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Hare Krsna " Don't go to sleep in anguish, holding on to anger, fear, confusion or ill feelings." Chant the Mahamantra, make peace with yourself, a new day is ahead, let go of unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Capil Sookdeo --------------------- Heal All Hurts Before SleepWhen an inharmonious condition arises in a seeker's life, it forms adeep, dark veil within his mind, inhibiting the progressive process ofseeking inwardly. Shall he store it away and forget it, put it behindhim and get on with life? That is a temporary relief, to be sure, onlytemporary insofar as retaliatory karma will come back in full force atanother time as an even deeper, darker veil that will effectually stopthe seeking. Only at this second round will the seeker, now knowing theeffect of past causes, begin to perform

japa, do pranayama and strenuousreligious practices, such as penance and kavadi, beseeching Lord Sivato lift the veiling doom.The wise seeker obviously will endeavor to lift the dark veils once herealizes they never go away but always persist when he stores problemsaway. At the same time, he realizes that certain obstacles in hisprogressive life pattern are beginning to show. Thus, the super-wiseseeker will not store a problem away when it arises, but handle itadroitly and magically heal all wounds before they fester. To be superwise on the path to enlightenment, one must have the siddhi of humility.When an argument flares up in the home between mother and father, itaffects all of the children. They feed on the ida and pingala pranasof the mother and father. Super-wise parents heal their differencesbefore they sleep at night, even if they have to stay up all nightto do it. Failure to heal differences before

sleep means that a firstseparation has occurred.Domestic abuse is a difficult issue, but one we must confront openly. Iurge you all to stand up and say it is no longer acceptable for a manto abuse his wife or for either the husband or the wife to abuse theirchildren. This must stop. In order to heal the differences that arisewithin a marriage from time to time, both partners have to give in. Thebest place to do this is at the feet of their Gods in the temple orshrine room. There is no other solution. This is the only way. Themethodof giving in, yes, is to talk it over. A major emphasis is to see theother's point of view, finding points in the disturbance both can agreewith. Agreement is the key word. The relationship between the husbandandwife, who are also a mother and father or potential mother and father,hasmore lasting influence than their opposing opinions. Some relationshipsare easy and some are

difficult. But resolving disagreements beforenightfall is the aim. Some couples need to work harder at it thanothers.Habits are formed through the repetition of the same events over andoveragain. No matter what you have seen or heard from parents, relatives,neighbors, friends or society itself, heal your differences beforesleep,even if it takes all night. By doing this repeatedly, a new habit willbe created. Don't go to sleep in anguish, holding on to anger, fear,confusion or ill feelings. The inconvenience of this wise remedy willcause each one to be careful of his or her words, thoughts and actions.

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