the son of `Surya-Deva' and therefore he was a "Deva" by birth . But he didn't have `Gurutva' ; and this vital weakness caused him to fail at the crucial moment . Nature's script for him in this particular birth involved both positive and negative traits . His great skills in archery , loyalty to his master and willingness to donate anything to the needy were his great qualities . His negative traits included , telling lies to his Guru , boasting about own strength to others , disrespect to

elders, use of bad words, active participation in the demonic activities of Kauravas, etc. Many feel sorry to Karna for being born as an illegitimate son . However, destiny was kind to him in some other way. He received "Kirtiman Bhavah " ( May you become famous) boon from Lord Indra and several pious Brahmanas. Karna's immense popularity is due to this boon . Arjuna was a faithful follower of Vedic dharma . Since he was human, on very few occasions he displayed weaknesses like arrogance and attachment . But, every time

Bhagavan Krishna helped his Devotee by chastising him . Pastimes like "Santana goplam" and Gita advice are notable in this regard . Arjuna didn't commit any such mistake after the Kurukshetra war started . If we closely look at Mahabharatam we can see that , Karna was defeated in the war by many opponents like Arjuna , Drupada , Bhima , Abhimanyu, Chitrasena , Khatolkhaja ( which forced Karna to kill him using the divine weapon "Vyjayanthi") . It was Karna who instigated Duryodhana to humiliate Draupadi in the royal assembly . He openly called her a prostitute . It was due to this reason that She

cursed him with death at Arjuna's hands . On certain occasions, Karna became aware that Krishna is God . Still he failed to become a Devotee because he was badly deluded by `Maya' . When Krishna came to Hastinapura for his last diplomatic mission , Karna joined with the Kauravas to insult Sri Krishna who then terrified them by revealing His fierce form . Later , Krishna asked Karna to drive His chariot for a ride

during which Bhagavan revealed Karna's birth secret and advised him to join Pandavas . Then Karna remembered that Krishna is the Supreme God . Before the Kurukshetra war , Kunti-devi approached Karna with the revelation that he is her own son . And she requested him to join his Pandava brothers . Karna blamed her first , but later calmed down . He promised her that , he will not kill any one of the Pandavas except Arjuna . Karna kept this promise . He defeated all Pandavas except Arjuna , but didn't kill any of them . However , he participated in the treacherous

backstabbing of Abhimanyu. Because of the possession of the divine weapon "Vyjayanthi" and the boon given by Asuras , Karna was a threat to Arjuna's life in the Kurukshetra war . Once Arjuna asked about this to Sri Krishna : " O Krishna ! What will happen , if Karna kills me in this war ? " Bhagavn Krishna answered His Devotee with a smile : " My dear Arjuna ! if the nature goes erratic, Sun could rise on the west . But even then , Karna could never kill you since you are under my protection . If it happen , I will kill him with My bare hands" . Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!! SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev --- binu tv <binuyogi (AT) (DOT) co.in wrote ...... Re: Sri Krishna didn't commit any "Adharma" , in Kurukshetra War . – Dear Devottes of Lord Krishna,My humble respect to all the devotees of this group. Rajeev Bhaiyya i will not accept every

words you wrote...I will not agree with you for the words you used insult karna.....it is not fair brother, even lord krishna once praised karna in front of arjuna, when arjuna was showing his arrogance of thinking that he is the number one in the universe.... Do you think arjuna was not arrogant????There is reason behind, why karna got curse?....Lord Parasurama loved his dear student karna a lot and lot....Lord Parasurama given all blessings and boon to the Great Karna, but since karna lied that he is a brahmana...one day Parasurama got to know that karna lied him...There is good story behind it...those who want to know please go through the MahaBharata....Also Karna has the power to kill arjuna, but he wont do that because karna given some words to his mother........!!!And it is not so easy to kill karna because he earned lot and lot of virtue

through his dhana Sheela (Charity)......Also he too a very good devotee of Lord Krishna...Brother you should tell all story of Karna and explain, if you directly tell that karna got curses...people will misunderstand great karna.........Karna was great and will be great always.............I do not want to tell all stories.......Hare krishna,with love and respect,binu--------------- , "srikrishnadasa_rajeev" <srikrishnadasa_rajeev wrote:>> > Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all> Vaishnavas ,> > Many people of this era including the non-vedic modern scholars have> wrong ideas about the great epic "Mahabharatam" . They

