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Peace Summit, 2007

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Dear Sir/Madam: The purpose of this letter is to formally invite you, on behalfof the Board of Directors, to be a honorable delegate at theupcoming Peace Summit, 2007. The themes of this conference are: (1) Body-mind-soul : HolisticLife Science, (2) Science, Spirituality and the Future ofHumanity, (3) Interfaith Dialogue for Resolving ReligiousConflict, (4) Bio-technology and Its Role in Medical Science, (5)AIDS - a Spiritual and Ethical Perspective, (6) Quest for a NorthEast India at Peace, (7) Vedanta and Science - Origin of Life andMatter, (8) Christian Perspective on Nature of Life, (9) MuslimPerspective on Nature of Life, (10) United Religions Initiative -what can be done, (11) Common Principles -Toward a Science ofReligion, (12) The Need for Spirituality in Science and (13) ThePeace formula for Global Harmony and Prosperity. It will be heldat the

RIMS Jubilee Hall, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences,Imphal, Manipur - 795001, India, from November 23 to 24, 2007.More information on Peace Summit, 2007 and the conferenceannouncement can be found at conference pagehttp://www.bhaktiswarupadamodara.com/UBC/peaceconference . We will forward a complete draft speaker program to you in acouple of weeks to give you an idea of the specific subjects thatwill be covered by different speakers. We expect attendance thisyear to be the highest ever; in the area of 1,000 delegates and30 speakers. We would be pleased and honored if you would consentto be our Honorable Delegate at the Peace Summit, 2007. Toparticipate in this event one need to send the duly filled andsigned registration form (see the attachment) along withregistration fees of Rs. 500 for Indian

participants and US$ 100for international delegates on or before 15th November 2007. Onspot registration is also open, however the organizers do nottake the responsibility of accommodation for on spot registrationcandidates. If the booked accommodation is available at the timeof on spot registration then the candidates can avail thatfacility otherwise they have to make their own accommodationarrangements. It is highly recommended that the participantswilling to attend the event should register well in advancebefore the dead line (15th November 2007). The internationaldelegates should contact organizers well in advance (before 17thNovember 2007) to make their Manipur Entry Visa ready. It may benoted that Indian participants do not need Manipur entry Visa.The food and accommodation charges are included in theregistration fees. Download: REGISTRATION FORM ( Windows Word Document, with fields to fill ). Please visit the conference page for further details. We would also welcome your participation as a potential speaker.The speakers need to submit a short (2 pages) abstract for thetalk which he/she would like to present in Peace Summit, 2007before 10th November 2007 to the email addresssushen_das (AT) binstitute (DOT) org to get the comments/confirmation fortheir participation as speaker in Peace Summit, 2007. Theorganizing committee of Peace Summit, 2007 will bear the travelexpenses (within India) for the speakers. International speakershave to arrange their own support for their travel expenses toIndia. We are looking forward to having a favorable

response from yournoble self at the earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, P. Suresh KumarSecretary Dr. M. A. Marchetti (HH Bhakti Madhava Puri Swami)Serving Director, Bhaktivedanta Institute, www.binstitute.orgChairman, Peace Summit, 2007,http://www.bhaktiswarupadamodara.com/UBC/peaceconference

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