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Science of Rasa, Personalism & Impersonalism

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*************************************************************************************************** Dear Friends & Vedic Scholars: Namaste & Hari Bol I am really enjoying the wonderful exchanges of the Intentions, Relationships and Emotions - Expressed and Concealed - among our wonderful and transcendental group. I am really enjoying the great dedication, honest and transparent views of Sriman Frank Lotz, Parama Karuna Devi, Sriman Vijai, Sriman soodarshan and Shaas and other Vedic Scholars as well as friends at web site. This email article is in the continuation of my previous article - "Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science in Defense of the Sanatana Dharma". I am providing further glimpses of the Science of Rasa, Personal-ism and Impersonal-ism, Summary study of Sankhya Philosophy

and Inter-personal Relationships. Also, I am providing some late discussion about Iskcon and effects of the non-vegetarianism. These are some glimpses only and detail will be described in my next and final article of this series titled as Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science - the Atheist Buster in few months. I would like to mention humbly that in my articles I am trying my best to reveal how the agnostic and atheistic Modern Education system is affecting the behavior and attitude of the Modern Men at every level. My articles are not directed toward any race, religion, color, caste or nationality of any people of this planet. The attitude and behaviors of people can be change with help of the great reasoning and superior knowledge. The Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science can help every one and any one of this planet for this purpose. Truth should be said as it is without

sugar-coating and with tender consent and respect for the maximum therapeutic effect. The suppression of the truth reveal only truth in due course and time. Satyam Eva Jayate and Dharmo Rakshita Rakshitah. Thank you and Hare Krishna Atul Krsna dasa/Atul C. Shah, MD *************************************************************************************************** Glimpses of Science of Rasa, Personalism & Impersonalism A. Introduction: Inter-personal Relationship: The Inter-personal Relationships at Singular, Dual and Plural level are the end products of the

collective and cumulative actions of the Mind, Speech and Actions or Mana, Vachana and Karma of the Individual and Groups of the people in our Material world. The Subtle and Gross Body of every Individual person is run and conducted by the Three Modes of Nature - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas Guna and their all subsequent activities is expressed thru the Ten Senses - Karmendriya and Jyanendriya - which are the outlets to interact with fellow Living Entity thru the external environment or Continuity and Contiguity. The Subtle Body is the original production site for the creation and distribution of the three Modes of Nature - Sattva, Rajas and Tamo - Gunas in the heart of the Individual person or Living Entity. So, the Subtle Body is the cause of the Gross Body as well as the fueling or "Prana" or "Consciousness" of the Individual Body. What the The Living Entity eats either Vegetarian items or

Non-vegetarian items at the Individual and collective level determine the qualities and characteristics - Sattvic, Rajasic or Tamasic - of the subsequent actions and reactions at singular, dual and plural levels . So, every Living Entity reacts thru his/her Mind, Speech and Action with fellow Living Entity or the Ten Senses or Indriyas. The interactions or behaviors of the Living Entity at Singular, Dual and Plural levels are known as or transcribed as the Inter-personal Relationships. In this email article, I prefer not to go into detail about how the three Modes of Nature - Sattva, Rajo and Tamo Gunas are produced by the Subtle Body in heart in view of the time and space constraints. But I have certainly a humble but great intention to amaze or astonish our friends about the Super-scientific nature of the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science. We may help the Modern Scientists,

Cardiologists, Psychiatrist & Psychologists and Physicists to understand the wonderful concepts of the Vedic Literature right now. As far as the Inter-personal Relationships are concern, I may humbly suggest following ways to improve the smooth functioning for the interweaving and intervening dialog with our forums: We may minimize the application of Personal Accusative words or Terminology as Personal Accusative terminology or words are very intense and very stressful. We may maximize the application of the Impersonal Accusative words or Terminology which are less intense and less stressful to recipients and originators, in short and long run, to express our likes or dislikes or views. We all know that Chivalry, Compassion, Anger and Ghastliness or

Sadism are different Rasa with different level of Intensity and resultant variable Mental or Psychological effects on recipients and originators as described in following passages. I greatly admire the great courage, dedication and love of Sriman Frank Lotz for his Spiritual Master Sri Sri Mahesh Yogi and his Transcendental Meditation Movement to establish Invincible America , Invincible India and ultimately the Invincible Bharata-varsa from the Modern Adharmic or Demoniac forces or faces which appear to be invincible at this time!! B. Adharmic Forces and the Effects of Non-vegetarianism: So, now, let us find out or identify who are the participants or Members of the Modern but appears to be Invincible Adharmic Forces of our planet - Bharata-varsa ? I may try to identify these forces with

impersonal terminology as follow: 1. Any person, Individually or Collectively, participate and propagate the slaughter of Cow & Bull at any level from eating to distribution of Beef Product. 2. Any person, Individually or Collectively, destroying and diminishing the Brahminical Culture of the Vedic Dharma or Sanatana Dharma. 3. Agnostic and Atheistic Modern Scientists who are propagating the highly speculative theories of Material Science from their fertile mind. Unfortunately and some how, they are unable to provide any scientific and reasonable concept or reason of their speculative theories as well as lack of scientific and relevant concepts about the Soul, Super Soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead or Almighty God. In other word, modern agnostic and atheistic scientists are very poor in the Material Science -

their home court - and certainly, they are ignorant of the Spiritual Science. Cows and Bulls are considered as the Mother and Father of the mankind since time immemorial in the Vedic Dharma of this planet. How the people at individual or collectively treat Cow, Bull and Brahmanas which will define the quality of that culture whether Demoniac or Divine culture. The Dairy products are the precursor and genetic framework for creating the present and future generation of mankind to become the members of the divine culture. Certainly, the BEEF PRODUCTS is the precursors and genetic framework for transformation of the Human Genes/sperm/ovum to produce the Asuric members of the degraded culture or the Demoniac face of the Society - Modern or Ancient. Also, BEEF is the most addictive substance available on this planet worse that the Alcohol, Marijuana, Cocaine and Heroin

