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Hare Krsna. Understanding Other PeopleLove is the source of understanding. You know intellectually that withinyou resides the potential, expressed or not, for all human emotion,thought and action. Yet, you no doubt meet or observe peopleoccasionally whose life and actions are repellent or unacceptable to you. The absenceof love has created a vacuum of understanding. For the meditatingperson, there should not be a single human being whose actions, habits, opinionsor conduct lies beyond your ability to love and understand.Try this. This week look at everyone you meet, and feel, from yourfinger tips right down to your toes, love welling up from your deepestresources and radiating out to them through every cell of your bodyand especially through your face. Say to yourself, "I like you"--andreally feel it. There are many thousands of things that most people donot understand from their

confused states of mind, and they thereforeact in unseemly ways, due to the ignorance of past karma. Should theirignorance confuse you? Should it cloud your own understanding? Certainlynot! We do not love the flower and hate the muddy roots from which itgrew, and we cannot hate the instinctive roots of mankind.With understanding, a great thing happens--your life becomes even,balanced and sublime. The ups and downs within yourself level out,and you find yourself the same in every circumstance, find yourselfbig enough to overcome and small enough to understand. Then you canreally begin to do something. When emotional ups and downs are allowed,what happens? Your poor nerve system is terribly strained in a constantstate of frenzy and uncertainty. All of your energies are then devotedto coping with yourself, and not much is reserved to accomplish creative,productive projects. As your life evens out by using the great power

ofunderstanding, the emotional self of you heals and grows strong. Yournervous system, believe it or not, grows, and it grows strong if youfeed it correctly by handling your mind. Understanding is the bestnourishment for the emotional body.You must have a basis for understanding your fellow man, and a verygood basis is: "I perceive him with my two physical eyes. He appearsto be forty years old, but I intuit him to be emotionally a littleyounger and mentally about sixty--a learned person. I know he is abeing of pure awareness going through the experiences he needs toevolve further. Therefore, I shall understand him in this light andmake allowances accordingly." This is not something to think about andappreciate philosophically. It must become as much a part of you asyour hands and feet. It's an easy process if we apply

it and a difficultprocess if we ignore its practice.Understanding, loving and making allowances--these are the strengths ofthe soul awakened through sadhana, once the emotional ups and downs andthe barriers of the instinctive influences of fear, jealousy, anger,deceit and disappointment are conquered. If you are creative, you willbegin to truly create. If you are a mystic, you will have deeper andever more fulfilling insights in your daily meditations. All of the mysteriesof life will unfold before your inner vision once the instinctive mindis mastered in your life.

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