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Greatest Saint of the Millenium Srila Narayana Maharaja

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Greatest Saint of the Millenium Srila Narayana Maharaja Srila Narayana Maharaja will be visiting Bangalore from December 4 till December 11. For meeting him and receive his blessings please contact me vishnudaivata. http://www.purebhakti.comhttp://www.narayanamaharaja.com "About the Author"(From Venu-gita, The Song of Krsna's Flute) His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja is the disciple of Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, who was one of the foremost leading

disciples of Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada. Srila Narayana Maharaja was born in a village named Tewaripur located near the bank of the sacred Ganges river in Bihar, India. The area was renowned for being the place where Lord Ramacandra and Visvamitra Muni came and killed the Taraka demon. He was born on the Amavasya (new moon) day of February 16th, 1921, into a very religious Trivedi brahmana family. Throughout his childhood he had many opportunities to regularly accompany his father when he would go to attend kirtana and pravachan assemblies. In February of 1947 he had his first meeting with his Gurudeva in Sri Navadvipa Dhama, West Bengal. He had travelled there from his village after meeting a disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura named Srila Narottamananda Brahmacari, who was touring and preaching the message of Sri Caitanyadeva in the area. After initial

discussions with this devotee, he was convinced of the paramount position of the philosophy given by the acaryas in the line of Srila Rupa Gosvami Prabhupada, and within days he left home to join the mission of his spiritual master and surrender his life. When he arrived in Sri Navadvipa Dhama, the annual parikrama was under way and he joined with the group. Upon its completion on Gaura-purnima, he was given both harinama and gayatri initiations by Srila Kesava Maharaja and received the name Sri Gaura Narayana. Very soon afterward, his Gurudeva also awarded him the title of Bhakta-bandhava, which means "friend of the devotees," because he was always serving all of the Vaisnavas in a very pleasing manner. He travelled extensively along with Srila Kesava Maharaja on preaching tours throughout India over the next five years, and in 1952, on Gaura-purnima, his beloved Gurudeva awarded him initiation into the

sacred order of sannyasa. In 1954 Srila Kesava Maharaja posted him in charge of the newly opened temple in Mathura named Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha. Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja began to spend part of the year in Mathura and the other part in Bengal, carrying on extensive services in both areas. This went on over the period of the next fourteen years. He was also appointed by Srila Kesava Maharaja as Vice-President of his institution, the Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti, and Editor-in-Chief of its Hindi publications and the monthly magazine Sri Bhagavat Patrika. In 1968 Srila Kesava Maharaja passed from this world, and Srila Narayan Maharaja performed all the necessary ceremonial rituals for his samadhi burial. During this time period, as a humble servitor of the Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti, Srila Narayana Maharaja began to organize the annual Karttika Vraja Mandala Parikrama, which he continues to carry on up to the present day. Srila

Narayan Maharaja was requested by his Gurudeva to translate the books of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura from Bengali into his native language, Hindi. He has carried out this request by translating some of the Thakura's most prominent books, such as Jaiva Dharma, Caitanya-siksamrta, Bhakti-tattva-viveka, Vaisnava-siddhanta-mala, to name only a few. All these books are also presently being translated into English by his followers. He also continues to lecture in Hindi, Bengali and English throughout India. All of his discourses are tape-recorded and are gradually being transcribed as well as translated into English for publication. A significant relationship in the life of Srila Narayana Maharaja was his association with His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja Prabhupada, the world-famous preacher of Gaudiya Vaisnavism and Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness. They first met in Calcutta in 1948 on the

occasion of the inauguration of a new branch of the Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti (co-founded by Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja) on Ghosh Para Lane, where they had both come to render their services. Their association continued a few years later when Srila Narayana Maharaja accompanied Srila Kesava Maharaja to Jhansi where Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja had been attempting to start a Vaisnava society named The League of Devotees. A few years later in the early 50's, Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja came to reside at Mathura in Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha, by invitation of his godbrother, Srila Kesava Maharaja, where he stayed for some months. By having regular devotional exchanges with him and deep discussions of Vaisnava siddhanta, Srila Narayana Maharaja developed a very intimate relationship with him during this time period, regarding him both as his senior and superior, as well as his friend. In 1959 Srila Kesava Gosvami Maharaja

initiated him into the sacred sannyasa order, giving him the sannyasi name and title Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja. The ceremony of Vedic fire yajna and all the rituals were performed by Srila Narayana Maharaja. Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja was already residing in Vrndavana during this period, first at the Vamsi Gopala Mandira and a few years later at the Sri Sri Radha Damodara Mandira. Srila Narayana Maharaja would often go there to visit with him. He would cook for him, honor the prasada with him, and have intimate discussions on Vaisnava philosophy. When Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja went to preach in the West, and succeeded in starting the first Radha Krsna temple in America, Srila Narayana Maharaja sent the first mrdanga drums and karatalas to him to be used for sankirtana. Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja maintained regular correspondence every month or two with Srila Kesava Maharaja