addiction with the Physical or Psychological dependence on BEEF. In Srimad Bhagavata Gita Lord Sri Krishna describes the Divine and Demoniac nature in chapter sixteen very vividly and extensively. According to the Law of Karma, the Modern Cow killing and Beef eating civilization is awaiting severe punishment or reaction in form of the Three-fold miseries such as giant Tsunami-es, deadly Hurricanes, devastating Earthquakes, Meteorites and Asteroid collisions wiping out millions of people from this planet Earth. The Modern Technology and TV News only can do is just broadcast helplessly the great catastrophe of the devastation and nothing else. The Modern TV and Newspapers may broadcast helplessly such sad news that Ten Million people in California or Japan are killed in 15.00 Richter scale Earthquakes or Ten Million people in India & Africa killed by AIDS VIRUS and Ten Million people killed by Terrorists

in Middle-east countries etc. The primary culprits for the inevitable catastrophes are the gross Abuse of the Modern Technology by the atheistic Modern Scientists and the numerous Asuric Corporations. Also, the lack of or inability of applications of the blissful and eternal concepts of the Vedic Literature by the Intellectual class or Brahminical class of people in India and all over the world. These are the Fundamental criteria or definition of the Modern Adharmic Forces which are widely spread in every continent, every religion, every nation and almost every where in this small planet in every size, shape and color. So, according to this criterion, 70% or 80% population of the present world belongs to the Demoniac faces or forces of the modern world and they appear to be invincible now. Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam - the ripened fruits of the Vedic Literature are the primary

forces and invincible weapons or thunderbolts to destroy or change the Demoniac Faces or Forces completely right now. Also, any theory or argument of the modern atheistic Scientists or Semi-coreligionists can be smash to dust with the torch of the transcendental, eternal and blissful Vedic Literature. For an example, right now Scientists are trying to go back in TIME or TURNING CLOCK BACK TO ANCIENT TIME or few thousand years back with the help of speculative DNA Analysis can be smash to dust without any problem. Please note that I am applying Impersonal Terminology to describe the Modern Adharmic Faces or Forces of four to five Billion beef-eating population of our planet. In other word, there is distribution of the Accusative Observation impersonally or Generalization with all groups irrespectively of their religions, national, financial or cultural affiliation without applying

Personal Terminology to identify them individually as described in the following sections. Impersonal terminology or accusations are less intense and tolerable at individual and collective levels without any doubt. C. ISKCON with Dark and Bright Side: 1. Dark Side of ISKCON: I certainly agree with the precise observation of the attitude of the current Iskcon Gurus, Iskcon Svamis and Iskcon Gosvamis with American, European or Indian Body by several VFA members and many other Iskcon well wishers in India and abroad. They are really puffed up group with average knowledge and they are proving themselves as poorly bona fide persons, unfortunately. For further clarification, I am an initiated disciple of Iskcon Guru past ten years now and I am very closely affiliated with Iskcon past twenty-five

years. I have observed many Gurus, Svamis and Gosvamis of Iskcon since 1982 in the U.S.A. and in India. This is my personal opinion and observation of Iskcon and I will be very happy if I am wrong. Primary reason for their down fall is the lack of love and respect for their own Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupada and distortion of his original instructions and teaching as documented by Several VFA members and many other Iskcon well wishers in India and abroad. Also, other reasons for their fall down are remote effect of the Hippie-ness, drug addictions, beef-eating habit and promiscuity they have had in the past. Habits die very hard, I guess so. Srila Prabhupada initiated about 4,500 or Four thousand five hundred disciples and 90% disciples were from the Western Culture/Countries and 10% disciples with Indian bodies. All of them, Indian born or

Western born disciple residing in Western countries have had above mentioned habits or Western acculturation except several disciples who were born, raised and living in India with strict Vaishnava/Brahmana family. Srila Prabhupada initiated directly or personally only about 20% or 700 or 900 disciples by himself and remaining 80% or close to 4000 or four thousand disciples received initiation thru Proxy Guru or Officiating Guru or Ritvik Initiation. Unfortunately, 70% or 80 % disciple disappeared in few decades during and after his disappearance in 1978. Remaining 20% disciples of Srila Prabhupada are still active but at very low level of devotion and love for their spiritual master Srila Prabhupada. Ten percent of the remaining or surviving disciples are holding the high positions as Governing Body Commission or GBC, Temple Presidents, Svamis, Gosvamis and other lucrative posts.

Unfortunately, the 10% of disciples are extremely puffed up, have little faith or love for their spiritual master Srila Prabhupada with various titles as Svami, Gosvami, Prabhupadaguna and His Divine Grace etc. However, we have to take s note that 80% to 90% of the surviving disciples of Srila Prabhupada are still humble and purified devotees of Iskcon and Srila Prabhupada. Guru Parampara of four eternal Sampradaya of the Sanatana Dharma - Brahma, Rudra, Sri and Kumara Sampradaya are not cheap Sampradaya and these four eternal Sampradaya of the Sanatana Dharma require very high standard of purification, devotion and love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna, Scripture and Guru. The surviving 10% of Iskcon Gurus, Svamis and Gosvamis are certainly the purified devotees by the mercy of Sri Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Srila Prabhupada and the disciplic succession but

they are unfit to be the principle part of the Guru Parampara now and in their future birth or life. The Millions of Hare Krishnas and Non-Hare Krishnas with American, European, African, Indian and Australian Bodies are the best examples of how the Modern Adharmic face of the human society can be transform back to Human Species, then, elevate them to Brahmanas and Vaishnavas. They should be considered as the Leaves and Twigs of the Vedic Dharma or Vedic Tree and they should not be consider as main stem/trunk or branch of the Guru parampara. Simply, they do not deserve to have designation with the Guru Parampara. Guru Parampara is for the exalted Personality like Narada Muni and Sages and Rishis and Pure Devotee like HDG Srila Prabhupada and Six Gosvamis and other great personalities from different Vedic Sampradayas - not the Puffed up few Hare Krishnas with GBC,

