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Srimad Bhagwad Gita Chapter 9 Verses 30 & 31--some more translations........

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Hare Krsna. Here are some more translations of Verses 30 & 31. Am sending them merely because Verse 30 is one of the verses that many take and use it to excuse sinful behaviour. We must be very careful that we do not allow our scriptures/devotion to The Lord be used in a manner that others from other faith use their devotion to God as an excuse to commit heinous crimes.The Lord demonstrated in the Ambarisa Katha that He does not pardon anyone who commits sinful acts to His Devotees. Durvasa was a great Muni and yet The Lord made him go straight back to Ambrisa and seek the latter's forgiveness. The Lord did not say---You have come to Me with devotion Durvasa so you will be freed from your sinful act! Durvasa was sent straight back to the person to whom he committed the sinful act!! English Translation - Swami

Chimayananda Even if the most sinful worships Me, with single pointedness, he too should indeed be regarded as righteous for he has rightly resolved!! Soon he becomes righteous and attains Eternal Peace O Kaunteya, know for certain that My Devotee never perishes!! English Translation - Swami Sivananda 9.30 Even if the most sinful worships Me, with devotion to none else, he too should indeed by regarded as righteous for he has rightly resolved.9.31 Soon he becomes righteous and attains to eternal peace; O Arjuna, proclaim thou for certain that My devotee never perishes.

English Translation - Swami Gambhirananda 9.30 Even if a man of very bad conduct worships Me with one-pointed devotion, he is to be considered verily good; for he has resolved rightly. 9.31 He soon becomes possessed of a virtuous mind; he attains everlasting peace. Do you proclain boldly, O son of Kunti, that My devotee does not get ruined. English Translation - Dr. S Sankaranarayan 9.30. Even if an incorrigible evil-doer worships Me, not resorting to anything else [as his goal], he should be deemed to be righteous; for, he has undertaken his task properly. 9.31.

Quickly he becomes righteous-souled (minded) and attains peace permanently. O son of Kunti ! I swear that my devotee gets never lost. English Translation of Sri Sankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary - Swami Gambhirananda 9.30 Api cet, even if; su-duracarah, a man of very bad conduct, of extremely vile behaviour, of very condemnable character; bhajate, worships; mam, Me; ananyabhak, with one-pointed devotion, with his mind not given to anybody else; he; mantavyah, is to be considered, deemed; eva, verily; sadhuh, good, as well behaved; hi, for; sah, he; samyakvyavasitah, has resolved rightly, has virtuous intentions. 9.31 Having given up his external evil behaviour due to the strength of his internal proper resolves, ksipram bhavati, he soon becomes; verily dharma-atma, possessed of a virtuous mind; and nigaccahti, he attains; sasvat, everlasting;

santim, peace, quietude [Cessation of evil acts.]. O son of Kunti, listen to the supreme Truth: Pratijanihi, do you proclaim boldly, make a firm declaration; that me, My; bhaktah, devotee, who has dedicated his inner being to Me; na, does not; pranasyati, get ruined. English Translation - of Sri Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary - Dr. S Sankaranarayan 9.30 Even though he has transgressed rules that ought to be followed and has failed to avoid what a person belonging to a particular class should avoid, if he has begun to worship Me in the manner described above with undivided devotion, namely, with worship as the only purpose --- such a person must be considered highly righteous. He is eminent among the worshippers of Visnu. He must be esteemed as fit for honour. The meaning is that he is equal to those Jnanins mentioned earlier. What can be

the reason for this? The reason is that, he has rightly resolved, i.e., his resolve is in the proper direction. 'The Lord who forms the sole cause of the entire universe, who is the Supreme Brahman, Narayana, the Lord of all mobile and immobile beings, is our Master, our Teacher, and our Friend, highest object of enjoyment,' --- such a resolve is difficult to be made by all. Its effect, unremitting worship which has no other purpose, will be found in him who makes such a resolve. Hence he is holy and is to be highly honoured. When this resolve, and unremitting worship which is its effect, are found in a person, he is not to be belittled; for, his transgression of rules is a negligible mistake compared to this kind of excellence. On the other hand he is to be regarded with high honour. Such is the meaning. No, if it be said that transgression of rules will annul the flow of worship, as declared in the Sruti passages like, 'One who has not ceased from bad conduct, is not

tranquil, is not composed and also not calm in mind, cannot obtain Him through intelligence' (Ka. U., 1.2.24), Sri Krsna replies: 9.31 Quickly he becomes righteous, the Gunas of Rajas and Tamas in him being eradicated with their roots, as he has shaken off all evils through the worship of Myself without any ulterior motive but only because of My being dear to him. Quickly he becomes one whose mind is specially attuned to My worship with all the ancillaries and having all the obstacles removed. It is this kind of worship which was alluded to by the term. Dharma at the commencement of this chapter thus: 'Asraddhadanah purusa dharmasy'asya' etc., (9.3). Such a person obtains enduring peace, i.e., he attains to an eternal state, free from conduct contrary to the attainment of Myself, and from which there will be no return to Samsara. O Arjuna, you may affirm that one who has begun to worship Me in this way will not perish even

though he is tarnished by some misconduct in the past. On account of his devotion to Me, he annihilates the entire host of obstacles. After obtaining eternal state of freedom from obstacles, he quickly obtains perfect Bhakti . TAD VISNOH PARAMAM PADAM (Rg Veda 1.22.20)

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