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Fwd: Renounce Evil - Serve All

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Hare Krsna. The human body is to be utilized properly. We have received a lot of everything in abundance - virtues, power to discriminate, knowledge, power to serve, etc. These have been given to us to utilize. Utilizing this body is by serving others. We all know that none of this will ever stay. None of this is ours. So we should renounce the sense of mine (the mine-ness) that we have created in whatever we have received. The sense of mine-ness is easily renounced by serving others. Service gives us the strength to renounce mine-ness.The first feeling of mine-ness that we have is with the body. Due to our attachment to the body all other relations - with the family, the society, the country, the world, all become real. When we do not remain attached to the body, our relation with the rest will also go away. Serve the body also - do not make it lazy - but do not have any attachment to it - do notconsider it as yours. Serve it

without egoism, mineness and desire. Nothing is ours - it is all God's. In serving all, we are serving God. Strengthen this feeling. Service will help you detach yourself from all. We have all been given all that is required to attain God. We do not need to go to the forest or leave the family. God has provided us with everything that we need. We just need to utilize whatever has been provided properly. There are three things to remember in service - (i) consider no one bad; (ii) want bad for no one and (iii) do bad to no one. Everyone will be pleased and you will become good. Salvation becomes very easy. This results in serving the whole of mankind and this is possible with just a change in our feeling. Everything changes with just this change in our feeling. Do not look at what others are doing - look at yourself only. Renunciation of bad is much more significant than doing good. If you renounce bad either you will naturally do good or you will do

nothing. You yourself will become good. Leave evil from within. Doing good you do not naturally become good. Leaving bad - you will naturally become good. charity in the form of renunciation is better as renunciation will lead to salvation. Renounce evil - serve all.

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Haribol, Evil is an illusion, even the Devil is not bad as we think that is our own misconception that we are projecting. Everyone in our lives can show us the Way. We have to "Interpret every phenomenon as a dealing of God with the soul." If not we get lost in being overwhelmed due to dealing with Lord Krsna's Universal Form and not his Sac-Cid-Ananda Form which is the flute player of Vrindavan, Syamasundara. We need to be free from lamentations and that involves common sense via literally knowing, hearing and playing with Sri Krsna. All else is nonsense. Hare Krsna, Bhakta Aaron

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

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Namaste, Shri Aaronji, Haribol ! You have said it very nicely,sweetly and beautifully. Thanks, With prayers, I Menon Aaron Thomason <theeunnameable93 wrote: Haribol, Evil is an illusion, even the Devil is not bad as we think that is our own misconception that we are projecting. Everyone in our lives can show us the

Way. We have to "Interpret every phenomenon as a dealing of God with the soul." If not we get lost in being overwhelmed due to dealing with Lord Krsna's Universal Form and not his Sac-Cid-Ananda Form which is the flute player of Vrindavan, Syamasundara. We need to be free from lamentations and that involves common sense via literally knowing, hearing and playing with Sri Krsna. All else is nonsense. Hare Krsna, Bhakta Aaron Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

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