Svami and Gosvami titles. However, ninety percent of current Hare Krishnas with different bodies are still humble and purified devotees humbly serving the humanity with their heart and soul per the instructions and teaching of their Gurus. This is the miracle of the glorious Sankirtana Yajna and desire of most magnanimous and merciful incarnation of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna - Sri Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The eternal and blissful Vedic Tree can accommodate and purify trillions and trillions of the impure or pure Jiva-tattvas of this small planet. Modern five to six billion of impure or pure people or Jiva-tattva can be easily accommodated in any branch of the eternal and magnificent Vedic Tree right now as leaves, twigs and flowers and fruits. This will be the great honor and achievement for any one of this planet - Bharata-varsa irrespective of their nationality, religious or bodily affiliation. The 10% percent puffed up followers with titles of Guru, Svami, Gosvami and HDG etc of Srila Prabhupada are just like separated and fallen parts of the giant machine and their survival and re-purification is guaranteed upon the returning to the original teaching and instructions of HDG Srila Prabhupada and tamper-proof Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya Sampradaya or Brahma Sampradaya of the Sanatana Dharma. However, we have to take a note that Srila Prabhupada was dealing with and delivering the fallen culture of the Modern civilization - the predominant Western Culture, Voidist and atheistic Modern Scientists. At present moment, If we all Vedic Organizations in India and abroad and millions of the sympathizers of the Vedic Dharma from all walks of life are not very pro-active and bold enough right now, then, India - the last bastion of Truth, Piety and Sanatana Dharma - will certainly become the great meat eating and beef eating

country in few decades with the great demoniac face or force in our own eyes and life. This will be the compassionate complimentary gift for India and whole world from the dreaded and sadistic modern adharmic forces present every where and every corner of this planet. This is the glimpse of the end stage of the Kali-yuga and fortunately we are in the beginning period or time of the Kali-yuga now. The charity begins at home and Purity begins in and at our heart for every one - purified or unpurified, beginner or advanced one. The Naughty Boy Krishna brings His intimate devotees such as exalted Gopis and even Kaliya Serpent into deep water to purify their lusty mind and dirty heart and not to drown them. 2. Purification of Iskcon: The Ritvik issue for which Iskcon leadership have no accurate definition,

the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada by his close and loving disciples with high level of arsenic in his hair confirmed by three independent Toxicology laboratories with double blind study in U.S.A.; lack of financial transparency and accountability by the temple presidents and other issues in Iskcon are the reality and these spiritual lapses/offenses will be certainly a catalyst for the re-purification the current 10% puffed up disciples of HDG Srila Prabhupada. This is the negative side of the Iskcon at present moment. The glorious Sankirtana Yajna of Sri Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the greatest purifying force now and it will be for very long time in the future for this planet. The purification of all the adharmic forces or faces of the six billion people of the Modern Society is already underway and the purification includes current Iskcon leadership also. The glorious Sankirtana Yajna is for every one irrespective of caste, creed,

religion, pure or impure state at the Gross and Subtle Body of the six to seven billion of the people of this planet. There is no need of Iskcon Reform Movement as Sankirtana Yajna is reforming and purifying every one now. 3. Brighter side of Iskcon: Now, with this negative aspect of Iskcon, I certainly have to mention the Brightest side of Iskcon. Iskcon is the most dynamic spiritual movement of the twenty first century. Iskcon devotees are the first line soldiers against the Adharmic forces or Modern Demoniac forces or Faces as described. Thousands and millions of Iskcon devotees have had and they are very active past half century to propagate the God Consciousness or Krishna Consciousness all over this small planet. All the current Vedic Sampradaya and Vedic organizations in India, U.S.A. and other countries are the direct beneficiary of their great dedication, selfless

and thankless job just to please Srila Prabhuapda, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Krishna. The contribution of Iskcon devotees and Hare Krishna explosion is unparalleled in the modern history of mankind. Also, the Modern Atheistic Scientists are the greatest beneficiaries from the Super-scientific and wonderful concepts or Vedic Views such as creation of Atoms, Molecules and Material Energies in Material Science as well as Supreme explanation and concepts of Soul, Super Soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead as described in Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam and other blissful Vedic Literature. However, to Err is Human and every body makes mistake and Iskcon devotees are not the exception including myself. C. The "Science of Rasa" and Transcendental Rasa Workshop: Now. let us go for FUN PART:

The Rasa Workshop or examples of Inter-personal Relationship with our group as observed by myself in humble and humorous way per recent email postings by our several wonderful friends and the Vedic Scholars. I will greatly appreciate the advance permission from the Vedic Scholars to mention their name in this workshop. This transcendental topic "Science of Rasa" is the continuation and with further explanation of my previous article: Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science Part II - In Defense of the Sanatana Dharma. I will be happy to reiterate that I am not an expert but just I want to share what ever I know about and from the Nectar of Devotion and the blissful Vedic Literature. Sharing is caring. Types of Rasa: a. Five Primary or Mandatory

Rasa: 1. Neutrality 2. Servitude 3. Friendship 4. Parental 5. Conjugal Rasa b. Seven Secondary or Optional Rasa 1. Laughter 2. Astonishment 3. Anger 4. Chivalry 5. Compassion 6. Dread 7. Ghastliness Stages of Rasa or Emotions: a. Stage I: Expressed Intention & Concealed Intention b. Stage II: Expressed Relationship & Concealed Relationship c. Stage III: Expressed Emotion & Concealed Emotion Level of Rasa: 1. Singular Level 2. Dual Level 3. Plural

Level In Rasa Workshop following steps or understanding are extremely essential to understand the creation, Maintenance and Destruction of Relationships specially at Plural and Dual levels at any place or situation or with any group: I. Chronological & Non-Chronological Order of Rasa: Five Primary and Seven Secondary Rasa are organized in chronological order. The establishment of the smooth and cordial relationship requires application of Primary and Secondary Rasa in chronological orders - starting with Neutral to Servitude to Friendship, Parental and up to Conjugal Rasa. The violation of chronological order creates shaky and dysfunctional relationship or BUMPY RIDE. For an example - if you start your parked car with forth or fifth gear, then, you will make a big hole in your garage or rear end some one with

