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After Nav Ratri .

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Namaskaar. Nav Ratri will be over today Friday. For the past fortnight,everywhere Hindus were greeting each other--"Are you keeping up?"---meaning are you observing Vrata(fast). Even the Koreans who operates the largest Fish Market on Liberty Avenue,(New York City) know that during Nav Ratri they must not stock up on fish. From the first day of Nav Ratri, one of them had a young man selling flowers out on the pavement---they'd normally sell flowers inside. Nav Ratri is big business for Puja stores too. It is wonderful to see how much this sacred festival is observed. Pandit Rajin Ji, had jam packed audiences at his Devi Puran Yagya. There were many males in the congregation. It was most heartening to listen to this young Pujari fearlessly addressing some of the social issues affecting the Hindu home. He spoke about Draupadi's humiliation.He drew people's attention to the suffering of Sita Mata Ji. How she was insulted and humiliated not once but twice by her husband. He related how Sita Mata Ji when she was insulted the second time--she just stood up for her own dignity and left the place where she was not treated with honor and respect. Sita Mata Ji, he said went away with her head held high in dignity while her Pati, went away with his head bowed down. Since, I sent my message about Nav Ratri, there has been many comments. It was heartening to read the encouraging words from many Hindu Bhaiyas especially. It was annoying though, when some asked how/why I sent them my email. Did you read the message, I wondered? Or did I step on any ones toes, so to speak? Bill Cosby and Dr Poussaint have written a book ' Come on People--The path from Victims to Victors" and they are on all the talk shows/television programs talking about why they wrote this book. These two people have decided to use their influence and knowledge to help/educate their people. They are doing something to help their people deal with social issues that are affecting them. Oprah is constantly addressing issues affecting African Americans. Pastor Drakes, Joel Osteen, Paula White and others are addressing and dealing with issues affecting their fellow Christian brothers and sisters.How many Hindu leaders do we see talking about or making social issues their platform? Judging from the numerous Hindu Conferences held all over the Globe, one would get the impression that the only major problem we are concerned with is Conversion--Hindus running away from their own religion. I have been talking over and over and over that if Hindu leaders deal with the reasons why Hindus are running away then we can halt this problem. Why Hindus running away? One of the major reasons is because they have no one to turn to help with their social problems. A woman tells a Pandit her husband abusing her and he will tell her bear up, even Sita had problems. Sita Mata Ji,was two Yugas ago and til today, we have to carry her burden. Why are Hindus so afraid to face Domestic Abuse/ Alcoholism and other social ills that we are facing? Why this great reluctance? These are not issues that affecting only Hindus alone but we seem to be the only ones who are not showing concern in addressing these issues much less finding solutions to deal with them.Someone made the comment that maybe many are afraid because they will be exposed. My point of view is this--- no one is perfect. If for some reason---there are many reasons why people end up being abusive---but if you know in your heart that you have an abusive personality, won't you be doing yourself a favour by getting help? My dear Bhaiya Pandit Rajin Ji, during the course of one of his discourses made the admission that he has a problem dealing with anger--that he doesn't get angry very quickly but when he does get angry, it is sometimes hard to control himself. He also made the admission that he is working on dealing with this problem. How many people can admit to themselves much less publicly to 300 people that they have a problem? Did anyone laugh at Pandit Ji or mocked him? No--we admire and respect him more. By him admitting and talking about himself, he could/must have inspired another soul too. We see Christian Ministers publicly admitting that they were abused or that they were abusive but they got help and is now not only better but they can help others who find themselves needing help. Apart from Pandit Rajin Ji, how many Pujaris/Swamis/Gurus/Acharyas do we hear admitting to their weakness/problems? Often I'd hear the comment that this one like drinking rum plenty, or that one like plenty women, or the other smoking like crazy, or yet the other abusing his wife at home. We know the problems but why nothing is done to help people with these problems? Why this great reluctance? Another Nav Ratri is over and until next Spring, honouring Women will be forgotten again maybe. Deepavali will be here in a few weeks but ask most people why they pray to Maha Lakshmi and they will talk about wealth/light/prosperity--greed sheer greed!! They forget one important message though--the wife/mother of the home is the Shakti/Devi/Lakshmi of that home. And if that woman is suffering and treated badly there will be neither wealth/light/prosperity. As I write another spiel trying to raise Hindu interest, I am wondering, do I have to get a Bill Cosby or maybe go on Oprah and then maybe Hindu leaders will sit up and take notice? Hari Om. Regards,Nanda

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