Guest guest Posted February 3, 2007 Report Share Posted February 3, 2007 Hare Krishna! Hari Bol! Dear Devotees, please allow me to write something about anger: if anger was controllable, it would not be "anger". Anger is an emotion and like other emotions, it is uncontrollable. What can be controlled is the consequence of anger: gestures, words, kicking, etc... What MUST be avoided at all costs is the long-term consequence of anger, especially hatred, and bitterness. Anger comes from frustration and the angry person feels like a victim. In most cases she is a victim. In all cases, she is a victim of anger, which brings pain. The angry person suffers. Hatred must be avoided, along with bitterness as they turn into diseases, entering our very cells. That is why Lord Krishna tells Arjuna and all of us that Khrodha is one of the three gates of hell. Although there are many techniques and activities to perform to cleanse the cells, one is most powerful: it is Faith in Lord Krishna, and the Mahamantra. The names of Lord Krishna and Lord Rama are soothing and reassuring for an angry person who feels robbed (frustrated = robbed of something). Taking refuge in Lord Krishna is soothing. It is a healing balm on our wounds. Yet, rather than using balms, Lord Krishna prefers us to remain with our mind totally focuses on Him. When we are able to do this, then there is no frustration (robbery of something) because there is nothing to rob. Nothing. Compared to the effulgence of Lord Krishna, the rest is nothing. All this being said, it is another thing to really be able to focus on Lord Krishna and see the rest as nothing. That is why, it is still advisable to keep the Mahamantra in our first aid rescue box, and also as a means of refuge under the wing of our Lord Krishna who accept us the way we are and profusely gives us His love. Humbly yours, Monique Be a PS3 game guru.Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Games. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2007 Report Share Posted February 7, 2007 Hare Krsna I am a simple humble human being. A 67 year old devotee of Bhagavan Lord Krishna. Capil Sookdeo Monique Cardell <monica_romana wrote: Hare Krishna! Dear Mr. Sookdeo, I have written a whole paper for a class/presentation on anger. Once it was done, the group started to post about anger. I am citing your post about settling issues before sleep. How could I present you? What title? Please forgive me for this personal email. I will not do it again. Thank you in advance. Hari Bol, Monique TV dinner still cooling?Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV. Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debatein the Answers Food Drink Q&A. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2007 Report Share Posted February 7, 2007 Hare Krsna 'Controlled Anger' is an oxymoron. How can you be sure that you will able to control anger? Anger and emotion and the senses are unpredictable and uncontrollable. Even the great sage Visvamitra was misled by Menaka into sex enjoyment. The senses are so strong and impetuous, O Arjuna, that they forcibly carry away the mind even of a man of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them. Chapter 2 - TEXT 60 We must try to be free from attachment, fear and anger. One who is not disturbed in spite of the threefold miseries, who is not elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind. Chapter 2 - TEXT 56 A Krsna conscious person is incapable of being angry. But one fixed in Krsna consciousness has neither attachment nor detachment because his life is dedicated in the service of the Lord. Consequently he is not at all angry even when his attempts are unsuccessful. A Krsna conscious person is always steady in his determination. Srila Prabuprada Do not equate not being angry with inaction or apathy. You can be energized and proactive without being angry. Be concerned, be goaded into action, but do not harbor anger. Do something about your problems rather than being angry. Anger does not solve problems. Anger is one of the three gates to hell. There are three gates leading to this hell--lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul. Chapter 16 - TEXT 21 The beginning of demoniac life is described herein. One tries to satisfy his lust, and when he cannot, anger and greed arise. A sane man who does not want to glide down to the species of demoniac life must try to give up these three enemies which can kill the self to such an extent that there will be no possibility of liberation from this material entanglement. Srila Prabuprada Many seethe with anger as they are consumed by failure to satisfy their desires. Internally, they are in turmoil as they wrestle with personal unfulfilled desires. We must be able to relish happiness from within instead of desiring for external material happiness. One whose happiness is within, who is active within, who rejoices within and is illumined within, is actually the perfect mystic. He is liberated in the Supreme, and ultimately he attains the Supreme. Chapter 5 - TEXT 24 We must let go of lust, anger, and bewilderment and focus our desires on Krsna. While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises. From anger, delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost, one falls down again into the material pool. Chapter 2 - TEXT 62/63 We can never be perfect but we should strive for perfection. Being freed from attachment, fear and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Me--and thus they all attained transcendental love for Me. Chapter 4 - TEXT 10 Don't allow yourself to be poisoned by anger, malice, and hatred. Be free of grudges and ill-feelings towards others. Those who are free from anger and all material desires, who are self-realized, self-disciplined and constantly endeavoring for perfection, are assured of liberation in the Supreme in the very near future. Chapter 5 - TEXT 26 A liberated person no longer desires external material happiness attains the state of brahma-bhuta, which assures one of going back to Godhead, back to home. Capil Sookdeo shubhrajyoti datta <shubhrajyoti_datta wrote: Hi ,But is controlled anger good sometimes.Once my father gave some amount to myuncle to start business.He never returnedaccounting only the losses later I came toknow that he had profits. I have never seen myfather buying any ornaments for my mother , howeverI came to know that my aunt have bought ornaments from the borrowed money.My uncle always used to lie.Even in my engineering days none of my father's relativeshelped him. I didnot get admission in the college I wanted.I have always seen my mother saving and working hard al throughher life.But insted of scolding his brother he did not eventell me anything of this.He would mention the good childhood days but never about anything of these. I learnt all these from one of my relative.My blood used to boil whenever I thought of my uncle but my father would never feel angry.At this point I thought is anger not justified sometimes.With Regards,ShubhroCapil Sookdeo <capilsookdeo > wrote: Simple and most effective way to pevent and dispel anger is to chant the Maha mantra. If you constantly chant Bhagavan's name there will be no place for anger in you. Capil Sookdeo ------------------------- Reshma Sooklal wrote: SIVANANDA DAILY READING FOR 27 JANUARYANGERWhen you become angry leave the place immediately. Take a long walk;stay away for a half hour. Repeat the sacred mantra OM SANTI onehundred and eight times. You will find that your anger subsides.Another way is to count from one to thirty - your anger will subside.When anger tries to show itself, observe silence. Never utter a harshword. Try to nip it off before it emerges from the subconscious mind.You will have to be alert. It tries to come out so suddenly. But,before anger manifests in the mind, there is agitation in the mind.If you strive to subdue anger, then hatred subsides - but even thenthere may be slight impatience lingering there. Eschew this slightdisturbance also. For a man who is leading a divine life, this is aserious drawback. Irritability is a weakness of the mind. Remove itby practising tolerance, mercy and love. Calmness is a direct meansto the realisation of Brahman.Keep the mind always in balance, in tune. Close the eyes. Dive deepinto the divine source. Feel God's presence. Repeat His name andremember Him at all times. You will gain immense spiritual strength.Meditate early in the morning, before you mix with people. Then riseabove the thousand and one things which might irritate you in yourdaily life. Then only you will live in harmony and concord. Then onlyyou will turn out wonderful work.Man wastes much energy by becoming angry, very often over littlethings. The whole nervous system is shattered and agitated. If thisanger is controlled, by brahmacarya (purity), forbearance, love andvicara (enquiry), a man can move the whole world. Anger manifests sosuddenly that it is difficult to check it. The impulses it generatesare so powerful that he is swayed by them. Control anger. Control themind. Get your own web address.Have a HUGE year through Small Business. The all-new Mail goes wherever you go - free your email address from your Internet provider. Never Miss an EmailStay connected with Mail on your mobile. Get started! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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