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Clarification about Guruvayoor Devaprasnam .

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Krishna , Guruvayoorappa . Dear Bhakthas ,

I do agree that many skeptic Hindus have the same views given below by Sri.Ganapathy Ramanji . Let me clarify as follows :


"Devaprasnam " a Sacred Ritual

I still remember one event in my Childhood . My Father who was a member of the Temple-Committee just returned after meeting Sree ,Cheppad Kaimal , a Vedic Jyothishi . It was to invite him for a "Devaprasnam" to be conducted in the Temple . Father told us that , the Jyothishi had noted various details such as , the exact time of their arrival , what they said first , " nimithams" ( symptoms in place) , etc . We all were seeing `Devaprasnam' the first time and therefore all these were new to us .

After conducting necessary rituals to invoke the Deity , `Devaprasnam' started . The revelations of the Deity in the "Devaprasnam" stunned every one . It revealed hitherto unknown information such as immoral activities inside the Temple by the Convener and his Female assistant , Misconducts by the Priest , Routine urination inside the Temple by an old Neighbour , etc, etc . It even found out the exact address of our original Family-temple about 150 Km away , which no one knew till then .

As revealed by the Deity in the `Devaprasnam' , the total structure of the Temple-set up changed soon . Today , it is one of the main Temples of our area and it's present Thanthri is Kantararu Rajeevararu ( Sabarimala-Thanthri ) .

After the above events , I got opportunities to involve with some other `Devaprasnams' as well , and what I have learnt from it , convinced me about the reliability of `Devaprasnam ` . We don't have any other system in place to know the will of the Deity .

I remember one more event . About 20 years back , in Sabarimala , a major Construction was proposed but it was rejected in the "Devaprasnam" . It was revealed that , if proceeded the modification will cause death. ( Cheppad Kaimal was one Jyothishi) . However, then Board and it's Contractor ignored it and proceeded to complete the works . Within next 3 months , the Contractor became bankrupt and committed suicide . Later , the Board President ( a leading Politician) too lost his post and died miserably .


Guruvayoor Devaprasnam

The Guruvayoor Devaprasnam is conducted after 17 years . Usually it is conducted after every 12 years, to know the condition of "Äshtabandham" and other status . However , the recommendations of the previous `Devaprasnam' had not been implemented fully and therefore the Board was postponing it . Recently , several accidents happened in Guruvayoor . This include frequent violent behavior of Temple Elephants , Falling down of "Thidambu" (Festival Deity) from Elephant's top , Several Deaths inside the Temple Pond and inside the Temple premises , Quarrels , Thefts, etc, etc . The Guruvayoor Devaswom Board is composed of Government Nominees , Administrator ( Govt. Employee) and Traditional Members like Samoothiri Raja , Thanthri , one representative of Traditional Temple Staff , etc . The Government Nominees are Marxists who have no faith in God . They are interested only in looting the Temple funds and undermining it's spirituality . For this , they appointed many of their atheistic Comrades as Temple staff. They are the ones who corrupted the other staff as well . Even Immoral activities and Alcohol-consumption became frequent in the Temple .


Eminent Jyothishis Conducted the Guruavayoor Devaprasnam .

Irinjalakkuda Padmanabha Sharma was the lead `Jyothishi ' and he was assisted by Paravoor Sreedharan Thanthri, Ravunni Panicker, Nagilassery Raghavan Nair, Cherode Narayana Panicker, Manappuzha Raman Namboothiri, Soman Panicker, Jayaraj Panicker and Prasanth Menon . They are presently the most reputed Vedic Jyothishis in Kerala . Majority of them are qualified Thanthris as well .

4. The Best Devaprasnam in Recent Times

The `Devaprasnam' was started only after performing necessary Vedic rituals like (81) days long Bhagavathy Seva , Ganapathy Homam , Maha-Mrithunjaya Homam , etc . The Deity of Guruvayoorappan was duly invoked by the Thanthri prior to starting the "Devaprasnam".

It was predicted on the first day that there would be deaths in the Temple during the "Devaprasnam" . It proved correct , as two deaths and one attempted suicide took place .

