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An Offering to Evoor Sri Krishnaswamy .

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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas , Evoor Sri Krishnaswamy , is a living reality . I used to struggle a lot in deciding what to offer Him in return for His supreme compassion . When I consulted various Jyothishis (Vedic astrologers) , the same answer came from all : “ Evoor Bhagavan is pleased with what has been offered to Him so far . Any further offering is your choice “ . Finally a Sattvic Brahmana Jyothishi advised “ You just ask the Melshanthi (Head Pujari) what he needs for the temple ” .

Accordingly, when I asked the Melsanthi , he suggested for a “ Sankha tied with silver threads , for performing pooja ” . I offered this “Sankha” soon ; and it was very useful . Thereafter , I started asking the Melsanthi to decide the offering . A Surprise Coincidence Two years back , I and wife were praying inside Evoor temple . I noticed the painted stone frame of the Sreekovil (sanctum sanctorum) , which didn’t match with the bronze door . When the Melshanthi was giving me Prasadam , I asked “ Thirumeni , do you need anything for the temple ? “ I will think about it and tell you later “ saying so , he returned to the Sreekovil for

pooja . After the pooja , he came back to me and said “ If you can cover this ‘Sopanam’ ( steps to Sreekovil and it’s entry framework ) with brass , it will be good . Most of the nearby temples have it . Recently, a Contractor has prepared an estimate , but I don’t know what happened after that . If you are

interested , you can contact the Devaswom Officer ” . “ Let me look in to it ” I replied . Later, I spoke to the Devaswom Oficer and the Assistant Commissioner (my cousin) . After that , the proposed Contractor met me and submitted his Quotation . However, I was struggling to take a final decision . Being unsure, whether such a modification is acceptable to Bhagavan or not . Finally, I consulted the Brahmana Jyothishi . As advised , I was praying continuously to Evoor Bhagavan to reveal His opinion , while the “prasnam ” ( astrological verification) was in progress . The finding ( Bhagavan’s opinion) was : “ It ( the proposed work) is

expensive ; and I don’t compel it . Anyway, if you want to execute it , I don’t have any objection since the brass covering could give me coolness reducing the heat of lamps around . However, be careful to avoid likely theft in the works ”. I was happy to hear this . But, the clear warning led me to further enquiries which revealed that, the proposed Contractor is a cheat ! . Then we contacted a young Hindu leader in charge of the renovation works of a temple . He advised us “ Most such Contractors are Muslims whose firms disguise as “ Krishna metal works” , etc . After taking the Contract , they pass it to petty firms to make a big profit . Quality of such works is very poor . So , I gave the contract direct to an expert Artisan , a faithful devotee . He has done a superb job at a nominal price ” . We saw that Contractor’s works and were impressed . Immediately, I took him to Evoor temple . After

praying and making some offerings , he prepared the estimate based on my specification to have only carvings such as Sankha, Chakra, gada and Padma ( and not the common flowers and plants) . As an additional option, he suggested to have “Dasavatharam” ( 10 incarnations of Maha-Vishnu) to be carved on the frame of Sreekovil . Even after this, the price was 25 % less than the previous Contractor ! . So, the Contract agreement was signed immediately . Devaswom board’s approval came quickly . Next was the permission of Tantri ( Brahmasree Tharananelloor Parameswaran Namboodiri) . The Board arranged for His visit ,soon. “Anujna” ( Consent) On the scheduled day , we ( I , wife and sons) went to Evoor temple without knowing the formalities involved . We had paid in advance for the pooja expenses . The Devaswom officer advised me to tell Tantri that the works would be completed in a year . The Tantri first performed the “Kalasa-pooja” , followed by “Abhishekas” by moola-mantra to invoke Bhagavan . After that, he came near me and asked when the works could be completed . I informed that it would be completed within a year . Then he gave a few flowers and said “ Although , this work is for Bhagavan Himself, “Daivanugraham” ( Bhagavan’s blessings ) is necessary to complete it satisfactorily . In fact , nothing can

succeed without “Daivanugraham” . So, you do a ‘pradakshinam’ around the Sreekovil , praying for Bhagavan’s blessings to you to perform the works . After that , give back to me those flowers ” . I completed the Pradakshinam and prayed in front of Sreekovil . Then I returned the flowers to Tantri .

