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3 Posts,or Lectures, MY Diksa Gurudeava ,Radhanath Swami Maharaja, Has Said

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I picked out 3 Posts,or Lectures, MY Diksa Gurudeava ,Radhanath Swami Maharaja, Has Said ,At Different Times,Ones I think, I would like To Make my Answers,to, some of the Disscusions here!I feel, No different than anything he has said here,So,like I was Taught,To be like a Postman,And Deliver the Letter,unopened and unchanged!

He is So very Sweet,My dear Radhanath Maharaj,You all would Love Him! He is The Sweeetest Devotee I know! He Reminds me Of Lord Caitanya,Who was Krsna and Radha Joined! Part of His Pastimes,He Revealed Himself, To Ramanada Roy,I think,Was Ramanada, In a Secuded Place, Seen Lord Caitanya Reaveal Himself, to Him,As he Begged Him Too,and what he saw Was not Krsna,But RadhaKrsna ,Standing There,Radha Holding Krsnas Flute,and Krsna Standing in His 3 fold postion,You know, With His Legs Crossed,and His Arms Around Radha,Whew!

So Lord Caiyanya Was Actually Radhakrsna Together,That Was His Rasa,Love of God!

To me,Moksha,I dont Care For!I just Want to be Born ,In Goloka Vrndavana,As Grass,or a Tree,Mabey So i can Witness This Love Affair,Between,Lord Krsna,and All the Gopies,Yea!

!I hope You like these Lectures,They are Just For this Group,Please Enjoy Them,Because ,its OK, to enjoy Krsna Consciousness,Thats Why I ask everyone To vist My site

Pleasure Unlimited in Krsna Consciousness!( http://www.geocities.com/jayakesava2001 )

I went Though all His Lectures I have and Picked these out,To Engage in this discussion,About Whos Form of God is Better,Ect ,Ect! And Everything You all were talking about!

I cannot say these things better Your Servant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jaya Kesava Dasa





Nectarean Mellows


Trying to enjoy in a place of suffering!!!…………


G u r u m u k h a p a d m a v a k y a"


Trying to enjoy in a place of suffering!!!………… To the degree we want to enjoy in this material world; to that same degree we must suffer because when we want to enjoy in this material world two things take place: we hanker for those things we don’t have and we lament for those things we cannot have. When you get the objective of your affection you become attached to it and then due course of time you loose it and you suffer and if you do not get that thing that you have the affection for; you simply suffer due to longing to receive it. Trying to be happy in this material world is like diving into the ocean and trying to be dry or jumping in fire to try to get cold. It is impossible? Trying to enjoy in a place of suffering!!! It is an impossible situation. So why don’t we just try to go back to Godhead? Krsna is inviting us. The only reason why are not going back to Godhead is because we want to remain in the world but Krsna descends in this world to reveal the beautiful pastimes of the spiritual world, through His beautiful Vrindavana pastimes as well as His teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita and anyone who understands this mercy of Krsna and takes it within their heart will be happy forever in their original spiritual existence.

H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

guru-mukha-padma-väkya, cittete koriyä aikya, är nä koriho mane äsä


Nectarean Mellows

The very essence of our spiritual life is determined by our faith

“G u r u m u k h a p a d m a v a k y a"


The very essence of our spiritual life is determined by our faith …….…


To the degree we have faith; to that degree we are advanced in spiritual life; progress in Krsna Consciousness is non different than our progress in faith in Krsna. It is explained that one who has implicit complete faith in Guru and Krsna, all knowledge is revealed (to him/her). So the very essence of our spiritual life is determined by our faith. Rupa Goswami explains at the beginning there is a little tiny seed of faith within our heart, that this by the mercy of Lord Krsna, when Krsna sees that little trace of faith, He reciprocates as the Paramatma and directs us to the association of devotees and in that association we hear the glories of the Lord, we hear the Absolute Truth, the words of God and that faith transforms into a great eagerness to hear more and learn more and then we began to follow the principles of Krsna Consciousness and later we meet a spiritual master and take initiation and we follow the principles of chanting 16 rounds, following the four regulative principles, reading Srila Prabhupada’s books, hearing Srimad Bhagavatam and humbly serving, developing a mood of a humble servant.

H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

guru-mukha-padma-väkya, cittete koriyä aikya, är nä koriho mane äsä


Nectarean Mellows

Srila Prabhupada’s most simple and complete instruction

G u r u m u k h a p a d m a v a k y a"


Srila Prabhupada’s most simple and complete instruction……


A preacher should never think I am better than anyone else, you should never even think yourself better than the most sinful, materialist person in the streets. We should simply thank our Guru Maharaj and the Lord that we have received their mercy and as a servant of every living entity, we should try to share that mercy with everyone and thus give everyone good fortune. Through distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books, through distributing the holy names, through distributing nice Krsna prasad, through distributing this philosophy and through creating such a wonderful loving atmosphere within the temple, we can help attract everyone to come and receive good fortune of Krsna’s mercy. But in every situation, we should always be in the mood of the servant of the servant of the servant and in this mood of the servant of the servant of the servant, Krsna will reveal Himself to us through the beautiful sound of His name and then only we can follow Prabhupada’s most simple and complete instruction to chant Hare Krsna and be happy.

H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

guru-mukha-padma-väkya, cittete koriyä aikya, är nä koriho mane äsä


EVERYONE PLEASE ACCEPTT,My Most Humble Obiesance,Your Humble,Lowly Servant,Jaya Kesava dasa


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