No commercial aspect is attributed to this "Devaprasnam" . They just revealed Bhagavan's will as it is without any fear or favor . It takes to task every one including the Board , Thantri, Poojaris, Staff , etc , etc . No one was spared . It is a sin to doubt the integrity of these `Sattvic-Karma Yogis' . May Guruvayoorappan shower His choicest blessings on these Acharyas !!!.

Bhagavan has revealed that , He doesn't want Churidar and such foreign dresses inside the Temple . He wants no change on the "Kshethra-Acharas" .

I fully agree with the revelations . Most Women are not wearing the Churidar in a decent way in side the Temple . The use of Shawl is out of fashion ; and consequently they appear to be exposed . When we see a Woman in traditional dress inside the Temple , she reminds us of Bhagavathy . Let the sacred system continue as it is .

A Personal Note :

My Bhakthy-Yoga is founded on what I learnt from my Parents , Elders and the Acharyas with whom I have associated . As a `Padasevak' of Bhagavan Krishna , I just act according to His will .

Bhagavan Sree Krishna says in Bhagavatam 11.7.23 " Although I, the Supreme Lord can never be captured by ordinary sense perception , those situated in human life may use their intelligence and other faculties of perception to directly search for Me through both apparent and indirectly ascertained symptoms " .

Om Namo narayanaya !!!



GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62 wrote:

Re: Guruvayoor Devaprasnam Completed on 7 Nov.. ( The Final Details) .

I thought Krishnadaya is a person with good knowledge. However after accepting what some astrologers said and accepting the same as said in Vedas he has gone away from tangent and exhibited his ignorance abt the wishes of Sri Guruvayurappan. Really pathetic to succumb to such obnoxious findings of the astrologers in the form of Devaprasnam and one who does not accept the same to be treated as atheist or marxist. I feel sorry for a knowledgeable person like Krishnadaya.How on earth he finds that the same are the wishes of Sri

Guruvayurappan. Many factors like cleanliness,renovation,reshaping of the existing things can be known to all and the Board has to do it with its enormous funds and there is no necessity to invoke Lord for making the temple a really spiritual abode. For that purpose there is no necessity for Devaprasnam for a number of days and debates spending enormous amount and with that all the things could hv been rectified. It is really pitiable that Krishnadaya has become a victim for such things and dubbing people who say anything against as Communists. I think he is living in the vedic age. Sorry for for my harsh comments but be practical Krishnadaya. In what way it affects you whether a lady wears churidar instead of saree etc .I hpe you are not running any textile shop near the temple. Bhagawan has never said anything. Why you find fault with that? For your info I don't hv any churidar or other shop. Really sorry abt your anxiety which is nothing but a matter for pity. This is not to remove your faith which is not my intention but just to keep you informed about the changing times and the necessity for that as change is the order of the day and devotees from many States can't be expected to wear sarees etc.and Guruvayurappan is not confined Deity only to those of Kerala. All temples everywhere change the customs according to times and Adi Sankara too never said that only those things shuld be followed. It is all the things stemmed out of the peoles's mind who hv got their own interest uppermost. Regarding other things you hv noted I don't hv the patience to read and so not making any comments. But don't drag the intrepretations of astrologers whatever be their qualifications as the wish of Guruvayurappan as they themselves won't be sure except by intrepreting some planetary positions which hv got nothing to to do with the Cosmic Power that is

Sri Guruvayurappan. Anyway I appreciate your interest on the subject which is not worthwhile to spend time


GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62 wrote:

All of us accept God as One and this principle applies to Guruvayurappan also.I wonder how the so called astrolgers ,I don't know their merits,can act as the representatives of God the Universal Force and come to their own conclusion.The main accept is how the wearing of Churidars by ladies not acceptable to Krishna.Which planet says so or is Lord Krishna said so?Why shuld the Lord

interfere in the oudated office and cleanliness?Anybody who visits GVR can find out the same thing.This is another way of bringing in the name of Guruvayurappan to modify everything so that some contractors and the sponsors can be benefitted.How can the astrologers say the rituals are not properly conducted?Did Guruvayurappan told them in their dreams?There are so many oher issues which I am not dwelling.How can the astrologers become court jesters of Sri Guruvayurappan?Except for the fabulous payments they get

and how much money would hv been spent by the Board in the name of Devaprasnam and who are going to be the beneficiaries?God is after all in the heart of the ardent devotees.How can a few astrologers intrepret His wish thru planets?

