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Jnanappana to Improve your Bhakti-Yoga ....( Part 9 of 12 ) .

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Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Krishna and Vaishanavas ! ,


As inspired by Bhagavan Krishna , Poonthanam wrote "Jnanappana " ( Song of Knowledge) . It's draft was edited by, Bhagavan Himself .

The following Sloka # 45 to 49 , explain the unnecessary wastage of time for material comforts . A man should think productively about compensating his "Karma" by Chanting Bhagavan Krishna's names :


Life is short . Still People dream about Festivals, Feasts, etc.

People desire to see own Sons and Grandsons .

While dreaming so, death comes suddenly .

Instead of materialism, People must think about Past Karma , birth in Bharatha in Kali-Yuga, wasted time so far, life-span remaining , and decide about singing Bhagavan's names to attain Fortunes and Salvation .

The ultimate objective must be to reach "Vaikuntam" , Bhagavan Krishna's eternal abode .


( Sloka # 45 to 49 )

Sloka – 45

Slowly and slowly, reduces this span of this Life ,and with speed and more speed increase our endless Desires such as : -

The "Onam Festival" has come and the "Vishu Festival" is over,the "Thiruvathira Festival" has not come,our Birthday falls On "Aswini-star" in the month of February-March,and there is a Death anniversary in the month of October-November.

And , it is not easy to get any more feasts from now on. After the marriage of our Son,we wish to see a Son born to him,In the land which came under our control,we hope that receiving the rent will never stop .

Note : In the speedily expiring life , man's never ending desires increase rapidly one after the other . Ignorant of the fast approaching death , man is worrying about so many materialistic enjoyments . He is dreaming about Festivals , Feasts, Birthdays, Marriages , etc . Also he wishes to see own Sons and Grandsons . He also hopes that his wealth will never come to an end .

Sloka – 46

While thinking like this and that,the people die and go .

Note : While being fully immersed in the never ending desires, People die suddenly .

Sloka – 47

Why was all these special things told,let us all think as much as possible,about the largeness of "Karma" done,about how we have taken many births already,about how the present era is Kali-Yuga ,about the largeness of the country of Bharatha,about how all these days we were born there,about how all the past period was wasted uselessly ,about how we do not have much life span left ,and about how we lived healthy all along .

And how by singing the holy names of Bhagavan ,all fortunes would come .

About the fear of future hell,has to be thought about today.

Note : Instead of wasting time on materialistic thoughts, we must focus on what required . We need to think about the Past Karma , hard gained birth in Bharatha in Kali-Yuga, wastage of time in the past , life-span remaining , and the possibility of singing Bhagavan's names to attain Fortunes and Salvation .

Sloka – 48

Why are you wasting time unnecessarily,let us all go to Vaikuntam .

Note : Instead of wasting time in useless pursuits, it is better to go to "Vaikuntam" , the Supreme abode , once for all .

Sloka – 49

We were not born together,and we are not going to die together. In between this short life-time available ,why should we all compete with each other unnecessarily ?

Note : The useless competition among ourselves must be avoided to focus our attention on Bhagavan .

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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