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Hare Krsna Faith Is on Many LevelsFaith extends to another level, too, of pleasure for the sake ofpleasure. Here we have the jet-set, the hedonists, the sensualists,the pornographers and their customers. All these groups have developedtheir own individual mindset and mix and interrelate among themselves,as the astral molecules of this amorphous substance of thought, emotionand belief that we call faith creates their attitudes toward the world,other people and their possessions.The Hindu, therefore, is admonished by the sapta rishis themselves tobelieve firmly in God, Gods, guru and the path to enlightenment, lest hestray from the path of dharma--for faith is a powerful force. It can begiven; it can be taken away. It is a national force, a community force,a group force, a family force. And it is more than that, as far as theSanatana Dharma is concerned, which can be

translated as the "eternalfaith," the most strengthening and illuminating of all, for it givescourage to all to apply these twenty yamas and niyamas, which representthe final conclusions of the deepest deliverers of eternal wisdom whoever resided on this planet.Some people have faith only when things are going right and losefaith when things go wrong. These are the ones who are looking up attheir leaders, whom they really do not know, who are looking up at thescriptures, which they really do not understand. Because their eyesare closed, they are seeking to be sustained and constantly uplifted byothers. "Do my sadhana for me" is their plea. And when some inconsistencyarises or some expectation, unbeknownst to their leader and maybenever even recorded in the scriptures, does not manifest, a crisis offaith occurs. Then, more than often, they are off to another leader,another philosophy, to inevitably repeat the same

experience. Devoteesof this kind, who are called "groupies" in rock and roll, go from groupto group, teacher to teacher, philosophy to philosophy. Fortunately forthem, the rent is not expensive, the bhajanas are long and the food isgood. The only embarrassing situation, which has to be manipulated,is the tactic of leaving one group without totally closing the door,and manipulatively opening the door of another group.When that uplifted face with eyes closed has the spiritual experience ofthe eyes opening, the third eye flashing, he or she would have then foundat last his or her sampradaya, traditional lineage of verbal teaching, andnow be on the unshakable path. The molecules of faith have been convertedand secured. They shall never turn back, because they have seen throughthe third eye the beginning and ending of the path, the traditionallineage ordained to carry them forth generation after generation. Thesesouls

become the articulate ones, masters of the philosophy. Their faithis so strong, they can share their molecules with others and mold others'faith molecules into traditional standards of the whys and whereforesthat we all need on this planet, of how we should believe and think,where we go when we die, and all the eternal truths of the ultimateattainments of mankind.

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

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