“ Let me ask ” ( Saying so , he went inside the Sreekovil ) . After sometime , Tantri came back and said “ Yes . Bhagavan has given you permission to proceed with the works “ . I bowed down to Him and gave “Dakshina” . We returned home in a happy mood . The Works The works started . I realized then how difficult it is to carry out works inside a live temple . We can work only when the temple is not active . The valuables in the temple as well as the sanity to be protected . Another problem was food and water for the workers . Thanks to Bhagavan’s grace, everything progressed smoothly . ‘Prasadam’ like payasam , milk, fruits, etc were provided lavishly to the work men . And homely food was arranged from a nearby house . I stayed at the work site through out day and night . There were occasional difficulties , but thanks to Bhagavan they all got resolved soon . My day and night stay at the Evoor temple was most memorable . I saw many chronic patients , offering daily worship and surviving on the mercy of Bhagavan . A particular old lady used to dip a water in the tank and walk away wet . I asked her about it and her reply was “

I am a cancer patient . All treatments are over . When my pain appears , I take a dip in this tank of Bhagavan and then I get immediate relief ”. During the night , especially at “Rakshasa-yamam” , the sounds and movement around were frightening . The pre-dawn (Brahma-muhurtham) is notable for pleasant environment . Once, before the “Nirmalya rituals” , the temple reverberated with the flying and landing of a huge bird . I am sure that, it was Bhagavan’s arrival atop Garuda . The majority works were completed in two weeks . What remained was , the re-fixing of Sreekovil accessories and final

finishing . Then the news came that , the Tantri is scheduled to leave for the month long annual festival at Sree Padmaswamy temple . In view of this and my imminent departure , an immediate date for the “samparpanam” ( hand over) was fixed. We were hoping that the remaining activities could be completed within next couple of days . We worked on a war-time basis during the day and night before “Samarpananam” . Several obstacles such as frequent power-failures, breakdown of machines, etc came in the way . In the late evening, even the usually calm Melshanti raised concern about the “total mess” on and around the Sreekovil and the fact that nothing can be touched after “Samarpanam” . I left everything to Bhagavan and kept on tearfully chanting His names with all my strength . Miraculously , every time the power came back quickly , the faulty machines were repaired soon and the delays mitigated by swiftly attending available work fronts . Everything including the final polishing and washing of Sreekovil was completed by

4.30 AM . The Melshanti couldn’t hide his joy when arrived at 5 AM for “Nirmalya” (pre-dawn) Pooja ”. “ Samarpanam ” ( Dedicating to Bhagavan) . Befor this ceremony , many people had advised for fancy advertisements in the media and to install a sign board “Donated by Mr…….” . But I politely refused stating “ It is entirely Bhagavan’s money and skill . I

am a mere tool in His hand . ” Early morning , the Ganapathy Homam was performed by Melsanthi . The “Samparpanam” rituals started at 10 AM . It involved the following : · Meditation and Japa by Tantri . · Kalasa-Pooja

.. · Purification rituals. · Abhishekams with chanting of “Moola-mantra” to invoke Bhagavan. · Samarpanam to Bhagavan. Afterwards, the Thantri came out to give me prasadam . He said “ The works have been executed very well to Bhagavan’s full satisfaction ” . “ All my money is Bhagavan’s mercy . I just spent a part of it here “ I replied with folded hands. Tantri and Melsanti said together “ ‘Daivanugraham’ ( Bhagavan’s blessings) will continue “ After giving the traditional “dakshina” to the Tantri, Melshanthi, Poojaris , Contractor and workers , we all