traffic violation. So, maximization of appropriate application of Rasa in Chronological order is highly recommended. II. Predominant Rasa & Subsidiary or Subordinate Rasa: Every Living Entity when s/he come in touch with other Living Entity, s/he has to apply or use one of the Five Primary ( Neutral to Conjugal) Rasa mandatory without any exception. The selected Rasa applied by the Living Entity becomes Predominant Rasa and other different Rasa become Subsidiary or Subordinate Rasa. The overlapping of these Rasa are just like the blue, white or pink Lotus flower with multiple petals strung with the stem of Lotus. The selected one of the five Rasa from Primary or Mandatory category becomes Predominant Rasa and other eleven Rasa from both category become Subordinate or Petal Rasa around the Stem of Lotus flower. This

miraculous Lotus flower is able to change Stem and Petals very effortlessly and swiftly !!! III. Abundance & Rarity of Rasa: Out of Five Primary Rasa, Neutral Rasa is used by the Living Entity or people abundantly or profusely, less abundantly Servitude and so on and least used one Rasa is Conjugal Rasa by the Living Entity or People. Neutral Rasa is applied abundantly by majority of people and Conjugal Rasa is applied sparsely or rarely by majority of people. Example - only ten percent of members in our Forums participate actively and ninety percent of Members remains Neutral or inactive in dialog or email postings. Conjugal Rasa is primarily applied with some ones intimate person such as wife and spouse etc. Sex predators may be applying this Conjugal Rasa with high rate of mortality and morbidity for themselves and victims. VI. Intensity & Non-intensity of Rasa: As we all have experience that Neutrality is the Least Intense Rasa and Conjugal Rasa is the Most Intense Rasa of the Primary or Mandatory Rasa. This also true for the Seven Secondary or Optional Rasa where Laughter is the Least Intense and Ghastliness or Sadism is the Most Intense Rasa. We have take a note that the Intensity is also in the chronological order from # 1 to # 5 & # 1 to # 7 for both categories. The reason for great intensity of Conjugal Rasa is that in Conjugal Relationship all eleven Rasa may be exchanged and applied. In Neutral Relationship only one Rasa - Neural Rasa - is exchanged or applied which makes this relationship least intense or boring relationship. This is self-explanatory in nature. Five Primary or Mandatory Rasa and Seven Secondary or Optional Rasa are organized

in Chronological or Sequential orders, Abundance and Intensity. For an example: 1. Neutrality 2. Servitude 3. Friendship 4. Parental 5. Conjugal Rasa are organized with precise Chronological, Abundance and Intensity orders. Neutrality # 1 Rasa is very Abundantly used, it is least Intense and it is first Rasa used to create a relationship with other Living Entity at Dual or Plural Levels. Similarly, # 2 Servitude, # 3 Friendship, # 4 Parental and # 5 Conjugal Rasa are applied in Chronological, Abundance and Intensity orders. In other word, Conjugal Rasa is most intense, not very abundantly used, and last Rasa or Emotion to create a relationship with other Living Entity at dual or plural levels. VII. Explanation of Compatible Rasa & Incompatible Rasa: So, application of the mixtures of three Middle Rasa - Servitude, Friendship & Parental of Primary Category

and Four Middle Rasa of Secondary Category - Astonishment, Anger, Chivalry & Compassion are the examples of Compatible Rasa in chronological order, Predominance, Abundance and Intensity as described earlier. These blue, white or pink Lotus or Rose flowers are pleasant, beautiful and certainly good for unity in diversity and advancement toward the God Consciousness or Krishna Consciousness for every one in this planet. Similarly, inappropriate application of Extreme Ends of Rasa - Neutrality & Conjugal of Primary Category and Laughter, Dread & Ghastliness or Sadism of the Secondary Category are the examples of Incompatible Rasa. These mixtures of Rasa are definitely detrimental to the Harmony, peace and spiritual advancement within the human society and even within the sub-human species. The people with sufficient knowledge will certainly

avoid these dreaded and sadistic combination of Rasa by all means and practice. So, We may practice all Rasa with great care and cautions with following guidelines: a. Maximize the appropriate application of Middle Rasa ( # 2, # 3, & # 4 ) of Primary Rasa and ( # 2, # 3, # 4 & # 5) of Secondary Rasa in Chronological order. These are the examples of application of the Compatible Rasa at Singular, Dual and Plural levels. b. Minimize the inappropriate application of the Extreme Ends of Rasa ( # 1 & # 5 ) of Primary category and ( # 1, # 6 & # 7 ) of the Secondary category also in Chronological order. These are the examples of the application of

Incompatible Rasa at Singular, Dual & Plural levels. Please take a note that Chronological order is very important terminology or aspect for Creation, Maintenance and Destruction of the Relationships at Dual and Plural levels in our human society. c. Neutrality & Ghastliness are used by Atheistic and Asuric people: It have been observed by the Exponents of Science of Rasa that envious Asura and Atheistic people extensively apply two extreme ends of Twelve Rasa - Neutrality # 1 & Ghastliness # 12 - with Supreme Personality of Godhead and His expansion including Jiva-tattva. These envious and cruel mentality people do not want to serve, be a friend, parent or lover of the Supreme Person and His expansions and they rarely apply five or six secondary Rasa. The Asura wants to kill Supreme Lord by all means and this is their goal of

life. However, we have to take a note that Supreme Lord Sri Krishna can use and apply any Rasa in any order and quantity with His expansions in the Spiritual or Material world. d. Sva-kiya Rasa and Para-kiya Rasa: Srila Rupa Gosvami authoritatively describes these two categories of Rasa. Srila Rupa Gosvami narrates that Supreme Lord Sri Krishna as Rukmini-Dwarkadhisa He is exchanging all twelve Rasa with 16,108 Queens with Srimati Rukmini and Srimati Satyabhama as the chief Queens. This is a great example of the Direct Union or Sva-kiya exchange of Rasa or Relationships with "HIS OWN" or "SVA" Jiva-tattva expansions. In Gokula Vrindavana, Supreme Lord Sri Krishna exchanges twelve Rasa with His Foster Parent Yashoda Maiya and Nanda Maharaja, His Cowherd Boys and Cowherd Girls with Srimati Radharani & other eight principle Gopis and sub-human inhabitants such as Trees,

