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The Sadhana Of ResolutionIf a disruption is not resolved before sleep, then a kukarmaphala, fruitof wrongdoing, will be created. The hurt feelings and mental argumentscontinue to fester until the matter is brought up and openly faced tobe resolved. If not resolved within 72 hours, the problem germinates,and elders must take action under spiritual guidance to rectify thematter. The fact that all have chosen to avoid facing the difficultyshows that more serious remedies are required.Resolution in all cases is accomplished through the hri prayashchitta:apology, the showing of remorse, talking together in small groups andgiving gifts as tokens of reconciliation. Humility is the keynote.Sincereapology is offered for participating in argument or confusion, even ifone was not necessarily to blame; the karma was there that attractedthe situation. Harmony is reinstated by honestly accepting apologies,by

forgiving and forgetting with the firm resolve to never bring upthe matter again. Zero tolerance is based on the shared understandingthat by working together on the firm foundation of love and trust allwill progress in religious service and worship. Through these efforts,a sukarmaphala, fruit of right doing, is deliberately created. Whentwo shishyas sit to settle a disharmony, it is sometimes helpful foran uninvolved third party to be present, even silently, to balancethe energies.Sadhana--personal transformation through self-effort--is the magic balmthat soothes the nerve system, giving strength for each shishya to haveforbearance with people and patience with circumstances. When sadhanais neglected, problems close in. Families find it difficult to seeeye to eye. Hard feelings arise in even the simplest and well-intendedencounters when the individuals have become too externalized.There is a natural harmony

within our monasteries, which families seekto emulate. Rarely is much discussion required when daily activitiesare being carried out, for the lines of authority based on seniorityare always clear. This is the first boon for maintaining harmony among agroup. Ours is a traditional hierarchical system of governance, upheldwithin our family and monastic communities, established when the Vedaswere created. It is a system whereby the elders, in a loving manner,guide those younger than they. So, there is always an atmosphere of respect,loving harmony and meeting of minds. Never is scolding heard or feelingshurt or arguments provoked or sincere questions left unanswered. Here"love is the sum of the law," and the heartfelt feelings going outfrom the elders protect and support those who will one day themselvesbe elders. We create a secure and loving society in which intelligenceoverrides controversy and the only rigid rule is

wisdom. Thus the pranicmagnetism of the family or monastery is maintained and kept everbuilding for sustainable success and spirituality.Yes, I can tell you from experience that zero tolerance for inharmoniousconditions is a workable law and sadhana that can and should be adoptedby all spiritual groups and individuals. My satguru, Siva Yogaswami,used to say, "It takes a lot of courage to be happy all the time." Mostpeople, it seems, would rather be miserable. Think about it. They gothrough life getting their feelings hurt, resenting this or that andhurting the feelings of others in an endless cycle of unresolvedemotion, asking a torrent of unanswerable rhetorical questions. Take today'saverage family: it's a composite of troubled individuals.

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