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"That is what creates the negative dream--everyone expecting everyoneelse to be very considerate of their feelings" Sadly, one observes this every day in this wrld.. Capil Sookdeo ----------------------- Getting Hold Of Your MindThose who are not considerate get very hurt when someone does notconsider their feelings. Why? Because their feelings, their personality,are sticking out like antennas all over them, ready to be kinked up andtwisted up when somebody is not considerate or loving toward them. Yetthey don't show others the same consideration which they expect forthemselves.That is what creates the negative dream--everyone expecting everyoneelse to be very considerate of their feelings. And that is why we haveetiquette books, to teach people to be considerate of other people'sfeelings--to teach those who really

don't want to be considerate, buthave to learn to be because they are out to build careers and make money,and they know they won't do so well unless they learn to be considerate,so they have to intellectually know how. But it is all surface. Theword insincere describes the person who doesn't fulfill what he knowshe should fulfill, but pretends that he does. We call him insincere.That insincerity doesn't hurt anybody but himself, because you can't sendout anything out into the world but that it comes back. When does itcome back? It comes back later in life. He may get along fine when hisbody is young and healthy. He can be just as insincere as he wants tobe, but later on in life he won't get along so fine, because the karmicrebounds start coming back, the reactions start coming back. They startcoming back from other people, who become insincere with him. They alsostart coming back from deep within himself, from his

conscience, whenhe learns that the way he had been was not right. Someday, unless heis fortunate enough to study yoga and clear it all up--perhaps throughburning up the emotional memory patterns using the vasana daha tantra--hewill suffer over it. And he will suffer over it a great deal.The art of consideration is a real art, because it is a constant study. Itreally is a constant study. And it is a creative study. It is the artof learning how not to just get by; it is the art of learning how tofulfill your destiny through following the knowing principle inside you.When you are in for the realization of the Self, you have to stop thecycles of hurt feelings and regrets. Just stop! You have to learn byexercising your knowing power and realize, "If I do this, it is going tohave that kind of result. If I do that, which opposes my knowing of whatI should do, I also have to know what kind of result that is going

tocreate." Everything we do does have its consequences. It is up to youto sit down and meditate on such matters. That is what meditation isfor. Meditation in the beginning stages is for getting a grip on yourlower states of mind, so that the lower states of mind come under yourcontrol, so you learn to use your brain and don't loan it or rent it out.When somebody causes you to do something that you don't feel that you wantto do, or that you know is not the right way for you to behave, you areloaning out your brain to him. If somebody can make you feel antagonisticall day long because he didn't treat you right in the morning, he isusing your brain, because he put that feeling into motion. He startedsomething in you that you cannot conquer. But if, at the time of theincident, you straighten out the vibration with the person who madeyou feel antagonistic, by being considerate of his feelings, then youwould be using

your brain, and that is what you have to do. Maybe he isa young soul who will not learn to be considerate for a long, long time,and we couldn't expect that of him. That is why you have to meditate;that is why you have to get these things figured out--who's who on thescale of evolution.Remember these three principles: 1) Your thinking is going to fight whatyou know. It is going to fight it all the time. You know you should docertain things, but you may not do them, because you have other reasons,and your other reasons will be good reasons, which you quickly forgetbecause they are only good for the moment; 2) If you allow your knowingto dominate, you will be exercising your spiritual will. You will bealive. You will be dynamic. Spiritual forces will flow through you;3) If you exercise your spiritual will, you will have a great power ofobservation and a great power over your own mind. No one will do yourthinking for

you.After you have awakened your power of observation, your soul shines forth,and after meditation you will go into contemplation. You may think you areattaining high states of spiritual consciousness, but for real progress,your soul will have to manifest itself in what you do on the Earth allthe time. So, these are your steps. Don't allow the thinking to fightthe knowing. Don't allow the thinking to rule your willpower. Then youwill be spiritual.

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