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The soul is eternal but the body is temporary. Thus

when the body is finished (death), the soul must

continue to exist in another body.

If a person kills and soon after dies himself. How can

he be punished unless he takes birth again? If a

sinner is sent to hell forever then how can God be

merciful unless he is given another chance?

Once you had the body of a baby and now an adult. The

baby body is gone but you still exist. This is

reincarnation, changing bodies.

Just as you change bodies in this life, you will also

change bodies after this life. Is this hard to accept?

Reincarnation is the passing of the soul from one body

to the next. Life is truly a circle of birth, death

and re-birth. We never die; we merely change our

physical form. There are 8.4 million different forms

of bodies; we have been through them all. Being Human

is the highest form of Life on this planet.

So why do we keep coming back to life? We are re-born

to exhume our Karma. We build our Karma during our

life and we must come back to face the reactions to

all our actions.

So you still don't believe in reincarnation?

Well, if you do not believe in reincarnation, then it

means that you believe that we are only born once,

right? If we are only born once, then surely everyone

should be born equal. By believing in God, we accept

that God must be fair, and thus everyone would be born

equal if we only have one chance of life. Well, is

everyone born equal?

& #9002; Why are some born healthy and some diseased?

& #9002; Why are some born more fortunate than others?

& #9002; Why are some born ugly and some good looking?

& #9002; Why do some children suffer from birth and

die at very young age?

& #9002; Why are some born poor and some rich?

Now that you accept everyone is not born equal. So how

does God decide on the above matters for us? Well,

God's decisions are based on knowing our history, our

previous lives. God is very fair, God does not make us

happy for no reason, and God does not make us suffer

for no reason. Based on our Karmic actions, some

people are happy because they have good Karma and are

now facing good reactions to their good actions taken

in their past. Some people suffer because they have

bad Karma and are now facing bad reactions to their

bad actions taken in their past.

A person is born again and again to reap the fruits of

his or her own actions. This cycle of birth and death

continues until the person attains moksha or freedom

from the cycle of birth and death. Moksha can only be

achieved through Krishna consciousness.

Hinduism is the only religion, which preaches the

reincarnation and Karma theories. There is scientific

evidence to prove the reincarnation and Karma


“Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you,

nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us

cease to be. As the embodied soul continuously passes,

in the body from childhood to youth to old age, the

soul similarly passes into another body at death. A

sober person is not bewildered by such a change. " Lord

Krishna (Bg. 2.12-13)

" As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones,

the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving

up the old and useless ones. " Lord Krishna (Bg. 2.22)

" When one dies in the mode of goodness, he attains to

the pure higher planets of the great sages. When one

dies in the mode of passion, he takes birth among

those engaged in fruitive activities; and when one

dies in the mode of ignorance, he takes birth in the

animal kingdom. " Lord Krishna (Bg. 14.14-15)


Do you have the answers to the following questions?

& #9002; Why are some born healthy and some with

severe health problems?

& #9002; Why do some people suffer more than others?

& #9002; Why do some people live a good life and some

a miserable one?

& #9002; Why is life full of ups and downs? One day we

are happy, another day we are sad

& #9002; Why do some people die from diseases like

cancer and some naturally?

& #9002; Why are some people born more fortunate than


& #9002; Why is there a difference between each

person's lives?

& #9002; Why do some children suffer from birth and

die at very young age?

Hinduism is the only religion which can answer all of

the above questions, and with complete satisfaction.

The answers to all the above questions is:

The Law of Karma

For every action you take there will be a reaction in

the future. This is the law of Karma.

Whatever activity we do, good or bad, brings us good

or bad reactions. For every action you take, you will

face a reaction in the future, which could be a few

seconds away or 20 years away or your next

incarnation. If you take good actions, you will face

good reactions. This may come in the form of good

health, wealth or birth on higher planets etc. If you

take bad actions, you will face bad reactions in the

future. The bad reactions may come in the form of

disease, poverty or birth on one of the hellish

planets etc.

When we suffer, we are facing the bad reactions to our

bad actions taken in the past.

Our actions include everything we do, including our

physical deeds, our words and thoughts. There will be

a reaction to all our actions.

Taking good actions builds our good karma (joy and

happiness in the future).

Taking bad actions builds our bad karma (disease and

suffering in the future).

Actions, which result in bad Karma: Eating meat,

violence, ignorance, harshness, untruthfulness, lust,

anger, greed, attachments, desires, gambling, ego, and


Actions, which build good Karma: Vegetarianism,

non-violence, generosity, charity, self-control,

truthfulness, simplicity, forgiveness, religiousness,

and cleanliness. Free from attachments, desires and


Your destiny is in your own hands. You are held

responsible for all your actions.

The reason why some people suffer more than others is

that they sinned more than others in their past and

thus they are now facing the bad reactions to the bad

actions taken in their past.

The reason why some good people suffer all their life

is because although they are now good. They still

suffer because they are now facing the bad reactions

to the bad actions taken in their previous lives. But

because they are now taking good actions they will

face good reactions (be happy) in their next life.

The reason why some really rotten people enjoy a good

life despite being rotten, is that they are now facing

the good reactions to the good actions they took in

their previous lives. However, because they are taking

bad actions now (being rotten), they will face bad

reactions in the future (suffer).

God does not make one happy for no reason nor does God

make one suffer for no reason. Karma is a very just


If a person takes good actions in life and thus builds

good karma, he or she will be born into a better life

in the next incarnation. A sinner who leads an immoral

life may be born as a poor person or as an animal in

the next incarnation. A person is born again and again

to reap the fruits of his or her own actions. This

cycle of birth and death continues until the person

attains moksha or freedom from the cycle of birth and

death. Moksha can be achieved through Krishna


Karma and the Human Law and Order System.

