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Hare Krsna.Loyalty to One's SatguruA devotee on the path who has a satguru should not seek darshanfrom another guru unless he has permission from his own guru to doso. Why? Because he should not become psychically connected with theother guru. The darshan develops inner psychic bonds. Another guru doesnot want to influence the unfoldment of the aspirant either. However,if he has permission to absorb darshan from someone else, then ofcourse,there has been an inner agreement between the two gurus that noconnectionwill result, and the disciple will not be distracted from his sadhanaby conflicting new methods.It is not good for a student on the path to run around to variousteachersand lecturers and gain reams of miscellaneous knowledge about the pathand related occultism. He becomes magnetically attached to the studentsof the various teachers and sometimes to the teachers themselves. Theteachers

do not like this "browsing" on the part of the guru-hopper,either, for it impairs the unfoldment of their own students, as it goesagainst the natural flow of unfoldment on the path. It is also energydraining and time-consuming for the guru or swami.One must look at spiritual unfoldment in the same way one approachesthe study of a fine art. If you were studying the vina with a veryaccomplished teacher, he would not appreciate it at all if you wentto three or four other teachers at the same time for study behind hisback. He demands that you come and go from your lesson and practicediligently in between. By this faithful and loyal obedience, you wouldbecome so satisfied with the results of your unfolding talents that youwould not want to run here and there to check out what other maestroswere teaching and become acquainted with their students. Students onlyrunfrom teacher to teacher only when they do not obey the

teacher theyhave.The wise guru or swami who takes his mission seriously and knows humannature to its core makes it very difficult for a devotee who departedhis fellowship to later return. First he requires a detailed writtenexplanation of the reasons for leaving, and a full written confessionas to what occurred during the time away. This is all verified throughbackground checks and in-depth personal interviews. Then to testthe sincerity, penance, prayashchitta, is given and performed beforereadmitance can even be considered. Upon hearing of these soul-searchingprocedures (known as vratyastoma), most will bow out without a wordand seek less demanding groups, thus proving their insincerity. Thesetime-proven methods prevent detractors from returning to further disruptthe group from the inside more effectively than they could from theoutside. If the seeker is qualified to be re-admitted after

completinghisprayashchitta, he must begin at the beginning study level and be givenno special privileges, positions or recognition in respect of his priorassociation. The protection of the fellowship is of utmost importanceforthe benefit of each devotee, and for the continuing spiritual unfoldmentof the guru or swami himself. One should not be so naive to think thatdisgruntled former devotees would not seek reentrance for the purpose ofdisrupting the organization, or be sent on a mission from an adversarialgroup to rejoin in order to disrupt. All this and more has happened togurus and swamis since the turn of the century.There are three kinds of gurus that are traditionally available to guidethe soul. The first, of course, are the parents. Next is the familyguru, or a guru chosen by the children. The third guru, often the mostsuave, the most attractive, but in reality always the most demanding,is

Vishvaguruji Maha-Maharaj. He does live up to his name in all ways,for vishva means "everything and everyone in the world," and guru,of course, means "teacher." Maharaj is "great ruler." Vishvaguruji,as I call him, seemingly teaches so patiently, yet accepts no excusesand remains unforgivingly exacting in his lessons. Everyone living onthis planet has a guru, whether they know it or not.

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