GVR Dewaswam is making lot of money now a days and so this prasnam is done to utilise a good amount making Guruvayurappan a scape goat.What harm

will happen if the ladies wear churidars?Guruvayurappan never said anything abt that.Only the retail shops nearby the temple who will be affected must hv influenced the astrologers for a ransom to say so.After all astrologers words are not the final words as nobody knows their capabilities.For that another Devaprasnam shuld be conducted by another set of astrologers whether they hv said is correct and if they too agree thru greasing a third set shuld be conducted and the majority must prevail.But where to get such good astrologers?We hv experience in the case of Sabarimala.Regarding cleanliness of the surroundings there is no necessity for Devaprasnam as everybody knows that.So by such Devaprasnams the astrologers whoever they be and whatever their qualification they can't say that is the Will of Sri Guruvayurappan.If they do free service then it is ok.But they must be getting fabulous amount as well the sponsors,Board members thereby looting the coffers of Sri Guruvayurappan and the money spent on them can be utilised for cleaning and providing other amenities of the devotees instead of wasting on Devaprasnam which is nothing but a SHAM.

May be my views won't be accepted by many but one has to be practical in this and not blindly following superficial astrologers who make a good amount out of this.Whether Sri Guruvayurappan has accepted these people to conduct a Devaprasnam is also debatable.For that another prasnam has to be conducted.How fools we are to depend on this?I say this from practical point and not with a virw to the astrologers and others making money out of this.People who hv little common sense will accept my views,I am sure.As this Devaprasnam has no sanctity of Sri Guruvayurappan it is only to fool the publicI am also sure many will accept the verdict of the astrologers which could hv been done by the Board.Really ridiculous making Sri Guruvayurappan to laugh at the stupidity of His devotees..


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Krishna , Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bahakthas ,

I am not interested to argue with anyone who does not accept the divine "Will " of Guruvayoorappan . If such people accuse me a "Textile owner near Guruvayoor Temple" or "Mentally Unsound" , I don't care . Actually , I am lower than that . I am a Beggar who lives on alms from my Ishta-Devan Sree Krishna .

What to say , if somebody considers the "Devaprasnam" as fake "Kavadi-Nirathal " ( spreading of dices) by Street-Astrologers ! . What to tell , if they accuse renowned Vedic-Scholars like Irinjalakkuda Padmanabha Sharma and Paravoor Sreedharan Thanthri as brokers of Devaswom-Contractors and Textile Owners ! .

Those Bhakthas who have some about the Devaprasnam may please note the following:


Each Jyothishi was selected individually on the basis of his reputation .

The Jyothishis represented all classes such as Brahamana, Kshatriya , Vaisya , Sudra and Avarna .

The `Avarna' Jyothishi , Paravaoor Sreedharan Thanthri is the winner of this year's "Amritha Keerthi Award " in recognition of his contributions to Kshethra-Thanthram and Jyothisham . He is the founder of Sree Narayana Thanthra Vidya Peettam at Paravoor , Author of Several books on Thanthram and Jyothisham , and a Practising Thanthri of many major Temples .

Only those Jyothishis who have adequate "Sadhana" to interpret Divine Will , participated in "Devaprasnam". They were pure "Daivajnas" . Since it was for Bhagavan , they didn't ask Fee . Some "Daivajnas" accepted just a coin as a " token-Daskshina" while others accepted what they were given . They considered it as a SEVA to Guruvayoorappan and not an opportunity to earn money .

The unnecessary "Devaprasnam" held last year at Sabarimala was arranged by the Devaswam Board without Thanthri's consent . It was conducted without invoking the Deity and without proper rituals . Therefore it can not be mis-quoted to rubbish the entire process of "Devaprasnam" as a whole .

