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Hare Krsna WORLD OF OPPOSITESOne thing which is sweet and pleasant to you at onemoment, produces the very reverse sensation in anothermoment. Who has not experienced this, in this world ofopposites? Objects when longed for arepleasant but are bitter if not longed for. Hencevasanas (tendencies) are the cause of sensualpleasures. Pleasures will stop when you getsatisfaction in them but if vasanas cease, the mindwill perish and all else will be destroyed. Thereforeannihilate these vasanas (Mental conditioning), theenemies of atma-jnana (self-knowledge) andimmortality.The mind clings to sensual objects. If the vasanasperish, the mind ceases thinking of objects and weattain the state of thoughtlessness. You will have abalanced mind despite adverse circumstances and manyobstacles. Vasanas ( Mental Conditioning ) perishthrough dispassion, discrimination, control

of thesenses, enquiry of, "Who am I?”, Meditation orchanting the divine names of the Lord.The impure vasanas persist and resist. They lurk inthe corners of the mind in a mysterious manner. Theyplay tricks on you. They can change their colours likea chameleon. Under pressure of yogic practices theyget suppressed for some time but if you are notregular in your meditation, if vairagya (dispassion)wanes, they will attack with redoubled force. You musthave a sharp intellect todetect their presence. Vasanas have arisen throughenjoyment in many thousands of lives. They are verypotent. They only perish through protracted spiritualpractices - japa (repetition of God's name),kirtan (chanting), meditation, self-enquiry,discrimination, sama (control of mind), dama (controlof senses), pratyahara (withdrawal of the mind) andpranayama (yoga breathing).You have to transmute the impure vasanas into

pureones, through constant effort. Change the current ofimpure vasanas and allow them to run in the channel ofpure vasanas. But pure vasanas are alsofetters, golden fetters. You have to destroy theimpure vasanas with the help of pure vasanas - thenyou have to abandon these pure ones also. Desire forliberation (moksa vasana) also must die eventually.Then only you become that.Separate yourself from the objects. In the absence ofobjects the 'I' does not exist; and these objects donot exist in the absence of 'I'. Have the strongconviction that 'I' does not belong to the objects,that the objects do not belong to the 'I'. Identifyyourself with the infinite 'I' (the Brahman) - andabandon the burden of the physical body. Become avideha mukta (liberated and bodiless) -all burdenswill perish now__RegardsChant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare

Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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