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Hare Krsna. Honesty with Your GuruSome people use the excuse of truthfulness to nag their spouse aboutwhat they don't like about him or her, or to gossip about other people'sflaws. This is not the spirit of satya. We do not want to expose others'faults. Such confrontations could become argumentative and combative. Noone knows one's faults better than oneself. But fear and weakness oftenprevail, while motivation and a clear plan to correct the situationare absent. Therefore, to give a clear plan, a positive outlook,a new way of thinking, diverts the attention of the individual andallows internal healing to take place. This is wisdom. This is ahimsa,noninjury. This is satya, truthfulness. The wise devotee is careful tonever insult or humiliate others, even under the pretext of telling thetruth, which is an excuse that people sometimes use to tell others whatthey don't like about them.

Wise devotees realize that there is goodand bad in everyone. There are emotional ups and downs, mental elationsand depressions, encouragements and discouragements. Let's focus on thepositive. This is ahimsa and satya working together.The brahmachari and the sannyasin must be absolutely truthful with theirsatguru. They must be absolutely diplomatic, wise and always accentuatethe good qualities within the sannyasin and brahmachari communities. Theguru has the right to discuss, rebuke or discipline the uncomelyqualitiesin raising up the brahmachari and sannyasin. Only he has this right,because it was given to him by the brahmacharis and sannyasins when theytook him as their satguru. This means that brahmacharis and sannyasinscannot discipline one another, psychoanalyze and correct in the name oftruthfulness, without violation of the number one yama--ahimsa,noninjury.Mothers and fathers have rights with their

own children, as do guruswiththeir shishyas. These rights are limited according to wisdom. They arenotall-inclusive and should not inhibit free will and well-rounded growthwithin an individual. This is why a guru is looked upon as the motherand father by the mother and father and by the disciple who is sent tothe guru's ashrama to study and learn. It is the guru's responsibilityto mold the aspirant into a solid member of the monastic community,just as it is the mother's and father's duty to mold the youth to be aresponsible, looked-up-to member of the family community. This is howsociety progresses.The practice, niyama, to strengthen one's satya qualities is tapas,austerity--performing sadhana, penance, tapas and sacrifice. If youfind you have not been truthful, if you have betrayed promises, thenput yourself under the tapas sadhana. Perform a lengthy penance. Atone,repent, perform austerities. You will

soon find that being truthful ismuch easier than what tapas and austerities will make you go through ifyou fail to restrain yourself.Truthfulness is the fullness of truth. Truth itself is fullness. Mayfullness prevail, truth prevail, and the spirit of satya and ahimsapermeate humanity.

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