partook the “ palpayasm-prasadam ” in place for the participants . Among my near ones, only those ardent devotees were invited . Couple of elderly women -devotees said to us “ This was the best pooja we have seen ever . While the Tantri was performing “Samarpanam” , a light appeared in the Sreekovil . No doubt, Bhagavan was there ” . Later Events When I met the Melshanti after a few days , he said with a smile “ A few people have complained to me that , each had wanted to do this work, but wasn’t given an opportunity . I just asked why they didn’t speak up before . Any way, there are more items to be done . After that , offers are arriving to do the brass covering of remaining items . Yours is an auspicious beginning ”. A chain of works followed . Initially , devotees sponsored and then Devaswom Board took up extensive renovation at a cost of Rs.25 lakhs . This include, replacing of entire steel lamps around the temple with bronze , brass covering of all doors , laying new stones on the “pradakshina-route” , installation of new compound wall and brass lamps all around for the Upa-Deva,

renovation of Sreekovil and Prakara around it , Dining complex, Devaswam office , etc and above all “Gold covering” of the “Vimanas above Sreekovil” . (See attached cutting of Mathrubhumi news paper ) . Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!! SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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Om Namoh Narayanaya. My dear Baba Ji, My Humble Pranaams to you and all the Devotees of Bhagwaan. Welcome back and thank you so much for sharing this wonderful and beautiful Katha. You are truly one of Bhagwaan's chosen Devotees. I missed your Kathas and just now, I just came to have Bhagwaan's Darshan before I log off --- I love looking at the Photo on this Group's homepage.My head was hurting-- but when I saw your message--I had to read it. Do you know that by the time I finished reading your Katha--headache gone? This is the Shakti of sincere devotees like you, Baba Ji and you are truly a blessing to all of us. Thank you for giving us a chance to savour more and more Hari Kathas. Jai Sri Vishnu. Sincerely, Nandarani TAD VISNOH PARAMAM PADAM (Rg Veda 1.22.20)

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Dear Rajeevji,

Radhe Krishna!


Your real life experience is, indeed, very interesting. It gives me

motivation to have a chance to perform such or similar service to the

Krishna of the Mavelikara Krishnan Kovil whom I used to visit and pray

to along with my father, the Palliarakavu Devi temple next to it and

the Kandiyoor Siva temple which I used to pray to later when I was a

grown-up boy. I could visit these temples only once after I left

Mavelikara for good in 1945. I hope the Lord will give me a chance

again in my life to visit and pray to them and Krishna Bhagavan at the

Evoor temple physically.






SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev wrote:



Hare Krishna !

Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas ,


Evoor Sri Krishnaswamy

, is a living reality . I used to struggle a lot in

deciding what to offer Him in return for His supreme

compassion . When I consulted various Jyothishis (Vedic

astrologers) , the same answer came from

all : “ Evoor Bhagavan is pleased with what has been offered to

Him so far . Any further offering is your choice “ .


Finally a Sattvic

Brahmana Jyothishi advised “ You just ask the Melshanthi (Head

Pujari) what he needs for the temple ” .


Accordingly, when I asked

the Melsanthi , he suggested for a “ Sankha tied with silver

threads , for performing pooja ” .


I offered this “Sankha”

soon ; and it was very useful . Thereafter , I started

asking the Melsanthi to decide the offering



A Surprise Coincidence


Two years back , I and

wife were praying inside Evoor temple . I noticed the

painted stone frame of the Sreekovil (sanctum sanctorum)

, which didn’t match with the bronze door .


When the Melshanthi was

giving me Prasadam , I asked “ Thirumeni , do you need

anything for the temple ?


“ I will think about it and

tell you later “ saying so , he returned to the Sreekovil for pooja



After the pooja , he came

back to me and said “ If you can cover this ‘Sopanam’ ( steps

to Sreekovil and it’s entry framework ) with brass , it

will be good . Most of the nearby temples have it . Recently,

a Contractor has prepared an estimate , but I don’t know what happened

after that . If you are interested , you can contact the

Devaswom Officer ” .