Bumblebees, Cows and Calves. The transcendental couple - Radha-Krishna - is the greatest and sweetest example of the Para-kiya Rasa or "NOT HIS" or "OTHER" Personal or Vishnu-Tattva Expansion in form of Srimati Radharani and other Jiva-tattva expansions. Sri Krishna is the original cause and of every thing - spiritual or material - and SVA or HIS and Para or OTHER or NOT HIS are just for an example of Supreme Person can have Direct Union with Jiva-tattva and Union in Separation with Vishnu-Tattva Srimati Radharani and other Jiva-tattva or Gopis. Srimad Bhagavatam describes that in Dwarka city, 16,106 Queens reciprocate and communicate with Sri Krishna as Dwarkadhisha with specific Melody or Raga unique to each Queen. So, there are 16,106 Melodies or Raga are/were prevalent in Dwarka city for Queens. One

Queen does not use other Queen's Melody or Raga not as the Co-Wife Rivalry but just to love and please Sri Krishna for the Direct Personal Union. The transcendental and wonderful Melody of Gopi-Geeta by the Srimati Radharani and other Gopis are reciprocation of the greatest, unconditional and transcendental love for the Supreme Person Sri Krishna in the Mood of Union in Separation. So, the exchange of Twelve Rasa with 16,108 Queens or Jiva-tattva in Dwarka Puri as Sva-kiya Rasa or Direct Union and the excahnge of the Twelve Rasa with Srimati Radharani & Gopis as Para-kiya Rasa or Union in Separation are the SAME BUT SIMULTANEOUSLY DIFFERENT in intensity and sweetness are best example of the purest form of LOVE OF GODHEAD and the Acintya Bhedabheda Tattva or Inconceivably Same and Different Vedic aphorism expounded by Sri Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

The 16,106 Melodies or Raga such as Bhairavi raga, Sweet Gopi-Geeta are the original Melodies, Raga and Sangeets or Musical formulas for our Planet Bharata-varsa and this Universe. All other Musical formulas, Raga, Folk songs and all music of this planet are originating from this unique source. The advanced and spiritual Vedic Culture of India practice these numerous Melodies or Raga and Gopi-Geeta since very long time to advance in their Spiritual journey. Also, other culture such as European and American Materialistic culture who practice Beethoven and Mozart and other Western musical melodies are also derived from these 16,108 Melodies and Raga. This is the superb and concise explanation or Summary Study of the "Science of Rasa" as described in the Nectar of Devotion by Srila Rupa Gosvami five hundred years ago and translated by Srila Prabhupada forty years ago into lucid English.

I have observed the compatible and Incompatible Rasa applied by our Vedic Scholars advertently or inadvertently - Expressed or Concealed - and the reason for flare up of emotions with friendly email verbal jabs or altercation during month of February 2007 and other episodes or storms with our forums. I may give one example with all humbleness as follow: Practical Example # 1: Sriman Frank Lotz started with application of Parental Rasa # 4 with our VFA group and many VFA members did not like this relationship - Fatherly figure - with grown up people. He received few emails with "Inaudible", "Visible"( you can read it) & "Non-tactile" Email verbal jabs from them. The actual Verbal Jabs are Audible, Invisible and may result in soft or hard

Tactile sensation with Black Eyes or Blue Butts!! This is the Email or Internet miracle with reverse physical characters- the spark of the Lord Sri Krishna. Basically and fundamentally, Sriman Frank Lotz violated the Chronological Order - to start relationship with others from Neutrality to Servitude to Friendship to Parental etc. Fortunately, he changed his Automatic or Manual Gear from # 4 to # 3 Rasa - Friendship Rasa - in his subsequent email postings and the dysfunctional or BUMPY RIDE or relationship was rectified !!! This example may be applicable to our prolific writer Sriman Venkat Krishnan and Sriman Kedarnath who are now in Neutral Rasa. I hope that VFA scholars may like this explanation. I will be happy to accept any suggestions or comments. I really thank in advance Sriman Frank Lotz for using his name and my apologies for any embarrassment may have cause with this posting or event. So, these are the Fundamental understandings and Framework for the Rasa Workshop. We may use or apply this Framework or Fundamentals at our wonderful Vedic Organization - VFA and web sites as well many other Vedic/Scientific Web sites in our email postings and other places. I am very positive that this practice will be a great fun and fantastic experience for the Originators, Recipients and every one in our planet. Krishna Consciousness is Susukham and Sasvatam - Eternal and Joyfully performed - as Supreme Lord Sri Krishna declares in the transcendental text book of the Supreme Science - Srimad Bhagavata Gita. The above-mentioned description is the superb study summary or explanation of the Twelve Rasa as described in the

Nectar of Devotion by Srila Rupa Gosvami five centuries ago. I have just high-lighted the above-mentioned points. Hope that we may use this study for the Krishna Conscious purpose. D. The Transcendental and Great Topics - Personalism and Impersonalism: I may humbly request our Vedic Scholars and stalwarts at VFA and Web sites to submit or write Small or Big article on this great and transcendental topic - Personalism & Impersonalism - just for intervening and interweaving dialog. I believe that this great topic is overdue to be discussed and explained at present moment. Srila Prabhupada have already explained that there is no non-essential disagreement or fight between two

greatest transcendentalists and philosophers of Impersonalism and Personalism of the Sanatana Dharma. However, the Proponent and Opponent of the prospective philosophy may try his or her best to convince himself and other that one aspect is the origin of the counter aspect and vice versa. This is just the difference of opinion and nothing else. I may start with the Fundamental or Basic aspects of the Twenty Five items known as Sankhya Philosophy as described in Srimad Bhagavatam. The fundamental aspect of the Science of Rasa have just been described earlier in this email. I strongly feels to elaborate further about the fundamental aspects of the physical and psychological or Gross and Subtle Bodies known as Sankhya Philosophy as described in the Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavata Gita - the ripened fruits of the Vedic Literature. In Sankhya

