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Demand to Open up Guruvayoor Temple to all .

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Dear Bhaktas, I had been a silent reader of this group for quite sometime and enjoy reading the emails daily. I definitely feel that we should redefine the meaning of Brahmin or of others. Just because a person is born in a Brahmin family nowadays does not make him eligible to go to sacred temples, you know the obvious reasons why I am saying so. Even though I am born in a rich traditional Srivaishnava family, I have learnt Vedam in Veda Classes, Divya Prabhandam in classes, perform sandhyavandanam, etc. total vegetarian ( do not even eat cakes/eggs etc - nowadays it is not vegetarian it is Eggetarian - they are vegetarians - redefined), I know of so so so many people who are born in rich traditional families, they do not upkeep the tradition or the daily routine which automatically makes them ineligible Brahmins. Please correct me if I am wrong. There are so many people nowadays who have changed from non vegetarian to pure vegetarians. So allowing or not allowing in a temple should purely depend on the person - he should definitely see if he is pure inside - and the temple authorities should leave it to the individual's conscious to decide whether to enter the temple premises or not. Like you rightly pointed out if a person is willing to follow the customs and traditions of the Hinduisim he automatically becomes eligible and will definitely change himself. Hope I have not gone over the limits. Please forgive me if this hurts anyone. That is not my intention. I just had this in my mind for long time and wanted to let it out. With lot of respects and regards to all Krishna Bhakthas Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare!!!!!!!!!! Dasan krishnadaya <krishnadaya wrote: Krishna ! Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas , It is very difficult to itemize the ` Kshetra Acharas ` ( customs

applicable to temple) . I am trying it , but it is not at all my intention to do fault finding . Please forgive me for any inappropriate words. Kindly note the following : 1) Bhatkti-Yoga itself is beyond the realm of logic and speculation. It can't be explained or verified by the limited parameters of Science . So, too `Kshetra acharas' . Only a small percentage of the universe is known to the science . So, can we reject the unknown as non-existent ? .

2) `Devaswom' means Deva's own . Bhagavan or His Tantri decides about the temple and not the general public. Tantri is Bhagavan's authorized representative. The existing laws of the constitution stipulates this fact . 3) Sanatana Vedic Dharma is rooted on faith in

the Vedas . According to it, `Mlechas' are ineligible to enter vedic temples . If a `Mlecha' unconditionally accepts the Vedic way of life , he has become a Hindu and can enter any temple including Guruvayoor . There is no scope for part-time vedic belief just to enter a temple . Since childhood, the Hindus, are systematically educated on the several " do's and don't do's" of Deity worship . On the other hand , the non-Hindus are taught that Deity-worship is a serious offence to God. 4) The `Aura' (Deva-Chaithanyam) of a

temple-Deity depends on : a) Tapa-sakthi of Tantri (Acharyan) and his performance of Vedic duties . b) The Poojaari's discipline and earnest performance of the rites and rituals prescribed by

Tantri . c) Compliance of all regulatory principles applicable to that temple. d) Faithful worship by the Bhaktas. e) Annadana ( giving `Prasadam') . f) Ulsavam .( "Festival" which rectifies the shortcomings in the Poojas, and other devotional matters ) .

The ancient vedic temples were established by great Rishis . They were "Trikala-jnanis"( knowing the past, present and future) . At the time of "Prana-prathishta" (transferring the aura of God to energize the Deity), they prescribed specific Moola-mantra (basic Mantra) and associated regulatory principles for the continuation of "aura" on the Deity . Many living in this age of deterioration (Kali) think that they are wiser than these "outdated" Rishis and could change their ancient prescriptions to suit with the modern era

. Hence, their desire to amend item © above . However , they forget the fact that , Guruvayoorappan Himself had asked Adi Shankaracharya to establish the rules and regulations for His temple ; and that item © can't be changed without Bhagavan's permission . Uniqueness of Each Vedic Temple Each temple is unique . At the time of `Prana-Prathishta' , the Rishi or Acharyan has used own `sadhana' to energize the Deity according to his idea . As a result of it's unique "moola-mantra" , each Deity has specific characteristics that are different from another