The Guruvayoor Devaprasnam was decided by all concerned parties . It was long-overdue and the accidents and inauspicious omens were a matter of concern to all . From beginning to end it was held strictly in accordance with the "Shastras" . In reality , the "Devaprasnam-ritual" comprised of the following:


Thanthric rituals by Thanthris and Mel-Shanthi to invoke Guruvayoorappan and His Upadevas .

Sadhana of "Daivajnas" .

"Prardhana" of Bhakthas .

Revelation of Divine Will by Guruvayoorappan & Upadevas .

The comprehensive "Vichinthanam" (analysis) by Daivajnas have covered all aspects of each topic . They always encouraged the participants to raise questions. And clarified all the queries satisfactorily to arrive at a unanimous conclusion on each topic .

The divinity of this Devaprasnam was confirmed by the following events :


Revelation about Death and Suicide , were proved correct .

When it was revealed about the imminent threat to Temple , as advised by the "Daivajnas", a "Samooha- Prarthana"( Social Prayer) was held by Thantrees , Poojaris , Devaswom Staff and Bhakthas . Auspicious "nimithams" like the appearance of Malliyoor Thirumeni , occurred the next day it self .

Publicity-crazy leaders like Sukumar-Azhikkode's claims on Guruvayoorappan's rejection of " Kshethra- Acharas" were proved wrong . When that man accused the "Astrologers" of spitting on Indian culture and demanded their whipping and kicking-out , the "Daivajnas" proved their `sattvic-nature' by ignoring the tirade . The "Daivajnas" invited all skeptics to debate the Findings on the basis of "Shastras" . But no Critic came forward to challenge .

Om Namo Narayanya!!! May Guruvayoorappan protect His Temple and His Bhkthas !!!



GANAPATHY RAMAN agraman62@ wrote:

Dear Krishnadaya ,

I am not a skeptic Hindu as you imagine as you hv no idea abt me even after long association but I am a practical man and not unduly give credence to certain things which I feel not to my liking.This is not to digress your belief or anybody's but only my views.It is ok if you hv a different set of convictions and your clarifications though look nice can't be vouchsafed.Anyway it is always a pleasure to hv argument with you as many things come out of your bag though you can't expect all to accept your views.Whoever not agreeing your views you say are communists or atheists and such a notion must hv stemmed out of your

personal experience.So you must change such notions.I say this as your well wisher.Sometimes your blind faith take you to different mode of thinking which is not palatable.You are my good friend and always I wish the same.As you used to say we shall agree to disagree on things which we differ.Anyway for your happiness I appreciate your clarifications.I don't hv any ill will against you and just expressed my thoughts which you may not like but never dub all people who are not agreeing with your views as communists or anti Hindus.Such mind set up is really pathetic and shows some type of mental aberration.God Bless.