believe> that, Pandavas have killed their key foes Bhisma , Drona, Karna and> Duryodhana by unrighteous trickery . Let us look into these aspects .> > First of all , we need to understand the invincibility of Arjuna who was> protected by Sri Krishna , the God of Gods . Arjuna himself was the> incarnation of the divine Saint Nara , a manifestation of Maha-Vishnu .> Even after taking the human form , he possessed all his divine power ;> and his supreme weapons like `Pasupatastra' could easily kill> any non-godly opponent such as Bhishma , Drona , Karna or Duryodhana .> As such , there was no necessity for him to use any unrighteous > trickery in the war .> > Bhishma> > Bhishma ,son of Ganga devi was a pious person and an ardent devotee of> Sri Krishna . He lived an auspicious life ; and his only blemish was> his forced alliance to the unrighteous Kauravas .

His one enemy > (princess Amba) had received a boon from Lord Shiva that that in her> next birth she could cause Bhishma's death . Accordingly , she> incarnated as Sikhandi ( who was born as a girl but later changed to> boy) .> > In accordance with the mentioned boon , Sikhandi became the cause of> Bhishma's death . Here, we can see Bhagavan Krishna's compassion> to His Devotee Bhishma . Bhagavan mercifully glorified him in the> concluding fight wherein Arjuna used light power against him . Had> Bhagavan advised to use , a divine weapon like "Pasupathastra"> on the first instant , Bhishma wouldn't have survived .> > Drona> > Drona , the incarnation of Deva Guru Brihaspati , was also a great> Devotee of Sri Krishna . King Drupada, Drona's friend turned foe> had begot from a Yajna a divine son Drishatadyumna who would kill Drona> . Even after knowing

this fact, Drona accepted Drishtadyumna as a> disciple and taught him .> > Later, because of this bad association with the evil Kauravas , Drona> took part in the treacherous war against Abhimanyu and helped to kill> him by cheating . Also he was guilty of using divine arrows against army> men on foot . These crimes deserved death .> > However, Bhagavan Krishna , as usual had a soft corner to His Devotee> and therefore He glorified Drona in the final war . Instead of> humiliating him by divine means , Bhagavan arranged Bhima to kill an> elephant named Aswathama thereby enabling Yudhishtira to say " Aswathama> is dead" . Upon hearing this , Drona willingly gave up his weapon and> was killed by Drishtadyumna, thus fulfilling Drupada's boon .> > Karna> > Karna , the illegitimate son of Surya-deva , was an anti-hero . He had> certain good qualities as

well as bad traits . An impartial critic can> compare Karna and Arjuna in a few words . Arjuna was a blessed disciple> of His Guru whereas Karna was a cursed one . Arjuna had a perfect > `dharmic' character whereas Karna excelled in charity and> loyalty but failed to have humility as well as respect to elders .> > In his personal life , Karna did lot of charity , but he did it in a> mood of arrogance . His vengeance against the social system made him> conspire with the evil minded Kauravas. Karna was cursed by his Guru> Parasurama for cheating him . Also, he was cursed by a Brahmana for> killing his cow . He was destined to die by becoming a victim of these> curses .> > However, he was lucky to have a well wisher in Sri Krishna . In his> heart Karna respected Sri Krishna as the Supreme God . Knowing this> hidden `bhakti' , Bhagavan glorified Karna's last moments>

disregarding his evil deeds such as his obscene public comments> against Draupadi and his role in the unrighteous slaying of Abhimanyu .> > Before, the Kurukshetra war whenever Arjuna and Karna fought each other> , the former won convincingly . However, prior to the commencement of> Kurukshetra war , the evil `Asuras' provided their combined> power to Karna . This extra power boosted Karna's performance in the> last war and Krishna had to intervene to nullify his> "Naga-Astra"( in which dwelled a venomous Demon-Snake hostile to> Arjuna) .> > When the curses worked on Karna ( he forgot what he learnt ) and his> chariot got struck in earth , he reached a hopeless state . Any further> war after that would have been meaningless as Arjuna could have easily> killed the weaponless Karna . It was at this juncture that the merciful> Sri Krishna out of consideration towards

