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Beware of Impersonalistic Propoganda

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Srila Prabhupada warns us of the impersonalists, and the world is

full of them, but what exactly are the impersonalists? I was

searching for a description of that and here is what I found.


The googled result for the word impersonal is - not relating to or

responsive to individual persons; " an impersonal corporation " ; " an

impersonal remark " having no personal preference; " impersonal

criticism " ; " a neutral observer " .


Any observer, who is consciously neutral, would thus be classified as

an " Impersonalist " . It means that the impersonal person is not

advanced in Krishna consciousness, nor has advanced much spiritually,

just remains at an average level, an impersonal level. Srila

prabhupada also says that demoniac creatures who were liberated by

Krishna, were absorbed in the brahman effulgence, the brahmajyoti,

which is the impersonal aspect of Lord Krishna. Thus unknowingly they

are also there, they exist, but not in a fully conscious state, like

the devotees exist in full krishna consciousness. The impersonalists

might be found floating about in the causal ocean.


This is a real grey area, which few know about, because to enter this

area one has to lose one's individuality completely,committing

spiritual suicide (that is exactly what the demons do) and merge with

this effulgence.They get no chance to enjoy the association of

Krishna in heaven. They get no chance to taste the conjugal

relationships, the rasa dance, the wonderful spiritual expereicnes

that devotees go through everyday of their lives. Thus the

impersonalists may remain in a sort of dull spiritual ecstasy, but

not as enhanced and thrilling as the spiritual escstacy of being

Krishna conscious. Those liberated souls in impersonal existence thus

cannot get to see Krishna.


This is my understanding, and I would be happy to read comments of

our exalted spiritual personalities in this group. This very idea has

saved me and I developed a desire to server Krishna and associate

with His devotees.

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Hare Krsna,


I think there is a lot more to it than that.

The impersonalists are not so bad.

On behalf or Lord Shiva they exist and Lord Shiva is wonderful.

He did what Bhagavan Lord Krishna wanted Him to do in order to help

the demons who are not ready to be devotees.

I don't think we need to curse or show intolerance towards the

impersonalists. I know in the early days of ISKCON it was more like

that but there are so many of them, are we going to just shut

everyone else out if they are impersonal?

Most people are these days. I hardly know anyone that wants to

chant Hare Krsna and knows that as the solution.

I chant,but I started off in an impersonalistic manner in Thelemic

Magick but luckily as I have advanced in my knowledge I realized it

was not so impersonal if I did not want to see it that way. Here I

am opening a Magick book and I see the name 'Nrsimha'. And I

thought to myself, " What is that? " I wanted to know.

Well it turns out via the Magick I was studying which starts off

impersonalistic led me to Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna.

It's about communication. Even Rupa Goswami and Sanatana Goswami

were impersonalistic in the beginning just like the sons of Lord

Brahma. The first Bhagavad-Gita I ever got into was Sri Aurobindo's

version. It actually took me awhile to see Srila Prabhupada's

version as the better one. With more purification I began to

understand that it is the best since it is more about Devotion and

not so much Sankyaite philosophy.

Personally in this age I think all versions are valid more or less

determined where we are going and where we want to go. Obviously

Lord Krishna works with us wherever he wants to work with us.

I've tried to create things in my life so that I am a much more

perfect devotee via ISKCON but it has not worked so well. I have

had to keep my leanings in ISKCON and even Christianity, which I

used to not like very much but now I understand Jesus Christ teaches

the same things about Bhakti and hardly is it impersonal.

When we Love others including our enemies it is not impersonal. And

Lord Krishna is not an impersonal being, He is the Supreme

Controller who is watchful over us and cares so much that He wants

to know us and that is the Greatest Gift ever to discover.

As far as Neutrality goes, we are supposed to be Neutral to heat,

cold, pleasure and pain, etc. That is not impersonal, it's just

learning to not be affected be material nature.


I also know that the Buddhists are considered to be impersonal but

they have Hearts of Compassion. Radharani is Compassion.

We should pray for the people in Myanmar and pray for the Buddhists

to know Krsna as well. If they know Buddha they will know Lord Krsna.


We are not these material bodies and we are not so easily disturbed

as we think we are. We are all Eternally Joyful beings.

Maya makes us think the silliest things and usually when it comes to

Maya I just laugh really. I know of other people who claim to be

their own god but really they are just reading books.

Lord Krsna is in our Hearts. Sure this age is much more impersonal

but if we are wise enough we won't be misled and will learn to

listen to the Song of the Lord and we will See Krsna, Hear Krsna and

Play with Krsna!



Bhakta Aaron

Jaya Jagannatha!






, " sanjeev " <punjsanjeev



> Srila Prabhupada warns us of the impersonalists, and the world is

> full of them, but what exactly are the impersonalists? I was

> searching for a description of that and here is what I found.


> The googled result for the word impersonal is - not relating to or

> responsive to individual persons; " an impersonal corporation " ; " an

> impersonal remark " having no personal preference; " impersonal

> criticism " ; " a neutral observer " .


> Any observer, who is consciously neutral, would thus be classified


> an " Impersonalist " . It means that the impersonal person is not

> advanced in Krishna consciousness, nor has advanced much


> just remains at an average level, an impersonal level. Srila

> prabhupada also says that demoniac creatures who were liberated by

> Krishna, were absorbed in the brahman effulgence, the brahmajyoti,

> which is the impersonal aspect of Lord Krishna. Thus unknowingly


> are also there, they exist, but not in a fully conscious state,


> the devotees exist in full krishna consciousness. The


> might be found floating about in the causal ocean.


> This is a real grey area, which few know about, because to enter


> area one has to lose one's individuality completely,committing

> spiritual suicide (that is exactly what the demons do) and merge


> this effulgence.They get no chance to enjoy the association of

> Krishna in heaven. They get no chance to taste the conjugal

> relationships, the rasa dance, the wonderful spiritual expereicnes

> that devotees go through everyday of their lives. Thus the

> impersonalists may remain in a sort of dull spiritual ecstasy, but

> not as enhanced and thrilling as the spiritual escstacy of being

> Krishna conscious. Those liberated souls in impersonal existence


> cannot get to see Krishna.


> This is my understanding, and I would be happy to read comments of

> our exalted spiritual personalities in this group. This very idea


> saved me and I developed a desire to server Krishna and associate

> with His devotees.


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