---------------- , "krishnadaya" <krishnadaya wrote:>> > Krishna , Guruvayoorappa . Dear Bhakthas ,> > I do agree that many skeptic Hindus have the same views given below by> Sri.Ganapathy Ramanji . Let me clarify as follows :> > 1. "Devaprasnam " a Sacred Ritual> > I still remember one event in my Childhood . My Father who was a member> of the Temple-Committee just returned after meeting Sree ,Cheppad> Kaimal , a Vedic Jyothishi . It was to invite him for a> "Devaprasnam" to be conducted in the Temple . Father told us> that , the Jyothishi had noted various details such as , the exact time> of their arrival , what they said first , " nimithams" (> symptoms in place) , etc . We all were seeing `Devaprasnam' the> first time and therefore all these were new to us .> > After conducting necessary rituals to invoke the Deity ,> `Devaprasnam' started . The revelations of the Deity in the> "Devaprasnam" stunned every one . It revealed hitherto unknown> information such as immoral activities inside the Temple by the Convener> and his Female assistant , Misconducts by the Priest , Routine> urination inside the Temple by an old Neighbour , etc, etc . It even> found out the exact address of our original Family-temple about 150 Km> away , which no one knew till then .> > As revealed by the Deity in the `Devaprasnam' , the total> structure of the Temple-set up changed soon . Today , it is one of the> main Temples of our area and it's present Thanthri is Kantararu> Rajeevararu ( Sabarimala-Thanthri ) .> > After the above events , I got opportunities to involve with some other> `Devaprasnams' as well , and what I have learnt from it ,> convinced me about the reliability of `Devaprasnam ` . We> don't have any other system in place to know the will of the Deity .> > I remember one more event . About 20 years back , in Sabarimala , a> major Construction was proposed but it was rejected in the> "Devaprasnam" . It was revealed that , if proceeded the> modification will cause death. ( Cheppad Kaimal was one Jyothishi) .> However, then Board and it's Contractor ignored it and proceeded to> complete the works . Within next 3 months , the Contractor became> bankrupt and committed suicide . Later , the Board President ( a leading> Politician) too lost his post and died miserably .> > 1. Guruvayoor Devaprasnam> > The Guruvayoor Devaprasnam is conducted after 17 years . Usually it is> conducted after every 12 years, to know the condition of> "Äshtabandham" and other status . However , the recommendations> of the previous `Devaprasnam' had not been implemented fully and> therefore the Board was postponing it . Recently , several accidents> happened in Guruvayoor . This include frequent violent behavior of > Temple Elephants , Falling down of "Thidambu" (Festival Deity) > from Elephant's top , Several Deaths inside the Temple Pond and> inside the Temple premises , Quarrels , Thefts, etc, etc . The> Guruvayoor Devaswom Board is composed of Government Nominees ,> Administrator ( Govt. Employee) and Traditional Members like Samoothiri> Raja , Thanthri , one representative of Traditional Temple Staff , etc> . The Government Nominees are Marxists who have no faith in God . They> are interested only in looting the Temple funds and undermining> it's spirituality . For this , they appointed many of their> atheistic Comrades as Temple staff. They are the ones who corrupted the> other staff as well . Even Immoral activities and Alcohol-consumption > became frequent in the Temple .> > 1. Eminent Jyothishis Conducted the Guruavayoor Devaprasnam .> > Irinjalakkuda Padmanabha Sharma was the lead `Jyothishi ' and he> was assisted by Paravoor Sreedharan Thanthri, Ravunni Panicker,> Nagilassery Raghavan Nair, Cherode Narayana Panicker, Manappuzha Raman> Namboothiri, Soman Panicker, Jayaraj Panicker and Prasanth Menon . They> are presently the most reputed Vedic Jyothishis in Kerala . Majority of> them are qualified Thanthris as well .> > 4. The Best Devaprasnam in Recent Times> > The `Devaprasnam' was started only after performing necessary> Vedic rituals like (81) days long Bhagavathy Seva , Ganapathy Homam ,> Maha-Mrithunjaya Homam , etc . The Deity of Guruvayoorappan was duly> invoked by the Thanthri prior to starting the "Devaprasnam".> > It was predicted on the first day that there would be deaths in the> Temple during the "Devaprasnam" . It proved correct , as two> deaths and one attempted suicide took place .> > No commercial aspect is attributed to this "Devaprasnam" .> They just revealed Bhagavan's will as it is without any fear or> favor . It takes to task every one including the Board , Thantri,> Poojaris, Staff , etc , etc . No one was spared . It is a sin to doubt> the integrity of these `Sattvic-Karma Yogis' . May> Guruvayoorappan shower His choicest blessings on these Acharyas !!!.> > Bhagavan has revealed that , He doesn't want Churidar and such> foreign dresses inside the Temple . He wants no change on the> "Kshethra-Acharas" .> > I fully agree with the revelations . Most Women are not wearing the> Churidar in a decent way in side the Temple . The use of Shawl is out> of fashion ; and consequently they appear to be exposed . When we see> a Woman in traditional dress inside the Temple , she reminds us of> Bhagavathy . Let the sacred system continue as it is .> > A Personal Note :> > My Bhakthy-Yoga is founded on what I learnt from my Parents , Elders and> the Acharyas with whom I have associated . As a `Padasevak' of> Bhagavan Krishna , I just act according to His will .> > Bhagavan Sree Krishna says in Bhagavatam 11.7.23 " Although I, the> Supreme Lord can never be captured by ordinary sense perception , those> situated in human life may use their intelligence and other faculties of> perception to directly search for Me through both apparent and> indirectly ascertained symptoms " .> > Om Namo narayanaya !!!> > Krishnadaya> > ------\> ------> > GANAPATHY RAMAN agraman62@ wrote:> > Re: Guruvayoor Devaprasnam Completed on 7 Nov.. ( The Final Details) .