Philosophy there is super-scientific explanation and description of the relationship between Cause and Effect phenomena. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Original Cause and the subsequent steps and effects are super-scientifically described in the chronological fashion as follow: Sankhya Philosophy is the description of the Soul, Super Soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Sankhya Philosophy is the description of NUMERICAL or NUMBERS such as Twenty Five Items (Gross Body with twenty items and Subtle Body with three Items, Soul and Time Factors - total 25 Items-). In this Sankhya Philosophy every item is super-scientifically and blissfully organized in the chronological order from Subtle or Suksma to Gross level or Sthula level - just like Mathematical Numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 .......8, 9 & 0

etc. The Exponents of Impersonalism are applying or using Impersonal Terminology to describe the Absolute Truth. The Exponents of Personalism are using or applying the Personal Terminology to describe the Absolute Truth. This is the wonderful explanation and beauty of the blissful and eternal Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma. I. Summary Description of Sankhya Philosophy ( Supreme Personality of Godhead, Super Soul & Soul) and Sankhya Philosophy of Twenty Five Items as follow: 1. Goloka Vrindavana: Adi Purusa Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, with His millions and billions of Cowherd Boys and Cowherd Girls are practicing eternal past times with application of

the Twelve Rasa in the spiritual atmosphere eternally in Goloka Vrindavana- the top most spiritual planet. Govindam Adi Purusa.....Tvam Aham Bhajami. 2. Vaikuntha Planets: In numerous spiritual planets Vaikunthas, Supreme Personality of Godhead(s) with four hands and four symbols of Sankha, Chakra, Gada and Padma with different names depending upon the location of four symbols such as Lord Vasudeva, Lord Sankarsana, Lord Annirudha, Lord Pradhyumna, Lord Janardana, Lord Kesava, Lord Narayana, Lord Damodara, Lord Kapila to practice Their eternal past times with Their transcendental associates with application of Five Primary Rasa. The seven secondary rasa are optional and not applied or rarely used in the Vaikuntha planets. 3. Material Universes: The Chatur-vyuha expansions - Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradhyumna and Annirudha and as well other Visnu-tattva expansions

may travel or descend back and forth to the Material Universes with Their subsequent plenary expansions Maha Vishnu or Karanodayasaki Vishnu, Garbhodayasaki Vishnu and Ksirodayasaki Vishnu for the creation of the numerous Material Universes, subsequent internal structural creation such as heavenly, earthly and hellish divisions and 8.4 millions of the individual bodies or species for the Jiva-tattva expansions. Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva are in charge of the creation, maintenance and destruction of the processes within each Universe. 4. Pradhana: This is total aggregated material energy one forth size in comparison to the total three forth spiritual energy or creation. In this Pradhana or total aggregated material energy TIME FACTOR is added but time factor is inactive and no process of creation have been started yet. 5. Mahat-tattva: The expansion of

Pradhana to Mahat-tattva with activation of TIME FACTOR and impregnation of the Jiva-tattva by Garbhodayasaki Vishnu and the creative process begins. 6. Formation of three Modes of Nature from Mahat Tattva: - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas Guna with creation of the Ego or Ahamkara with Guna or quality associated with Jiva-tattva. The Ahamkara of Sattvic, Rajasic & Tamasic quality are Impersonal quality and terminology as Ego and three modes of nature are impersonal energy of the Soul Proper. 7. Ahamkara: The Ahamkara is defined as identification of Jiva-tattva with Real Identity or False Identity. The real identity is "Aham Brahmasmi" or "I am a Spirit Soul". The false Identification is when Living Entity says I am a Body. The Living Entity may identify itself falsely with 8.4 Millions of Species or Bodies from

Lord Brahma to an Ant is called False Ego. The Ahamkara is the most finer aspect of the material energy and the first COVERING of the Soul. Also, we have to take a note that "I am Spirit Soul" is best example of the Impersonal Terminology and I am a servant, friend, parent or lover of Krishna is the Real Identification or Personal Terminology. Ahamkara is derived from Tamo Guna. 8. Intelligence and Mind: These are the two next coverings in chronological order after the first covering of Soul - the Ego or Ahamkara. These three items or coverings of the Soul proper - Ego, Intelligence and Mind are the fundamental aspect of the Subtle Body or Astral Body with cumulative Karma acquired from one or many life. Intelligence or Buddhi is derived from Rajo Guna and Mind or Mana is derived from Sattva Guna. 9. Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell - five

Tan-matras are formed or created in chronological order from Subtle to Gross level. Sound is the original cause or first step for creation of Five Gross Elements and Five Subtle Elements. 10. Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth are the Five Gross Elements created in Chronological order from Subtle to Gross level. 11. Five Jnanendriyas: Ears, Skin, Eyes, Tongue and Nostrils are created and their functional application are also in chronological order. 12. Five Karmendriyas: Hands, Legs, Vocal Cords, Anus and Genitals are created and their functional applications are also in chronological order. Amazingly our Vedic Literature are Super-scientific, eternal and amazingly or astonishingly in chronological order !!! Just like the Super Market with every thing is organized beautifully, scientifically and with fragrance of Jasmine or Lotus flowers. The Ten Senses or Indriyas

are derived or by-product from the Rajo Guna. 13. Soul Proper as described earlier. Soul is the Jiva-tattva expansion of the Supreme Soul Sri Krishna. 14. Eternal Time: The Eternal Time is the Impersonal energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Time factor = Super Soul = Ksirodakasayi Vishnu. The terminology "Super Soul" or "Paramatma" or "Antaryami" are another example of application the Impersonal Terminology. The Personal Terminology for Super Soul, Antaryami and Paramatma is Ksirodakasayi Vishnu. Ksirodakasayi Vishnu is present in atoms, atomic spaces, at molecular, cellular and organ level as the Impersonal TIME FACTOR and in the heart of every Living Entity from Bacteria, Plants, Bird & Insect to Sub-human beings, Human beings and the Super-human beings as the Super Soul, Antaryami or Paramatma - the Personal feature. So,

the above-mentioned description is the Summary Study of the Sankhya Philosophy expounded by Lord Kapila Deva as described beautifully in Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavata Gita. We have to take a not that every thing in Vedic Literature is scientifically, chronologically and sequentially organized from the Supreme Person who is the Supreme Cause of all causes and amazingly this process is reversible in chronological order or fashion. The purpose of this above-mentioned summary and fundamentals is to understand Personalism and Impersonalism as described in the blissful Vedic Literature. E. The Exponents of Personalism and Impersonalism: The Exponents of Impersonalism may try their best to avoid, minimize and even replace the Supreme Person by all means. They use Flowery Words or Impersonal Terminology to

substitute the Supreme Person or Personality. The Exponents of Personalism apply Personal Terminology extensively with the explicit description of the Supreme Person such as Name, Form, Past times and all attributes of the Supreme Person and His all Personal expansions including all impersonal energies - Material or Spiritual. Also, the Exponents of Personalism use and offer Flowery word or Impersonal Terminology to the lotus feet of Supreme Person to glorify Him, to decorate Him and worship Supreme Person rather to avoid or obliterate the Supreme Person. This is the sharp difference between these two great Transcendentalists of the Vedic Culture and Literature - the Supreme Science. However, we have to take a serious note that millions of Personal or Impersonal Terminology or words do not create the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Super Soul or Impersonal Brahma-jyoti or any

