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What is Mayavad? - Request your views

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Prabhu kahe----"mayavadi krsne aparadhi"


Hare Krishna to all the members of this group. While reading Sri Sri Chaitaya Caritamrita, I came across some points on Mayavadis. Just putting them in brief:


1. "Mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa" ie anyone who follows the principles of Mayavada philosophy is certainly doomed. Such a fool needs to be reformed by punishment.


2. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stated "Mayavadi krsne aparadhi" .ie all the Mayavadis are offenders to Lord Krsna."It is not possible for them to understand the Krsna consciousness movement. The Krsna consciousness movement is completely spiritual and never under the control of Mayavadis. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu thought of them as offenders to the lotus feet of Krsna. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us that it is apreacher's duty to convince the Mayavadis of the Krsna consciousness movement and then induce them to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra.


3. All Mayavadis or atheists interpret the meaning of Vedic literature in their own imaginative way. The real purpose of such foolishpeople is to impose the impersonalist conclusion on all Vedic literature. The Mayavadi atheists also interpret the Bhagavad-gita. In every verse of Srimad Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Mayavadi atheists still try toprove that the Absolute Truth is impersonal. Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remarked that no one should hear the Mayavadi commentaries or purports to any Vedic literature.




The actual identification of the living entity, is described by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as "jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa'". The conditioned soul has forgotten the real activities of his original position. Krsna's name and His person are identical. In the Padma Purana, Krsna says, "Mad-bhakta yatra gayanti tatra tisthami narada": "O Narada, I am present wherever my devotees are chanting." When the devotees chant the holy name of Krsna- "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare. Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare"-Lord Krsna is immediately present.


Radhe, Radhe

Hare Krishna



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Mayavaad are all around us.They are those who prefer to hide the truth within themselves and speak of things without qualified vedic references, ideas manufactured or concocted by their own limited minds (for example it is now so fashionable to flout a Guru, without realising that a Guru is for a lifetime and is not a changeable commodity, who can be replaced by another Guru later on. Once a person accepts a Guru, one must remain attached to that person throughout a lifetime, because one's spiritual progress is closely tied up to his Guru's own progress and by abandoning a Guru one will immediately fall.This unfortumately is what many people are doing today, and one of the causes is that some people are posing as Gurus even when they have not been authorised.

Srila Prabhupada set forth a system which was a well established system of initiation, in the Guru-Shishya Prarampara.There are four Vaisnava sampradayas (systems) of disciplic succession. One sampradaya comes from Lord Brahma (Called the Brahma Gaudiya Sampradaya), one from the goddess of fortune(called the Shree Vaishnava Sampradaya), one from the Kumaras, headed by Sanat-kumara, and one from Lord Siva(Sankaracharya Sampradaya). Below are some ideas from the website of ISKCON which mentions about the apasampradayas to be avoided.http://www.harekrsna.com/philosophy/gss/sadhu/apasampradayas/apasampradayas.htm

"In the parampara system, the instructions taken from the bona fide spiritual master must also be based on revealed Vedic scriptures. One who is in the line of disciplic succession cannot manufacture his own way of behavior. There are many so-called followers of the Vaisnava cult in the line of Caitanya Mahaprabhu who do not scrupulously follow the conclusions of the sastras, and therefore they are considered to be apa-sampradaya, which means "outside of the sampradaya." Some of these groups are known as aula, baula, kartabhaja, neda, daravesa, sani sahajiya, sakhibheki, smarta, jata-gosani, ativadi, cudadhari and gauranga-nagari. In order to follow strictly the disciplic succession of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, one should not associate with these apasampradaya communities."


Today there are so many sectarian groups worldwide claiming to be this or that, and this is simply confusing to the neophytes who want spiritual progress.So Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has already warned us about the Mayavaadis and we must restrict ourselves to listening to the Bhashya from bonafide devotees, who are true to their respective sampradaya.

In my opinion, humbly, I regard Srila Prabhupada as the most advanced personality among the Gurus of the modern times. Although I could not get to associate with him, as I was too young at that time, and he was mainly abroad, I certainly read all his writings and am fully convinced regarding Krishna.

I was however personally initiated by a saint of the Ramakrishna order, so I cannot now transgress my own Guru and seek initiation elsewhere. This does not stop me from praising Srila Prabhupada. As for me I will always praise Srila Prabhupada, but I will not give up my own Guru, because my Guru has already taught me to see Krishna in all hearts as the Supersoul.



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Hare Krishna! These words of Lord Chaitanya are indeed like honey...very sweet! All 'definitions' of Mayavad/i that you have summarized are true. To put that in one simple sentence, the greatest danger of the mayavada philosophy is that it leads the follower - a Mayavadi - to progressively believe he is equal to God. (some even carelessly misinterpret the words "aham brahmasmi" as I am God!). We are eternal servants of Krishna and can never be equal to Him. It is a great illusion - Maya - and also a great offense! Srila Prabhupad, in one of his purports in Srimad BHagavatam (pardon me, I cant recall the verse and the canto) says that the living entity is superior to maya if and only if he is associated with and engaged in the service of the Lord...otherwise maya immediatelyl takes control of such

an entity. In service of Prabhupad Deepa Archana <archana_roy wrote: Prabhu kahe----"mayavadi krsne aparadhi" Hare Krishna to all the members of this group. While reading Sri Sri Chaitaya Caritamrita, I came across some points on Mayavadis. Just putting them in brief: 1. "Mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa" ie anyone who follows the principles of Mayavada philosophy is certainly doomed. Such a fool needs to be reformed by punishment. 2. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stated "Mayavadi krsne aparadhi" .ie all the Mayavadis are offenders to Lord Krsna."It is not possible for them to understand the Krsna consciousness movement. The Krsna consciousness

movement is completely spiritual and never under the control of Mayavadis. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu thought of them as offenders to the lotus feet of Krsna. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us that it is apreacher's duty to convince the Mayavadis of the Krsna consciousness movement and then induce them to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. 3. All Mayavadis or atheists interpret the meaning of Vedic literature in their own imaginative way. The real purpose of such foolishpeople is to impose the impersonalist conclusion on all Vedic literature. The Mayavadi atheists also interpret the Bhagavad-gita. In every verse of Srimad Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Mayavadi atheists still try

toprove that the Absolute Truth is impersonal. Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remarked that no one should hear the Mayavadi commentaries or purports to any Vedic literature. The actual identification of the living entity, is described by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as "jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa'". The conditioned soul has forgotten the real activities of his original position. Krsna's name and His person are identical. In the Padma Purana, Krsna says, "Mad-bhakta yatra gayanti tatra tisthami narada": "O Narada, I am present wherever my devotees are

chanting." When the devotees chant the holy name of Krsna- "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare. Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare"-Lord Krsna is immediately present. Radhe, Radhe Hare Krishna Archana Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.Play Sims Stories at Games.

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