> > I thought Krishnadaya is a person with good knowledge. However after> accepting what some astrologers said and accepting the same as said in> Vedas he has gone away from tangent and exhibited his ignorance abt the> wishes of Sri Guruvayurappan. Really pathetic to succumb to such> obnoxious findings of the astrologers in the form of Devaprasnam and one> who does not accept the same to be treated as atheist or marxist. I feel> sorry for a knowledgeable person like Krishnadaya.How on earth he finds> that the same are the wishes of Sri> > Guruvayurappan. Many factors like cleanliness,renovation,reshaping of> the existing things can be known to all and the Board has to do it with> its enormous funds and there is no necessity to invoke Lord for making> the temple a really spiritual abode. For that purpose there is no> necessity for Devaprasnam for a number of days and debates spending> enormous amount and with that all the things could hv been rectified. It> is really pitiable that Krishnadaya has become a victim for such things> and dubbing people who say anything against as Communists. I think he is> living in the vedic age. Sorry for for my harsh comments but be> practical Krishnadaya. In what way it affects you whether a lady wears> churidar instead of saree etc .I hpe you are not running any textile> shop near the temple. Bhagawan has never said anything. Why you find> fault with that? For your info I don't hv any churidar or other shop.> Really sorry abt your anxiety which is nothing but a matter for pity.> This is not to remove your faith which is not my intention but just to> keep you informed about the changing times and the necessity for that as> change is the order of the day and devotees from many States can't be> expected to wear sarees etc.and Guruvayurappan is not confined Deity> only to those of Kerala. All temples everywhere change the customs> according to times and Adi Sankara too never said that only those things> shuld be followed. It is all the things stemmed out of the peoles's mind> who hv got their own interest uppermost. Regarding other things you hv> noted I don't hv the patience to read and so not making any comments.> But don't drag the intrepretations of astrologers whatever be their> qualifications as the wish of Guruvayurappan as they themselves won't be> sure except by intrepreting some planetary positions which hv got> nothing to to do with the Cosmic Power that is> > Sri Guruvayurappan. Anyway I appreciate your interest on the subject> which is not worthwhile to spend time> > ------\> -------------> > GANAPATHY RAMAN agraman62@ wrote:> > All of us accept God as One and this principle applies to Guruvayurappan> also.I wonder how the so called astrolgers ,I don't know their> merits,can act as the representatives of God the Universal Force and> come to their own conclusion.The main accept is how the wearing of> Churidars by ladies not acceptable to Krishna.Which planet says so or is> Lord Krishna said so?Why shuld the Lord> > interfere in the oudated office and cleanliness?Anybody who visits GVR> can find out the same thing.This is another way of bringing in the name> of Guruvayurappan to modify everything so that some contractors and the> sponsors can be benefitted.How can the astrologers say the rituals are> not properly conducted?Did Guruvayurappan told them in their> dreams?There are so many oher issues which I am not dwelling.How can the> astrologers become court jesters of Sri Guruvayurappan?Except for the> fabulous payments they get> > and how much money would hv been spent by the Board in the name of> Devaprasnam and who are going to be the beneficiaries?God is after all> in the heart of the ardent devotees.How can a few astrologers intrepret> His wish thru planets?> > GVR Dewaswam is making lot of money now a days and so this prasnam is> done to utilise a good amount making Guruvayurappan a scape goat.What> harm> > will happen if the ladies wear churidars?Guruvayurappan never said> anything abt that.Only the retail shops nearby the temple who will be> affected must hv influenced the astrologers for a ransom to say so.After> all astrologers words are not the final words as nobody knows their> capabilities.For that another Devaprasnam shuld be conducted by another> set of astrologers whether they hv said is correct and if they too agree> thru greasing a third set shuld be conducted and the majority must> prevail.But where to get such good astrologers?We hv experience in the> case of Sabarimala.Regarding cleanliness of the surroundings there is no> necessity for Devaprasnam as everybody knows that.So by such> Devaprasnams the astrologers whoever they be and whatever their> qualification they can't say that is the Will of Sri Guruvayurappan.If> they do free service then it is ok.But they must be getting fabulous> amount as well the sponsors,Board members thereby looting the coffers of> Sri Guruvayurappan and the money spent on them can be utilised for> cleaning and providing other amenities of the devotees instead of> wasting on Devaprasnam which is nothing but a SHAM.> > May be my views won't be accepted by many but one has to be practical in> this and not blindly following superficial astrologers who make a good> amount out of this.Whether Sri Guruvayurappan has accepted these people> to conduct a Devaprasnam is also debatable.For that another prasnam has> to be conducted.How fools we are to depend on this?I say this from> practical point and not with a virw to the astrologers and others making> money out of this.People who hv little common sense will accept my> views,I am sure.As this Devaprasnam has no sanctity of Sri> Guruvayurappan it is only to fool the publicI am also sure many will> accept the verdict of the astrologers which could hv been done by the> Board.Really ridiculous making Sri Guruvayurappan to laugh at the> stupidity of His devotees..> > agraman.>