His secret devotee Karna> decided to bless him by converting the unavoidable death to a heroic> event that would bring eternal fame to him . Accordingly , Arjuna> hesitatingly shot an arrow at Karna while he was lifting the chariot out> of mud .> > Duryodhana> > Duryodhana was the dreadful incarnation of `Kali' . When he was> born, numerous inauspicious omens appeared which revealed that this> child would cause disaster. However, king Dritarashtra out of blind love> to his son , decided not to abandon this horrible child .> > Duryodhana was the symbol of evil . He did all types of> `adharmic' ( unrighteous) acts that deserved capital punishment> of death . When he tried to violate the modesty of Daupadi , she cursed> him that , Bhima would kill him by breaking his thighs .> > The cunning Duryodhana knew very well the infinite power of Sri

Krishna> . When Bhagavan arrived at Hastinapura for trying a last diplomatic> effort to avoid the imminent war , Duroyodhana invited Him for dinner> . But, Bhagavan refused by saying :> > " Duryodhana , Pandavas are my Devotees and you have already harmed> them . If I eat your food now , that will cause an obligation which you> don't deserve " .> > Duryodhana was an expert in black magic and other evil means of> fighting . Furthermore , before the war , the `Asuras' had> armed him with their demonic power . Also, he received from his mother> Gandhari ( a Siva Devotee) a boon that made his entire body except> thighs unbreakable .> > There was no point in using righteous means against such an evil> personality . And Bhagavan promptly instructed Bhima to break those> sinful thighs which Duryodhana had exposed obscenely to Draupadi .> > Bhagavan

teaches the Vedic followers a precious lesson in this episode > . After being struck down by Bhima , Duryodhana complained that he was> felled by `adharmic' ( `unrighteous' ) means . And then> Krishna replied to him :> > " O Duryodhana ! Where was your `dharma' when you cheated> the Pandavas, when you ordered Dushassana to disrobe Draupadi and when> you killed Abhimanyu by cheating ?. An enemy who has violated> `dharma' ; and who thus deserves capital punishment , should be> destroyed at the first opportunity by any means" .> > This specific instruction of Sri Krishna is applicable to the> Administrators and Soldiers of the vedic nation , Bhaaratavarsha .> > A direct impact of failing to follow this instruction of Bhagavan , > spelled disaster for independent India . Jawaharlal Nehru , the first> prime minister of independent India , despite being born in a

Vedic> Kashmiri Brahmin family, didn't have faith in Vedic culture . He> followed the `Mlecha' way of life . His title "Panditji" was> only to boost up his political clout ; and in reality he was a hardcore> Mlecha . Nehru considered Sri Krishna to be a mere historical> character. He believed that, the `budhist' concept of total > "non-violence" is the key ethics of India . In spite of frantic requests> from the Commander in Chief of Indian Army, Nehru refused to order any> military action , even after the demonic `Pakistanis' started > occupying vast areas of the sacred land of Kashmir . He hesitantly> took action only when it was too late . And in the middle of war , he> took up the matter to the unreliable United Nations and ordered a cease> fire . As a result of this non-vedic blunder, 1/3rd of the holy land of> Kashmir was captured by Pakistan . Also, they succeeded in

converting> the people of remaining 2/3rd Kashmir . Ultimately , the sacred land of> Kashmir has fallen into the hands of `Mlechas' .> > Also, when China was plotting evil means to grab the territories of > India , the atheistic Indian PM Nehru was talking peace and was> supporting China in it's pursuit to grab veto power status in UN .> In the subsequent India-China war in 1962 , the brutal Chinese army> annihilated the "peaceful" Indian army . Had Nehru and the succeeding> Indian Leaders followed Bhagavan Sri Krishna's instructions , by now > India would have regained the past glory of Sri Rama's and Sri> Krishna's `Bharatavarsha' .> > It is an absolute fact that , Bhagavan Sri Krishna's philosophy and> instructions are eternal and for the benefit of those who follow Him .> Bhagavan is absolutely 'Dharma' personified .> > Om Namo Bhagavate

Vasudevaya!!!> > SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev .> Hare Krishna Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Messenger. Download Now! http://messenger./download.php Do You ?

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