“ Let me look in to it

” I replied .


Later, I spoke to the

Devaswom Oficer and the Assistant Commissioner (my cousin) . After

that , the proposed Contractor met me and submitted his Quotation .



However, I was struggling

to take a final decision . Being unsure, whether

such a modification is acceptable to Bhagavan or not . Finally,

I consulted the Brahmana Jyothishi . As advised

, I was praying continuously to Evoor Bhagavan

to reveal His opinion , while the “prasnam ” ( astrological

verification) was in progress . The finding ( Bhagavan’s

opinion) was :

“ It ( the proposed work)

is expensive ; and I don’t compel it

.. Anyway, if you want to execute it , I

don’t have any objection since the brass covering could give me

coolness reducing the heat of lamps around . However,

be careful to avoid likely theft in the works ”.


I was happy to hear this

.. But, the clear warning led me to further enquiries

which revealed that, the proposed Contractor is a cheat ! .


Then we contacted a young

Hindu leader in charge of the renovation works of a

temple . He advised us “ Most such Contractors are

Muslims whose firms disguise as “ Krishna metal works” ,

etc . After taking the Contract , they pass it

to petty firms to make a big profit . Quality of such works is

very poor . So , I gave the contract

direct to an expert Artisan , a faithful devotee . He

has done a superb job at a nominal price ” .



We saw that Contractor’s works

and were impressed . Immediately, I took

him to Evoor temple . After praying and making

some offerings , he prepared the estimate based on my specification to

have only carvings such as Sankha, Chakra, gada and

Padma ( and not the common flowers and plants) . As an

additional option, he suggested to have “Dasavatharam” (

10 incarnations of Maha-Vishnu) to be carved on the frame of Sreekovil

.. Even after this, the price was 25 % less than the previous

Contractor ! . So, the Contract agreement was

signed immediately .


Devaswom board’s approval

came quickly . Next was the permission of Tantri ( Brahmasree

Tharananelloor Parameswaran Namboodiri) . The Board arranged for

His visit ,soon.


“Anujna” (



On the scheduled day , we

( I , wife and sons) went to Evoor temple without knowing the

formalities involved . We had paid in advance for

the pooja expenses . The Devaswom officer

advised me to tell Tantri that the works would be

completed in a year .


The Tantri first

performed the “Kalasa-pooja” , followed by “Abhishekas”

by moola-mantra to invoke Bhagavan . After that, he

came near me and asked when the works could be completed . I

informed that it would be completed within a year . Then

he gave a few flowers and said “ Although , this work is for Bhagavan

Himself, “Daivanugraham” ( Bhagavan’s blessings ) is

necessary to complete it satisfactorily . In fact , nothing

can succeed without “Daivanugraham” . So, you do a

‘pradakshinam’ around the Sreekovil , praying for Bhagavan’s blessings

to you to perform the works . After that , give back to me

those flowers ” .


I completed

the Pradakshinam and prayed in front of Sreekovil . Then

I returned the flowers to Tantri .


“ Let me ask ” ( Saying

so , he went inside the Sreekovil ) .


After sometime , Tantri

came back and said “ Yes . Bhagavan has given you

permission to proceed with the works “ .



I bowed down to Him and

gave “Dakshina” . We returned home in a happy mood .


The Works


The works started . I

realized then how difficult it is to carry out works

inside a live temple . We can work only when the temple is not

active . The valuables in the temple as well as

the sanity to be protected . Another problem was food and

water for the workers .


Thanks to Bhagavan’s

grace, everything progressed smoothly . ‘Prasadam’ like payasam

, milk, fruits, etc were provided lavishly to the work men . And

homely food was arranged from a nearby house . I stayed at the

work site through out day and night . There were occasional

difficulties , but thanks to Bhagavan they all got

resolved soon .


My day and night stay at

the Evoor temple was most memorable . I saw many chronic patients

, offering daily worship and surviving on the mercy of Bhagavan . A

particular old lady used to dip a water in the tank and walk away wet

.. I asked her about it and her reply

was “ I am a cancer patient . All treatments are

over . When my pain appears , I take a dip in this tank of

Bhagavan and then I get immediate relief ”.