Deity of the same God , say Sreekrishna . For example , there is an interesting narration in Shree Kottarathil Shanksunni's masterpiece book "Iythihyamala" : "Fearing the invasion of Tippu Sulatan , the Deity of Guruvayoorappan was shifted to Ambalappuzha Sreekrishnaswamy temple . Guravayoorappan's Deity was seated at a spot in the temple and offered daily poojas there . However , the non-compatibility of Pooja rituals between the Ambalappuzha and Guruavayoor , started causing problems ( such as impurities in the `Amblappuzha palpayasm' and sour taste to the ` Guruvayoor payasm' ). Because of this , Guruvayoorappan's Deity was later shifted to Mavelikkara Sreekrishnaswamy temple". Although , both these Deities are that of Sreekrishna , their characters are different . The concerned Rishi installed his favourite Deity providing it with a character according to his wish . The concept "God is one" is not really applicable to the temple Deity . In Guruvayoor temple , Bhagavan consumes mango-pickles with the meals on a particular day . Such uniqueness exists for each Deity . It is due to this uniqueness that , non-Hindus are allowed in certain temples and not in some others . A devotee must have unconditional faith in the prescribed traditions unless he is adequately qualified to handle the "Prana-prathishta" better than the Rishi who had installed that Deity . Very Serious Threat to Guruvayoor Temple In view of the eagerness of some of our friends to open-up the Guruvayoor temple to all non-Hindus , let me point out certain ground realities at Guruvayoor . One can enter the temple only after passing through the metal detectors and security check-up because, both the state and union intelligence departments have detected extremist moves to blown-up the temple . The gateway to Guruvayoor is " Chavakkadu " ( formerly `Shapakkadu `)

. When many vedic believers of this place converted to the "Mlecha religion' , the Brahmanas cursed that place and went away . Hence, that place came to be known as Shapakkadu) . `Chavakkadu' is the headquarters of underworld in Kerala . Vast majority of it's residents belong to the "Mlecha religions " which preach that "destroying a Deity is an act dearest to the Almighty . It's followers are now majority in Guruvayoor town as well. Most of the shops and establishments there are owned by them . Fortunately, due to the existing restrictions they are not allowed entry to the temple . The present law enables the Security forces to stop them at the gate itself . What will happen , if we open up the temple to all of them ??? . For

sure , I can't rest and leave my responsibilities to Guruvayoorappan. Bhagavan has given wisdom and other faculties to His devotees to serve Him and His bhaktas , as His instruments . If that is not necessary what for we are ? . One realizes the true value of eyes, only after losing it ; and the Guruvayoor temple is more invaluable than our own eyes . Pure Vedic Tradition at Guruvayoor Guruvayoor temple's speciality is the full time presence of it's Tantri . He being ably assisted by His disciples, keeps a close watch on all matters to ensure the purity of the

temple . If he was after money alone , he could have allowed the entry of non-Hindus long back . As we will see in other places , such a open entry would have increases his income (10) times . But , money is not the key factor in ` Vedic Sanatana Dharma ` which is constituted on unconditional faith in the Vedas . Unlike , the Abrahamic religions, Sanatana Dharma can not be amended to grab more materialistic opportunities . The great Paramacharya Chandraseksharendra Sarasvati said "In matters of the Self, of dharma and religion, the Vedas are in the forefront as our guide . Next come the Dharmasastras . Third is the conduct of the great Sages of the past . Fourth is the example of the virtuous people of our own times

.. Conscience comes last in determining dharma . Some people ask me , why I as a Seer don't change the Vedas to suit with the present times . If I reject some potion as weeds, another man will reject some other . Finally , what remains will not be the real Vedas " . The Ever Practical Sree Guruvayoorappan . Those Bhaktas who have sincerely worshipped at Guruvayoor agree that , they could feel the presence and grace of Bhagavan in one way or another . Often , Bhagavan Himself makes arrangements for

them, in the form of "strange coincidence" . Facilities are in place to enable the non-Hindus to worship Bhagavan and to make their offerings from outside. Those sincere to Bhagavan haven't experienced this as a problem in attaining His abundant grace . They understand that , due to certain "administrative reasons " they can't meet Guruvayoorappan inside the temple but that is not a problem for their worship to Him . Bhagavan is absolutely aware of the difficulties and needs of His each Bhakta . When Poontanam was insulted by a temple staff , Bhagavan appeared in his dream to inform that thenceforth there is no need for Poonthanam to come to Guruvayoor and He will come to where he is. Also , when Kurooramma became too weak to

travel to Guruvayoor, Bhagavan appeared in person to receive her worship. Furthermore , Bhagavan came near the Manjulal to receive Majula's garland ; and to the low cast Kittai's home to receive his coconuts . There are numerous events like this wherein Guruavayoorappan came out to receive the offerings to Him . In view of the above , I request all Bhaktas to have confidence in the integrity of the great Guruvayoor Thantri Chennas Raman Namboodirippad. If they want a particular change, pray to Guruvayoorappan , the Bhaktavalsalan . Jai Sree