Spiritual energy. The Shabda-Brahma or Sound or Words are the impersonal feature emanating from the Speaker who is a Person and not Impersonal feature or Energy. This is the concluding and authentic explanation for this great topic as described in Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. It will be nice to hear super-scientific explanation from the Exponents of Impersonalism about inter-relationship between the Speaker, Shabda or Sound and Listener. Furthermore, we have to take a sincere note that this transcendental topic - Personalism and Impersonalism is field or arena for the above-mentioned two Vedic Transcendentalists only. The Christianity, Judaism and Islam faiths have no voice or opinion for this great topic. Abrahamic faiths are just like a small infant or child for this Transcendental topic and they are unable to contribute any thing. Only they may contribute in this regard is the Baby Smile, amusing but pleasing Chipmunk

sounds to keep the bored and meditating audience alert and awake in a conference. F. Email and Internet Profile: The Email from any originator can be categorize as per an analogy of Mango Fruits - the King of all fruits. Mango fruit have three stages of maturity and it may be un-riped, riped or over-riped one. The three stages are the product of the presence of the Super Soul and effect of His impersonal energy TIME FACTOR for the unripe, ripe or over-ripe stages. The unripe Mango can be transformed into sweet, sour and salty Pickle, sweet riped Mango is used for Prasadam or Mango pulp and finally, the over-riped Mango may be thrown into dustbin/Junk email or eaten by Cows, Pigs or small Insects etc. Similarly, the Email article(s) by various scholars and writers with different topics or subjects also may be

categorized as un-riped, riped or over-riped from the originators with any group or forum. The purpose of this analogy is simple and straight forward to request humbly the Vedic Scholars and friends to submit their views and revelation of the topics of their choice such as Personalism & Impersonalism; Inter-personal Relationship or Science of Rasa and many more interesting subjects with short summary according to their ability, experiences and educational & spiritual or religious affiliations. This practice will be a great fun to share their views and revelations. I have submitted my revelations with this email posting and earlier postings. Now, I have described the glimpses of the Personalism & Impersonalism; Rasa Workshop; Science of Rasa and the creation, maintenance and destruction of relationship in this email. These great and wonderful topics will be described

in detail in my next article titled as : Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science Part III - the Atheist Buster as mentioned several times earlier last few more months. I apologize for some delay but it will be better to be clear, complete and concise. We know that un-riped, riped or over-riped Mango fruits have their appropriate value and nothing is wasted but utilized accordingly. Please do not consider this strategy of revealing facts in small increments as the Carrot & Stick strategy. I may interpret this phenomenon as the Tamper-proof and Internet-piracy-proof nature of the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature - the Supreme Science of the Sanatana Dharma. The magnificent Vedic Literature are already patented, tamper-proofed and Internet piracy proof as described in the next section of this email posting as follow. G. The Blissful

and Eternal Vedic Literature are Patented in Satya Loka or Brahma Loka: The eternal and blissful Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma is the Transcendental Literature transmitted by the great and merciful Sages and Rishis since the time immemorial in this planet and Universe. Sages and Rishis are pure and honest personalities free from the four imperfections of the human beings - imperfect senses, cheating propensity, to be illusioned and slow in spiritual understanding. They have great mental capacity of Million I.Q. or Intelligence Quotients with photographic memory. The conclusions and concepts as described in the Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science are infallible, eternal and blissful as well as Tampered Proofed and Internet Piracy Proofed. In comparison to Sages and Rishis, the modern scientists with I.Q of 255 or 260 and tiny brain are Pygmies and insignificant persons. The blissful Vedic Literature : the

Supreme Science are already patented and secured by the Sages and Rishis in the Satya Loka or Brahma Loka of the higher planetary systems. Lord Brahma is the most exalted person and first Jiva-tattva created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna and he have received blissful and eternal Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science during the beginning of the Universe. He transmitted the Vedic Literature through his mental sons, subsequent progenitors and Sages and Rishis such as Sri Narada Muni, Srila Vyasadeva etc from his abode Satya Loka or Brahma Loka - the highest heavenly planet of this Universe to our planet. So, blissful and eternal Vedic Literature are already made tamper-proof and the Vedic Literature are certainly patented in Satya Loka or Brahma Loka and no one can manipulate or distort or mess up whimsically. Following may be a nice example: If Billionaire Bill Gates, the

Microsoft owner, sends an application with a check of fifty Billion dollars to Satya Loka for registration of Patents of Vedic Concepts from blissful Vedic Literature, he will receive reply from Satya Loka or Brahma Loka as follow: *********** My Dear Sriman Bill Gates: Please accept our blessings. We greatly appreciate your application for the Patent registration of the Vedic Concepts. We regret to inform you that

we are unable to process your application at this time in view of the improper mode of transaction. In Satya Loka or Brahma Loka the appropriate mode of transaction is Love, Devotion and unflinching Faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna. Here Dollar, Pound, Rupee and Riyadh are non-approved mode of transactions. If you lack the appropriate mode of transaction at this moment, we may encourage you to practice Austerity or Tapasya for some time. We wish good luck and bless you to be successful in these endeavors. Please return the appropriate mode of transaction in new email envelope with Blue Lotus logo made by your company. Microsoft logo on your email envelope will be the further cause of delay for the patent approval. With love and transcendental blessings for your successful future endeavors. Dharmaraja Yamadeva Supreme Director of Law of Karma exclusively for the Sinful Souls Counter-signed by Sri Sri Narada Muni The Eternal Spaceman and Son of Lord Brahma ********* The purpose behind this email posting with full of fun,

friendship, chivalry and touch of little dread and other Rasa with members of our Web sites and forums is very simple. I may humbly encourage our members to write their revelation and offering about various topics such as Impersonalism, Personalism, Science of Rasa and other relevant topics with any level or category such as Unripe, Riped or Over-riped email posting without any hesitation. This will be a great practice for the intervening and interweaving dialog among our transcendental group or forum at VFA and Web sites. I am sure that this request is already over-riped one as our moderators are requesting and encouraging every one to submit nice articles since the beginning of these Web sites. No harm to say one more time. H. Transcendental Debate, Dialog and the humble Challenge: I may reiterate and request Vedic Scholars and friends at

