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JNANAPPANA to Improve Your Bhakti-Yoga .....( Part 4 of 12 ) .

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Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Krishna and Vaishanavas ! ,


Bhagavan Krishna inspired favorite devotee-Poet Poonthanam to compile "Jnanappana " ( Song of Knowledge) . The draft copy of this book was edited by, Bhagavan Himself .

The following Sloka # 16 to 20 , explain these key aspects :


Only in this Earth , one can perform `Karma' and gain `Punya or `Papa' . It's reward will be enjoyed in Heaven or Hell .

Even the stay in Heaven or Hell is temporary . One has to be reborn again according to the merits of his past `Karma' . It is just like taking money from home and living in other place by spending that money till it is finished .

A Sinner in this earth is reborn as an `Outcaste' . ( This explains why one is born in the low caste) .

Even `Devas' and `Asuras` are reborn in Earth to gain or loss from `Karma' .

Reincarnation is based on pure merit . According to `Karma' in Earth, an `Asura' could reborn as a `Deva' , a King could reborn as a Worm and a Lady could reborn as a Fox .

This mother Earth is the Fertile land to cultivate `Karma' . By wisely doing good `Karma' in Earth , an ordinary soul could become a Great Soul in his next birth .


( Sloka # 16 to 20)

Sloka – 16

When all the rewards for good deeds expire ,those who have not attained even an iota of reformed mind ,after some time are born in the Earth .

Those dying after doing bad deeds , due to the result of those sins ,do go and fall in different types of Hells .

Note : A person can stay in Heaven only up to the expiry of the accumulated rewards for his past good deeds ; and after that he is reborn in earth . A person who dies after committing sins will fall in to appropriated Hells . Therefore, everything is temporary .

Sloka – 17

A soul from the world of `Devas',is born as an `Asura' in this Earth ( due to his bad deeds) .

People who do cruel acts in this birth,are reborn as `Outcastes' in this Earth .

`Asuras' are born as `Devas' ( due to their pious deeds) . The deathless ones are born as Trees .

Goat dies and is born as Elephant .

Elephant becomes a Goat after death .

Tiger dies and is born as a Man .

Lady dies and is born as a Fox .

The King who troubles without mercy,after death is born as a Worm . The Fly dies and becomes a Cat .And all these are but the divine sport ( Bhagavan's Leela) .

Note : The concept of rebirth according to rewards earned for `Karma' and punishment given for bad deeds as different type of beings is described here .

Sloka – 18

These souls who run between the top (heaven or hell ) and bottom (earth) ,appears to get the `Karmas' done only in this Earth .

And without limits these different `Karmas `,are done by the Souls only in this earth .

After performing the `Karma' , gaining from it and dying after that ,they go to various worlds of Heaven and Hell ( according to Merit) ,and enjoy the rewards for these `Karmas' . Those rewards would end before long,and they come again to this earth and start earning from `Karma'.

This is like taking money from one's own house,and living in some other place spending that money until it expires .

Note : `Karma ` ( action) can be done only in Earth and rewards and punishments for these actions can be collected in other worlds . This is applicable even for those living in other worlds (Heaven or Hell) . Thus the wealth is in this Earth and to get it for spending, you have to come here .

Sloka – 19

Please know that this our motherland,is the fertile land to cultivate Karmas,and it is definitely impossible,to destroy the residual Karmas any where else .

Note : Although the rewards for the `Karma' done here is elsewhere, those useless `Karmas' which do not merit us can only be abandoned here and not else where .

Sloka – 20

To the great devotees ,to those who seek salvation,and to those who pine for material plesures,this mother earth of ours,would grant whatever they desire , God, Oh God .

Note : Only in this world , an ordinary man by virtue of his `Karma' can transform himself in to a great soul .

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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