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Fwd: Egoism is the Main Obstacle in the Attainment of Knowledge

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Hare Krsna The main obstacle to freedom or the attainment of essential knowledge is egoism. Due to the activities of Nature, believing this body to be our Self, egoism associated with the identification with the body is born. Due to this egoism, comes associations with a country, and further comes association with one class, particular stage in life (ashram), particular group or organization, etc and through this thousands and millions of differences are manifested; just like I am a Brahmin; I am a householder etc. The main point here is that all differences arise due to egoism. As long as egoism exists, till that time the differences are not wiped out. Wherever there are differences, there is no knowledge and where there is knowledge, there are no differences. Rather attainment of freedom or realization of essential knowledge is only possible when egoism is wiped out. Therefore in the Gita, wherever there is description of

spiritual disciplines for the attainment of knowledge, there too there is talk of being free of egoism - "Ahankaar eva cha" (Gita 13:8). Because the attainment of knowledge, egoism associated with identification with the body is the main obstacle - "Avyaktaah hi gatirdukham dehavadirvaapyate, " (Gita 12:5) "Due to egoism from identification with the body, that which is all pervading and unmanifested cannot be easily attained.""Sanskrut mool soolprad nana; sakal sauk daayak abhimaanaa." (Manasa 7:74:3) Therefore what is the difference between those who say that "I am a Sanyaasi" (ascetic) and others who say - I am a householder (grahastha); when it comes to egoism associated with the body? From the perspectice of egoism associated with the body, they are both alike. In reality, attainment of essential knowledge does not take place in a Brahman (priestly class) or a kshatriya (warrior class), or a householder (grahastha) or an ascetic (sannyasin); rather it

is attained by the seeker of knowledge (jigyaasu). And that seeker is not a Brahmin or kshatriya etc.

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