Why do we have the police, judges, courts and jails?

We have a system of Law and Order in each and every

country, which makes us responsible for our actions.

If we break the Law, we are arrested, taken to court

and the Judge decides on the punishment we receive,

which will be in proportion to the crime committed,

then sent to jail, punishment for our crimes.

Without the Law and Order system that we have, without

the police enforcing the law, life would be pure hell.

People would go round killing, looting, stealing,

raping and vandalizing property. Simply because

people, would not be held responsible for their


Without the Law and Order system there would be no

peace and justice in the world.

We have the human Law and Order System in every

country and the citizens of each country are held

responsible for the actions they take; those who break

the law are punished.

Just as we have the Human Law and Order system. God

has a Law and Order system, the Law of Karma. We are

held responsible for all our actions. The differences

between the human system and God's system are:

& #9002; With Karma, we are responsible for all our

actions, including words and thoughts.

& #9002; With Karma, there is no escape; you will face

reactions to each and every action you take in the

future, that is guaranteed. With the human system,

some people do get away with murder and other crimes.

& #9002; With Karma, we are punished for our bad

actions and rewarded for good actions, in the human

system we are punished if we are caught breaking the

law, but we are not rewarded for abiding by the laws.

If you accept that we cannot live peacefully and be

treated fairly without the human system of Law and

Order, then you must accept that God also has a Law

and Order system, the Law of Karma.

Hinduism is the only religion, which preaches the Law

of Karma. There is scientific evidence to prove the

Law of Karma



" One who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after

death one is sure to take birth again. " (Lord Krishna,

Bhagavad-Gita 2.27)

But for some reason, you are unwilling to accept this


You may think that while death may come to others, you

will some how continue to live forever. You will hear

about others dying, but it never comes to your mind

that you could be next. The whole situation is like

that of a slaughterhouse where one animal is being

slaughtered and another one is busy munching grass and

doesn't realize that it will be next. This is


" From the highest planet in the material world down to

the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated

birth and death take place. But one, who attains to my

abode, O son of Kunté, never takes birth again. " (Lord

Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 8.16)

Material life is full of calamities. The less

intelligent persons try to adjust to those calamities,

as they have no information on the abode of the Lord,

which is full of bliss and without a trace of

calamity. The intelligent persons try to give up

attachment for this material world.

You may think that your life is very comfortable as

you have money, big house, nice cars, beautiful

partner etc.. But what is the value of this so-called

comfortable life, if one day you are going to lose

everything and be slaughtered by nature? What to speak

of your next life, which may be in the animal kingdom?

The animals in the slaughterhouse live very

comfortably, but they are only waiting to be hacked to

death. The same goes for you too.

The animals cannot escape the wrath of the butcher,

and you cannot escape the wrath of nature. But you

have a choice of either going through the whole drama

of material life (birth, old age, disease, death)

again, again, and again, or become free from material

life (no death, no marital problems, no taxes, no

disease, no poverty, no wars, no terrorism, no anxiety

and so on)

The souls in the plants and animals are on a fixed

cycle of transmigration from one body to the next in

the plant and animal kingdoms. They will have to go

through 8 million births before they get a human


The humans have been through the 8 million births in

the plant and animal kingdoms. But if a human being

misuses or fails to utilize the higher consciousness,

then he (the soul) will once again have to go through

the 8 millions births in the plant and animal

kingdoms. Only a complete fool would waste this rare

human birth.

Only by engaging in Bhakti Yoga (devotional service

onto Lord Krishna) can a human being become free from

material life and go to the kingdom of God, called

Goluka Vrindavan, the abode of Lord Krishna. Where

there is no old age, no disease, no taxes, no wars, no

terrorism, no depression.

Where you will be in 50 years time is a serious

thought to consider now, because you won’t be here.



Why is life full of Ups and downs?

One day we are really happy, another day we are really

upset. Why? Why aren't we happy all the time or sad

all the time?

The answer is 'Due to the Law of Karma'.

When we are happy, we are reaping the benefits of our

good actions, which we took in the past. When we

suffer, we are being punished for the bad actions,

which we took in the past. It's common sense really.

You get what you deserve. No one is happy all the time

or sad all the time, because everyone takes some good

actions and some bad actions every day, the result of

our good and bad actions will be happiness and

suffering in the future which will be in proportion to

our actions. Thus life is full of ups and downs.

" The living entity in the material world carries his

different conceptions of life from one body to another

as the air carries aromas. " (Lord Krishna in the

Bhagavad Gita 15.8)


" As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this

body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul

similarly passes into another body at death. A

self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a

change. " (Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita 2.13

" When one dies in the mode of passion, he takes birth

among those engaged in fruitive activities; and when

he dies in the mode of ignorance, he takes birth in

the animal kingdom. " (Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita


" When one dies in the mode of goodness, he attains to

the pure higher planets. " (Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad

Gita 14.14)


Top section: On the left, a boy is dancing before the

Deities of Radha-Krsna. The result of such devotional

consciousness is shown on the right, where he is

dancing with Krishna as a playmate in the Lord's

spiritual abode. Second section: On the left a man is

offering charity; on the right he has taken the body

of a demigod and is enjoying heavenly delights. Third

section: A man is eating meat and other abominable

foods; in his next life he is seen in the body of a

hog who eats anything and everything. Bottom section:

A man is approaching a women with lust. This bestial

consciousness carries him to a dog's body.


The individual soul transfers from one body to

another, the present body and activities are the

background of the next body. At the time of death, the

consciousness our body has created during this life

will carry us on to the next type of body.

If the consciousness we have created in this life is

like that of a cat or dog, the next body will be that

of a cat or dog.

If our consciousness is godly, the soul will be

transferred to Krsnaloka in the spiritual world and

will associate with Lord Krishna.







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