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Hare Krsna The Power Of PurityEvery culture acknowledges the power of relationships between men andwomen and seeks to direct it toward the highest good, both forindividualsand for society. The masculine and feminine forces, partly sexual butmore broadly tantric, can either create or destroy, bring peace orcontention, foster happiness or misery, depending on how consciouslythey are understood and utilized.Hindu ideals of manhood and womanhood and their interaction are amongthe most subtle, insightful and graceful in all the world. Whenfollowed,these principles strengthen man and woman, sustain a joyous and balancedmarriage, stabilize the family and assist husband and wife in theirmutual spiritual and worldly goals. Of course, such high ideals arerarely followed to perfection. But the soul's inner perfection isnaturally revealed in the attempt.What is religious

life? It is the balance of two forces, the odicforce and the actinic force. In married life this means that there is aprevailing harmony between the man and the woman. This guides andgovernsthe inner currents of the children up until the age of twenty-five. Forthe single person living a celibate life and performing sadhana, thismeans balancing those same forces--the masculine/aggressive force andthe feminine/passive force--within himself or herself.Brahmacharya, the yoga of celibacy, is a traditional practice inSaivite Hinduism. It allows the adolescent or young adult to use hisvital energies to prepare for a rewarding life, to develop his mindand talents for his chosen vocation. The first of the four stages, orashramas, of life is actually called the brahmacharya ashrama. Love,including sex, is one of the legitimate four goals of life, according toour religion. Sex is not bad. Its place, however, is properly

within theconfines of a sanctified marriage. Nor are sex drives unnatural. Thegoalof the brahmachari and brahmacharini is not to become fearful of sex,but to understand sex and the sexual impulses in a balanced way. Duringthe time of brahmacharya, the goal is to control the sex urges andtransmute those vital energies into the brain to gain a great mentaland spiritual strength. Yes, this vital life force must be focused onstudies and spiritual pursuits. Brahmacharya maintained until marriage,and faithfulness thereafter, helps enable the devotee to merit a goodwifeor husband, a happy, stable marriage and secure, well-adjusted children.The spiritual value of celibacy has long been understood in the Hindutradition. Most religions also provide a tradition of monastic life inwhich young men take lifetime vows of celibacy. Many of our greatestspiritual lights were celibate throughout their entire life,

includingSiva Yogaswami, Sankara and Swami Vivekananda. Others, such as Buddha,Gandhi and Aurobindo, became celibate after a period of marriage. Forthe individual preparing for monastic life, brahmacharya is essentialin harnessing and transmuting the powerful sexual life energies intospiritual and religious concerns.

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