During the night ,

especially at “Rakshasa-yamam” , the sounds and movement around were

frightening . The pre-dawn (Brahma-muhurtham) is notable for

pleasant environment . Once, before the “Nirmalya

rituals” , the temple reverberated with the flying and landing

of a huge bird . I am sure that, it was

Bhagavan’s arrival atop Garuda .


The majority works were

completed in two weeks . What remained was , the re-fixing of

Sreekovil accessories and final finishing . Then

the news came that , the Tantri is scheduled to leave

for the month long annual festival at Sree Padmaswamy temple . In

view of this and my imminent departure , an

immediate date for the “samparpanam” ( hand over) was

fixed. We were hoping that the remaining activities could be

completed within next couple of days . We

worked on a war-time basis during the day and night before

“Samarpananam” . Several obstacles such as frequent

power-failures, breakdown of machines, etc came in the way .

In the late evening, even the usually calm

Melshanti raised concern about the “total mess” on and around the

Sreekovil and the fact that nothing can be touched after “Samarpanam”

.. I left everything to Bhagavan and kept on tearfully chanting His

names with all my strength . Miraculously , every

time the power came back quickly , the faulty machines

were repaired soon and the delays mitigated by swiftly attending

available work fronts . Everything including the final polishing

and washing of Sreekovil was completed by

4.30 AM . The Melshanti couldn’t

hide his joy when arrived at 5 AM for

“Nirmalya” (pre-dawn) Pooja ”.


“ Samarpanam ” (

Dedicating to Bhagavan) .


Befor this ceremony

, many people had advised for fancy advertisements in the

media and to install a sign board “Donated by Mr…….” .

But I politely refused stating “ It is entirely Bhagavan’s

money and skill . I am a mere tool in His hand .


Early morning

, the Ganapathy Homam was performed by Melsanthi . The

“Samparpanam” rituals started at 10 AM . It involved the following



Meditation and Japa by

Tantri .


Kalasa-Pooja .


Purification rituals.


Abhishekams with chanting

of “Moola-mantra” to invoke Bhagavan.


Samarpanam to Bhagavan.


Afterwards, the Thantri

came out to give me prasadam . He said “ The

works have been executed very well to Bhagavan’s full

satisfaction ” .


“ All my money is

Bhagavan’s mercy . I just spent a part of it here “ I replied

with folded hands.


Tantri and Melsanti said

together “ ‘Daivanugraham’ ( Bhagavan’s blessings) will

continue “


After giving the

traditional “dakshina” to the Tantri, Melshanthi, Poojaris , Contractor

and workers , we all partook the “ palpayasm-prasadam ” in place for

the participants . Among my near ones, only

those ardent devotees were invited . Couple of elderly women

-devotees said to us “ This was the best pooja we have seen ever .

While the Tantri was performing “Samarpanam” , a light appeared in the

Sreekovil . No doubt, Bhagavan was there ” .


Later Events


When I met the Melshanti

after a few days , he said with a smile “ A few people have complained

to me that , each had wanted to do this work, but wasn’t

given an opportunity . I just asked why they didn’t speak up

before . Any way, there are more items to be done . After

that , offers are arriving to do the brass covering of

remaining items . Yours is an auspicious beginning ”.



A chain of works followed

. Initially , devotees sponsored and then

Devaswom Board took up extensive renovation at a cost of Rs.25

lakhs . This include, replacing of entire steel lamps around

the temple with bronze , brass covering of all doors , laying

new stones on the “pradakshina-route” , installation of new

compound wall and brass lamps all around for the Upa-Deva, renovation

of Sreekovil and Prakara around it , Dining complex,

Devaswam office , etc and above all “Gold covering” of the “Vimanas

above Sreekovil” . (See attached cutting of

Mathrubhumi news paper ) .


Om Namo

Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!





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