& VFA Web site to submit their revelation about Personalism, Impersonalism, Science of Rasa and other pertinent topics for on going intervening and interweaving debate and dialog with our forums. I am may provide following suggestions for the above-mentioned topics or subject matters. Of course, the Srimad Bhagavatam, Srimad Bhagatava Gita and blissful Vedic Literature are the best source of any suggestions, concepts and hints since the time immemorial. We hope that we may continue to consult and study these great Literature for ever. Following five concepts will certainly help our Vedic Scholars to provide insight for the description of Personalism and Impersonalism - the transcendental topic at this moment. 1. Description of how the Five Tan-matras or Subtle Sense Objects Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell are created in

chronological order as described in Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. This wonderful topic will provide the excellent view of the Fundamental or Basic Principles of the Physical Science and Computer Science. The super-scientific explanation from the Vedic Literature can un-ravel the mystery of Modern Internet Technology right now. The Computer Scientists and Physicists are certainly ignorant of the Vedic Physics and Concepts as described in the Sankhya Philosophy earlier. 2. Description and differentiation between Speaker Narayana, Shabda Narayana and Listener Narayana or between the Speaker, Shabda and Listener. Vedic Scholars may try and explain in detail about this great Vedic understanding. 3. Description and differentiation between Spoken & Written Sanskrit Alphabets and other

Languages as well as Spoken Mathematical Numerical and Written Mathematical Numerical. In other words, the description and differentiation between Spoken WORDS and Written WORDS. 4. We have to take a serious note that with description and differentiation of the above-mentioned Spoken and Written Alphabets, Numerical, Words and Fonts we are not playing a Lottery Game or Lotto Game here. We are trying our best to differentiate the process of Personalism and Impersonalism with help of the Spoken and Written Numbers, Words and Fonts and with help of the Five Subtle Sense Objects or Tan-matras. 5. The super-scientific description and step by step creation of FORMNESS or PERSONALISM and FORMLESSNESS or IMPERSONALISM can be explain explicitly with the above mentioned Vedic Concepts. In other

words, how a PERSONALITY transforms into IMPERSONAL feature and how IMPERSONAL feature transform back to a PERSON or FORM. We have to take a note that for all above items or transformations there is a PERSON behind all the actions and activities - remotely or in presence. We may request our members with educational background in Physics, Computer Science and Physical Science to provide and elaborate in detail about above-mentioned five concepts or suggestions. Dr. Harish Chandra, PhD in Physical Science from IIT Kanpur, India and founder of "Center for Inner Science" or CIS & Ex-NASA Engineer; Sriman Frank Lotz and his Colleagues from Sri Sri Mahesh Yogi TM Group, ISKCON Pundits who are expert in Chewing what has been already chewed, Sriman Venkat Krishnan and other Scholars from & VFA forums may provide their revelation about the Personalism and Impersonalism and other pertinent topics at their ease and pace.

Dr. Subhas Kak, PhD and Physicist Sudarshana Yogesvara from Mauritius may also provide their inputs regarding this subject matter. The Nobel Prize winner Physicists, Computer Scientists and even Internet Pirates or Thugs are also welcome to provide their inputs for these topics with our forums. The purpose behind this friendly challenge is not to be the VICTIMS OF THE FRIENDLY FIRE but to increase our friendly relationship within our forums and defeat the atheism and adharmic forces within us and around us in this planet. The third and final article of this series titled as "Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science Part III - the Atheist Buster" will be posted in few months or at least before Rathayatra of Lord Jagannatha of 2007. I apologize for some delay. I will try my best to present this final article as clear, concise and complete fashion as much as I can. In this article

Creation, Maintenance and Destruction of Relationships; further detail of Personalism and Impersonalism and related topics will be described according to the Twenty Five items of the Sankhya Philosophy as mentioned earlier without any addition or subtraction from the eternal, blissful and tamper-proofed Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science. Final note: Truth should be told as it is and with tender consent for great therapeutic effect. Concealed truth or sugar-coated medicine will regurgitate in throat in few hours later with more bitter taste and distastefulness and anger. This impersonal statement is applicable to every one including myself. However, there is razor sharp or fine line between the therapeutic advantage and toxicity or Reality and Un-reality. I have a great privilege to be the Citizen of the two great Democratic Countries - India the Spiritual Giant and U.S.A. the Material Giant

of this planet. At present moment, the people of India are keenly interested in pursuit of becoming super-rich in Material gains and people of America are keenly interested in pursuits of becoming great spiritually advanced culture. The Vedic Literature of the Sanatana Dharma is helping now and will help in future both the great Democratic countries in their pursuits. India can preserve her greatest Spiritual assets and still become super-rich in Material gains and richness. Similarly, the Vedic Literature can help America to advance in the Spiritual understanding and knowledge now and in the future. Best of the both world. The process of Unity in Diversity is already on the way not only for India and America - the greatest Democratic countries of this planet but for every country and every one of this planet including sub-human beings to be happy, healthy and wealthy in the spirit of God Consciousness or Krishna

Consciousness without any doubt. The Modern Technology and the blissful and Eternal Vedic Literature : the Supreme Science are the greatest and invincible forces or Tsunamis entrusted with this unifying and blissful phenomenon by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna - the Supreme Person -now. Satyam Eva Jayate & Dharmo Rakshita Rakshitah. Thank you very much for your time and Hare Krishna. In service of the Sanatana Dharma Atul Krsna dasa/Atul . Shah, MD Troy, Michigan, U.S.A.

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