Guruvayoorappan !!! Krishnadaya . --------------- agraman62 wrote…… Dear Krishnadaya, Your commentary is ok.But as Krishna Himself has said that all

believers,non-believers,sinners etc are His devotees only as He is the One who control everything.Of course due rites hv to be performed by tantris according to prescribed guidelines to keep the Chaithanyam of the Deity.Reg.Vegetarianism,menstrual cycle etc it is difficult to find out as the same is the choice of one(excuse me I am a total vegetarian but can't say abt others).In all temples the tantris or priests dedicated poojas make the presence of the Divine Power.It is not only confined to GVR but all temples like Tripati Venkateswara and ever so many temples the chaithanyam of the moorthys depend on the dedication of the tantris or poojaris. Here the point is we accept that God is merciful to all without discrimination. Such be the position of Krishna Himself it is not correct to say that only certain people hv to be allowed to hv the

darsan of the Lord and others even if they are ardent devotees shuld not be allowed.That narrows the broad vision of the people who hv prescribed such things.Except GVR almost all tem ples allow devotees irrespective of their origin.So one has to move with times and shuld not confine to outdated theories as it is difficult to find out how many people are visiting the temple at GVR with pure heart and those with pure devotion are not allowed.It is for the Deity to find out His bhakthas not on caste basis as all are His children. It is ok you agree to disagree but the argument is not convincing as you are carried away by outdated rituals coined hundreds of years back and not living in the changed world.May be each temple has its own customs but as change is the order of the day a little change won't harm provided the person who wish to visit shuld hv

a pure devotional mind and we don't know people who visit hv real Bhakthy as the same is only the thinking of mind and only Krishna has to accept who is a devotee and who is not. This is not to wound your feelings but only my thoughts. Hare Krishna. --------------- krishnadaya wrote .... Krishna , Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Devotees, We can see in Dr.Radhakrishna's Gita commentary that he is more secular than spiritual. He depends more on rationalism than Bhakti in his explanations . For example , he freely cites the concepts of Budhism and Gandhism to explain the Gita concepts . Great Acharyas like Adi Shankara and Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati taught that Budhism rejects the authority of Vedas and therefore it is a form of atheism that existed in the world for a short period . Of course, the modern day secular-scholars like Dr.Radhakrishnan prefers to interpret Vedic Sanatana dharma through Budhist concepts . They are the ones who argue for changes to the eternal Vedas . Narayaneeyam ( which has the stamp of approval by Guruvayoorappan Himself) is the latest authentic scriptural book on Sanatana Vedic Dharma . It doesn't contain or ask for changes to the Vedas. In Guruvayoor temple , exists many intense `sadhanas' that is unknown to the outsiders . For example , the Melshanti enters the Sreekovil at 2 AM and he drinks a glass of water only after completing

the Uchapooja at 12.30AM . Such strict adherence to the Adi Shankara formulated regulatory rules is the reason behind the purity and uninterrupted "Deva-Chithanyam" of Guruvayoor temple . In addition to the above regulations, Bhagavan guides the Tantri and Melsanti through various `nimithams' (symptoms) and ` Swapna-darshanam ' ; and therefore they don't act according to own whims and fancies . Most of the non-hindus don't follow regulations like "Pula, Valayma, Menstrual -period restriction, Vegetarianism etc applicable to temple-entry . It is upto a person to believe or disbelieve the above said "Kshetra-Acharas" . From such Tantris like Brahmasree Tarananalloore Paramesvaran Namoodirippad , the late Brahmasree Thazhaman Kantararu

Neelakantararu , and other Brahmana-Poojaris, I have learnt how difficult it is to maintain the "aura" ( Deva-chaitanyam) on a temple-Deity . If someone argues that , the Deity accepts anything people decide , I agree to disagree with that argument . Sree Guruvayoorappan Saranam !!! Krishnadaya. - In guruvayur , balagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal wrote: HARI AUMThe points are worth pondering. Late Dr.S.Radhakrishnan had once said -since Hinduism is 'sanatana' it automatically calls for updation too. Regards Balagopal

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Thank you Harihara Krishnana for pointing out that a facility has

been created for non-hindus at Guruvayoor.


The issue of opening the temple for all and sundry should be viewed

in a very careful manner, if we are to see the truth behind things.

It is not as it seems. The press is creating ruckes on the behest of

politicians. Communists are spearheading most anti-religious

movements and are demanding press coverage of their heinous acts, as

they want to come into power by all means.


Worldwide, Temples, Mosques and Churches have their security in

place. Tirupati is well protected by many security procedures. Mecca

is heavily fortified, non muslims are not allowed. Vatican is well

guarded by a mercenary force called the Swiss Guards..In modern times

there has been increasing threats to places of religious importance,

and Temples have been threatened, so govenments have to be very

careful, and protect the pilgrims and all the religious places.If a

facilty has been provided for non-hindus, then it is the mercy of

Krishna alone.


, " Krishnan, Harihara "

<harihara.krishnan wrote:




> In this context let me add that there is a facility provided in the

> East nada of the holy Guruvayur temple, for the non-hindus to offer

> their worship. Recently a local MLA Sri Jose Baby, a Christian, had

> performed a 'thulabharam' for himself here.


> Regards,

> Hari


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