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Why is a man given a better chance to live than swine

or other

animals? Why is a highly posted government officer

given better

facilities for a comfortable life than an ordinary

clerk? The answer is

very simple: the important officer has to discharge

duties of a more

responsible nature than those of an ordinary clerk.

Similarly, the human

being has to discharge higher duties than the animals,

who are always

busy with filling their hungry stomachs. But by the

laws of nature, the

modern animalistic standard of civilization has only

increased the

problems of filling the stomach. When we approach some

of these polished

animals for spiritual life, they say that they only

want to work for the

satisfaction of their stomachs and that there is no

necessity of

inquiring about the Godhead. Yet despite their

eagerness to work hard,

there is always the question of unemployment and so

many other

impediments incurred by the laws of nature. Despite

this, they still

denounce the necessity of acknowledging the Godhead.

We are given this human form of life not just to work

hard like the

swine or dog, but to attain the highest perfection of

life. If we do not

want that perfection, then we will have to work very

hard, for we will

be forced to by the laws of nature. In the closing

days of Kali-yuga

(this present age) men will have to work hard like

asses for only a

scrap of bread. This process has already begun, and

every year the

necessity for harder work for lesser wages will

increase. Yet human

beings are not meant to work hard like animals, and if

a man fails to

discharge his duties as a human being, he is forced to

transmigrate to

the lower species of life by the laws of nature. The

Bhagavad-gita very

vividly describes how a spirit soul, by the laws of

nature, takes his

birth and gets a suitable body and sense organs for

enjoying matter in

the material world.

In the Bhagavad-gita it is also stated that those who

attempt but

do not complete the path of approaching God--in other

words, those who

have failed to achieve complete success in Krsna


given the chance to appear in the families of the

spiritually advanced

or in financially well-to-do mercantile families. If

the unsuccessful

spiritual aspirants are offered such chances of noble

parentage, what of

those who have actually attained the required success?

Therefore an

attempt to go back to Godhead, even if half finished,

guarantees a good

birth in the next life. Both the spiritual and the

financially well-todo

families are beneficial for spiritual progress because

in both

families one can get a good chance to make further

progress from the

point where he stopped in his previous birth. In

spiritual realization

the atmosphere generated by a good family is favorable

for the

cultivation of spiritual knowledge. The Bhagavad-gita

reminds such

fortunate well-born persons that their good fortune is

due to their past

devotional activities. Unfortunately, the children of

these families do

not consult the Bhagavad-gita, being misguided by maya


Birth in a well-to-do family solves the problem of

having to find

sufficient food from the beginning of life, and later

a comparatively

easier and more comfortable way of life can be led.

Being so situated,

one has a good chance to make progress in spiritual

realization, but as

ill luck would have it, due to the influence of the

present iron age

(which is full of machines and mechanical people) the

sons of the

wealthy are misguided for sense enjoyment, and they

forget the good

chance they have for spiritual enlightenment.

Therefore nature, by her

laws, is setting fires in these golden homes. It was

the golden city of

Lanka, under the regime of the demoniac Ravana, that

was burned to

ashes. That is the law of nature.

The Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary study of the


science of Krsna consciousness, and it is the duty of

all responsible

heads of state to chalk out their economic and other

programs by

referring to the Bhagavad-gita. We are not meant to

solve economic

questions of life by balancing on a tottering

platform; rather, we are

meant to solve the ultimate problems of life which

arise due to the laws

of nature. Civilization is static unless there is

spiritual movement.

The soul moves the body, and the living body moves the

world. We are

concerned about the body, but we have no knowledge of

the spirit that is

moving that body. Without the spirit, the body is

motionless, or dead.

The human body is an excellent vehicle by which we can


eternal life. It is a rare and very important boat for

crossing over the

ocean of nescience which is material existence. On

this boat there is

the service of an expert boatman, the spiritual

master. By divine grace,

the boat plies the water in a favorable wind. With all

these auspicious

factors, who would not take the opportunity to cross

over the ocean of

nescience? If one neglects this good chance, it should

be known that he

is simply committing suicide.







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