and Srila Narayana Maharaja up until 1968 when Srila Kesava Maharaja entered nitya-lila. And after that, he continued to write Srila Narayana Maharaja until his own divine departure. Toward the end of his life, he personally requested Srila Narayana Maharaja several times to kindly give his association to his Western disciples and help them to understand the deep truths of the Vaisnava philosophy in the line of Srila Rupa Gosvami Prabhupada. Srila Narayana Maharaja humbly agreed to honor his request, considering him to be one of his worshipable siksa gurus. He also requested Srila Narayana Maharaja to take complete charge of performing all the rituals for his samadhi burial after his departure. Both of these requests by Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja clearly demonstrated the firm and utter confidence that he held in Srila Narayana Maharaja. For a period spanning over two decades since his departure in

November 1977, Srila Narayana Maharaja has unwaveringly been carrying out this final request by providing insightful guidance and loving shelter to all who come to him seeking such, and through the medium of his English books he is now giving his purifying association and divine realizations to sincere searchers of truth all over the globe. For half a century Srila Narayana Maharaja has demonstrated and exemplified the pure, unadulterated life of utter dedication and loving service to his Gurudeva, Sriman Mahaprabhu, and the Divine Couple, Yugala-kisora, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna. Srila Narayana Maharaja, as Their intimate servitor, continues to illuminate the path for those who wish to discover and dive deep into the ecstatic ocean of radha-dasyam, service to the radiantly beautiful lotus feet of Sri Krsna's dearly beloved, Srimati Radhika. A Short Lawn Darshan -- Verbania, Italy: June 25, 2004Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja -- [srila Narayana Maharaja is in Hawaii now, engaged in translating and other services, and in the beginning of January he will be giving a program on the Island of Kauai. In the meantime, please accept this harikatha, the final one that we are sending from Italy. During the Italy Harikatha Festival this year, just before his evening classes, Srila Narayana Maharaja met with devotees for afternoon darsanas. To ensure that many devotees would have a chance to ask their questions, devotees of different countries met him on different days. June 26 was the day for the Switzerland devotees.] [Question:] How was your meeting with your istadeva (worshipable deity)? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] I was a police officer. My Gurudeva and his associates came to a place nearby my home for seven days of classes – as here there are classes. I heard them speak and became a devotee, and I left my position as a police officer. I left my father, mother, wife and children, and decided to join Gurudeva's movement. I became totally maddened for his service and teachings at that time, and from then on I have been serving him. [Question:] I have heard so many times that Krsna resides in our heart. Is Srimati Radharani also residing in our heart? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] First Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will come, and He will clear away all your anarthas. Srimati Radhika may come or may not come. If you are fortunate enough She may come – but this will occur only by the grace of Guru

– otherwise not. At first Lord Krsna does not manifest in His original form; He manifests His Paramatma form. When you will be initiated and matured He Himself will come; and after that, finally, Srimati Radharani will come. She will come when you surrender to Srila Rupa Gosvami. This will occur only when you are under the guidance of a rasika-rupanuga Vaisnava. [Question:] Can I offer food to Krsna without the gopala-mantra? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] We should not offer foodstuffs by the gopala-mantra. There are particular offering mantras, and they are written on the paper devotees receive when they take second initiation. We offer bhoga (unoffered foodstuffs) by the mantra "etat naivedyam sa tulasi paniya jalam, klim gauraya svaha, srim klim radha-krsnabhyam namah". [Question:] If I do not have diksa or gopala-mantra, what should I do? [srila

Narayana Maharaja:] You will have to wait. Go on practicing what I have taught you. Meditate on Sri Gurudeva, Sri Sri Radha and Krsna and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. [Question:] Why are there so many wars in the name of God? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] Persons who fight in the name of God are bogus, nonsense and ignorant. In the name of Lord Krsna, or religion, we should love each other. We are in one family. We are not Italian, British, Hindu, Christian or Muslim. We are part of the family of Krsna, the Supreme Lord. He has various names in different parts of the world and in different languages, but He is One without a second. We are in the family of that one God. [Question:] What can I do when I have doubts about my spiritual path? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] Come to Gurudeva and very politely and humbly say, "I have doubts. Please remove them." And