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Dear devotees , If we are real devotees there is no

need for these type of arguments. Our duty is to chant

the name of god & wait for sometime . The atheists

will be taken care of by the god himself. Why we

should argue & waste our time for some stupid comments

? Hare ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Mrs.

Lalithavenkata raman

--- krishnadaya <krishnadaya wrote:



> Krishna , Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bahakthas ,


> I am not interested to argue with anyone who does

> not accept the divine

> " Will " of Guruvayoorappan . If such people accuse

> me a

> " Textile owner near Guruvayoor Temple " or " Mentally

> Unsound " , I don't care . Actually , I am lower than

> that . I am

> a Beggar who lives on alms from my Ishta-Devan Sree

> Krishna .


> What to say , if somebody considers the

> " Devaprasnam " as fake

> " Kavadi-Nirathal " ( spreading of dices) by

> Street-Astrologers

> ! . What to tell , if they accuse renowned

> Vedic-Scholars like

> Irinjalakkuda Padmanabha Sharma and Paravoor

> Sreedharan Thanthri as

> brokers of Devaswom-Contractors and Textile

> Owners ! .


> Those Bhakthas who have some about the Devaprasnam

> may please note the

> following:


> 1. Each Jyothishi was selected individually on

> the basis of his

> reputation . 2. The Jyothishis represented

> all classes such as

> Brahamana, Kshatriya , Vaisya , Sudra and Avarna .

> 3. The

> `Avarna' Jyothishi , Paravaoor Sreedharan Thanthri

> is the winner

> of this year's " Amritha Keerthi Award " in

> recognition of

> his contributions to Kshethra-Thanthram and

> Jyothisham . He is the

> founder of Sree Narayana Thanthra Vidya Peettam at

> Paravoor , Author of

> Several books on Thanthram and Jyothisham , and a

> Practising Thanthri of

> many major Temples . 4. Only those Jyothishis

> who have adequate

> " Sadhana " to interpret Divine Will , participated

> in

> " Devaprasnam " . They were pure " Daivajnas " . Since

> it

> was for Bhagavan , they didn't ask Fee . Some

> " Daivajnas "

> accepted just a coin as a " token-Daskshina " while

> others

> accepted what they were given . They considered it

> as a SEVA to

> Guruvayoorappan and not an opportunity to earn money

> . 5. The

> unnecessary " Devaprasnam " held last year at

> Sabarimala was

> arranged by the Devaswam Board without Thanthri's

> consent . It was

> conducted without invoking the Deity and without

> proper rituals .

