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Dr. Singh. Scientists extend their

knowledge about life on this planet,



thinking that it must apply to life

on other planets also.



Srila Prabhupada. Yes. They are

thinking foremost of their own selves.



They are thinking limitedly, in

terms of their own circumstances. This



is what we call " Dr. Frog's

philosophy. [Laughter.]



Once there was a frog in a well, and

when a friend informed him of



the existence of the Atlantic Ocean, he asked the friend, " Oh,

what is



this Atlantic Ocean? "



" It is a vast body of

water, " his friend replied.



" How vast? Is it twice the size

of this well? "



" Oh, no--much, much

larger, " his friend replied.



" How much larger? Ten times the

size? " In this way, the frog went



on calculating. But what is the

possibility or ever understanding the



vastness of the great ocean in this

way? Our faculties, our experience,



and our powers of speculation are

always limited. The speculations of



the scientists only give rise to

such frog philosophy.



Karandhara. The basis of what they

call " scientific integrity " is that



they talk only about what they can

directly experience.



Srila Prabhupada. You may talk about

your experience, and I may talk



about my experience. But why should

I accept your experience? You may be



a fool, so why should I also become

a fool? You may be a frog, but



suppose I am a whale. Why should I

take your well as all in all? You



have your method of acquiring scientific

knowledge, and I have mine.



Dr. Singh. Because the scientists

haven't detected any water on the



surface of the moon, they've

concluded that no life could survive there.



Srila Prabhupada. They haven't seen

the whole surface of the moon.



Suppose someone were to come here

from another planet, drop into the



Arabian Desert and then return home. Could he come

to a complete



conclusion about the nature of the

whole earth? His knowledge would not



be complete.



Karandhara. They have a device that

senses water. They say they've had



it orbit the moon, and they've

concluded that the moon has no water and



therefore no life.



Srila Prabhupada. Even if, as on the

sun, there is apparently no water,



still there are living entities

there. How does a cactus grow in the



desert, apparently without water?



Karandhara. It gets water from the




Srila Prabhupada. Yes, because the

atmosphere contains all the elements



needed to sustain life: earth,

water, fire, air and ether. In anything



material, all these elements are

present. For example, in my body there



is water, although you cannot see

it. Similarly, you don't see fire in



my body, yet my body is warm. Where

does this warmth come from? You



don't see any fire. Do you see any

fire burning in my body? Then where



does the warmth come from? What is

the answer?



The Universe in the Atom



Srila Prabhupada. All matter is a

combination of five gross elements



(earth, water, fire, air and ether)

and three subtle elements (mind,



intelligence and false ego).



Karandhara. According to the Vedic

science, material energy begins with



the false ego and then develops into

the intelligence, then the mind and



then the gross elements--ether, air,

fire and so on. So the same basic



ingredients are present in all

matter. Is this right?



Srila Prabhupada. Yes. The creation

of the material universe is like the



growth of a great banyan tree[3]

from a tiny seed. No one can see the



tree within the seed, but all the

necessary ingredients for the tree are



there, including the required

intelligence. Actually, everyone's body is



simply a sample universe. Your body

and my body are different universes,



small universes. Therefore, all

eight material elements are present



within our bodies, just as they are

within the whole universe.



Similarly, an insect's body is

another universe.



Karandhara. How about the atom?



Srila Prabhupada. The same formula

applies: all these constituents are



within the atom. Anor aniyan mahato

mahiyan (Katha Upanisad 1.2.20).



This means that whether something is

extremely large or infinitesimal,



it is still made of the same basic

elements. This is true everywhere in



the material world. Just as a

woman's small watch has all the requisite



machinery for its smooth

functioning, so an ant has all the necessary



brain substance to manage its affairs

nicely. How is this possible? To



answer this properly, you must

minutely examine the brain tissues in the



ant. But this you cannot do.

Moreover, there are innumerable insects



smaller than the ant. So there must

be a mechanical arrangement for all



this detailed activity, but

scientists cannot discover it.



Relativity and Knowledge



Srila Prabhupada. All living

entities possess the required intelligence



to execute four principles: eating,

sleeping, sexual intercourse and



defense. These four principles exist

even in the atom. The only



difference in the human being is

that he has the extra intelligence with



which to understand God. This is the

difference. Ahara-nidra-bhayamaithunam



ca samanam etat pasu-bhir naranam.

Eating, sleeping, sex life



and defense are to be found

everywhere. You have seen trees growing.



Wherever there is a knot, the bark

does not go this way; it goes that



way. [srila Prabhupada gestures to

show that a tree's bark grows not



over a knot, but around it.] The

tree has intelligence: " If I go this



way, I will be blocked, so I will go

that way. " But where are its eyes?



How can it see? It has intelligence.

That intelligence may not be as



good as yours, but it is

intelligence. Similarly, a child also has



intelligence, though not as

developed as his father's. In due course of



time, when the child gets a body

like that of his father, the child's



intelligence will be fully developed

and exhibited.



Dr. Singh. Then intelligence is




Srila Prabhupada. Yes. Everything is

relative. You have your body, your



duration of life, and your

intelligence, and the ant has his. Both we



and the ant live for one hundred

years, but the length of our hundredyear



life-span is relative to our bodies.

Even Brahma, the longestliving



entity in this universe, lives for

one hundred years. To us the



ant's life-span may seem only a few

days. In the same way, on other



planets with atmospheres different

from the earth's, there are lifeforms



suited to those conditions. But the

scientists try to view



everything according to the relative

conditions of planet earth. This is



nonsense. Why are they doing that?

If the whole cosmic manifestation



follows the law of relativity, how

can the scientist say that the



conditions of this planet must apply

to life on other planets? The Vedas



instruct us that knowledge must

always be considered in terms of desakala-



patra. Desa means

" circumstances, " kala means " time, " and patra



means " the object. " We

must understand everything by taking these three



elements into consideration. For

example, a fish is living very



comfortably in the water, and we are

shivering on the shore of the sea.



This is because my desa-kala-patra

and the fish's desa-kala-Patra are



different. But if we conclude that

the sea gulls will also shiver in the



water, that is nonsense; their

desa-kala-patra is again different. There



are 8,400,000 different species of

life in the material cosmic



manifestation, and each species must

adjust to circumstances



differently. Even on this planet,

you cannot go live comfortably in



Alaska, although it is America. Similarly, the living entities




life in Alaska do not come here.



Karandhara. Relativity, then, is

based upon our individual situation.



Srila Prabhupada. Yes. Therefore it

is said that what is food for one is



poison for another.



Brahmananda Swami. Because

scientists cannot survive on the moon, they



think no one else can.









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