he will do so. If you cannot come directly, then send me an e-mail and I will reply at once. If I am not present before you, you can also ask Aranya Maharaja, Bhaktisar Maharaja,Vana Maharaja, Padhmanabha, and Madhava Maharaja. They will help you. [Question:] In order for the farmers to get milk from the cows, the cows are treated badly. Should we still drink and make preparations with that milk? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] Why should you not take it? If you take their milk and offer it to Lord Krsna, those cows will be liberated. [Question:] Can we communicate with you in our hearts and expect to have your reply within our hearts [srila Narayana Maharaja:] Yes, yes. [Question:] Without a letter? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] Yes, without a letter. In all respects. [Question:] There are so many forms of Krsna. What is the distinction between our istadeva (ones personal worshipable lord) and any other form of Krsna? In other words, how does one recognize his istadeva? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] When you will see Him come in your meditation, playing on His flute, decorated with His peacock feather, accompanied by His cows, and especially accompanied by Srimati Radhika, then you will think, "He is my istadeva." [Question:] What if my istadeva is Lord Nrsimhadeva? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] He is not your istadeva. He will only take away your obstacles. Nrsimhadeva is Sri Krsna Himself, but in the form of Nrsimha He takes away your obstacles in bhakti. [Question:] Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna in Srimati Radharani's mood. He feels separation from Himself, Krsna. But in an article by

Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja in the Harmonist magazine, it appears to say something different. There it is written that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura accepted that Mahaprabhu is Krsna in a mood of separation from Radharani, and that this understanding is in the line of Srila Rupa Gosvami. This is confusing. [sripad Aranya Maharaja:] This is radha-cinta-nivesena. [srila Narayana Maharaja:] You should explain. [sripad Aranya Maharaja:] There is no contradiction here. We have heard that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is in the mood of Radhika though He is Krsna Himself. But it has also been said that Krsna is feeling separation from Srimati Radharani and thus becomes Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Our parama-gurudeva, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja has written: radha-cinta-nivesena yasya kantir

vilopitasri-krsna-caranam vande radhalingita-vigraham ["I worship the lotus feet of that form of Sri Krsna when, due to being thoroughly immersed in separation from Srimati Radhika (who is displaying mana, Her mood of maan (transcendental jealous anger), His own dark complexion vanishes and He assumes Her bright, golden luster; or, I worship the lotus feet of Krsna as He is embraced by Radhika (after Her maan has broken). (Sri Radha-Vinoda-Vihari-Tattvastakam, verse 1)] When Krsna feels separation from Srimati Radharani, He becomes absorbed in remembering Her; so much so that His dark complexion goes away and He becomes golden. This golden form becomes Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who identifies so much with Radhika that He is weeping, "Alas Krsna, alas Krsna! Where are You?" So there is no contradiction in the article by Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaja in the Harmonist magazine. [Question:] There is a

famous verse that says, "yasyaham anugrhnami harisye tad-dhanam sanaih." ["The Personality of Godhead said: If I especially favor someone, I gradually deprive him of his wealth. Then the relatives and friends of such a poverty-stricken man abandon him. In this way he suffers one distress after another." (Srimad-bhagavatam 10.88.8)] When are we eligible to think like this? If we are in maya, is it premature to think we are getting Krsna's mercy when our lives are falling apart? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] He does not take away the material life of all. He takes it from those who are sincere, those who want to be liberated and want to serve Krsna – from them. It is not that He will take away the material life of you and other common people. [Question:] I am not qualified to chant nama-abhasa (the stage wherein offences are clearing). Is some purification going on while chanting

nama-aparadha (offensive chanting)? [srila Narayana Maharaja:] Yes, purification is going on; and one day nama-abhasa will come, and after that the pure holy name. Go on chanting – while weeping and praying, "Oh Krsna, I want to chant the pure name. Please help me." Gaura premanande. Editorial advisors: Sripad Madhava Maharaja and Sripad Brajanatha dasa Transcriber: Vasanti dasi Typist: Anita dasi Editor: Syamarani dasi http://www.purebhakti.com http://www.narayanamaharaja.com http:/Bhakti Prajnana Charities,Near Nirtya Grama, Hesarghatta, Bangalore- 560088 IndiaAlways chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna

Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HarevishnudaivataMy profile: http://purekatha.ning.com/profile/VishnuDaivataMobile: +91 9900885241Jaiva-dharma - the best book on spirituality for Rs. 100.Contact me if you would like to help our gurukula. We have 18 students now.http://www.pbwebcast.com (Tons of videos and audios from one of the greatest saints of the millennium)http://www.purebhakti.com (The home of pure devotion to Sri Krishna)http://www.rangagaudiya.com (Bangalore spiritual sanctuary)http://www.bhaktistudies.com (Free classes on Bhakti)http://www.bvml.org (Good library of devotional articles and books)http://www.vedabase.net (Read Srila Prabhupada's books online)

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