> Therefore it can not be mis-quoted to rubbish the

> entire process of

> " Devaprasnam " as a whole .


> The Guruvayoor Devaprasnam was decided by all

> concerned parties . It

> was long-overdue and the accidents and inauspicious

> omens were a matter

> of concern to all . From beginning to end it was

> held strictly in

> accordance with the " Shastras " . In reality , the

> " Devaprasnam-ritual " comprised of the following:


> * Thanthric rituals by Thanthris and Mel-Shanthi

> to invoke

> Guruvayoorappan and His Upadevas . * Sadhana of

> " Daivajnas "

> . * " Prardhana " of Bhakthas . * Revelation of

> Divine Will

> by Guruvayoorappan & Upadevas .


> The comprehensive " Vichinthanam " (analysis) by

> Daivajnas have

> covered all aspects of each topic . They always

> encouraged the

> participants to raise questions. And clarified all

> the queries

> satisfactorily to arrive at a unanimous conclusion

> on each topic .


> The divinity of this Devaprasnam was confirmed by

> the following events :


> 1. Revelation about Death and Suicide , were

> proved correct . 2.

> When it was revealed about the imminent threat to

> Temple , as advised by

> the " Daivajnas " , a " Samooha- Prarthana " ( Social

> Prayer)

> was held by Thantrees , Poojaris , Devaswom Staff

> and Bhakthas .

> Auspicious " nimithams " like the appearance of

> Malliyoor

> Thirumeni , occurred the next day it self . 3.

> Publicity-crazy

> leaders like Sukumar-Azhikkode's claims on

> Guruvayoorappan's

> rejection of " Kshethra- Acharas " were proved wrong

> . When that

> man accused the " Astrologers " of spitting on Indian

> culture and

> demanded their whipping and kicking-out , the

> " Daivajnas "

> proved their `sattvic-nature' by ignoring the tirade

> . The

> " Daivajnas " invited all skeptics to debate the

> Findings on the

> basis of " Shastras " . But no Critic came forward to

> challenge .


> Om Namo Narayanya!!! May Guruvayoorappan protect His

> Temple and His

> Bhkthas !!!


> Krishnadaya.




> -------------------


> GANAPATHY RAMAN agraman62@ wrote:


> Dear Krishnadaya ,


> I am not a skeptic Hindu as you imagine as you hv no

> idea abt me even

> after long association but I am a practical man and

> not unduly give

> credence to certain things which I feel not to my

> liking.This is not to

> digress your belief or anybody's but only my

> views.It is ok if you hv a

> different set of convictions and your clarifications

> though look nice

> can't be vouchsafed.Anyway it is always a pleasure

> to hv argument with

> you as many things come out of your bag though you

> can't expect all to

> accept your views.Whoever not agreeing your views

> you say are communists

> or atheists and such a notion must hv stemmed out of

> your


> personal experience.So you must change such

> notions.I say this as your

> well wisher.Sometimes your blind faith take you to

> different mode of

> thinking which is not palatable.You are my good

> friend and always I wish

> the same.As you used to say we shall agree to

> disagree on things which

> we differ.Anyway for your happiness I appreciate

> your clarifications.I

> don't hv any ill will against you and just expressed

> my thoughts which

> you may not like but never dub all people who are

> not agreeing with your

> views as communists or anti Hindus.Such mind set up

> is really pathetic

> and shows some type of mental aberration.God Bless.


> agraman




> ----------------------

> ,

> " krishnadaya " <krishnadaya

> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Krishna , Guruvayoorappa . Dear Bhakthas ,

> >

> > I do agree that many skeptic Hindus have the same

> views given below by

> > Sri.Ganapathy Ramanji . Let me clarify as follows

> :

> >

> > 1. " Devaprasnam " a Sacred Ritual

> >

> > I still remember one event in my Childhood . My

> Father who was a

> member

> > of the Temple-Committee just returned after

> meeting Sree ,Cheppad

> > Kaimal , a Vedic Jyothishi . It was to invite him

> for a

> > " Devaprasnam " to be conducted in the Temple .

> Father told us


=== message truncated ===






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