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Jnanappana to Improve Your 'Bhakti-Yoga' ...(Part 7 of 12) .

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Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Krishna and Vaishanavas ! ,


Bhagavan Krishna inspired Poonthanam to compile "Jnanappana " ( Song of Knowledge) . The draft copy of this book was edited by, Bhagavan Himself .

The following Sloka # 34 to 38 , explain the unpredictability and shortness human life , necessity to chant Bhagavan's names , and Man's never ending Ego and desire for money :


Life is short like a water bubble . It's duration is unknown .

If one doesn't chant Bhagavan's `names' , he is wasting the short life .

People gets carried away by materialistic successes like positions, titles, wealth , etc . And they ignore own responsibilities .

Man earns money by any dirty means but is seldom satisfied .

Endless desire for money and power entangles the man .


( Sloka # 34 to 38 )

Sloka – 34

There is nothing truthfully known,as to how long we will live.

Note : We are absolutely uncertain about our life-span .

Sloka – 35

In this body which is like a water bubble,we see it is filled up always .

And when we put efforts without thought,we can tell that this bubble will only burst .In this very limited time,we do not sing the holy names of Bhagavan.

Note : The human body is very short living like a water bubble . Within the short time available in this life , we must sing the holy names of Bhagavan . Otherwise , we are wasting our life .

Sloka – 36

Boasting and fighting about their positions and posts,some people walk in the world shamelessly .

Thinking about their abilities and disabilities of others,some people walk in the world without sense .

Entering the houses of pretty Aamsels with flitting eyes ,some people walk in the world like the circus monkey .

Being employed by the king and the government,some people walk in the world with heavy make-up .

Offering their services to perform Vedic rituals for the Deity ,some people walk in search of opportunities till dusk .

To Mother , Father or Wife , some people don't even provide for food .

The wife married with Fire-God as witness,is not even seen in dream by some .

When good people think about this error and advise,there are some who look at them as enemies.

When people worthy of salutations are seen,there are some who berate and curse .

This world stands only because of their talk ,boasts some people .

Being proud of their Brahaminical traditions ,some people claim they are better than Bhagavan Brahma .

To earn money and get titles,some people do Yagas in the fire .

And some people sell gold and jewels , to earn money without limit .

Note : The poet details how we are wasting the God given gift ( this life) by running after worldly fortunes .

Sloka – 37

Using elephants for trade,using thorough bred horses,and not only that by use of ships,how much money some are earning , O God! O God ! Disregarding decency and becoming boors and rascals,how much we destroy ourselves with avarice for money ! .Never will we get satiated,by earning any amount of money.

Note : The mindless chasing of money disregarding ethics is self-destruction . One will not get satisfied even after earning any amount of money .

Sloka – 38

When we get ten , we think hundred is sufficient . When we get hundred we think thousand is sufficient . When we have thousand coins ,we think ten thousand will be wonderful . And like this we cling onto the rope of desire,to climb up to more and more heights .

Note : This chase for money never ends . And the rope of desire entangles us .

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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